944 resultados para American Library Association
Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves through the use of CPR feedback devices. Most feedback devices integrate the acceleration twice to estimate compression depth. However, they use additional sensors or processing techniques to compensate for large displacement drifts caused by integration. This study introduces an accelerometer-based method that avoids integration by using spectral techniques on short duration acceleration intervals. We used a manikin placed on a hard surface, a sternal triaxial accelerometer, and a photoelectric distance sensor (gold standard). Twenty volunteers provided 60 s of continuous compressions to test various rates (80-140 min(-1)), depths (3-5 cm), and accelerometer misalignment conditions. A total of 320 records with 35312 compressions were analysed. The global root-mean-square errors in rate and depth were below 1.5 min(-1) and 2 mm for analysis intervals between 2 and 5 s. For 3 s analysis intervals the 95% levels of agreement between the method and the gold standard were within -1.64-1.67 min(-1) and -1.69-1.72 mm, respectively. Accurate feedback on chest compression rate and depth is feasible applying spectral techniques to the acceleration. The method avoids additional techniques to compensate for the integration displacement drift, improving accuracy, and simplifying current accelerometer-based devices.
nterruptions in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) compromise defibrillation success. However, CPR must be interrupted to analyze the rhythm because although current methods for rhythm analysis during CPR have high sensitivity for shockable rhythms, the specificity for nonshockable rhythms is still too low. This paper introduces a new approach to rhythm analysis during CPR that combines two strategies: a state-of-the-art CPR artifact suppression filter and a shock advice algorithm (SAA) designed to optimally classify the filtered signal. Emphasis is on designing an algorithm with high specificity. The SAA includes a detector for low electrical activity rhythms to increase the specificity, and a shock/no-shock decision algorithm based on a support vector machine classifier using slope and frequency features. For this study, 1185 shockable and 6482 nonshockable 9-s segments corrupted by CPR artifacts were obtained from 247 patients suffering out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The segments were split into a training and a test set. For the test set, the sensitivity and specificity for rhythm analysis during CPR were 91.0% and 96.6%, respectively. This new approach shows an important increase in specificity without compromising the sensitivity when compared to previous studies.
O presente trabalho investiga os diferentes processos sociais relacionados ao surgimento do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) no contexto brasileiro. Categoria diagnóstica norte-americana instituída na década de 1980 pela terceira edição do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-III) uma publicação da Associação Americana de Psiquiatria (American Psychiatric Association APA) o TEPT tornou-se, desde a sua aparição, uma das categorias nosológicas mais difundidas, estudadas e diagnosticadas da psiquiatria contemporânea. A partir do cotidiano de um laboratório de pesquisa e tratamento do TEPT, de análises conversacionais dos atendimentos médicos, de um estudo das diferentes escalas psiquiátricas utilizadas no acompanhamento dos pacientes e de pesquisas sobre a mídia relacionada às experiências traumáticas buscou-se entender os entrelaçamentos entre os processos de difusão e a construção da legitimidade da categoria diagnóstica do TEPT. A abordagem aqui proposta pretende ir além do aparente dilema entre uma concepção medicalizada que assumem a existência o TEPT como um fenômeno natural e as abordagens sócio-antropológicas que veem o TEPT como uma experiência culturalmente construída. Por fim, pretendo mostrar, pela investigação dos alicerces políticos e culturais dos denominados transtornos mentais, que o estatuto social dos diagnósticos e dos tratamentos da moderna psiquiatria só pode ser compreendido tendo como referência as dinâmicas de longo prazo nas sociedades contemporâneas.
Indivíduos com hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) ≥6,5% e níveis normais de glicemia têm maior risco de complicações relacionadas ao diabetes, em médio e longo prazo. Estas evidências foram importantes na recomendação de que HbA1c ≥6,5% fosse aceita como critério diagnóstico de diabetes. Diferenças raciais/ étnicas tem sido encontradas quanto aos níveis de HbA1c. Níveis elevados de HbA1c em indivíduos sem diabetes e com níveis normais de glicemia em jejum tem sido associados a alterações micro e macrovasculares, entre elas alterações da filtração glomerular. Diversos marcadores inflamatórios, em especial a MCP-1 (proteína quimiotática de macrófagos-1), estão envolvidos no mecanismo de lesão glomerular descrito em casos de nefropatia diabética No entanto, a HbA1C ainda não foi amplamente incorporada a rotina de diagnóstico e de acompanhamento na atenção primária brasileira. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de investigar a associação entre a alteração da HbA1c e da glicemia e fatores étnicos/ raciais e de risco cardiovascular e renal em adultos assistidos pelo Programa Médico de Família de Niterói, sem diagnóstico prévio de diabetes. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, onde foram reunidas informações de participantes do Estudo Cardio Metabólico Renal (CAMELIA), colhidas entre os meses de julho de 2006 a dezembro de 2007. Observou-se que o perfil de risco cardiovascular foi mais acentuado em indivíduos com alterações simultâneas da glicemia e da HbA1c. A alteração isolada da glicemia indicou ser condição de maior risco que a alteração isolada da HbA1c. Indivíduos com HbA1c ≥ 6,5% eram em sua maioria mulheres de pele preta e apresentavam maiores níveis de LDL e creatinina sérica. Verificamos associação independente entre a alteração da HbA1c (≥ 5,7 e < 6,5% versus < 5,7%) e diminuição da taxa de filtração glomerular estimada. A HbA1c mostrou ser um marcador subclinico de alterações metabólicas em pacientes nao diabéticos e com glicemia de jejum < 126 mg/dL, em especial na população de mulheres e de indivíduos com a cor da pele preta. Os resultados apontam para a possibilidade de se utilizar a HbA1c como marcador de risco cardiovascular e renal visando propor estratégias de intervenção precoce e assim promover a prevenção de condições de agravos relacionados as alterações do metabolismo da glicose.
