999 resultados para Amorphous-Alloys


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It is widely reported that threshold voltage and on-state current of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide bottom-gate thin-film transistors are strongly influenced by the choice of source/drain contact metal. Electrical characterisation of thin-film transistors indicates that the electrical properties depend on the type and thickness of the metal(s) used. Electron transport mechanisms and possibilities for control of the defect state density are discussed. Pilling-Bedworth theory for metal oxidation explains the interaction between contact metal and amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide, which leads to significant trap formation. Charge trapping within these states leads to variable capacitance diode-like behavior and is shown to explain the thin-film transistor operation. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this paper, we extract density of localized tail states from measurements of low temperature conductance in amorphous oxide transistors. At low temperatures, trap-limited conduction prevails, allowing extraction of the trapped carrier distribution with energy. Using a test device with a-InGaZnO channel layer, the extracted tail state energy and density at the conduction band minima are 20 meV and 2 × 10 19 cm -3 eV -1, respectively, which are consistent with values reported in the literature. Also, the field-effect mobility as a function of temperature from 77 K to 300 K is retrieved for different gate voltages, yielding the activation energy and the percolation threshold. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Hafnium oxide (HfOx) is a high dielectric constant (k) oxide which has been identified as being suitable for use as the gate dielectric in thin film transistors (TFTs). Amorphous materials are preferred for a gate dielectric, but it has been an ongoing challenge to produce amorphous HfOx while maintaining a high dielectric constant. A technique called high target utilization sputtering (HiTUS) is demonstrated to be capable of depositing high-k amorphous HfOx thin films at room temperature. The plasma is generated in a remote chamber, allowing higher rate deposition of films with minimal ion damage. Compared to a conventional sputtering system, the HiTUS technique allows finer control of the thin film microstructure. Using a conventional reactive rf magnetron sputtering technique, monoclinic nanocrystalline HfOx thin films have been deposited at a rate of ∼1.6nmmin-1 at room temperature, with a resistivity of 1013Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3.5MVcm-1 and a dielectric constant of ∼18.2. By comparison, using the HiTUS process, amorphous HfOx (x=2.1) thin films which appear to have a cubic-like short-range order have been deposited at a high deposition rate of ∼25nmmin-1 with a high resistivity of 1014Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3MVcm-1 and a high dielectric constant of ∼30. Two key conditions must be satisfied in the HiTUS system for high-k HfOx to be produced. Firstly, the correct oxygen flow rate is required for a given sputtering rate from the metallic target. Secondly, there must be an absence of energetic oxygen ion bombardment to maintain an amorphous microstructure and a high flux of medium energy species emitted from the metallic sputtering target to induce a cubic-like short range order. This HfOx is very attractive as a dielectric material for large-area electronic applications on flexible substrates. A remote plasma sputtering process (high target utilization sputtering, HiTUS) has been used to deposit amorphous hafnium oxide with a very high dielectric constant (∼30). X-ray diffraction shows that this material has a microstructure in which the atoms have a cubic-like short-range order, whereas radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering produced a monoclinic polycrystalline microstructure. This is correlated to the difference in the energetics of remote plasma and rf magnetron sputtering processes. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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A mille-feuille structured amorphous selenium (a-Se)-arsenic selenide (As2Se3) multi-layered thin film and a mixed amorphous Se-As2Se3 film is compared from a durability perspective and photo-electric perspective. The former is durable to incident laser induced degradation after numerous laser scans and does not crystallise till 105 of annealing, both of which are improved properties from the mixed evaporated film. In terms of photo-electric properties, the ratio between the photocurrent and the dark current improved whereas the increase of the dark current was higher than that of As2Se3 due to the unique current path developed within the mille-feuille structure. Implementing this structure into various amorphous semiconductors may open up a new possibility towards structure-sensitive amorphous photoconductors. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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ZnxSnyOz thin films (<100nm thickness), deposited by remote sputtering from a metal target using a confined argon plasma and oxygen gas jet near the sample, were investigated for their material properties. No visible deformation or curl was observed when deposited on plastic. Materials were confirmed to be amorphous and range between 5 and 10 at.% Sn concentration by x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and energydispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Factors affecting the material composition over time are discussed. Depletion of the Sn as the target ages is suspected. © The Electrochemical Society.


