891 resultados para Acabamentos em madeira


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Since the fifteen century, the rainfed-cultivation of wheat for grain is traditionally performed on the Island of Madeira. Under several microclimatic conditions and along very sloppy mountains, the landraces are grown on isolated terraces of Andosols with high amounts of iron. Iron oxides are the main inorganic binding agent contributing to the stability of aggregates and to soil fertility in long-term sustainable agriculture in acid and iron-rich soils. After a two day period of seedling initial growth, a screening test of sixty traditional wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces from the ISOPlexis Genebank at the University of Madeira, Funchal, was performed using nutrient solutions containing 10 or 600 mM Fe, during five days, under controlled laboratory conditions. The elongation of the longest primary root was measured for each genotype and the mean root increment relative to control (as, % relative root increment or RRI; n=28) calculated. This parameter appeared to be a sensitive indicator of Fe tolerance in wheat. Over 85% of wheat germplasm showed the RRI higher than 50%, while the RRI of seven accessions exceeded 70%. This indicates that those landraces are Fe tolerant and might be of particular interest for cultivation under acid rich iron soils of tropical and subtropical areas.


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Skeletal maturity is used to evaluate biological maturity status. Information about the association between socio-economic status (SES) and skeletal maturity is limited in Portugal. Aims: The aim of this study is to document the skeletal maturity of youths in Madeira and to evaluate variation in maturity associated with SES. Subjects and methods: The study involved 507 subjects (256 boys and 251 girls) from the Madeira Growth Study, a mixed-longitudinal study of five cohorts (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age) followed at yearly intervals over 3 years (1996–1998). A total of 1493 observations were made. Skeletal age was estimated from radiographs of the hand and wrist using the Tanner–Whitehouse 2 method (TW2). Social class rankings were based on Graffar’s (1956) method. Five social rankings were subsequently grouped into three SES categories: high, average and low. Results: Median for the radius, ulna and short finger bones (RUS scores) in the total sample of boys and girls increased curvilinearly across age whereas median for the 7 (without pisiform) carpal bones (Carpal scores) increased almost linearly. The 20-bone maturity scores demonstrated distinctive trends by gender: the medians for boys increased almost linearly while the medians for girls increased curvilinearly. SES differences were minimal. Only among children aged 10–11 years were high SES boys and girls advanced in skeletal maturity. Madeira adolescents were advanced in skeletal maturity compared with Belgian reference values. Conclusion: The data suggests population variation in TW2 estimates of skeletal maturation. Skeletal maturity was not related to SES in youths from Madeira.


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Within a country social conditions change over time and these conditions vary from country to country. The associations between these conditions, somatic growth, physical activity and fitness reflect these changes. Aim: The study documented variation in somatic growth, physical activity and fitness associated with socio-economic status (SES). Subjects and methods: The study involved 507 subjects (256 boys and 251 girls) from the Madeira Growth Study, a mixed longitudinal study of five cohorts (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age) followed at yearly intervals over 3 years (1996–1998). A total of 1493 observations were made. Anthropometric measurements included lengths, body mass, skeletal breadths, girths and skinfolds. Physical activity and SES were collected via questionnaire and interview. Physical fitness was assessed using the Eurofit test battery. Variation in somatic growth, physical activity and physical fitness by SES (high, average and low) was tested with analysis of variance. Results: Significant differences between SES groups were observed for height, body mass and skinfolds. Boys and girls from high SES groups were taller, heavier and fatter (subscapular and triceps skinfolds) than their peers from average and low SES groups. At some age intervals, the high SES group had larger skeletal breadths (girls) and girths (boys and girls) than low SES. Small SES differences were observed for physical activity (sport and leisure-time indices). SES was significantly associated with physical fitness. At some age levels, boys from the low SES group performed better for muscular and aerobic endurance whereas girls from the high SES group performed better for power. Conclusion: Considerable variation in somatic growth and physical fitness in association with SES has been demonstrated, but little association was found for physical activity.


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Aims: Investigating tracking of fatness from childhood to adolescence, early adolescence to young adulthood and late adolescence to young adulthood. Subjects and methods: Participants from the Madeira Growth Study were followed during an average period of 7.2 years. Height, body mass, skin-folds and circumferences were measured, nine health- and performance-related tests were administered and the Baecke questionnaire was used to assess physical activity. Skeletal maturity was estimated using the TW3 method. Results: The prevalence of overweight plus obesity ranged from 8.2–20.0% at baseline and from 20.4–40.0% at followup, in boys. Corresponding percentages for girls were 10.6– 12.0% and 13.2–18.0%. Inter-age correlations for fatness indicators ranged from 0.43–0.77. BMI, waist circumference and sum of skin-folds at 8, 12 and 16-years old were the main predictors of these variables at 15, 19 and 23-years old, respectively. Strength, muscular endurance and aerobic fitness were negatively related to body fatness. Physical activity and maturation were independently associated with adolescent (15 years) and young adult (19 years) fatness. Conclusions: Over 7.2 years, tracking was moderate-to-high for fatness. Variance was explained by fatness indicators and to a small extent by physical fitness, physical activity and maturation.