The paper briefly reviews the major forms of optical bistability in active optical devices compatible for use in gigabit optical communication systems, and reports an entirely new optical bistability for the first time. Unlike previous devices, the two bistable states of the optical device are each a series of picosecond optical pulses at 1 GHz or greater repetition rates, and are distinguished by a half period temporal shift between their temporal positions in relation to a clock pulse. The bistable device is based on a gain switched semiconductor laser. Theoretical studies suggest 100-ps switching speeds might be achieved, and experimental results are reported indicating optically triggered switching times of 500 ps. © 1987, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
The human genome project has been recently complemented by whole-genome assessment sequence of 32 mammals and 24 nonmammalian vertebrate species suitable for comparative genomic analyses. Here we anticipate a precipitous drop in costs and increase in sequ
Healthcare systems worldwide face a wide range of challenges, including demographic change, rising drug and medical technology costs, and persistent and widening health inequalities both within and between countries. Simultaneously, issues such as professional silos, static medical curricula, and perceptions of "information overload" have made it difficult for medical training and continued professional development (CPD) to adapt to the changing needs of healthcare professionals in increasingly patient-centered, collaborative, and/or remote delivery contexts. In response to these challenges, increasing numbers of medical education and CPD programs have adopted e-learning approaches, which have been shown to provide flexible, low-cost, user-centered, and easily updated learning. The effectiveness of e-learning varies from context to context, however, and has also been shown to make considerable demands on users' motivation and "digital literacy" and on providing institutions. Consequently, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning in healthcare as part of ongoing quality improvement efforts. This article outlines the key issues for developing successful models for analyzing e-health learning.
Changes in information behavior in clinical teams after introduction of a clinical librarian service
Urquhart, C., Turner, J., Durbin, J. & Ryan, J. (2007). Changes in information behavior in clinical teams after introduction of a clinical librarian service. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 95(1), 14-22. Available via PubMed central Sponsorship: North Wales NHS Trusts
This paper considers an on-going exchange programme between the Boole Library, University College Cork (UCC) and Hangzhou Municipal Library, South East China. The authors describe the exchange and their impressions of working in a different library setting.
Twitter has changed the dynamic of the academic conference. Before Twitter, delegate participation was primarily dependent on attendance and feedback was limited to post-event survey. With Twitter, delegates have become active participants. They pass comment, share reactions and critique presentations, all the while generating a running commentary. This study examines this phenomenon using the Academic & Special Libraries (A&SL) conference 2015 (hashtag #asl2015) as a case study. A post-conference survey was undertaken asking delegates how and why they used Twitter at #asl2015. A content and conceptual analysis of tweets was conducted using Topsy and Storify. This analysis examined how delegates interacted with presentations, which sessions generated most activity on the timeline and the type of content shared. Actual tweet activity and volume per presentation was compared to survey responses. Finally, recommendations on Twitter engagement for conference organisers and presenters are provided.
A report from the inaugural CONUL (Consortium of National & University Libraries) conference held in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone, June 3rd & 4th 2015.
Existing point estimates of half-life deviations from purchasing power parity (PPP), around 3-5 years, suggest that the speed of convergence is extremely slow. This article assesses the degree of uncertainty around these point estimates by using local-to-unity asymptotic theory to construct confidence intervals that are robust to high persistence in small samples. The empirical evidence suggests that the lower bound of the confidence interval is between four and eight quarters for most currencies, which is not inconsistent with traditional price-stickiness explanations. However, the upper bounds are infinity for all currencies, so we cannot provide conclusive evidence in favor of PPP either. © 2005 American Statistical Association.
We consider the problem of variable selection in regression modeling in high-dimensional spaces where there is known structure among the covariates. This is an unconventional variable selection problem for two reasons: (1) The dimension of the covariate space is comparable, and often much larger, than the number of subjects in the study, and (2) the covariate space is highly structured, and in some cases it is desirable to incorporate this structural information in to the model building process. We approach this problem through the Bayesian variable selection framework, where we assume that the covariates lie on an undirected graph and formulate an Ising prior on the model space for incorporating structural information. Certain computational and statistical problems arise that are unique to such high-dimensional, structured settings, the most interesting being the phenomenon of phase transitions. We propose theoretical and computational schemes to mitigate these problems. We illustrate our methods on two different graph structures: the linear chain and the regular graph of degree k. Finally, we use our methods to study a specific application in genomics: the modeling of transcription factor binding sites in DNA sequences. © 2010 American Statistical Association.