955 resultados para Acidentes por quedas
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A vespa social Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) é bastante abundante e endêmica nos Estados de São Paulo e sul de Minas Gerais. Os indivíduos da espécie causam um elevado número de acidentes de importância médica. Após a ferroada a vítima pode experimentar reações imunológicas locais e/ou sistêmicas, que em alguns casos podem conduzir a anafilaxia e morte. O diagnóstico e terapia de alergia à ferroada de P. paulista é baseado no uso de extrato de veneno bruto o que se associa à ocorrência de reatividade cruzada e reações imunológicas adversas durante a imunoterapia. O uso de alérgenos recombinantes (r) tem-se mostrado como uma alternativa interessante para reduzir o impacto destas desvantagens. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas diferentes condições para otimizar a expressão recombinante e solubilização dos corpúsculos de inclusão da fosfolipase A1 (Poly p 1) (70kDa) do veneno de P. paulista previamente obtida mediante expressão heteróloga no sistema procariótico, Escherichia coli. Os resultados aqui obtidos contribuirão para aumentar as quantidades do r Poly p 1 necessárias para sua avaliação bioquímica e imunológica, e finalmente para melhorar os resultados do diagnóstico e imunoterapia específica de alergia ao veneno de P. paulista
The modernization of the world made the speed, accuracy and reliability of all existing processes become increasingly necessary. For this evolution to occur every day, the evolution of the equipment was strategic, but not as much as needed. It is necessary for such equipment to ensure its function and, in case of failure, an early diagnosis to prevent loss. Therefore the evolution of maintainability and reliability in equipment is also paramount. Thus, the growth of forms of maintenance was driven by this scenario, forming maintenance philosophies. Among many, there is the RCM, which have its focus on the identification, parameters development and performance preview. One of those methodologies from this idea is the FMEA, process that has been studied and implemented this work, aiming the anticipation of failure modes and guidance for the use of a heat exchanger and a pump. This implementation has the aid of another process of RCM, the PHA, which was also shown and implemented, these results being used to start the FMEA process. The results show the activities with the highest chance of failure, presenting also the measures to be taken to avoid or minimize them. It is shown, in this paper, concern with the valves because they maintain control and system security, and its flaws related to accidents with possible danger to people and the whole system, emphasizing the priority of action
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A vespa social Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) é bastante abundante e endêmica nos Estados de São Paulo e sul de Minas Gerais. Os indivíduos da espécie causam um elevado número de acidentes de importância médica. Após a ferroada a vítima pode experimentar reações imunológicas locais e/ou sistêmicas, que em alguns casos podem conduzir a anafilaxia e morte. O diagnóstico e terapia de alergia à ferroada de P. paulista é baseado no uso de extrato de veneno bruto o que se associa à ocorrência de reatividade cruzada e reações imunológicas adversas durante a imunoterapia. O uso de alérgenos recombinantes (r) tem-se mostrado como uma alternativa interessante para reduzir o impacto destas desvantagens. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas diferentes condições para otimizar a expressão recombinante e solubilização dos corpúsculos de inclusão da fosfolipase A1 (Poly p 1) (70kDa) do veneno de P. paulista previamente obtida mediante expressão heteróloga no sistema procariótico, Escherichia coli. Os resultados aqui obtidos contribuirão para aumentar as quantidades do r Poly p 1 necessárias para sua avaliação bioquímica e imunológica, e finalmente para melhorar os resultados do diagnóstico e imunoterapia específica de alergia ao veneno de P. paulista
The modernization of the world made the speed, accuracy and reliability of all existing processes become increasingly necessary. For this evolution to occur every day, the evolution of the equipment was strategic, but not as much as needed. It is necessary for such equipment to ensure its function and, in case of failure, an early diagnosis to prevent loss. Therefore the evolution of maintainability and reliability in equipment is also paramount. Thus, the growth of forms of maintenance was driven by this scenario, forming maintenance philosophies. Among many, there is the RCM, which have its focus on the identification, parameters development and performance preview. One of those methodologies from this idea is the FMEA, process that has been studied and implemented this work, aiming the anticipation of failure modes and guidance for the use of a heat exchanger and a pump. This implementation has the aid of another process of RCM, the PHA, which was also shown and implemented, these results being used to start the FMEA process. The results show the activities with the highest chance of failure, presenting also the measures to be taken to avoid or minimize them. It is shown, in this paper, concern with the valves because they maintain control and system security, and its flaws related to accidents with possible danger to people and the whole system, emphasizing the priority of action
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo foi analisar os atendimentos por queimaduras em serviços de emergência, e fatores associados. Estudo transversal de 761 atendimentos coletados pelo Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes em 2009. A maioria foi do sexo masculino (58,6%); adultos de 30 a 49 anos (23,1%) e crianças de 0 a 9 anos (23%). A residência foi o local de ocorrência mais frequente (62,1%), especialmente para crianças e mulheres; em seguida comércio, serviços, indústria e construção (19,1%), especialmente entre homens de 20 a 49 anos. Queimaduras no trabalho foram 29,1% do total. Uso de álcool chegou a 5,1%. Agentes causadores em todas as idades: substância quente (43,6%) e fogo/chama (24,2%); na faixa produtiva: substâncias químicas. As queimaduras entre 0 e 14 anos foram associadas com residência, substância e objeto quente e internação hospitalar; entre os de 15 a 49 anos associaram-se com fogo/chama e choque elétrico, via pública e alta da emergência. Estratégias de prevenção para crianças e trabalhadores devem ser implantadas.
