965 resultados para Airway Epithelial-cells
The mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) plays a crucial role in the regulation of Na(+) balance and blood pressure, as evidenced by gain of function mutations in the MR of hypertensive families. In the kidney, aldosterone binds to the MR, induces its nuclear translocation, and promotes a transcriptional program leading to increased transepithelial Na(+) transport via the epithelial Na(+) channel. In the unliganded state, MR is localized in the cytosol and part of a multiprotein complex, including heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), which keeps it ligand-binding competent. 17-Allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) is a benzoquinone ansamycin antibiotic that binds to Hsp90 and alters its function. We investigated whether 17-AAG affects the stability and transcriptional activity of MR and consequently Na(+) reabsorption by renal cells. 17-AAG treatment lead to reduction of MR protein level in epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo, thereby interfering with aldosterone-dependent transcription. Moreover, 17-AAG inhibited aldosterone-induced Na(+) transport, possibly by interfering with MR availability for the ligand. Finally, we identified the ubiquitin-protein ligase, COOH terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein, as a novel partner of the cytosolic MR, which is responsible for its polyubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation in presence of 17-AAG. In conclusion, 17-AAG may represent a novel pharmacological tool to interfere with Na(+) reabsorption and hypertension.
The mucosal epithelia of the digestive tract acts as a selective barrier, permeable to ions, small molecules and macromolecules. These epithelial cells aid the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. They contribute to the protection against pathogens and undergo continuous cell renewal which facilitates the elimination of damaged cells. Both innate and adaptive defence mechanisms protect the gastrointestinal-mucosal surfaces against pathogens. Interaction of microorganisms with epithelial cells triggers a host response by activating specific transcription factors which control the expression of chemokines and cytokines. This host response is characterized by the recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils at the site of infection. Disruption of epithelial signalling pathways that recruit migratory immune cells results in a chronic inflammatory response. The adaptive defence mechanism relies on the collaboration of epithelial cells (resident sampling system) with antigen-presenting and lymphoid cells (migratory sampling system); in order to obtain samples of foreign antigen, these samples must be transported across the barriers without affecting the integrity of the barrier. These sampling systems are regulated by both environmental and host factors. Fates of the antigen may differ depending on the way in which they cross the epithelial barrier, i.e. via interaction with motile dendritic cells or epithelial M cells in the follicle-associated epithelium.
Résumé Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus commun chez les femmes et est responsable de presque 30% de tous les nouveaux cas de cancer en Europe. On estime le nombre de décès liés au cancer du sein en Europe est à plus de 130.000 par an. Ces chiffres expliquent l'impact social considérable de cette maladie. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient: (1) d'identifier les prédispositions et les mécanismes biologiques responsables de l'établissement des sous-types spécifiques de cancer du sein; (2) les valider dans un modèle ín vivo "humain-dans-souris"; et (3) de développer des traitements spécifiques à chaque sous-type de cancer du sein identifiés. Le premier objectif a été atteint par l'intermédiaire de l'analyse des données d'expression de gènes des tumeurs, produite dans notre laboratoire. Les données obtenues par puces à ADN ont été produites à partir de 49 biopsies des tumeurs du sein provenant des patientes participant dans l'essai clinique EORTC 10994/BIG00-01. Les données étaient très riches en information et m'ont permis de valider des données précédentes des autres études d'expression des gènes dans des tumeurs du sein. De plus, cette analyse m'a permis d'identifier un nouveau sous-type biologique de cancer du sein. Dans la première partie de la thèse, je décris I identification des tumeurs apocrines du sein par l'analyse des puces à ADN et les implications potentielles de cette découverte pour les applications cliniques. Le deuxième objectif a été atteint par l'établissement d'un modèle de cancer du sein humain, basé sur des cellules épithéliales mammaires humaines primaires (HMECs) dérivées de réductions mammaires. J'ai choisi d'adapter un système de culture des cellules en suspension basé sur des mammosphères précédemment décrit et pat décidé d'exprimer des gènes en utilisant des lentivirus. Dans la deuxième partie de ma thèse je décris l'établissement d'un système de culture cellulaire qui permet la transformation quantitative des HMECs. Par la suite, j'ai établi un modèle de xénogreffe dans les souris immunodéficientes NOD/SCID, qui permet de modéliser la maladie humaine chez la souris. Dans la troisième partie de ma thèse je décris et je discute les résultats que j'ai obtenus en établissant un modèle estrogène-dépendant