967 resultados para Affinity


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[EN] Panic disorder is a highly prevalent neuropsychiatric disorder that shows co-occurrence with substance abuse. Here, we demonstrate that TrkC, the high-affinity receptor for neurotrophin-3, is a key molecule involved in panic disorder and opiate dependence, using a transgenic mouse model (TgNTRK3). Constitutive TrkC overexpression in TgNTRK3 mice dramatically alters spontaneous firing rates of locus coeruleus (LC) neurons and the response of the noradrenergic system to chronic opiate exposure, possibly related to the altered regulation of neurotrophic peptides observed. Notably, TgNTRK3 LC neurons showed an increased firing rate in saline-treated conditions and profound abnormalities in their response to met5-enkephalin. Behaviorally, chronic morphine administration induced a significantly increased withdrawal syndrome in TgNTRK3 mice. In conclusion, we show here that the NT-3/TrkC system is an important regulator of neuronal firing in LC and could contribute to the adaptations of the noradrenergic system in response to chronic opiate exposure. Moreover, our results indicate that TrkC is involved in the molecular and cellular changes in noradrenergic neurons underlying both panic attacks and opiate dependence and support a functional endogenous opioid deficit in panic disorder patients.


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Linker histone H1 plays an important role in chromatin folding. Phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinases is the main post-translational modification of histone H1. We studied the effects of phosphorylation on the secondary structure of the DNA-bound H1 carboxy-terminal domain (CTD), which contains most of the phosphorylation sites of the molecule. The effects of phosphorylation on the secondary structure of the DNA-bound CTD were site-specific and depended on the number of phosphate groups. Full phosphorylation significantly increased the proportion of -structure and decreased that of -helix. Partial phosphorylation increased the amount of undefined structure and decreased that of -helix without a significant increase in -structure. Phosphorylation had a moderate effect on the affinity of the CTD for the DNA, which was proportional to the number of phosphate groups. Partial phosphorylation drastically reduced the aggregation of DNA fragments by the CTD, but full phosphorylation restored to a large extent the aggregation capacity of the unphosphorylated domain. These results support the involvement of H1 hyperphosphorylation in metaphase chromatin condensation and of H1 partial phosphorylation in interphase chromatin relaxation. More generally, our results suggest that the effects of phosphorylation are mediated by specific structural changes and are not simply a consequence of the net charge.


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A total of 160 Clarias lazera were collected with line hood between April and June 1984 from the Niger Delta area and observed for the presence of parasites. The results revealed the presence of three classes of endo-parasites: Trematodes (47%), nematodes (46%) and cestodes (7%). It was found that, the parasites have great affinity for the spleen (34%) and the liver (28.3%). Also, smaller fish habored more parasites than large fish. Though the investigation is still continuing, the study reveals the presence of parasites in Clarias and calls for measures to prevent wide-spread infestation in fish ponds and suggests treatment of infested fish


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DNA recognition is an essential biological process responsible for the regulation of cellular functions including protein synthesis and cell division and is implicated in the mechanism of action of some anticancer drugs. Studies directed towards defining the elements responsible for sequence specific DNA recognition through the study of the interactions of synthetic organic ligands with DNA are described.

DNA recognition by poly-N-methylpyrrolecarboxamides was studied by the synthesis and characterization of a series of molecules where the number of contiguous N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide units was increased from 2 to 9. The effect of this incremental change in structure on DNA recognition has been investigated at base pair resolution using affinity cleaving and MPE•Fe(II) footprinting techniques. These studies led to a quantitative relationship between the number of amides in the molecule and the DNA binding site size. This relationship is called the n + 1 rule and it states that a poly-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide molecule with n amides will bind n + 1 base pairs of DNA. This rule is consistent with a model where the carboxamides of these compounds form three center bridging hydrogen bonds between adjacent base pairs on opposite strands of the helix. The poly-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide recognition element was found to preferentially bind poly dA•poly dT stretches; however, both binding site selection and orientation were found to be affected by flanking sequences. Cleavage of large DNA is also described.

