939 resultados para Aerial photography in soil surveys.


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A toxic effect of a,a-trehalose in an angiospermic plant, Cuscuta reflexa (dodder), Is described. This disaccharide and Its analogs, 2-aminotrehalose and 4-aminotbhakose, induced a raid blackening of the terminal region of the vine which is Involved in elongation growth. From the results of in vitro growth of several angkiopermic plants and determination of trehalase activity in them, it is concluded that the toxic effect of trehalose in Cucaa is because of the very low trehalas activity In the vine. As a result, trehalose accumulates In the vine and interferes with some process closely associated with growth. The growth potential of Lemma (a duckweed) in a medium containing trehalose as the carbon source was ihreversibly lost upon addition of trealosamine, an Inhibitor of trehalase activity. It is concluded that, if allowed to accumulate within the tissue, trehalose may be potentiaMly toxic or inhibitory to higher plants in generaL The presence of trhalase actvity in plants, where Its substrate has not been found to occur, is envisged to relieve the plant from the toxic effects of trehalose which it may encounter in soil or during association with fungi or insects.


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The mechanisms and control of hardseededness in the 3 Australian cultivars of the genus Desmanthus were investigated in a series of experiments in which the effects of various seedsoftening treatments, particularly boiling water, were measured. Desmanthus seed is predominantly hard, only defective seeds being normally otherwise. As it has only very brief, early embryo dormancy, hardseededness is the only serious barrier to germination. Seed is most readily softened through rupture of the palisade at the lens (strophiole). The lens is of a typically mimosaceous type which is readily ruptured by immersion in boiling water or less readily by application of pressure to adjacent parts of the testa. Ruptures may consist only of separation of the palisade from underlying tissue, which alone does not confer permeability; mostly they also result in fractures to the palisade that then render seeds irreversibly permeable. The palisade becomes reflective as it separates, which allows the event to be witnessed at the moment of separation if suitable pressure is applied to the testa of an individual seed while it is viewed under magnification. Brief (4–10 seconds) immersion of highquality seed in boiling water consistently softened a high proportion of seeds without causing serious damage. Extending the duration of immersion led to a progressive increase in the proportion of seed deaths. Neither previous boiling water treatment nor scarification damage to the testa materially affected results of treatment, but immature and small seeds behaved differently, being more vulnerable to damage than mature seed, and less likely to undergo lens rupture. Adaptation of boiling water treatment to farm-scale seed handling was simple and reliable. Commercial treatment of seed by an alternative method suitable for greater bulks and consisting of passage through a rice-whitener was checked and found to be successful through a combination of gentle scarification and lens rupture, both attributable to the numerous minor impacts of the process. Percentage emergence of seedlings from soil in the greenhouse closely followed percentage laboratory germination, except when inferior seed grades were included in the comparison, when emergence was poor. Very little seed softened in soil. Already-permeable seed either germinated rapidly or died, while buried hard seed mostly remained hard and viable even more than a year after sowing.


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Two-spotted mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, was until recently regarded as a minor and infrequent pest of papaya in Queensland through the dry late winter/early summer months. The situation has changed over the past 4-5 years, so that now some growers consider spider mites significant pests all year round. This altered pest status corresponded with a substantial increase in the use of fungicides to control black spot (Asperisporium caricae). A project was initiated in 1998 to examine the potential reasons for escalating mite problems in commercially-grown papaya, which included regular sampling over a 2 year period for mites, mite damage and beneficial arthropods on a number of farms on the wet tropical coast and drier Atherton Tableland. Differences in soil type, papaya variety, chemical use and some agronomic practices were included in this assessment. Monthly visits were made to each site where 20 randomly-selected plants from each of 2 papaya lines (yellow and red types) were surveyed. Three leaves were selected from each plant, one from each of the bottom, middle and top strata of leaves. The numbers of mobile predators were recorded, along with visual estimates of the percentage and age of mite damage on each leaf. Leaves were then sprayed with hairspray to fix the mites and immature predators to the leaf surface. Four leaf disks, 25 mm in diameter, were then punched from each leaf into a 50 ml storage container with a purpose-built disk-cutting tool. Disks from each leaf position were separated by tissue paper, within the container. On return to the laboratory, each leaf disk was scrutinised under a binocular microscope to determine the numbers of two-spotted mites and eggs, predatory mites and eggs, and the immature stages of predatory insects (mainly Stethorus, Halmus and lacewings). A total of 2160 leaf disks have been examined each month. All data have been entered into an Access database to facilitate comparisons between sites.