de cancer du sein par transformation quantitative des HMECs avec des gènes définis, identifiés par analyse de données d'expression des gènes dans le cancer du sein. Les cellules transformées dans notre modèle étaient estrogène-dépendantes pour la croissance, diploïdes et génétiquement normales même après la culture cellulaire in vitro prolongée. Les cellules formaient des tumeurs dans notre modèle de xénogreffe et constituaient des métastases péritonéales disséminées et du foie. Afin d'atteindre le troisième objectif de ma thèse, j'ai défini et examiné des stratégies de traitement qui permettent réduire les tumeurs et les métastases. J'ai produit un modèle de cancer du sein génétiquement défini et positif pour le récepteur de l'estrogène qui permet de modéliser le cancer du sein estrogène-dépendant humain chez la souris. Ce modèle permet l'étude des mécanismes impliqués dans la formation des tumeurs et des métastases. Abstract Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and accounts for nearly 30% of all new cancer cases in Europe. The number of deaths from breast cancer in Europe is estimated to be over 130,000 each year, implying the social impact of the disease. The goals of this thesis were first, to identify biological features and mechanisms --responsible for the establishment of specific breast cancer subtypes, second to validate them in a human-in-mouse in vivo model and third to develop specific treatments for identified breast cancer subtypes. The first objective was achieved via the analysis of tumour gene expression data produced in our lab. The microarray data were generated from 49 breast tumour biopsies that were collected from patients enrolled in the clinical trial EORTC 10994/BIG00-01. The data set was very rich in information and allowed me to validate data of previous breast cancer gene expression studies and to identify biological features of a novel breast cancer subtype. In the first part of the thesis I focus on the identification of molecular apacrine breast tumours by microarray analysis and the potential imptìcation of this finding for the clinics. The second objective was attained by the production of a human breast cancer model system based on primary human mammary epithelial cells {HMECs) derived from reduction mammoplasties. I have chosen to adopt a previously described suspension culture system based on mammospheres and expressed selected target genes using lentiviral expression constructs. In the second part of my thesis I mainly focus on the establishment of a cell culture system allowing for quantitative transformation of HMECs. I then established a xenograft model in immunodeficient NOD/SCID mice, allowing to model human disease in a mouse. In the third part of my thesis I describe and discuss the results that I obtained while establishing an oestrogen-dependent model of breast cancer by quantitative transformation of HMECs with defined genes identified after breast cancer gene expression data analysis. The transformed cells in our model are oestrogen-dependent for growth; remain diploid and genetically normal even after prolonged cell culture in vitro. The cells farm tumours and form disseminated peritoneal and liver metastases in our xenograft model. Along the lines of the third objective of my thesis I defined and tested treatment schemes allowing reducing tumours and metastases. I have generated a genetically defined model of oestrogen receptor alpha positive human breast cancer that allows to model human oestrogen-dependent breast cancer in a mouse and enables the study of mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis and metastasis.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of XG-102 (formerly D-JNKI1), a TAT-coupled dextrogyre peptide that selectively inhibits the c-Jun N-terminal kinase, in the treatment of endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU). METHODS: EIU was induced in Lewis rats by LPS injection. XG-102 was administered at the time of LPS challenge. The ocular biodistribution of XG-102 was evaluated using immunodetection at 24 hours after either 20 microg/kg IV (IV) or 0.2 microg/injection intravitreous (IVT) administrations in healthy or uveitic eyes. The effect of XG-102 on EIU was evaluated using clinical scoring, infiltration cell quantification, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and immunohistochemistry, and cytokines and chemokines kinetics at 6, 24, and 48 hours using multiplex analysis on ocular media. Control EIU eyes received vehicle injection IV or IVT. The effect of XG-102 on c-Jun phosphorylation in EIU was evaluated by Western blot in eye tissues. RESULTS: After IVT injection, XG-102 was internalized in epithelial cells from iris/ciliary body and retina and in glial and microglial cells in both healthy and uveitic eyes. After IV injection, XG-102 was concentrated primarily in inflammatory cells of uveitic eyes. Using both routes of administration, XG-102 significantly inhibited clinical signs of EIU, intraocular cell infiltration, and iNOS expression together with reduced phosphorylation of c-Jun. The anti-inflammatory effect of XG-102 was mediated by iNOS, IFN-gamma, IL-2, and IL-13. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first evidence that interfering with the JNK pathway can reduce intraocular inflammation. Local administration of XG-102, a clinically evaluated peptide, may have potential for treating uveitis.