One approach towards the design of molecules that bind large sequences of double helical DNA sequence specifically is to couple DNA binding subunits of similar or diverse base pair specificity. Bis-EDTA-distamycin-fumaramide (BEDF) is an octaamide dimer of two tri-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide subunits linked by fumaramide. DNA recognition by BEDF was compared to P7E, an octaamide molecule containing seven consecutive pyrroles. These two compounds were found to recognize the same sites on pBR322 with approximately the same affinities demonstrating that fumaramide is an effective linking element for Nmethylpyrrolecarboxamide recognition subunits. Further studies involved the synthesis and characterization of a trimer of tetra-N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide subunits linked by β-alanine ((P4)_(3)E). This trimerization produced a molecule which is capable of recognizing 16 base pairs of A•T DNA, more than a turn and a half of the DNA helix.

DNA footprinting is a powerful direct method for determining the binding sites of proteins and small molecules on heterogeneous DNA. It was found that attachment of EDTA•Fe(II) to spermine creates a molecule, SE•Fe(II), which binds and cleaves DNA sequence neutrally. This lack of specificity provides evidence that at the nucleotide level polyamines recognize heterogeneous DNA independent of sequence and allows SE•Fe(II) to be used as a footprinting reagent. SE•Fe(II) was compared with two other small molecule footprinting reagents, EDTA•Fe(II) and MPE•Fe(II).


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DNA is nature’s blueprint, holding within it the genetic code that defines the structure and function of an organism. A complex network of DNA-binding proteins called transcription factors can largely control the flow of information from DNA, so modulating the function of transcription factors is a promising approach for treating many diseases. Pyrrole-imidazole (Py-Im) polyamides are a class of DNA-binding oligomers, which can be synthetically programmed to bind a target sequence of DNA. Due to their unique shape complementarity and a series of favorable hydrogen bonding interactions that occur upon DNA-binding, Py-Im polyamides can bind to the minor groove of DNA with affinities comparable to transcription factors. Previous studies have demonstrated that these cell-permeable small molecules can enter cell nuclei and disrupt the transcription factor-DNA interface, thereby repressing transcription. As the use of Py-Im polyamides has significant potential as a type of modular therapeutic platform, the need for polyamides with extremely favorable biological properties and high potency will be essential. Described herein, a variety of studies have been performed aimed at improving the biological activity of Py-Im polyamides. To improve the biological potency and cellular uptake of these compounds, we have developed a next-generation class of polyamides bearing aryl-turn moieties, a simple structural modification that allows significant improvements in cellular uptake. This strategy was also applied to a panel of high-affinity cyclic Py-Im polyamides, again demonstrating the remarkable effect minor structural changes can have on biological activity. The solubility properties of Py-Im polyamides and use of formulating reagents with their treatment have also been examined. Finally, we describe the study of Py-Im polyamides as a potential artificial transcription factor.


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Oligonucleotide-directed triple helix formation is one of the most versatile methods for the sequence specific recognition of double helical DNA. Chapter 2 describes affinity cleaving experiments carried out to assess the recognition potential for purine-rich oligonucleotides via the formation of triple helices. Purine-rich oligodeoxyribonucleotides were shown to bind specifically to purine tracts of double helical DNA in the major groove antiparallel to the purine strand of the duplex. Specificity was derived from the formation of reverse Hoogsteen G•GC, A•AT and T•AT triplets and binding was limited to mostly purine tracts. This triple helical structure was stabilized by multivalent cations, destabilized by high concentrations of monovalent cations and was insensitive to pH. A single mismatched base triplet was shown to destabilize a 15 mer triple helix by 1.0 kcal/mole at 25°C. In addition, stability appeared to be correlated to the number of G•GC triplets formed in the triple helix. This structure provides an additional framework as a basis for the design of new sequence specific DNA binding molecules.