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Continuous cultivation and cereal cropping of southern Queensland soils previously supporting native vegetation have resulted in reduced soil nitrogen supply, and consequently decreased cereal grain yields and low grain protein. To enhance yields and protein concentrations of wheat, management practices involving N fertiliser application, with no-tillage and stubble retention, grain legumes, and legume leys were evaluated from 1987 to 1998 on a fertility-depleted Vertosol at Warra, southern Queensland. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lucerne in a 2-year lucerne–wheat rotation for its nitrogen and disease-break benefits to subsequent grain yield and protein content of wheat as compared with continuous wheat cropping. Dry matter production and nitrogen yields of lucerne were closely correlated with the total rainfall for October–September as well as March–September rainfall. Each 100 mm of total rainfall resulted in 0.97 t/ha of dry matter and 26 kg/ha of nitrogen yield. For the March–September rainfall, the corresponding values were 1.26 t/ha of dry matter and 36 kg/ha of nitrogen yield. The latter values were 10% lower than those produced by annual medics during a similar period. Compared with wheat–wheat cropping, significant increases in total soil nitrogen were observed only in 1990, 1992 and 1994 but increases in soil mineralisable nitrogen were observed in most years following lucerne. Similarly, pre-plant nitrate nitrogen in the soil profile following lucerne was higher by 74 kg/ha (9–167 kg N/ha) than that of wheat–wheat without N fertiliser in all years except 1996. Consequently, higher wheat grain protein (7 out of 9 seasons) and grain yield (4 out of 9 seasons) were produced compared with continuous wheat. There was significant depression in grain yield in 2 (1993 and 1995) out of 9 seasons attributed to soil moisture depletion and/or low growing season rainfall. Consequently, the overall responses in yield were lower than those of 50 kg/ha of fertiliser nitrogen applied to wheat–wheat crops, 2-year medic–wheat or chickpea–wheat rotation, although grain protein concentrations were higher following lucerne. The incidence and severity of the soilborne disease, common root rot of wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, was generally higher in lucerne–wheat than in continuous wheat with no nitrogen fertiliser applications, since its severity was significantly correlated with plant available water at sowing. No significant incidence of crown rot or root lesion nematode was observed. Thus, productivity, which was mainly due to nitrogen accretion in this experiment, can be maintained where short duration lucerne leys are grown in rotations with wheat.


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The chemical control of groundnut white grubs, Holotrichia serrata F. and H. reynaudi Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), was studied in south--central India. Microplot trials demonstrated that chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid seed--dressings were effective against H. serrata at rates as low as 0.6 and 3.5 g a.i. kg-1, respectively, while microplot and on--farm trials showed that 1.2 and 3.5 g a.i. kg-1of chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid, respectively, were required for H. reynaudi. Chlorpyrifos residue analyses indicated that at 20 days after sowing (d.a.s.) rates up to 5.0 g a.i. kg-1 produced residues in soil and groundnut seedlings markedly below the relevant MRL, and no detectable residues at harvest under the southern Indian rainy--season environment. A farmer survey found that in Andhra Pradesh (AP), insecticides (chlorpyrifos and phorate) were applied for white grub control in 37.5% of farms sampled, while no insecticides were applied for this purpose in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The white grub density on farms in AP where insecticide had been applied averaged 0.07 larvae m-2, compared to 1.04 larvae m-2 in the remaining AP farms. In AP, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, 70%, 42% and 39% of currently untreated groundnut fields, respectively, exceed the provisional economic threshold. A survey in the Anantapur district of AP found that farmer’s target and achieved rates for seed treatment averaged 0.44 and 0.52 g a.i. kg-1, both below optimal rates determined in microplot experiments. These data provide the foundation for an effective and sustainable program of management for groundnut white grubs in south--central India by providing key efficacy data and baseline data on farmer insecticide- use patterns.