Antifungal therapy failure can be associated with increased resistance to the employed antifungal agents. Candida glabrata, the second most common cause of invasive candidiasis, is intrinsically less susceptible to the azole class of antifungals and accounts for 15% of all Candida bloodstream infections. Here, we show that C. glabrata MED2 (CgMED2), which codes for a tail subunit of the RNA polymerase II Mediator complex, is required for resistance to azole antifungal drugs in C. glabrata. An inability to transcriptionally activate genes encoding a zinc finger transcriptional factor, CgPdr1, and multidrug efflux pump, CgCdr1, primarily contributes to the elevated susceptibility of the Cgmed2Δ mutant toward azole antifungals. We also report for the first time that the Cgmed2Δ mutant exhibits sensitivity to caspofungin, a constitutively activated protein kinase C-mediated cell wall integrity pathway, and elevated adherence to epithelial cells. The increased adherence of the Cgmed2Δ mutant was attributed to the elevated expression of the EPA1 and EPA7 genes. Further, our data demonstrate that CgMED2 is required for intracellular proliferation in human macrophages and modulates survival in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis. Lastly, we show an essential requirement for CgMed2, along with the Mediator middle subunit CgNut1 and the Mediator cyclin-dependent kinase/cyclin subunit CgSrb8, for the high-level fluconazole resistance conferred by the hyperactive allele of CgPdr1. Together, our findings underscore a pivotal role for CgMed2 in basal tolerance and acquired resistance to azole antifungals.
In vitro studies suggested that sub-millisecond pulses of radiation elicit less genomic instability than continuous, protracted irradiation at the same total dose. To determine the potential of ultrahigh dose-rate irradiation in radiotherapy, we investigated lung fibrogenesis in C57BL/6J mice exposed either to short pulses (≤ 500 ms) of radiation delivered at ultrahigh dose rate (≥ 40 Gy/s, FLASH) or to conventional dose-rate irradiation (≤ 0.03 Gy/s, CONV) in single doses. The growth of human HBCx-12A and HEp-2 tumor xenografts in nude mice and syngeneic TC-1 Luc(+) orthotopic lung tumors in C57BL/6J mice was monitored under similar radiation conditions. CONV (15 Gy) triggered lung fibrosis associated with activation of the TGF-β (transforming growth factor-β) cascade, whereas no complications developed after doses of FLASH below 20 Gy for more than 36 weeks after irradiation. FLASH irradiation also spared normal smooth muscle and epithelial cells from acute radiation-induced apoptosis, which could be reinduced by administration of systemic TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α) before irradiation. In contrast, FLASH was as efficient as CONV in the repression of tumor growth. Together, these results suggest that FLASH radiotherapy might allow complete eradication of lung tumors and reduce the occurrence and severity of early and late complications affecting normal tissue.
In addition to the ubiquitous apical-basal polarity, epithelial cells are often polarized within the plane of the tissue - the phenomenon known as planar cell polarity (PCP). In Drosophila, manifestations of PCP are visible in the eye, wing, and cuticle. Several components of the PCP signaling have been characterized in flies and vertebrates, including the heterotrimeric Go protein. However, Go signaling partners in PCP remain largely unknown. Using a genetic screen we uncover Kermit, previously implicated in G protein and PCP signaling, as a novel binding partner of Go. Through pull-down and genetic interaction studies, we find that Kermit interacts with Go and another PCP component Vang, known to undergo intracellular relocalization during PCP establishment. We further demonstrate that the activity of Kermit in PCP differentially relies on the motor proteins: the microtubule-based dynein and kinesin motors and the actin-based myosin VI. Our results place Kermit as a potential transducer of Go, linking Vang with motor proteins for its delivery to dedicated cellular compartments during PCP establishment.
The family of death domain (DD)-containing proteins are involved in many cellular processes, including apoptosis, inflammation and development. One of these molecules, the adapter protein MyD88, is a key factor in innate and adaptive immunity that integrates signals from the Toll-like receptor/interleukin (IL)-1 receptor (TLR/IL-1R) superfamily by providing an activation platform for IL-1R-associated kinases (IRAKs). Here we show that the DD-containing protein Unc5CL (also known as ZUD) is involved in a novel MyD88-independent mode of IRAK signaling that culminates in the activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase. Unc5CL required IRAK1, IRAK4 and TNF receptor-associated factor 6 but not MyD88 for its ability to activate these pathways. Interestingly, the protein is constitutively autoproteolytically processed, and is anchored by its N-terminus specifically to the apical face of mucosal epithelial cells. Transcriptional profiling identified mainly chemokines, including IL-8, CXCL1 and CCL20 as Unc5CL target genes. Its prominent expression in mucosal tissues, as well as its ability to induce a pro-inflammatory program in cells, suggests that Unc5CL is a factor in epithelial inflammation and immunity as well as a candidate gene involved in mucosal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease.