In work described in Chapter 3, the triplet specificities and required strand orientations of two classes of DNA triple helices were combined to target double helical sequences containing all four base pairs by alternate strand triple helix formation. This allowed for the use of oligonucleotides containing only natural 3'-5' phosphodiester linkages to simultaneously bind both strands of double helical DNA in the major groove. The stabilities and structures of these alternate strand triple helices depended on whether the binding site sequence was 5'-(purine)_m (pyrimidine)_n-3' or 5'- (pyrimidine)_m (purine)_n-3'.

In Chapter 4, the ability of oligonucleotide-cerium(III) chelates to direct the transesterfication of RNA was investigated. Procedures were developed for the modification of DNA and RNA oligonucleotides with a hexadentate Schiff-base macrocyclic cerium(III) complex. In addition, oligoribonucleotides modified by covalent attachment of the metal complex through two different linker structures were prepared. The ability of these structures to direct transesterification to specific RNA phosphodiesters was assessed by gel electrophoresis. No reproducible cleavage of the RNA strand consistent with transesterification could be detected in any of these experiments.


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This thesis describes research pursued in two areas, both involving the design and synthesis of sequence specific DNA-cleaving proteins. The first involves the use of sequence-specific DNA-cleaving metalloproteins to probe the structure of a protein-DNA complex, and the second seeks to develop cleaving moieties capable of DNA cleavage through the generation of a non-diffusible oxidant under physiological conditions.

Chapter One provides a brief review of the literature concerning sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Chapter Two summarizes the results of affinity cleaving experiments using leucine zipper-basic region (bZip) DNA-binding proteins. Specifically, the NH_2-terminal locations of a dimer containing the DNA binding domain of the yeast transcriptional activator GCN4 were mapped on the binding sites 5'-CTGACTAAT-3' and 5'ATGACTCTT- 3' using affinity cleaving. Analysis of the DNA cleavage patterns from Fe•EDTA-GCN4(222-281) and (226-281) dimers reveals that the NH_2-termini are in the major groove nine to ten base pairs apart and symmetrically displaced four to five base pairs from the central C of the recognition site. These data are consistent with structural models put forward for this class of DNA binding proteins. The results of these experiments are evaluated in light of the recently published crystal structure for the GCN4-DNA complex. Preliminary investigations of affinity cleaving proteins based on the DNA-binding domains of the bZip proteins Jun and Fos are also described.

Chapter Three describes experiments demonstrating the simultaneous binding of GCN4(226-281) and 1-Methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netropsin (2-ImN), a designed synthetic peptide which binds in the minor groove of DNA at 5'-TGACT-3' sites as an antiparallel, side-by-side dimer. Through the use of Fe•EDTA-GCN4(226-281) as a sequence-specific footprinting agent, it is shown that the dimeric protein GCN4(226-281) and the dimeric peptide 2- ImN can simultaneously occupy their common binding site in the major and minor grooves of DNA, respectively. The association constants for 2-ImN in the presence and in the absence of Fe•EDTA-GCN4(226-281) are found to be similar, suggesting that the binding of the two dimers is not cooperative.

Chapter Four describes the synthesis and characterization of PBA-β-OH-His- Hin(139-190), a hybrid protein containing the DNA-binding domain of Hin recombinase and the putative iron-binding and oxygen-activating domain of the antitumor antibiotic bleomycin. This 54-residue protein, comprising residues 139-190 of Hin recombinase with the dipeptide pyrimidoblamic acid-β-hydroxy-L-histidine (PBA-β-OH-His) at the NH2 terminus, was synthesized by solid phase methods. PBA-β-OH-His-Hin(139- 190) binds specifically to DNA at four distinct Hin binding sites with affinities comparable to those of the unmodified Hin(139-190). In the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT), Fe•PB-β-OH-His-Hin(139-190) cleaves DNA with specificity remarkably similar to that of Fe•EDTA-Hin(139-190), although with lower efficiency. Analysis of the cleavage pattern suggests that DNA cleavage is mediated through a diffusible species, in contrast with cleavage by bleomycin, which occurs through a non-diffusible oxidant.