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A study was undertaken from 2004 to 2007 to investigate factors associated with decreased efficacy of metalaxyl to manage damping-off of cucumber in Oman. A survey over six growing seasons showed that growers lost up to 14.6% of seedlings following application of metalaxyl. No resistance to metalaxyl was found among Pythium isolates. Damping-off disease in the surveyed greenhouses followed two patterns. In most (69%) greenhouses, seedling mortality was found to occur shortly after transplanting and decrease thereafter (Phase-I). However, a second phase of seedling mortality (Phase-II) appeared 9-14 d after transplanting in about 31% of the surveyed greenhouses. Analysis of the rate of biodegradation of metalaxyl in six greenhouses indicated a significant increase in the rate of metalaxyl biodegradation in greenhouses, which encountered Phase-II damping-off. The half-life of metalaxyl dropped from 93 d in soil, which received no previous metalaxyl treatment to 14 d in soil, which received metalaxyl for eight consecutive seasons, indicating an enhanced rate of metalaxyl biodegradation after repeated use. Multiple applications of metalaxyl helped reduce the appearance of Phase-II damping-off. This appears to be the first report of rapid biodegradation of metalaxyl in greenhouse soils and the first report of its association with appearance of a second phase of mortality in cucumber seedlings.


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An urgent need exists for indicators of soil health and patch functionality in extensive rangelands that can be measured efficiently and at low cost. Soil mites are candidate indicators, but their identification and handling is so specialised and time-consuming that their inclusion in routine monitoring is unlikely. The aim of this study was to measure the relationship between patch type and mite assemblages using a conventional approach. An additional aim was to determine if a molecular approach traditionally used for soil microbes could be adapted for soil mites to overcome some of the bottlenecks associated with soil fauna diversity assessment. Soil mite species abundance and diversity were measured using conventional ecological methods in soil from patches with perennial grass and litter cover (PGL), and compared to soil from bare patches with annual grasses and/or litter cover (BAL). Soil mite assemblages were also assessed using a molecular method called terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis. The conventional data showed a relationship between patch type and mite assemblage. The Prostigmata and Oribatida were well represented in the PGL sites, particularly the Aphelacaridae (Oribatida). For T-RFLP analysis, the mite community was represented by a series of DNA fragment lengths that reflected mite sequence diversity. The T-RFLP data showed a distinct difference in the mite assemblage between the patch types. Where possible, T-RFLP peaks were matched to mite families using a reference 18S rDNA database, and the Aphelacaridae prevalent in the conventional samples at PGL sites were identified, as were prostigmatids and oribatids. We identified limits to the T-RFLP approach and this included an inability to distinguish some species whose DNA sequences were similar. Despite these limitations, the data still showed a clear difference between sites, and the molecular taxonomic inferences also compared well with the conventional ecological data. The results from this study indicated that the T-RFLP approach was effective in measuring mite assemblages in this system. The power of this technique lies in the fact that species diversity and abundance data can be obtained quickly because of the time taken to process hundreds of samples, from soil DNA extraction to data output on the gene analyser, can be as little as 4 days.


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To improve the sustainability and environmental accountability of the banana industry there is a need to develop a set of soil health indicators that integrate physical, chemical and biological soil properties. These indicators would allow banana growers, extension and research workers to improve soil health management practices. To determine changes in soil properties due to the cultivation of bananas, a paired site survey was conducted comparing soil properties under conventional banana systems to less intensively managed vegetation systems, such as pastures and forest. Measurements were made on physical, chemical and biological soil properties at seven locations in tropical and sub-tropical banana producing areas. Soil nematode community composition was used as a bioindicator of the biological properties of the soil. Soils under conventional banana production tended to have a greater soil bulk density, with less soil organic carbon (C) (both total C and labile C), greater exchangeable cations, higher extractable P, greater numbers of plant-parasitic nematodes and less nematode diversity, relative to less intensively managed plant systems. The organic banana production systems at two locations had greater labile C, relative to conventional banana systems, but there was no significant change in nematode community composition. There were significant interactions between physical, chemical and nematode community measurements in the soil, particularly with soil C measurements, confirming the need for a holistic set of indicators to aid soil management. There was no single indicator of soil health for the Australian banana industry, but a set of soil health indicators, which would allow the measurement of soil improvements should include: bulk density, soil C, pH, EC, total N, extractable P, ECEC and soil nematode community structure.


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The effects of inorganic amendments (fertilisers and pesticides) on soil biota that are reported in the scientific literature are, to say the least, variable. Though there is clear evidence that certain products can have significant impacts, the effects can be positive or negative. This is not surprising when you consider the number of organisms and amount of different functional groups, the number of products and various rates at which they could be applied, the methods of application and the environmental differences that occur in soil at a micro scale (within centimetres) in a paddock, let alone between paddocks, farms, catchments, regions etc. It therefore becomes extremely difficult to draw definitive conclusions from the reported results in order to summarise the impacts of these inputs. Several research trials and review papers have been published on this subject and most similarly conclude that the implications of many of the effects are still uncertain.