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The temperature dependence of the stress-induced martensite (SIM) formation in a Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (Ti-1023) alloy under compressive loading has been studied. At low temperatures, the stress level at which martensite starts to form increases linearly with the deformation temperature, while the stress at which the deformation switches to regular plastic deformation is roughly temperature independent. A thermostatistical model for dislocation evolution is employed to describe deformation twinning in martensite. Combined effects of twinning induced plasticity and solid solution strengthening are considered in terms of temperature variations. The SIM effect disappears on deformation at temperatures beyond ~ 233 ° C, which is close to the predicted Ms temperature of 240°C. The thermostatistical model predicts a transition from twinned martensite to pure slip at 250°C. By providing a model to predict the martensite formation, and by describing deformation twinning, the present work provides a number of tools that may be employed to conceive new titanium alloys combining improved strength and ductility. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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We present a simple and semi-physical analytical description of the current-voltage characteristics of amorphous oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors in the above-threshold and sub-threshold regions. Both regions are described by single unified expression that employs the same set of model parameter values directly extracted from measured terminal characteristics. The model accurately reproduces measured characteristics of amorphous semiconductor thin film transistors in general, yielding a scatter of < 4%. © 1980-2012 IEEE.


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The current generation of advanced gravitational wave detectors utilize titania-doped tantala/silica multilayer stacks for their mirror coatings. The properties of the low-refractive-index silica are well known; however, in the absence of detailed direct measurements, the material parameters of Young's modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the high refractive index material, titania-doped tantala, have been assumed to be equal to values measured for pure tantala coatings. In order to ascertain the true values necessary for thermal noise calculations, we have undertaken measurements of Young's modulus and CTE through the use of nanoindentation and thermal-bending measurements. The measurements were designed to assess the effects of titania doping concentration and post-deposition heat-treatment on the measured values in order to evaluate the possibility of optimizing material parameters to further improve thermal noise in the detector. Young's modulus measurements on pure tantala and 25% and 55% titania-doped tantala show a wide range of values, from 132 to 177 GPa, dependent on both titania concentration and heat-treatment. Measurements of CTE give values of (3.9 +/- 0.1) x 10^-6 K^-1 and (4.9 +/- 0.3) x 10^-6 K^-1 for 25% and 55% titania-doped tantala, respectively, without dependence on post-deposition heat-treatment.


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© 2013 IEEE. This paper reviews the mechanisms underlying visible light detection based on phototransistors fabricated using amorphous oxide semiconductor technology. Although this family of materials is perceived to be optically transparent, the presence of oxygen deficiency defects, such as vacancies, located at subgap states, and their ionization under illumination, gives rise to absorption of blue and green photons. At higher energies, we have the usual band-to-band absorption. In particular, the oxygen defects remain ionized even after illumination ceases, leading to persistent photoconductivity, which can limit the frame-rate of active matrix imaging arrays. However, the persistence in photoconductivity can be overcome through deployment of a gate pulsing scheme enabling realistic frame rates for advanced applications such as sensor-embedded display for touch-free interaction.


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Electronic systems are a very good platform for sensing biological signals for fast point-of-care diagnostics or threat detection. One of the solutions is the lab-on-a-chip integrated circuit (IC), which is low cost and high reliability, offering the possibility for label-free detection. In recent years, similar integrated biosensors based on the conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology have been reported. However, post-fabrication processes are essential for all classes of CMOS biochips, requiring biocompatible electrode deposition and circuit encapsulation. In this work, we present an amorphous silicon (a-Si) thin film transistor (TFT) array based sensing approach, which greatly simplifies the fabrication procedures and even decreases the cost of the biosensor. The device contains several identical sensor pixels with amplifiers to boost the sensitivity. Ring oscillator and logic circuits are also integrated to achieve different measurement methodologies, including electro-analytical methods such as amperometric and cyclic voltammetric modes. The system also supports different operational modes. For example, depending on the required detection arrangement, a sample droplet could be placed on the sensing pads or the device could be immersed into the sample solution for real time in-situ measurement. The entire system is designed and fabricated using a low temperature TFT process that is compatible to plastic substrates. No additional processing is required prior to biological measurement. A Cr/Au double layer is used for the biological-electronic interface. The success of the TFT-based system used in this work will open new avenues for flexible label-free or low-cost disposable biosensors. © 2013 Materials Research Society.


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