BACKGROUND:: Mechanical stretch has been shown to induce vascular remodeling and increase vessel density, but the pathophysiologic mechanisms and the morphologic changes induced by tensile forces to dermal vessels are poorly understood. METHODS:: A custom computer-controlled stretch device was designed and applied to the backs of C57BL/6 mice (n = 38). Dermal and vascular remodeling was studied over a 7-day period. Corrosion casting and three-dimensional scanning electron microscopy and CD31 staining were performed to analyze microvessel morphology. Hypoxia was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and mRNA expression of VEGF receptors was performed. RESULTS:: Skin stretching was associated with increased angiogenesis as demonstrated by CD31 staining and vessel corrosion casting where intervascular distance and vessel diameter were decreased (p < 0.01). Immediately after stretching, VEGF dimers were increased. Messenger RNA expression of VEGF receptor 1, VEGF receptor 2, neuropilin 1, and neuropilin 2 was increased starting as early as 2 hours after stretching. Highly proliferating epidermal cells induced epidermal hypoxia starting at day 3 (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS:: Identification of significant hypoxic cells occurred after identification of neovessels, suggesting an alternative mechanism. Increased expression of angiogenic receptors and stabilization of VEGF dimers may be involved in a mechanotransductive, prehypoxic induction of neovascularization.
Epidemiological studies in urban areas have linked increasing respiratory and cardiovascular pathologies with atmospheric particulate matter (PM) from anthropic activities. However, the biological fate of metal-rich PM industrial emissions in urban areas of developed countries remains understudied. Lead toxicity and bioaccessibility assessments were therefore performed on emissions from a lead recycling plant, using complementary chemical acellular tests and toxicological assays, as a function of PM size (PM(10-2.5), PM(2.5-1) and PM(1)) and origin (furnace, refining and channeled emissions). Process PM displayed differences in metal content, granulometry, and percentage of inhalable fraction as a function of their origin. Lead gastric bioaccessibility was relatively low (maximum 25%) versus previous studies; although, because of high total lead concentrations, significant metal quantities were solubilized in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. Regardless of origin, the finest PM(1) particles induced the most significant pro-inflammatory response in human bronchial epithelial cells. Moreover, this biological response correlated with pro-oxidant potential assay results, suggesting some biological predictive value for acellular tests. Pulmonary effects from lead-rich PM could be driven by thiol complexation with either lead ions or directly on the particulate surface. Finally, health concern of PM was discussed on the basis of pro-inflammatory effects, accellular test results, and PM size distribution.
To be able to colonize its host, invading Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium must disrupt and severely affect host-microbiome homeostasis. Here we report that S. Typhimurium induces acute infectious colitis by inhibiting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) expression in intestinal epithelial cells. Interestingly, this PPARγ down-regulation by S. Typhimurium is independent of TLR-4 signaling but triggers a marked elevation of host innate immune response genes, including that encoding the antimicrobial peptide lipocalin-2 (Lcn2). Accumulation of Lcn2 stabilizes the metalloproteinase MMP-9 via extracellular binding, which further aggravates the colitis. Remarkably, when exposed to S. Typhimurium, Lcn2-null mice exhibited a drastic reduction of the colitis and remained protected even at later stages of infection. Our data suggest a mechanism in which S. Typhimurium hijacks the control of host immune response genes such as those encoding PPARγ and Lcn2 to acquire residence in a host, which by evolution has established a symbiotic relation with its microbiome community to prevent pathogen invasion.
AbstractText BACKGROUND: Profiling sperm DNA present on vaginal swabs taken from rape victims often contributes to identifying and incarcerating rapists. Large amounts of the victim's epithelial cells contaminate the sperm present on swabs, however, and complicate this process. The standard method for obtaining relatively pure sperm DNA from a vaginal swab is to digest the epithelial cells with Proteinase K in order to solubilize the victim's DNA, and to then physically separate the soluble DNA from the intact sperm by pelleting the sperm, removing the victim's fraction, and repeatedly washing the sperm pellet. An alternative approach that does not require washing steps is to digest with Proteinase K, pellet the sperm, remove the victim's fraction, and then digest the residual victim's DNA with a nuclease. METHODS: The nuclease approach has been commercialized in a product, the Erase Sperm Isolation Kit (PTC Labs, Columbia, MO, USA), and five crime laboratories have tested it on semen-spiked female buccal swabs in a direct comparison with their standard methods. Comparisons have also been performed on timed post-coital vaginal swabs and evidence collected from sexual assault cases. RESULTS: For the semen-spiked buccal swabs, Erase outperformed the standard methods in all five laboratories and in most cases was able to provide a clean male profile from buccal swabs spiked with only 1,500 sperm. The vaginal swabs taken after consensual sex and the evidence collected from rape victims showed a similar pattern of Erase providing superior profiles. CONCLUSIONS: In all samples tested, STR profiles of the male DNA fractions obtained with Erase were as good as or better than those obtained using the standard methods.