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The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane proteins. CFTR has two homologous halves, each consisting of six transmembrane spanning domains (TM) followed by a nucleotide binding fold, connected by a regulatory (R) domain. This thesis addresses the question of which domains are responsible for Cl^- selectivity, i.e., which domains line the channel pore.

To address this question, novel blockers of CFTR were characterized. CFTR was heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes to study the mechanism of block by two closely related arylaminobenzoates, diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPC) and flufenamic acid (FFA). Block by both is voltage-dependent, with a binding site ≈ 40% through the electric field of the membrane. DPC and FFA can both reach their binding site from either side of the membrane to produce a flickering block of CFTR single channels. In addition, DPC block is influenced by Cl^- concentration, and DPC blocks with a bimolecular forward binding rate and a unimolecular dissociation rate. Therefore, DPC and FFA are open-channel blockers of CFTR, and a residue of CFTR whose mutation affects their binding must line the pore.

Screening of site-directed mutants for altered DPC binding affinity reveals that TM-6 and TM-12 line the pore. Mutation of residue 5341 in TM-6 abolishes most DPC block, greatly reduces single-channel conductance, and alters the direction of current rectification. Additional residues are found in TM-6 (K335) and TM-12 (T1134) whose mutations weaken or strengthen DPC block; other mutations move the DPC binding site from TM-6 to TM-12. The strengthened block and lower conductance due to mutation T1134F is quantitated at the single-channel level. The geometry of DPC and of the residues mutated suggest α-helical structures for TM-6 and TM-12. Evidence is presented that the effects of the mutations are due to direct side-chain interaction, and not to allosteric effects propagated through the protein. Mutations are also made in TM-11, including mutation S1118F, which gives voltage-dependent current relaxations. The results may guide future studies on permeation through ABC transporters and through other Cl^- channels.


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This study examines binding of α- and β-D-glucose in their equilibrium mixture to the glucose transporter (GLUT1) in human erythrocyte membrane preparations by an ^1H NMR method, the transferred NOE (TRNOE). This method is shown theoretically and experimentally to be a sensitive probe of weak ligand-macromolecule interactions. The TRNOEs observed are shown to arise solely from glucose binding to GLUT1. Sites at both membrane faces contribute to the TRNOEs. Binding curves obtained are consistent with a homogeneous class of sugar sites, with an apparent KD which varies (from ~30 mM to ~70 mM for both anomers) depending on the membrane preparation examined. Preparations with a higher proportion of the cytoplasmic membrane face exposed to bulk solution yield higher apparent KKDs. The glucose transport inhibitor cytochalasin B essentially eliminates the TRNOE. Nonlinearity was found in the dependence on sugar concentration of the apparent inhibition constant for cytochalasin B reversal of the TRNOE observed in the α anomer (and probably the β anomer); such nonlinearity implies the existence of ternary complexes of sugar, inhibitor and transporter. The inhibition results furthermore imply the presence of a class of relatively high-affinity (KD < 2mM) sugar sites specific for the α anomer which do not contribute to NMR-observable binding. The presence of two classes of sugar-sensitive cytochalasin B sites is also indicated. These results are compared with predictions of the alternating conformer model of glucose transport. Variation of apparent KD in the NMR-observable sites, the formation of ternary complexes and the presence of an anomer-specific site are shown to be inconsistent with this model. An alternate model is developed which reconciles these results with the known transport behavior of GLUT1. In this model, the transporter possesses (at minimum) three classes of sugar sites: (i) transport sites, which are alternately exposed to the cytoplasmic or the extracellular compartment, but never to both simultaneously, (ii) a class of sites (probably relatively low-affinity) which are confined to one compartment, and (iii) the high-affinity α anomer-specific sites, which are confined to the cytoplasmic compartment.