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Dairy farms in subtropical Australia use irrigated, annually sown short-term ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) or mixtures of short-term ryegrass and white (Trifolium repens) and Persian (shaftal) (T. resupinatum) clover during the winter-spring period in all-year-round milk production systems. A series of small plot cutting experiments was conducted in 3 dairying regions (tropical upland, north Queensland, and subtropical southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales) to determine the most effective rate and frequency of application of nitrogen (N) fertiliser. The experiments were not grazed, nor was harvested material returned to the plots, after sampling. Rates up to 100 kg N/ha.month (as urea or calcium ammonium nitrate) and up to 200 kg N/ha every 2 months (as urea) were applied to pure stands of ryegrass in 1991. In 1993 and 1994, urea, at rates up to 150 kg N/ha.month and to 200 kg N/ha every 2 months, was applied to pure stands of ryegrass; urea, at rates up to 50 kg N/ha.month, was also applied to ryegrass-clover mixtures. The results indicate that applications of 50-85 kg N/ha.month can be recommended for short-term ryegrass pastures throughout the subtropics and tropical uplands of eastern Australia, irrespective of soil type. At this rate, dry matter yields will reach about 90% of their potential, forage nitrogen concentration will be increased, there is minimal risk to stock from nitrate poisoning and there will be no substantial increase in soil N. The rate of N for ryegrass-clover pastures is slightly higher than for pure ryegrass but, at these rates, the clover component will be suppressed. However, increased ryegrass yields and higher forage nitrogen concentrations will compensate for the reduced clover component. At application rates up to 100 kg N/ha.month, build-up of NO3--N and NH4+-N in soil was generally restricted to the surface layers (0-20 cm) of the soil, but there was a substantial increase throughout the soil profile at 150 kg N/ha.month. The build-up of NO3--N and NH4+-N was greater and was found at lower rates on the lighter soil compared with heavy clays. Generally, most of the soil N was in the NO3--N form and most was in the top 20 cm.


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No-tillage (NT) practice, where straw is retained on the soil surface, is increasingly being used in cereal cropping systems in Australia and elsewhere. Compared to conventional tillage (CT), where straw is mixed with the ploughed soil, NT practice may reduce straw decomposition, increase nitrogen immobilisation and increase organic carbon in the soil. This study examined 15N-labelled wheat straw (stubble) decomposition in four treatments (NT v. CT, with N rates of 0 and 75 kg/ha.year) and assessed the tillage and fertiliser N effects on mineral N and organic C and N levels over a 10-year period in a field experiment. NT practice decreased the rate of straw decomposition while fertiliser N application increased it. However, there was no tillage practice x N interaction. The mean residence time of the straw N in soil was more than twice as long under the NT (1.2 years) as compared to the CT practice (0.5 years). In comparison, differences in mean residence time due to N fertiliser treatment were small. However, tillage had generally very little effect on either the amounts of mineral N at sowing or soil organic C (and N) over the study period. While application of N fertiliser increased mineral N, it had very little effect on organic C over a 10-year period. Relatively rapid decomposition of straw and short mean residence time of straw N in a Vertisol is likely to have very little long-term effect on N immobilisation and organic C level in an annual cereal cropping system in a subtropical, semiarid environment. Thus, changing the tillage practice from CT to NT may not necessitate additional N requirement unless use is made of additional stored water in the soil or mineral N loss due to increased leaching is compensated for in N supply to crops.


