951 resultados para Aged, 80 and over
High prevalence of osteoporosis in Swiss women aged 60 and older: a 2-year pilot screening campaign.
Background: Osteoporosis (OP) is frequent in postmenopausal women, but remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. In Switzerland, DXA is not reimbursed by the insurances for screening, even if it is recommended to test women's Bone Mineral Density (BMD) at the age of 65. Methods: To assess the feasibility of a screening program for OP, the Bone diseases center of Lausanne has been mandated to perform a 2-year information and screening campaign (3 days per months) for women age 60 and older through the state of Vaud using a mobile unit for bone assessment. This project is still ongoing. Women are informed by media for dates and screening locations. Appointments are taken by phone. Women known for osteoporosis or already treated are excluded. During the evaluation every women is assessed by a questionnaire for risk factors, by a DXA measurement (Discovery C, Hololgic), and by Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) for Genant's grades 2 and 3 prevalent vertebral fractures (VF). Women are considered at high risk of fracture if they have a hip fracture, a VF, another fragility fracture with a BMD T-score ≤-2 or a BMD T-score ≤-2.5. Results: After 17 months (50 days of screening), 752 women were assessed, mean age 666 yrs, mean BMI 265 kg/m2, mean lowest T-score -1.61.0 SD. 215 women (29%) were considered at high risk, 92 of them (12%) having established OP and 50 (7%) having one or more fragility VF. VF were unknown for 83% of the women and discovered by VFA. The number needed to screen (NNS) were 3.5 for high risk women, 8.2 for established OP and 15 for VF. Conclusions: After near of the project, prevalence of women at high risk of fracture was high, with a NNS below 4. Knowing the global cost of OP and that current treatment have a high efficacy for fracture risk reduction, such a screening program could have a positive economic impact. VFA allowed discovering many women with unknown VF, who were at very high risk of further fractures. A systematic screening for VF should be added to BMD measurements after the age of 60.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approves the selection of the Reconstruction of All or Part of the Interstate (Construction Alternative) as the Preferred Alternative to provide improvements to the interstate system in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area, extending across the Missouri River on Interstate 80 to east of the Interstate 480 interchange in Omaha, Nebraska. The study considered long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along Interstate I-29 (I-29), I-80, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. FHWA also approves the decisions to provide full access between West Broadway and I-29, design the I-80/I-29 overlap section as a dual-divided freeway, and locating the new I-80 Missouri River Bridge north of the existing bridge. Improvements to the interstate system, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 (see Figure 1) up to current engineering standards and accommodate future traffic needs. This Record of Decision (ROD) concludes Tier 1 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) Improvements Project. Tier 1 included an examination of the areas transportation needs, a study of alternatives to satisfy them, and broad consideration of potential environmental and social impacts. The Tier 1 evaluation consisted of a sufficient level of engineering and environmental detail to assist decision makers in selecting a preferred transportation strategy. During Tier 1 a Draft EIS (FHWA-IA- EIS-04-01D) was developed which was approved by FHWA, Iowa DOT, and Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) in November 2004 with comments accepted through March 15, 2005. The Draft EIS summarized the alternatives that were considered to address the transportation needs around Council Bluffs; identified reconstruction of all or part of the interstate, the Construction Alternative, as the Preferred Alternative; identified three system-level decisions that needed to be made at the Tier 1 level; and invited comment on the issues. The Final EIS (FHWA-IA- EIS-04-01F) further documented the Construction Alternative as the Preferred Alternative and identified the recommended decisions for the three system level decisions that needed to be made in Tier 1. This ROD defines the Selected Alternative determined in the Tier 1 studies.
[eng] There is a vast literature on intergenerational mobility in sociology and economics. Similar interest has emerged for the phenomenon of over-education in both disciplines. There are no studies, however, linking these two research lines. We study the relationship between social mobility and over-education in a context of educational expansion. Our framework allows for the evaluation of several policies, including those affecting social segregation, early intervention programs and the power of unions. Results show the evolution of social mobility, over-education, income inequality and equality of opportunity under each scenario.
