997 resultados para Accessibilità Web Camere commercio wcag2 Stanca
Semantic Web Mining aims at combining the two fast-developing research areas Semantic Web and Web Mining. This survey analyzes the convergence of trends from both areas: Growing numbers of researchers work on improving the results of Web Mining by exploiting semantic structures in the Web, and they use Web Mining techniques for building the Semantic Web. Last but not least, these techniques can be used for mining the Semantic Web itself. The second aim of this paper is to use these concepts to circumscribe what Web space is, what it represents and how it can be represented and analyzed. This is used to sketch the role that Semantic Web Mining and the software agents and human agents involved in it can play in the evolution of Web space.
Semantic Web Mining aims at combining the two fast-developing research areas Semantic Web and Web Mining. This survey analyzes the convergence of trends from both areas: an increasing number of researchers is working on improving the results of Web Mining by exploiting semantic structures in the Web, and they make use of Web Mining techniques for building the Semantic Web. Last but not least, these techniques can be used for mining the Semantic Web itself. The Semantic Web is the second-generation WWW, enriched by machine-processable information which supports the user in his tasks. Given the enormous size even of today’s Web, it is impossible to manually enrich all of these resources. Therefore, automated schemes for learning the relevant information are increasingly being used. Web Mining aims at discovering insights about the meaning of Web resources and their usage. Given the primarily syntactical nature of the data being mined, the discovery of meaning is impossible based on these data only. Therefore, formalizations of the semantics of Web sites and navigation behavior are becoming more and more common. Furthermore, mining the Semantic Web itself is another upcoming application. We argue that the two areas Web Mining and Semantic Web need each other to fulfill their goals, but that the full potential of this convergence is not yet realized. This paper gives an overview of where the two areas meet today, and sketches ways of how a closer integration could be profitable.
Web services from different partners can be combined to applications that realize a more complex business goal. Such applications built as Web service compositions define how interactions between Web services take place in order to implement the business logic. Web service compositions not only have to provide the desired functionality but also have to comply with certain Quality of Service (QoS) levels. Maximizing the users' satisfaction, also reflected as Quality of Experience (QoE), is a primary goal to be achieved in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Unfortunately, in a dynamic environment like SOA unforeseen situations might appear like services not being available or not responding in the desired time frame. In such situations, appropriate actions need to be triggered in order to avoid the violation of QoS and QoE constraints. In this thesis, proper solutions are developed to manage Web services and Web service compositions with regard to QoS and QoE requirements. The Business Process Rules Language (BPRules) was developed to manage Web service compositions when undesired QoS or QoE values are detected. BPRules provides a rich set of management actions that may be triggered for controlling the service composition and for improving its quality behavior. Regarding the quality properties, BPRules allows to distinguish between the QoS values as they are promised by the service providers, QoE values that were assigned by end-users, the monitored QoS as measured by our BPR framework, and the predicted QoS and QoE values. BPRules facilitates the specification of certain user groups characterized by different context properties and allows triggering a personalized, context-aware service selection tailored for the specified user groups. In a service market where a multitude of services with the same functionality and different quality values are available, the right services need to be selected for realizing the service composition. We developed new and efficient heuristic algorithms that are applied to choose high quality services for the composition. BPRules offers the possibility to integrate multiple service selection algorithms. The selection algorithms are applicable also for non-linear objective functions and constraints. The BPR framework includes new approaches for context-aware service selection and quality property predictions. We consider the location information of users and services as context dimension for the prediction of response time and throughput. The BPR framework combines all new features and contributions to a comprehensive management solution. Furthermore, it facilitates flexible monitoring of QoS properties without having to modify the description of the service composition. We show how the different modules of the BPR framework work together in order to execute the management rules. We evaluate how our selection algorithms outperform a genetic algorithm from related research. The evaluation reveals how context data can be used for a personalized prediction of response time and throughput.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que muestra una comunicaci??n realizada por el grupo de trabajo perteneciente al CEP de Granada, que pretende hacer reflexionar sobre el camino recorrido para la elaboraci??n de una web educativa. Se realiza en el CEIP Virgen de la Paz en Otura, Granada. Los objetivos son: favorecer la comunicaci??n en el entorno de la comunidad educativa; adquisici??n de los conocimientos necesarios para la realizaci??n de la web; sentar las bases necesarias para realizar el mantenimiento de la web; aportar al resto de profesorado materiales y programas educativos para los distintos niveles y ??reas.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que describe las actividades relacionadas con la biblioteca escolar. Se realiza en el IES Am??rico Castro en Hu??tor-T??jar, Granada. Los objetivos son: dise??ar un sitio web para el centro; construir la web formando al profesorado en el manejo de herramientas de creaci??n web para que puedan incluir y mantener los contenidos que crean convenientes; familiarizar al profesorado, alumnado y familia con el uso de la web escolar y los beneficios que ofrece como veh??culo de transmisi??n de informaci??n; promover el uso de la web de centro como medio de obtenci??n de informaciones relevantes.
Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que pretende fomentar la lectura y escritura entre el alumnado, a trav??s de la creaci??n de una p??gina web en honor al IV centenario de El Quijote. Se realiza en el IES Auringis en Ja??n. Los objetivos son: incentivar la participaci??n del profesorado en proyectos que superen el ??mbito exclusivo del centro, aprovechando las facilidades que proporcionan al respecto las nuevas tecnolog??as; habilitar foros donde el profesorado puedan compartir experiencias, buscar soluciones a problemas profesionales cotidianos, lanzar ideas; fomentar entre el alumnado el h??bito de lectura por medio del boca a boca, m??todo que, al menos por ahora, consideramos m??s efectivo que el de la imposici??n de lecturas obligatorias; propiciar que el alumnado cuenten la lectura como una posibilidad m??s de entre las que existen para ocupar el tiempo de ocio; luchar contra el prejuicio elitista que gira en torno a lo libresco; fomentar enfoques interdisciplinares del hecho de leer; festejar el IV centenario de la publicaci??n de la primera parte de El Quijote. El proceso consta: reuniones previas a la elaboraci??n del proyecto de innovaci??n; redacci??n del proyecto de innovaci??n; investigaciones tendentes a darle contenido a la p??gina web; encuentros con autores; premios literarios; exposiciones sobre autores y libros; lecturas p??blicas; asistencia a los actos conmemorativos; participaci??n en experiencias de 'Book-crossing'; feria del libro; redacci??n de la memoria de progreso; redacci??n de la memoria final. Los resultados obtenidos: p??gina web, exposiciones, encuentros con autores, premios literarios, feria del libro.
The MIT Prototype Educational Assessment System provides subjects and courses at MIT with the ability to perform online assessment. The system includes polices to handle harassment and electronic "flaming" while protecting privacy. Within these frameworks, individual courses and subjects can make their own policy decisions about such matters as to when assessments can occur, who can submit assessments, and how anonymous assessments are. By allowing assessment to take place continually and allowing both students and staff to participate, the system can provide a forum for the online discussion of subjects. Even in the case of scheduled assessments, the system can provide advantages over end-of-term assessment, since the scheduled assessments can occur several times during the semester, allowing subjects to identify and adjust those areas that could use improvement. Subjects can also develop customized questionnaires, perhaps in response to previous assessments, to suit their needs.
The COntext INterchange (COIN) strategy is an approach to solving the problem of interoperability of semantically heterogeneous data sources through context mediation. COIN has used its own notation and syntax for representing ontologies. More recently, the OWL Web Ontology Language is becoming established as the W3C recommended ontology language. We propose the use of the COIN strategy to solve context disparity and ontology interoperability problems in the emerging Semantic Web – both at the ontology level and at the data level. In conjunction with this, we propose a version of the COIN ontology model that uses OWL and the emerging rules interchange language, RuleML.
Co-training is a semi-supervised learning method that is designed to take advantage of the redundancy that is present when the object to be identified has multiple descriptions. Co-training is known to work well when the multiple descriptions are conditional independent given the class of the object. The presence of multiple descriptions of objects in the form of text, images, audio and video in multimedia applications appears to provide redundancy in the form that may be suitable for co-training. In this paper, we investigate the suitability of utilizing text and image data from the Web for co-training. We perform measurements to find indications of conditional independence in the texts and images obtained from the Web. Our measurements suggest that conditional independence is likely to be present in the data. Our experiments, within a relevance feedback framework to test whether a method that exploits the conditional independence outperforms methods that do not, also indicate that better performance can indeed be obtained by designing algorithms that exploit this form of the redundancy when it is present.
Esta experiencia se ha desarrollado en el marco de una convocatoria del Departament d’Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2004-2007), dirigida a promover trabajos conjuntos entre el profesorado de la universidad y el de educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria. El tema del proyecto es: “La identidad y la diversidad en un mundo globalizado”. Con él se pretende innovar los planteamientos y recursos del estudio del medio en la educación Infantil y Primaria, a partir de las experiencias y aportaciones de los centros educativos y los trabajos prácticos de nuestros estudiantes
Creació d’un portal web amb informació sobre el Trampolí Tecnològic de la UdG (activitats, ofertes, etc.), i disseny d'una intranet que permeti al trampolí gestionar les diferents funcions que s'hi duen a terme (gestió dels diferents gestors de projectes, projectes que es tutelen, emprenedors i inversors que intervenen, ajudes que es poden rebre, etc.)
Disseny i creació d'una nova pàgina web per a l'Escola Universitària d'Hostalaria i Turisme de Sant Pol de Mar
Desenvolupament,anàlisi, disseny i implementació d’un portal web, tipus cercador, per la recerca i localització d’establiments tipus restaurant, bars, bufets, etc,. Per altra banda es pretén oferir un sistema de gestió d’informació on les empreses del sector gastronòmic puguin mostrar la seva informació i la seva oferta
Introducción a la Arquitectura es una asignatura de primer curso que se imparte en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de A Coruña. En ella se pretende iniciar la formación del futuro profesional atendiendo desde el comienzo, al triple soporte reflexivo, proyectivo y constructivo del hecho arquitectónico: Se trata de despertar o acrecentar el interés por la Arquitectura y por su razón de ser, aproximándose a su concepto desde una visión teórica e histórica, y fomentando la capacidad analítica, el sentido crítico y el desarrollo lógico del alumno en el territorio propio de la arquitectura, que va desde el urbanismo hasta el diseño elemental. El camino hacia la inminente implantación del Proceso de Bolonia, donde el nuevo concepto de crédito europeo matiza la necesidad de control y responsabilidad de y hacia el alumno, así como la redefinición del sistema universitario a partir del acceso a la sociedad del Conocimiento, nos conduce a la necesidad de incorporar las nuevas tecnologías como nuevo modo de control y relación profesor-alumno dentro de la asignatura. Dentro de este planteamiento se ha trabajado desde hace dos años utilizando herramientas Web 2.0 tanto como elementos de comunicación y debate entre profesores y alumnos como entre los propios alumnos, lo que nos permite realizar un análisis de experiencias y valorar críticamente los resultados obtenidos