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In Australia communities are concerned about atrazine being detected in drinking water supplies. It is important to understand mechanisms by which atrazine is transported from paddocks to waterways if we are to reduce movement of agricultural chemicals from the site of application. Two paddocks cropped with grain sorghum on a Black Vertosol were monitored for atrazine, potassium chloride (KCl) extractable atrazine, desethylatrazine (DEA), and desisopropylatrazine (DIA) at 4 soil depths (0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, and 0.20-0.30 m) and in runoff water and runoff sediment. Atrazine + DEA + DIA (total atrazine) had a half-life in soil of 16-20 days, more rapid dissipation than in many earlier reports. Atrazine extracted in dilute potassium chloride, considered available for weed control, was initially 34% of the total and had a half-life of 15-20 days until day 30, after which it dissipated rapidly with a half life of 6 days. We conclude that, in this region, atrazine may not pose a risk for groundwater contamination, as only 0.5% of applied atrazine moved deeper than 0.20 m into the soil, where it dissipated rapidly. In runoff (including suspended sediment) atrazine concentrations were greatest during the first runoff event (57 days after application) (85 μg/L) and declined with time. After 160 days, the total atrazine lost in runoff was 0.4% of the initial application. The total atrazine concentration in runoff was strongly related to the total concentration in soil, as expected. Even after 98% of the KCl-extractable atrazine had dissipated (and no longer provided weed control), runoff concentrations still exceeded the human health guideline value of 40 μg/L. For total atrazine in soil (0-0.05 m), the range for coefficient of soil sorption (Kd) was 1.9-28.4 mL/g and for soil organic carbon sorption (KOC) was 100-2184 mL/g, increasing with time of contact with the soil and rapid dissipation of the more soluble, available phase. Partition coefficients in runoff for total atrazine were initially 3, increasing to 32 and 51 with time, values for DEA being half these. To minimise atrazine losses, cultural practices that maximise rain infiltration, and thereby minimise runoff, and minimise concentrations in the soil surface should be adopted.


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The European wild rabbit has been considered Australia’s worst vertebrate pest and yet little effort appears to have gone into producing maps of rabbit distribution and density. Mapping the distribution and density of pests is an important step in effective management. A map is essential for estimating the extent of damage caused and for efficiently planning and monitoring the success of pest control operations. This paper describes the use of soil type and point data to prepare a map showing the distribution and density of rabbits in Australia. The potential for the method to be used for mapping other vertebrate pests is explored. The approach used to prepare the map is based on that used for rabbits in Queensland (Berman et al. 1998). An index of rabbit density was determined using the number of Spanish rabbit fleas released per square kilometre for each Soil Map Unit (Atlas of Australian Soils). Spanish rabbit fleas were released into active rabbit warrens at 1606 sites in the early 1990s as an additional vector for myxoma virus and the locations of the releases were recorded using a Global Positioning System (GPS). Releases were predominantly in arid areas but some fleas were released in south east Queensland and the New England Tablelands of New South Wales. The map produced appears to reflect well the distribution and density of rabbits, at least in the areas where Spanish fleas were released. Rabbit pellet counts conducted in 2007 at 54 sites across an area of south east South Australia, south eastern Queensland, and parts of New South Wales (New England Tablelands and south west) in soil Map Units where Spanish fleas were released, provided a preliminary means to ground truth the map. There was a good relationship between mean pellet count score and the index of abundance for soil Map Units. Rabbit pellet counts may allow extension of the map into other parts of Australia where there were no Spanish rabbit fleas released and where there may be no other consistent information on rabbit location and density. The recent Equine Influenza outbreak provided a further test of the value of this mapping method. The distribution and density of domestic horses were mapped to provide estimates of the number of horses in various regions. These estimates were close to the actual numbers of horses subsequently determined from vaccination records and registrations. The soil Map Units are not simply soil types they contain information on landuse and vegetation and the soil classification is relatively localised. These properties make this mapping method useful, not only for rabbits, but also for other species that are not so dependent on soil type for survival.