Introduction Sleep impairment is a common problem in older persons and is associated with adverse health and economic consequences. The most prescribed hypnosedatives in Switzerland are benzodiazepines, benzodiazepine-like hypnosedatives and clomethiazole. In the elderly persons, these medications have been associated with decreased cognitive performance, an increased risk of addiction and an increased risk of falls. The main aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, incidence and indications of hypnosedative prescriptions in older in-patients admitted to a Swiss university hospital. Furthermore, we planned to investigate the possible relationship between hypnosedatives' prescription and patients' falls during the hospital stay and we compared the prevalence of hypnosedative drugs' prescribing between geriatric and non-geriatric clinical wards.Materials & Methods This observational study included all patients aged 75 years or older admitted to a Swiss university hospital for 24 h or more. Prescription-related data were recorded every day for 26 consecutive days in the two geriatric wards, and twice, a week apart, in three non-geriatric wards.Results A total of 204 patients (mean age 84.7 0.7 years, 66% women) were included. The prevalence of hypnosedative drugs prescription was 73% and the incidence was 28% on the two geriatric wards. The most common indications for a prescription on geriatric wards was insomnia (51%), followed by continuation of usual treatment (12%). The most frequently prescribed hypnosedative drug was clomethiazole (64% of the patients), followed by lorazepam (11%). We were not able to demonstrate any significant correlation between the number of hypnosedative drugs prescribed and the number of falls during hospital stay. The prevalence of hypnosedative drugs prescriptions was similar between geriatric and non-geriatric wards. The proportion of patients treated by at least one hypnosedative increased between hospital admission (32%) and discharge (45%).Discussions, Conclusion This study reveals a high prevalence of hypnosedative prescription in medical in-patients aged 75 years or older. Main indication was insomnia and the most frequently prescribed hypnosedative molecule was clomethiazole. Prescription incidence was also very high and the proportion of patients being prescribed a hypnosedative increased during hospital stay. Systematic interventions need to be integrated in order to reduce elderly inpatient exposure to treatments that are associated with adverse health outcomes.Conference information: ESCP 40th International Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy. Clinical Pharmacy: Connecting Care and Outcomes Dublin Ireland, 19-21 October 2011
[cat] El fenmen de la sobre-educaci s freqent i persistent a molts pasos. En aquest article estudiem el paper de les habilitats emprenedores en evitar la sobre-educaci a la primera feina, i en sortir duna situaci de sobre-educaci cinc anys desprs. Comparem els resultats dEspanya i Holanda, dos pasos que difereixen en el seu sistema educatiu i mercat de treball. Els resultats mostren que les habilitats emprenedores ajuden a evitar i/o sortir de la sobre-educaci noms a Espanya, on el sistema educatiu s ms flexible i menys vinculat amb el mercat de treball. En general, els nostres resultats recolzen les poltiques que promocionen el desenvolupament dhabilitats emprenedores al sistema educatiu espanyol.
[cat] El fenmen de la sobre-educaci s freqent i persistent a molts pasos. En aquest article estudiem el paper de les habilitats emprenedores en evitar la sobre-educaci a la primera feina, i en sortir duna situaci de sobre-educaci cinc anys desprs. Comparem els resultats dEspanya i Holanda, dos pasos que difereixen en el seu sistema educatiu i mercat de treball. Els resultats mostren que les habilitats emprenedores ajuden a evitar i/o sortir de la sobre-educaci noms a Espanya, on el sistema educatiu s ms flexible i menys vinculat amb el mercat de treball. En general, els nostres resultats recolzen les poltiques que promocionen el desenvolupament dhabilitats emprenedores al sistema educatiu espanyol.
Le vieillissement de la population canadienne prvisible dans les prochaines annes entrainera dimportants changements au point de vue social. Lun deux est laugmentation fulgurante du nombre dans en tat dincapacit. Utilisant le modle de microsimulation LifePaths, cette recherche compare deux projections, ayant des mthodologies diffrentes, du nombre dindividus en incapacit de 65 ans et plus vivant en mnage priv en 2031. La premire mthode utilise le module dincapacit de LifePaths pour gnrer les individus en incapacit tandis que la seconde mthode utilise plutt une rgression logistique ordonne pour les obtenir. Les projections du nombre dindividus en tat dincapacit des deux mthodes nous permettent une comparaison entre ces rsultats. Suite llaboration de tableaux et de graphiques permettant de tracer un portait de la situation, cette recherche essaie de dmystifier les sources possibles lorigine de ces diffrences. Les rsultats montrent dimportantes diffrences entre les projections, spcifiquement pour les individus en tat dincapacit svre. De plus, lorsquon sintresse aux variables dintrts, on remarque que les diffrences de projections deffectifs sont importantes chez les hommes et les gens maris. Par contre, lorsque les proportions sont analyses, cest plutt le groupe dges 80 ans et plus ainsi que les projections pour la province du Qubec qui crent problme. Ces diffrences sont attribuables aux caractristiques dun modle de microsimulation, aux populations de dpart ainsi quaux paramtres dfinis. Les rsultats dmontrs dans cette recherche mettent en garde sur les travaux tudiant le nombre dindividus en incapacit dans le futur. Nos deux mthodes ayant des rsultats diffrents, nous ne pouvons pas conclure avec certitude quelle sera la situation dans le futur.
De rcents travaux ont mis en vidence que des dysfonctionnements dans lexpression de gnes impliqus dans la plasticit synaptique contribuent aux dclins cognitifs quon observe chez les gens gs et la progression de la maladie dAlzheimer. Notre tude avait comme objectif dtudier le profil dexpression dARNm spcifiques impliqus dans la plasticit synaptique chez des rats jeunes et gs et chez des souris transgniques 3xTg et WT. Des expriences en qRT-PCR ont t effectues dans des extraits de cortex et dhippocampe de rats jeunes et gs et de souris 3xTg et WT, respectivement. Les rsultats ont dmontr une augmentation significative de lexpression dARNm MAP1B, Stau2, BDNF, CREB et AGO2 principalement dans lhippocampe (rgions CA1-CA3) des souris 3xTg compar aux souris WT. Une diminution significative a galement t observe pour lARNm CaMKII dans le cortex des souris 3xTg compar aux souris WT. Contrairement ces observations, aucun changement na t observ pour lexpression de gnes impliqus dans la plasticit synaptique chez les rats gs compar aux rats jeunes. Ces rsultats dmontrent quun dysfonctionnement existe rellement au dbut de la maladie dAlzheimer dans lexpression de gnes spcifiques impliqus dans la plasticit synaptique et contribue potentiellement la progression de la maladie en engendrant un dsquilibre entre la LTP et la LTD. De plus, les diffrences dexpressions sont particulirement observes dans lhippocampe (rgions CA1-CA3) ce qui est consistant avec les tudes sur la progression de la maladie dAlzheimer puisquil est connu que la rgion CA1 de lhippocampe est la plus vulnrable lapparition de la maladie. Ces rsultats permettent une meilleure comprhension des vnements molculaires qui deviennent drguls lapparition de la maladie dAlzheimer.