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Fucose-α(1-2)-galactose (Fucα(1-2)Gal) carbohydrates have been implicated in cognitive functions. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that govern these processes are not well understood. While significant progress has been made toward identifying glycoconjugates bearing this carbohydrate epitope, a major challenge remains the discovery of interactions mediated by these sugars. Here, we employ the use of multivalent glycopolymers to enable the proteomic identification of weak affinity, low abundant Fucα(1-2)Gal-binding proteins (i.e. lectins) from the brain. End-biotinylated glycopolymers containing photoactivatable crosslinkers were used to capture and enrich potential Fucα(1-2)Gal-specific lectins from rat brain lysates. Candidate lectins were tested for their ability to bind Fucα(1-2)Gal, and the functional significance of the interaction was investigated for one such candidate, SV2a, using a knock-out mouse system. Our results suggest an important role for this glycan-lectin interaction in facilitating synaptic changes necessary for neuronal communication. This study highlights the use of glycopolymer mimetics to discover novel lectins and identify functional interactions between fucosyl carbohydrates and lectins in the brain.


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Intramolecular electron transfer in partially reduced cytochrome c oxidase has been studied by means of perturbed equilibrium techniques. We have prepared a three electron reduced, CO inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a and copper A are partially reduced an in intramolecular redox equilibrium. When these samples were photolyzed using a nitrogen laser (0.6 µs, 1.0 mJ pulses) changes in absorbance at 598 nm and 830 nm were observed which are consistent with a fast electron from cytochrome a to copper A. The absorbance changes at 598 nm have an apparent rate of 17,200 ± 1,700 s^(-1) (1σ), at pH 7.0 and 25.5 °C. These changes were not observed in either the CO mixed valence or CO inhibited fully reduced forms of the enzyme. The rate is fastest at about pH 8.0, and falls off in either direction, and there is a small, but clear temperature dependence. The process was also observed in the cytochrome c -- cytochrome c oxidase high affinity complex.

This rate is far faster than any rate measured or inferred previously for the cytochrome a -- copper A electron equilibration, but the interpretation of these results is hampered by the fact that the relaxation could only be followed during the time before CO became rebound to the oxygen binding site. The meaning of our our measured rate is discussed, along with other reported rates for this process. In addition, a temperature-jump experiment on the same system is discussed.

We have also prepared a partially reduced, cyanide inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a, copper A and copper B are partially reduced and in redox equilibrium. Warming these samples produced absorbance changes at 605 nm which indicate that cytochrome a was becoming more oxidized, but there were no parallel changes in absorbance at 830 nm as would be expected if copper A was becoming reduced. We concluded that electrons were being redistributed from cytochrome a to copper B. The kinetics of the absorbance changes at 605 nm were investigated by temperature-jump methods. Although a rate could not be resolved, we concluded that the process must occur with an (apparent) rate larger than 10,000 s^(-1).

During the course of the temperature-jump experiments, we also found that non-redox related, temperature dependent absorbance changes in fully reduced CO inhibited cytochrome c oxidase, and in the cyanide mixed valence enzyme, took place with an (apparent) rate faster that 30,000 s^(-1).