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Secular trends in height and weight are reasonably well documented in Europe. Corresponding observations for skeletal maturation are lacking. Aim: To assess secular trends in height, body mass and skeletal maturity of Portuguese children and adolescents and to provide updated reference values for skeletal maturity scores (SMSs). Subjects and methods: Data for 2856 children and adolescents of 4–17 years, 1412 boys and 1444 girls, from The ‘Madeira Growth Study’ (MGS; 1996–1998) and from the‘Healthy Growth of Madeira Children Study’ (CRES; 2006) were used. Height and body mass were measured. Skeletal maturity was assessed with the Tanner-Whitehouse 2 and 3 methods. Results: Children from CRES were taller and heavier than peers from MGS. Differences in height reached 5.8cm in boys and 5.5cm in girls. RUS SMSs did not differ consistently between surveys boys, while higher RUS scores were observed in CRES girls. Adult RUS SMSs for MGS and CRES combined were attained at 15.8 years in boys and 14.8 years in girls. Corresponding ages for adult Carpal SMSs were 14.4 and 14.0, respectively. Conclusion: The short-term trends for height and mass were not entirely consistent with the trends in RUS and Carpal SMSs and SAs.


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O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para as habilidades de locomoção e de manipulação em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 crianças, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 aos 10 anos, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade das habilidades motoras. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nas habilidades de manipulação. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nas habilidades de locomoção (51.5%) e de manipulação (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nas habilidades de locomoção (86.5%) e de manipulação (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às norte-americanas. Os resultados da presente pesquisa devem fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições com o objectivo de promover o normal crescimento e desenvolvimento motor das nossas crianças.


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O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em comparar os níveis de atividade física e aptidão de crianças e adolescentes com sobrepeso e normoponderais. A amostra envolveu 507 sujeitos que participaram no ‘Estudo de Crescimento da Madeira’, um estudo longitudinal misto com cinco coortes seguidas em intervalos anuais, ao longo de três anos. Um total de 1505 elementos, 761 meninos e 744 meninas, dos sete aos 18 anos, foi utilizado numa análise transversal dos dados. As características somáticas incluem a estatura e o peso corporal. A atividade física foi estimada via questionário e entrevista. A aptidão física foi avaliada com a bateria de testes Eurofit. O índice de massa corporal foi usado como indicador de sobrepeso. A amostra foi dividida em duas categorias: com sobrepeso (incluindo as crianças e adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesas) e normoponderal (o resto da amostra), usando-se os pontos de corte propostos por COLE et al. (2000). As diferenças de médias entre as categorias de sobrepeso e normoponderal foram testadas com o t-teste para medidas independentes. A atividade física, como índice desportivo e índice dos tempos livres, não estava associada com o estatuto de sobrepeso das crianças e adolescentes. A prática desportiva foi mais elevada nos meninos normoponderais. Os meninos e meninas normoponderais obtiveram melhores resultados no equilíbrio flamingo, no salto em comprimento sem corrida preparatória, nos “sit ups”, no tempo de suspensão com os braços fletidos, no “shuttle run” e na corrida/andar de 12 minutos. As meninas com sobrepeso foram mais fortes (dinamometria manual) do que as meninas normoponderais. Uma fraca associação foi demonstrada para a atividade física, contudo, para a aptidão física uma associação inversa foi observada com o sobrepeso.


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O objectivo foi estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesi dade em crianças e adolescentes da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. Um procedimento estratificado proporcional foi usado para obter uma amostra representativa de crianças e adolescentes madeirenses dos 7 aos 18 anos. No total, 2503 sujeitos, 1266 rapazes e 1237 raparigas, participaram no estudo. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi definida a partir do índice de massa corporal e de acordo com os pontos de corte propostos pela ‘International Obesity TaskForce’. A prevalência de sobrepeso foi de 14.22% e 10.99% para os rapazes e raparigas dos 7-18 anos, respectivamente. Os valores correspondentes para a obesidade foram 2.61% e 1.86%. Na maioria dos grupos etários, os elementos do sexo mas culino apresentaram uma prevalência mais elevada de sobrepeso e obesidade do que o sexo feminino. Percentagens mais baixas ou ausência de sobrepeso e obesidade foram obser vadas aos 16-17 anos. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesid ade para as crianças e adolescentes madeirenses foi similar ou inferior a pesquisas desenvolvidas em Portugal e em outros países europeus. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, embora baixa, requer prevenção adequada.