Coleccin de ms de cincuenta poesas, dividida en cinco partes, que evoca las vistas, sonidos, gustos y cuentos del Caribe, as como la experiencia de vivir all. Muchos de estos poemas son inditos.
This paper discusses the effect of noise exposure on high school aged boys' hearing levels and how to measure the effects.
To gain a new perspective on the interaction of the Atlantic Ocean and the atmosphere, the relationship between the atmospheric and oceanic meridional energy transports is studied in a version of HadCM3, the U.K. Hadley Centre's coupled climate model. The correlation structure of the energy transports in the atmosphere and Atlantic Ocean as a function of latitude, and the cross correlation between the two systems are analyzed. The processes that give rise to the correlations are then elucidated using regression analyses. In northern midlatitudes, the interannual variability of the Atlantic Ocean energy transport is dominated by Ekman processes. Anticorrelated zonal winds in the subtropics and midlatitudes, particularly associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), drive anticorrelated meridional Ekman transports. Variability in the atmospheric energy transport is associated with changes in the stationary waves, but is only weakly related to the NAO. Nevertheless, atmospheric driving of the oceanic Ekman transports is responsible for a bipolar pattern in the correlation between the atmosphere and Atlantic Ocean energy transports. In the Tropics, the interannual variability of the Atlantic Ocean energy transport is dominated by an adjustment of the tropical ocean to coastal upwelling induced along the Venezuelan coast by a strengthening of the easterly trade winds. Variability in the atmospheric energy transport is associated with a cross-equatorial meridional overturning circulation that is only weakly associated with variability in the trade winds along the Venezuelan coast. In consequence, there is only very limited correlation between the atmosphere and Atlantic Ocean energy transports in the Tropics of HadCM3
Two dipeptides containing an N-terminally positioned omega-amino acid residue (beta-alanine/delta-amino valeric acid) self-assembles to form nanotubes in the solid state as well as in aqueous solution. In spite of having hollow nanotubular structures in the solid state and in solution, their self-assembling nature in these two states are different and this leads to the formation of different internal diameters of these nanotubes in solution and in solid state structure. These nanotubes are stable proteolytically, thermally, and over a wide range of pH values (1-13). The role of water molecules in nanotube formation has been investigated in the solid state. These nanotubes can be considered as a new class of dipeptide nanotubes as they are consisting of N-terminally located protease resistant omega-amino acid residues and C-terminally positioned alpha-amino acid residues. These dipeptides can form an interesting class of short peptidic structure that can give rise to stable nanotubular structure upon self-assembly and these nanotubes can be explored in future for potential nanotechnological applications.
Objective To model the overall and income specific effect of a 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the UK. Design Econometric and comparative risk assessment modelling study. Setting United Kingdom. Population Adults aged 16 and over. Intervention A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks. Main outcome measures The primary outcomes were the overall and income specific changes in the number and percentage of overweight (body mass index 25) and obese (30) adults in the UK following the implementation of the tax. Secondary outcomes were the effect by age group (16-29, 30-49, and 50 years) and by UK constituent country. The revenue generated from the tax and the income specific changes in weekly expenditure on drinks were also estimated. Results A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks was estimated to reduce the number of obese adults in the UK by 1.3% (95% credible interval 0.8% to 1.7%) or 180000 (110000 to 247000) people and the number who are overweight by 0.9% (0.6% to 1.1%) or 285000 (201000 to 364000) people. The predicted reductions in prevalence of obesity for income thirds 1 (lowest income), 2, and 3 (highest income) were 1.3% (0.3% to 2.0%), 0.9% (0.1% to 1.6%), and 2.1% (1.3% to 2.9%). The effect on obesity declined with age. Predicted annual revenue was 276m (272m to 279m), with estimated increases in total expenditure on drinks for income thirds 1, 2, and 3 of 2.1% (1.4% to 3.0%), 1.7% (1.2% to 2.2%), and 0.8% (0.4% to 1.2%). Conclusions A 20% tax on sugar sweetened drinks would lead to a reduction in the prevalence of obesity in the UK of 1.3% (around 180000 people). The greatest effects may occur in young people, with no significant differences between income groups. Both effects warrant further exploration. Taxation of sugar sweetened drinks is a promising population measure to target population obesity, particularly among younger adults.