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Iterative in situ click chemistry (IISCC) is a robust general technology for development of high throughput, inexpensive protein detection agents. In IISCC, the target protein acts as a template and catalyst, and assembles its own ligand from modular blocks of peptides. This process of ligand discovery is iterated to add peptide arms to develop a multivalent ligand with increased affinity and selectivity. The peptide based protein capture agents (PCC) should ideally have the same degree of selectivity and specificity as a monoclonal antibody, along with improved chemical stability. We had previously reported developing a PCC agent against bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCAII) that could replace a polyclonal antibody. To further enhance the affinity or specificity of the PCC agent, I explore branching the peptide arms to develop branched PCC agents against bCAII. The developed branched capture agents have two to three fold higher affinities for the target protein. In the second part of my thesis, I describe the epitope targeting strategy, a strategy for directing the development of a peptide ligand against specific region or fragment of the protein. The strategy is successfully demonstrated by developing PCC agents with low nanomolar binding affinities that target the C-terminal hydrophobic motif of Akt2 kinase. One of the developed triligands inhibits the kinase activity of Akt. This suggests that, if targeted against the right epitope, the PCC agents can also influence the functional properties of the protein. The exquisite control of the epitope targeting strategy is further demonstrated by developing a cyclic ligand against Akt2. The cyclic ligand acts as an inhibitor by itself, without any iteration of the ligand discovery process. The epitope targeting strategy is a cornerstone of the IISCC technology and opens up new opportunities, leading to the development of protein detection agents and of modulators of protein functions.


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Yeast chromosomes contain sequences called ARSs which function as origins of replication in vitro and in vivo. We have carried out a systematic deletion analysis of ARS1, allowing us to define three functionally distinct domains, designated A, B, and C. Domain A is a sequence of 11 to 19bp, containing the core consensus element that is required for replication. The core consensus sequence, A/TTTTATPuTTTA/T, is conserved at all ARSs sequenced to date. A fragment containing only element A and 8 flanking nucleotides enables autonomous replication of centromeric plasmids. These plasmids replicate very inefficiently, suggesting that flanking sequences must be important for ARS function. Domain B also provides important sequences needed for efficient replication. Deletion of domain B drastically increases the doubling times of transformants and reduces plasmid stability. Domain B contains a potential consensus sequence conserved at some ARSs which overlaps a region of bent DNA. Mutational analysis suggests this bent DNA may be important for ARS function. Deletion of domain C has only a slight effect on replication of plasmids carrying those deletions.

We have identified a protein called ARS binding factor I (ABF-I) that binds to the HMR-E ARS and ARS1. We have purified this protein to homogeneity using conventional and oligonucleotide affinity chromatography. The protein has an apparent molecular weight of 135kDa and is present at about 700 molecules per diploid cell, based on the yield of purified protein and in situ antibody staining. DNaseI footprinting reveals that ABF-I binds sequence-specifically to an approximately 24bp sequence that overlaps element Bat ARSl. This same protein binds to and protects a similar size region at the HMR-E ARS.

We also find evidence for another ARS binding protein, ABF-III, based on DN asei footprint analysis and gel retardation assays. The protein protects approximately 22bp adjacent to the ABF-I site. There appears to be no interaction between ABF-I and ABF-III despite the proximity of their binding sites.

To address the function of ABF-I in DNA replication, we have cloned the ABF-I gene using rabbit polyclonal anti-sera and murine monoclonal antibodies against ABF-I to screen a λgt11 expression library. Four EcoRI restriction fragments were isolated which encoded proteins that were recognized by both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. A gene disruption can now be constructed to determine the in vivo function of ABF-I.


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The aromatic core of double helical DNA possesses the unique and remarkable ability to form a conduit for electrons to travel over exceptionally long molecular distances. This core of π-stacked nucleobases creates an efficient pathway for charge transfer to proceed that is exquisitely sensitive to even subtle perturbations. Ground state electrochemistry of DNA-modified electrodes has been one of the major techniques used both to investigate and to harness the property of DNA-mediated charge transfer. DNA-modified electrodes have been an essential tool for both gaining insights into the fundamental properties of DNA and, due to the exquisite specificity of DNA-mediated charge transfer for the integrity of the π-stack, for use in next generation diagnostic sensing. Here, multiplexed DNA-modified electrodes are used to (i) gain new insights on the electrochemical coupling of metalloproteins to the DNA π-stack with relevance to the fundaments of in vivo DNA-mediated charge transfer and (ii) enhance the overall sensitivity of DNA-mediated reduction for use in the detection of low abundance diagnostic targets.