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Background: The incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in most EU states has gradually increased and the rate of newly diagnosed HIV cases has doubled since 1999. STIs differ in their clinical features, prognosis and transmission dynamics, though they do share a common factor in their mode of transmission −that is, human behaviour. The evolvement of STI epidemiology involves a joint action of biological, epidemiological and societal factors. Of the more immediate factors, besides timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, STI incidence is influenced by population patterns of sexual risk behaviour, particularly the number of sexual partners and the frequency of unprotected intercourse. Assessment of sexual behaviour, its sociodemographic determinants and time-trends are important in understanding the distribution and dynamic of STI epidemiology. Additionally, in the light of the basic structural determinants, such as increased level of migration, changes in gender dynamics and impacts from globalization, with its increasing alignment of values and beliefs, can reveal future challenges related to STI epidemiology. STI case surveillance together with surveillance on sexual behaviour can guide the identification of preventive strategies, assess their effectiveness and predict emerging trends. The objective of this study was to provide base line data on sexual risk behaviour, self-reported STIs and their patterns by sociodemographic factors as well as associations of sexual risk behaviour with substance use among young men in Finland and Estonia. In Finland national population based data on adult men s sexual behaviour is limited. The findings are discussed in the context of STI epidemiology as well as their possible implications for public health policies and prevention strategies. Materials and Methods: Data from three different cross-sectional population-based surveys conducted in Finland and Estonia, during 1998 2005, were used. Sexual behaviour- and health-related questions were incorporated in two surveys in Finland; the Health 2000, a large scale general health survey, focussed on young adults, and the Military health behavioural survey on military conscripts participating in the mandatory military training. Through research collaboration with Estonia, similar questions to the Finnish surveys were introduced to the second Estonian HIV/AIDS survey, which was targeted at young adults. All surveys applied mail-returned, anonymous, self-administered questionnaires with multiple choice formatted answers. Results: In Finland, differences in sexual behaviour between young men and women were minor. An age-stratified analysis revealed that the sex-related difference observed in the youngest age group (18 19 years) levelled off in the age group 20 24 and almost disappeared among those aged 25 29. Marital status was the most important sociodemographic correlate for sexual behaviour for both sexes, singles reporting higher numbers of lifetime-partners and condom use. This effect was stronger for women than for men. However, of those who had sex with casual partners, 15% were married or co-habiting, with no difference between male and female respondents. According to the Military health behavioural survey, young men s sexual risk behaviour in Finland did not markedly change over a period of time between 1998 and 2005. Approximately 30−40% of young men had had multiple sex partners (more than five) in their lifetime, over 20% reported having had multiple sex partners (at least three) over the past year and 50% did not use a condom in their last sexual intercourse. Some 10% of men reported accumulation of risk factors, i.e. having had both, multiple sex partners and not used a condom in their last intercourse, over the past year of the survey. When differences and similarities were viewed within Finland and Estonia, a clear sociodemographic patterning of sexual risk behaviour and self-reported STIs was found in Finland, but a somewhat less consistent trend in Estonia. Generally, both, alcohol and drug use were strong correlates for sexual risk behaviour and self-reported STIs in Finland and Estonia, having a greater effect on engagement with multiple sex partners rather than unprotected intercourse or self-reported STIs. In Finland alcohol use, relative to drug use, was a stronger predictor of sexual risk behaviour and self-reported STIs, while in Estonia drug use predicted sexual risk behaviour and self-reported STIs stronger than alcohol use. Conclusions: The study results point to the importance for prevention of sexual risk behaviour, particularly strategies that integrate sexual risk with alcohol and drug use risks. The results point to the need to focus further research on sexual behaviour and STIs among young people; on tracking trends among general population as well as applying in-depth research to identify and learn from vulnerable and high-risk population groups for STIs who are exposed to a combination of risk factors.


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In 2006, Tobacco streak virus (TSV) was identified as the causal agent of the devastating sunflower necrosis disease in central Queensland (CQ), and subsequently in 2007 as the cause of major losses in mungbeans in the same area. It has been a major factor in the recent downturn in the sunflower industry in CQ. Surveys in 2007/2008 as part of a one year scoping study (project 03DAQ005) found TSV in cotton in CQ. The symptoms were mostly confined to the feeding sites of the thrips and appeared as reddish spots and rings, but only occasionally the plants were systemically infected and showed a chlorotic mosaic and leaf deformation. The major objectives of this project (DAQ0002) were to determine: the incidence and distribution of TSV in cotton and its likely effect on yield; the thrips vector species associated with TSV infections in cotton; and the factors that may lead to systemic infections. In contrast to the extensive damage observed in sunflower and mungbean crops from the same region, TSV has caused no measurable damage in commercial cotton crops surveyed in CQ over the seasons 2008/9 to 2010/11. No TSV infected cotton was found in regions outside of CQ and the geographical distribution of TSV disease in cotton (and other susceptible hosts) appears to be closely related to the distribution of the major alternative host, parthenium weed. The most likely thrips species responsible for transmission of TSV into cotton is the tomato thrips (Frankliniella schultzei) and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci). Systemically infected plants are rarely seen in commercial crops and have also been rarely produced in controlled tests. It appears that systemic infection may be transient with only mild symptoms being produced intermittently. With current cultivars and conditions, it appears likely that TSV will continue to cause only minor levels of mild local lesions with no impact on yield in cotton crops. It appears that no specific control strategies are required to limit the impact of TSV in cotton. However, general farm hygiene to minimise the presence of the major alternative host of TSV, parthenium weed, is advised and may be of vital importance if TSV susceptible rotational crops such as mung beans are grown.