Objective: To determine the accuracy of the Timed Up and Go Test (TUGT) for screening the risk of falls among community-dwelling elderly individuals. Method: This is a prospective cohort study with a randomly by lots without reposition sample stratified by proportional partition in relation to gender involving 63 community-dwelling elderly individuals. Elderly individuals who reported having Parkinson's disease, a history of transitory ischemic attack, stroke and with a Mini Mental State Exam lower than the expected for the education level, were on a wheelchair and that reported a single fall in the previous six months were excluded. The TUGT, a mobility test, was the measure of interested and the occurrence of falls was the outcome. The performance of basic activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) was determined through the Older American Resources and Services, and the socio-demographic and clinical data were determined through the use of additional questionnaires. Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves were used to analyze the sensitivity and specificity of the TUGT. Results: Elderly individuals who fell had greater difficulties in ADL and IADL (p<0.01) and a slower performance on the TUGT (p=0.02). No differences were found in socio-demographic and clinical characteristics between fallers and non- fallers. Considering the different sensitivity and specificity, the best predictive value for discriminating elderly individuals who fell was 12.47 seconds [(RR= 3.2) 95% CI: 1.3- 7.7]. Conclusions: The TUGT proved to be an accurate measure for screening the risk of falls among elderly individuals. Although different from that reported in the international literature, the 12.47 second cutoff point seems to be a better predictive value for Brazilian elderly individuals.
Background Falling in older age is a major public health concern due to its costly and disabling consequences. However very few randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have been conducted in developing countries, in which population ageing is expected to be particularly substantial in coming years. This article describes the design of an RCT to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifactorial falls prevention program in reducing the rate of falls in community-dwelling older people. Methods/design Multicentre parallel-group RCT involving 612 community-dwelling men and women aged 60 years and over, who have fallen at least once in the previous year. Participants will be recruited in multiple settings in Sao Paulo, Brazil and will be randomly allocated to a control group or an intervention group. The usual care control group will undergo a fall risk factor assessment and be referred to their clinicians with the risk assessment report so that individual modifiable risk factors can be managed without any specific guidance. The intervention group will receive a 12-week Multifactorial Falls Prevention Program consisting of: an individualised medical management of modifiable risk factors, a group-based, supervised balance training exercise program plus an unsupervised home-based exercise program, an educational/behavioral intervention. Both groups will receive a leaflet containing general information about fall prevention strategies. Primary outcome measures will be the rate of falls and the proportion of fallers recorded by monthly falls diaries and telephone calls over a 12 month period. Secondary outcomes measures will include risk of falling, fall-related self-efficacy score, measures of balance, mobility and strength, fall-related health services use and independence with daily tasks. Data will be analysed using the intention-to-treat principle.The incidence of falls in the intervention and control groups will be calculated and compared using negative binomial regression analysis. Discussion This study is the first trial to be conducted in Brazil to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention to prevent falls. If proven to reduce falls this study has the potential to benefit older adults and assist health care practitioners and policy makers to implement and promote effective falls prevention interventions. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01698580)
OBJETIVO: Analisar erros de utilização de assentos de segurança infantil por crianças matriculadas em creches e fatores relacionados. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional transversal de coleta de dados prospectiva e eixo analítico retrospectivo. RESULTADOS: Um total de 42,7% das crianças apresentava erros de utilização. O modelo de regressão logística evidenciou maiores chances de erros na presença de duas ou mais crianças no veículo (odds ratio = 5,10, p = 0,007) e menores níveis de escolaridade e renda dos pais (renda e escolaridade médias: odds ratio = 7,00, p = 0,003; renda e escolaridade baixas: odds ratio = 3,40, p = 0,03). CONCLUSÃO: Os dados são coerentes com publicações internacionais.