First, Methylene Blue (MB′) was covalently attached to DNA through a flexible C12 alkyl linker to yield a new redox reporter for DNA electrochemistry measurements with enhanced sensitivity. Tethered, intercalated MB′ was reduced through DNA-mediated charge transport. The redox signal intensity for MB′-dT-C12-DNA was found to be at least 3 fold larger than that of previously used Nile Blue (NB)-dT-DNA, which is coupled to the base stack via direct conjugation. The signal attenuation, due to an intervening mismatch, and therefore the degree of DNA-mediated reduction, does, however, depend on the DNA film morphology and the backfilling agent used to passivate the surface. These results highlight two possible mechanisms for the reduction of MB′ on the DNA-modified electrode that are distinguishable by their kinetics: reduction mediated by the DNA base pair stack and direct surface reduction of MB′ at the electrode. The extent of direct reduction at the surface can be minimized by overall DNA assembly conditions.

Next, a series of intercalation-based DNA-mediated electrochemical reporters were developed, using a flexible alkane linkage to validate and explore their DNA-mediated reduction. The general mechanism for the reduction of distally bound redox active species, covalently tethered to DNA through flexible alkyl linkages, was established to be an intraduplex DNA-mediated pathway. MB, NB, and anthraquinone were covalently tethered to DNA with three different covalent linkages. The extent of electronic coupling of the reporter was shown to correlate with the DNA binding affinity of the redox active species, supporting an intercalative mechanism. These electrochemical signals were shown to be exceptionally sensitive to a single intervening π-stack perturbation, an AC mismatch, in a densely packed DNA monolayer, which further supports that the reduction is DNA-mediated. Finally, this DNA-mediated reduction of MB occurs primarily via intra- rather than inter duplex intercalation, as probed through varying the proximity and integrity of the neighboring duplex DNA. Further gains to electrochemical sensitivity of our DNA-modified devices were then achieved through the application of electrocatalytic signal amplification using these solvent accessible intercalative reporters, MB-dT-C8, and hemoglobin as a novel electron sink. Electrocatalysis offers an excellent means of electrochemical signal amplification, yet in DNA based sensors, its application has been limited due to strict assembly conditions. We describe the use of hemoglobin as a robust and effective electron sink for electrocatalysis in DNA sensing on low density DNA films. Protein shielding of the heme redox center minimizes direct reduction at the electrode surface and permits assays on low density DNA films. Electrocatalysis of MB that is covalently tethered to the DNA by a flexible alkyl linkage allows for efficient interactions with both the base stack and hemoglobin. Consistent suppression of the redox signal upon incorporation of single CA mismatch in the DNA oligomer demonstrates that both the unamplified and the electrocatalytically amplified redox signals are generated through DNA-mediated charge transport. Electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is robust: it is stable to pH and temperature variations. The utility and applicability of electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is demonstrated through restriction enzyme detection, and an enhancement in sensitivity permits femtomole DNA sampling.

Finally, we expanded the application of our multiplexed DNA-modified electrodes to the electrochemical characterization of DNA-bound proteins containing [4Fe-4S] clusters. DNA-modified electrodes have become an essential tool for the characterization of the redox chemistry of DNA repair proteins that contain redox cofactors. Multiplexed analysis of EndonucleaseIII (EndoIII), a DNA repair protein containing a [4Fe-4S] cluster known to be accessible via DNA-mediated charge transport, elucidated subtle differences in the electrochemical behavior as a function of DNA morphology. DNA-bound EndoIII is seen to have two different electron transfer pathways for reduction, either through the DNA base stack or through direct surface reduction. Closely packed DNA films, where the protein has limited surface accessibility, produce electrochemical signals reflecting electron transfer that is DNA-mediated. The electrochemical comparison of EndoIII mutants, including a new family of mutations altering the electrostatics surrounding the [4Fe-4S] cluster, was able to be quantitatively performed. While little change in the midpoint potential was found for this family of mutants, significant variations in the efficiency of DNA-mediated electron transfer were apparent. Based on the stability of these proteins, examined by circular dichroism, we propose that the electron transfer pathway can be perturbed not only by the removal of aromatic residues, but also through changes in solvation near the cluster.