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) has been shown to be one of the best markers for in vivo tumor targeting of radiolabeled antibodies, despite the fact that it is localized predominantly at the apical side of human colon carcinoma cells within the fairly closed pseudolumen structures formed by these tumors. Due to this particular histological localization, a large proportion of the CEA molecules may remain inaccessible to the intravenously injected radiolabeled anti-CEA antibodies of IgG isotype, which are widely used in the clinic. In order to improve targeting, we made a recombinant dimeric IgA, which should have the capacity to translocate from the basolateral to the apical side of the pseudolumen formed by colon carcinoma cells after binding to the polyIg receptor (pIgR). A genomic chimeric mouse-human IgA2 construct was made using one of our most specific anti-CEA hybridomas, CE-25. The chimeric IgA (chIgA) was expressed in the Sp2/0 myeloma cell line. The secreted recombinant antibody was found to consist mostly of a dimeric form of IgA with a molecular weight of about 350 kDa. The dimeric chIgA was shown to translocate efficiently in vitro across a monolayer of epithelial cells expressing the pIgR and to retain full CEA binding activity.
The binding and penetration of two 125I-labeled anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibodies (MAb) and their F(ab')2 and Fab fragments were measured in multicellular spheroids of poorly (HT29) and moderately well differentiated (Co112) human colon adenocarcinomas which express different amounts of CEA. Spheroids cultured in vitro model tumor microenvironments where poor vascular supply may modulate antigen expression and accessibility. The two MAb studied, 202 and 35, were shown previously to react with different CEA epitopes and to have high affinities of 1.2 and 5.8 X 10(9) M-1, respectively. MAb 202 has also been shown to cross-react with antigens present on human granulocytes and normal epithelial cells from human lung and pancreas. Specific binding of intact MAb and fragments of both antibodies was demonstrated for both types of human colon carcinoma spheroids compared to mouse colon carcinoma (CL26) and mammary tumor (EMT6/Ro) spheroids. Total binding of MAb and fragments was greater (1.5- to 2.5-fold) after 4 h compared to 1 h of exposure; the amount of binding compared to control IgG1 was 5- to 30-fold greater after 1-h incubation and 15 to 200 times greater after 4 h. This binding was stable as demonstrated by short and long wash experiments at 37 degrees and 4 degrees C. The binding of F(ab')2 and Fab fragments of the anti-CEA MAb 35 to spheroids of human colon Co112 was almost 2-fold greater than that of the intact MAb. However, for MAb 202, the binding of intact MAb and F(ab')2 was greater than that of Fab fragments. In addition the binding of both intact and F(ab')2 fragments of MAb 202 was greater than that obtained with MAb 35. Specific binding of both antibodies to HT29 spheroids, which express less CEA, was decreased for MAb and fragments of both 202 and 35. Autoradiography and immunoperoxidase experiments were performed to determine the penetration of MAb and fragments after incubation with intact spheroids. Comparisons were made with labeled MAb directly applied to frozen sections of spheroids. F(ab')2 and Fab fragments of both antibodies were bound at the surface of intact spheroids and penetrated to eight to ten cells, but the intact MAb were localized mainly at the spheroid surface and the outer one to three cell layers. There was much less binding at the surfaces of HT29 compared to Co112 spheroids. An enzyme immunoassay using MAb 35 and 202 demonstrated that Co112 spheroids produced about 8-fold more CEA/mg of cell protein than did monolayer cultures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy and gene targeting in mice revealed an essential role for the SH3TC2 gene in peripheral nerve myelination. SH3TC2 expression is restricted to Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system, and the gene product, SH3TC2, localizes to the perinuclear recycling compartment. Here, we show that SH3TC2 interacts with the small guanosine triphosphatase Rab11, which is known to regulate the recycling of internalized membranes and receptors back to the cell surface. Results of protein binding studies and transferrin receptor trafficking are in line with a role of SH3TC2 as a Rab11 effector molecule. Consistent with a function of Rab11 in Schwann cell myelination, SH3TC2 mutations that cause neuropathy disrupt the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction, and forced expression of dominant negative Rab11 strongly impairs myelin formation in vitro. Our data indicate that the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction is relevant for peripheral nerve pathophysiology and place endosomal recycling on the list of cellular mechanisms involved in Schwann cell myelination.