922 resultados para Adipose browning
Sintetizar, de forma sistem??tica, las t??cnicas de modificaci??n de conducta del deficiente mental. Muestra de cuatro sujetos de edades comprendidas entre 4 y 16 a??os afectados de diversos grados de deficiencia mental. La primera parte de la tesina realiza una extensa revisi??n de la bibliograf??a existente sobre teor??as cognitivas, teor??as del aprendizaje, el retardo en el desarrollo, t??cnicas de modificaci??n de la conducta en la deficiencia mental, an??lisis de la conducta, etc. Posteriormente realiza una exposici??n de casos pr??cticos donde analiza diversos casos concretos, diagnostica la modificaci??n de conducta adecuada para cada caso, planifica la estrategia para llevarla a cabo, la aplica y analiza los resultados. Observaci??n seg??n Vance-Hall, anotando un cierto tipo de sucesos. Dise??o AB seg??n Browning y Storer. Tests: Goodenough, Terman-Merrill, PAC, BG, dibujo espont??neo. Representaciones gr??ficas. Distribuci??n de frecuencias. An??lisis de contenido. La aplicaci??n de las distintas estrategias que utiliza en todos los casos para conseguir la modificaci??n de conducta le permiten lograr, en gran medida, sus objetivos. Manifiestan evoluciones en todos los casos, aumentando las conductas verbales, disminuyendo las conductas de rechazo, aumento de la afectividad hacia otras personas, aumento de la socializaci??n, etc..
This series of experiments attempted to characterize the abilities of stem cells derived from bone marrow and adipose tissue to integrate into the sensory epithelium of the inner ear and to differentiate into hair cells or neural cell types.
The Convective Storm Initiation Project (CSIP) is an international project to understand precisely where, when, and how convective clouds form and develop into showers in the mainly maritime environment of southern England. A major aim of CSIP is to compare the results of the very high resolution Met Office weather forecasting model with detailed observations of the early stages of convective clouds and to use the newly gained understanding to improve the predictions of the model. A large array of ground-based instruments plus two instrumented aircraft, from the U.K. National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) and the German Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), Karlsruhe, were deployed in southern England, over an area centered on the meteorological radars at Chilbolton, during the summers of 2004 and 2005. In addition to a variety of ground-based remote-sensing instruments, numerous rawin-sondes were released at one- to two-hourly intervals from six closely spaced sites. The Met Office weather radar network and Meteosat satellite imagery were used to provide context for the observations made by the instruments deployed during CSIP. This article presents an overview of the CSIP field campaign and examples from CSIP of the types of convective initiation phenomena that are typical in the United Kingdom. It shows the way in which certain kinds of observational data are able to reveal these phenomena and gives an explanation of how the analyses of data from the field campaign will be used in the development of an improved very high resolution NWP model for operational use.