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A series of eight related analogs of distamycin A has been synthesized. Footprinting and affinity cleaving reveal that only two of the analogs, pyridine-2- car box amide-netropsin (2-Py N) and 1-methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netrops in (2-ImN), bind to DNA with a specificity different from that of the parent compound. A new class of sites, represented by a TGACT sequence, is a strong site for 2-PyN binding, and the major recognition site for 2-ImN on DNA. Both compounds recognize the G•C bp specifically, although A's and T's in the site may be interchanged without penalty. Additional A•T bp outside the binding site increase the binding affinity. The compounds bind in the minor groove of the DNA sequence, but protect both grooves from dimethylsulfate. The binding evidence suggests that 2-PyN or 2-ImN binding induces a DNA conformational change.

In order to understand this sequence specific complexation better, the Ackers quantitative footprinting method for measuring individual site affinity constants has been extended to small molecules. MPE•Fe(II) cleavage reactions over a 10^5 range of free ligand concentrations are analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The decrease in cleavage is calculated by densitometry of a gel autoradiogram. The apparent fraction of DNA bound is then calculated from the amount of cleavage protection. The data is fitted to a theoretical curve using non-linear least squares techniques. Affinity constants at four individual sites are determined simultaneously. The distamycin A analog binds solely at A•T rich sites. Affinities range from 10^(6)- 10^(7)M^(-1) The data for parent compound D fit closely to a monomeric binding curve. 2-PyN binds both A•T sites and the TGTCA site with an apparent affinity constant of 10^(5) M^(-1). 2-ImN binds A•T sites with affinities less than 5 x 10^(4) M^(-1). The affinity of 2-ImN for the TGTCA site does not change significantly from the 2-PyN value. At the TGTCA site, the experimental data fit a dimeric binding curve better than a monomeric curve. Both 2-PyN and 2-ImN have substantially lower DNA affinities than closely related compounds.

In order to probe the requirements of this new binding site, fourteen other derivatives have been synthesized and tested. All compounds that recognize the TGTCA site have a heterocyclic aromatic nitrogen ortho to the N or C-terminal amide of the netropsin subunit. Specificity is strongly affected by the overall length of the small molecule. Only compounds that consist of at least three aromatic rings linked by amides exhibit TGTCA site binding. Specificity is only weakly altered by substitution on the pyridine ring, which correlates best with steric factors. A model is proposed for TGTCA site binding that has as its key feature hydrogen bonding to both G's by the small molecule. The specificity is determined by the sequence dependence of the distance between G's.

One derivative of 2-PyN exhibits pH dependent sequence specificity. At low pH, 4-dimethylaminopyridine-2-carboxamide-netropsin binds tightly to A•T sites. At high pH, 4-Me_(2)NPyN binds most tightly to the TGTCA site. In aqueous solution, this compound protonates at the pyridine nitrogen at pH 6. Thus presence of the protonated form correlates with A•T specificity.

The binding site of a class of eukaryotic transcriptional activators typified by yeast protein GCN4 and the mammalian oncogene Jun contains a strong 2-ImN binding site. Specificity requirements for the protein and small molecule are similar. GCN4 and 2-lmN bind simultaneously to the same binding site. GCN4 alters the cleavage pattern of 2-ImN-EDTA derivative at only one of its binding sites. The details of the interaction suggest that GCN4 alters the conformation of an AAAAAAA sequence adjacent to its binding site. The presence of a yeast counterpart to Jun partially blocks 2-lmN binding. The differences do not appear to be caused by direct interactions between 2-lmN and the proteins, but by induced conformational changes in the DNA protein complex. It is likely that the observed differences in complexation are involved in the varying sequence specificity of these proteins.