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O presente relatório tem como propósito a obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação PréEscolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Para tal neste encontra – se incluído os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos que fundamentam a minha prática pedagógica. A minha intervenção na vertente Pré-Escolar foi realizada com um grupo de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os três e os seis anos, da Sala dos Cristais na EB1/PE da Achada. Na vertente de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico intervim com a turma do 2º B da EB1/PE da Pena. Durante a prática pedagógica foi utilizada a investigação-ação como metodologia essencial que permite ao professor ter o papel de investigador ao refletir sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. No decorrer dos estágios pedagógicos foram desenvolvidas duas problemáticas. No 1º ciclo surgiu a problemática: Como utilizar uma aprendizagem cooperativa na sala de aula? E no Pré-Escolar a problemática intitulou-se: Como melhorar as competências sociais e afetivas no Pré-escolar? A utilização da investigação permitiu a implementação de estratégias com o intuito de proporcionar aprendizagens de melhor qualidade. Para abordar esta metodologia recorri à observação participante para desenvolver estratégias com o intuito de estimular, respeitar os seus ritmos e os modos de aprendizagem de cada um, tendo sempre em conta as suas necessidades e os interesses das crianças. Este relatório relata todo o percurso realizado nas duas vertentes pedagógicas sendo também um instrumento de reflexão de todo o processo dando continuidade à construção de uma identidade profissional.


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Context - It is well recognized that celiac disease is an immune-mediated systemic disorder highly prevalent among relatives of celiac patients. Objectives - The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of celiac disease in a group of first degree relatives of celiac children, and to access the frequency of human leukocyte antigen HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 in celiac disease patients and their affected relatives. Methods - A survey was conducted of 39 children with celiac disease with follow-up in the Pediatric outpatient’s clinic of Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital, in Madeira Island, Portugal. Were invited 110 first degree relatives to undergo serological screen for celiac disease with IgA antibody to human recombinant tissue transglutaminase (IgA-TGG) quantification. In all seropositive relatives, small intestinal biopsy and HLA typing was recommended. Results - HLA- typing was performed in 38 celiac patients, 28/74% DQ2 positive, 1/2% DQ8 positive and 9/24% incomplete DQ2. Positive IgA-TGG was found in five out of the 95 relatives, and CD was diagnosed in three of them. Three relatives had the presence of HLA-DQ2, two were DQ2 incomplete (DQB1*02). Conclusion - The prevalence of celiac disease among first degree celiac patients´ relatives was 3.1%, 4.5 times higher than the general Portuguese population (0,7%) witch reinforces the need of extensive diagnostic screening in this specific group. HLA-DQ2 typing may be a tool in the diagnostic approach.


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La salud mental ha sido evaluada de acuerdo con la estructura propuesta por Ware & Veit (1), que incluye una dimensión positiva (el bienestar psicológico) y otra negativa (el distress psicológico). Este estudio piloto tiene como objetivo elaborar un protocolo para tipificar lasituación de la salud mental en la población anciana de la región. De los 63 ancianos seleccionados, a los que se les realizó el Mini Mental Health Examination, 47 integran la muestra. Todos tenían 65 años o más y residen en la comunidad. La casi totalidad era independiente en sus actividades básicas cotidianas. La puntuación media obtenida por los ancianos en el Inventario de Salud Mental fue superior a la obtenida por Ribeiro (2) en una muestra de jóvenes portugueses. El protocolo de investigación ha sido el adecuado. Los resultados nos han proporcionado una primera imagen de la salud mental en los ancianos de la RAM.


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Este relatório técnico tem como objetivo descrever o modo como os registos das amostras de dados, i.e., medições das grandezas meteorológicas fornecidas pelo Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), ilha da Madeira, foram tratadas. Foram utilizados registos de oito estações meteorológicas distribuídas pela ilha. No relatório técnico estão descritos os processos de filtragem das medições de radiação solar global e radiação solar difusa, de temperatura máxima e mínima do ar, a correção da radiação solar difusa, o preenchimento de lacunas nas medições e a dimensão da amostra de dados utilizada em cada estação. Este relatório também descreve os métodos utilizados para preencher as lacunas nas séries de dados originais, bem como os métodos utilizados na construção do ano médio e do ano meteorológico típico. O ano meteorológico típico será posteriormente usado na simulação da produção de energia solar através de sistemas fotovoltaicos instalados na ilha da Madeira.


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This paper focus on the development of an algorithm using Matlab to generate Typical Meteorological Years from weather data of eight locations in the Madeira Island and to predict the energy generation of photovoltaic systems based on solar cells modelling. Solar cells model includes the effect of ambient temperature and wind speed. The analysis of the PV system performance is carried out through the Weather Corrected Performance Ratio and the PV system yield for the entire island is estimated using spatial interpolation tools.


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In order to advance the knowledge about precipitation development over Madeira island, four rainfall patterns are investigated based on high-resolution numerical simulations performed with the MESO-NH model. The main environmental conditions during these precipitation periods are examined, and important factors leading to significant accumulated precipitation in Madeira are shown. We found that the combination of orographic effect and atmospheric conditions is essential for the establishment of each situation. Under a moist and conditionally unstable atmosphere, convection over the island is triggered, and its location was determined mainly by variations of the ambient flow, which was also associated with different moist Froude numbers. Interestingly, our results showed some similarities with situations discussed in idealized studies. However, the real variations of the atmospheric configuration confirm the complexity of significant precipitation development in mountainous regions. In addition, precipitating systems initially formed over the ocean were simulated reaching the island. The four periods were characterised by different time durations, and the local terrain interacting with the mesoscale circulation was decisive in producing a large part of the precipitation, which concentrated in distinct regions of the island induced by the airflow dynamic.