913 resultados para ASSISTED RESECTION
BACKGROUND: Due to advances in operative methods and perioperative care, mortality and morbidity following major hepatic resection have decreased substantially, making long-term quality of life (QoL) an increasingly prominent issue. We evaluated whether postoperative diagnosis was associated with long-term QoL and health in patients requiring hepatic surgery for benign or malignant disease. METHODS: QoL was evaluated using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30 and the liver-specific QLQ-LMC21 module. RESULTS: Between 2002 and 2006, 249 patients underwent hepatic surgery for malignant (76%) and benign (24%) conditions. One hundred thirty-five patients were available for QoL analysis after a mean of 26.5 months. There was no statistical difference in global QoL scores between patients with malignant and benign diseases (p = 0.367). Neither the extent of the resection (> or =2 segments vs. <2 segments; p = 0.975; OR = 0.988; 95% CI = 0.461-2.119) nor patient age had a significant influence on overall QoL (p = 0.092). CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that long-term QoL for patients who underwent liver resection for malignant disease is quite good and that a poor clinical prognosis does not seem to correlate with a poor QoL.
The solution phase parallel synthesis involving reactions of Baylis-Hillman products of 3-substituted-5-isoxazolecarbaldehydes with nucleophiles and their in vivo antithrombotic evaluations are described along with the results of in vitro platelet aggregation inhibition assay of a few compounds. Results of the detailed evaluation of one of the compounds as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation are also presented.
The novel synthesis of a new isoxazole-annulated heterocycle namely 5,8-dihydro-isoxazolo[4,5-c]azepin-4-one described herein is based on the reaction of benzyl amine with acetates of Baylis-Hillman adducts generated from 3-aryl-5-formyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylate
In rapidly evolving domains such as Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) emphasis is often put first on innovation and new functionality, rather than in developing the common infrastructure needed to support integration and reuse of these innovations. In fact, developing such an infrastructure is often considered to be a high-risk venture given the volatility of such a domain. We present CompAS, a method that exploits the very evolution of innovations in the domain to carry out the necessary quantitative and qualitative commonality and variability analysis, especially in the case of scarce system documentation. We show how our technique applies to the CAOS domain by using conference proceedings as a key source of information about the evolution of features in CAOS systems over a period of several years. We detect and classify evolution patterns to determine functional commonality and variability. We also identify non-functional requirements to help capture domain variability. We have validated our approach by evaluating the degree to which representative test systems can be covered by the common and variable features produced by our analysis.
Even though complete resection is regarded as the only curative treatment for nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC), >50% of resected patients die from a recurrence or a second primary tumour of the lung within 5 yrs. It remains unclear, whether follow-up in these patients is cost-effective and whether it can improve the outcome due to early detection of recurrent tumour. The benefit of regular follow-up in a consecutive series of 563 patients, who had undergone potentially curative resection for NSCLC at the University Hospital, was analysed. The follow-up consisted of clinical visits and chest radiography according to a standard protocol for up to 10 yrs. Survival rates were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier analysis method and the cost-effectiveness of the follow-up programme was assessed. A total of 23 patients (6.4% of the group with lobectomy) underwent further operation with curative intent for a second pulmonary malignancy. The regular follow-up over a 10-yr period provided the chance for a second curative treatment to 3.8% of all patients. The calculated costs per life-yr gained were 90,000 Swiss Francs. The cost-effectiveness of the follow-up protocol was far above those of comparable large-scale surveillance programmes. Based on these data, the intensity and duration of the follow-up was reduced.
Mastitis is the most prevalent infectious disease in dairy herds. Breeding programs considering mastitis susceptibility were adopted as approaches to improve udder health status. In recent decades, conventional selection criteria based on phenotypic characteristics such as somatic cell score in milk have been widely used to select animals. Recently, approaches to incorporate molecular information have become feasible because of the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting mastitis resistance. The aims of the study were to explore molecular mechanisms underlying mastitis resistance and the genetic mechanisms underlying a QTL on Bos taurus chromosome 18 found to influence udder health. Primary cell cultures of mammary epithelial cells from heifers that were selected for high or low susceptibility to mastitis were established. Selection based on estimated pedigree breeding value or on the basis of marker-assisted selection using QTL information was implemented. The mRNA expression of 10 key molecules of the innate immune system was measured using quantitative real-time PCR after 1, 6, and 24 h of challenge with heat-inactivated mastitis pathogens (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) and expression levels in the high and low susceptibility groups were compared according to selection criteria. In the marker-assisted selection groups, mRNA expression in cells isolated from less-susceptible animals was significantly elevated for toll-like receptor 2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal t-cell expressed and secreted), complement factor C3, and lactoferrin. In the estimated pedigree breeding value groups, mRNA expression was significantly elevated only for V-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A, IL-1 beta, and RANTES. These observations provide first insights into genetically determined divergent reactions to pathogens in the bovine mammary gland and indicate that the application of QTL information could be a successful tool for the selection of animals resistant to mastitis.
Durch die von Rapid Prototyping gebotenen Möglichkeiten können computergestützte 3D Operationsplanungen präzise in der Operation umgesetzt werden. An der Universitätsklinik Balgrist wurden in den letzten 3 Jahren nahezu 100 Patienten erfolgreich behandelt, deren Operation in 3D geplant und mit patienten-spezifischen Schablonen umgesetzt wurde. Wir beschreiben die Genauigkeit dieser Methode und berichten über die hierbei gesammelten Erfahrungen. Aufgrund der Flexibilität der Rapid Prototyping Technologie, gibt es nicht immer nur einen Weg wie eine 3D geplante Operation umgesetzt werden kann. Wir zeigen daher anhand von Fallbeispielen unterschiedliche Strategien auf und beschreiben deren Vor- und Nachteile. Ausserdem präsentieren wir die Weiterentwicklung der Methode zur Anwendung an kleinerer Anatomie wie Knochen des Handgelenkes oder der Finger.
In the present study, the oral health-related quality of life of 18 patients (13 men and 5 women) was evaluated using validated questionnaires as proposed by the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). The patients belonged to a cohort of 48 patients, whose prosthetic treatment was performed during the years 2004-2007. In the course of tumor resection, 12 patients underwent graft surgery and 14 patients radiotherapy. One patient required a nasal epithesis since resection of the nose became necessary. Five patients underwent a full block resection of the mandible, and tumor resection in 3 patients resulted in a large oronasal communication. Prosthetic rehabilitation was performed in all patients, and the follow-up period with regular care covered a minimum of 3 years. Eleven patients received dental implants for better support and retention of the prostheses. In spite of compromised oral conditions, functional restrictions, and some difficulties with the prostheses, the answers to the questionnaire were quite positive. The majority judged their general health as good or even excellent. The subjective perception of the patients may contradict the objective view by the dentist. In fact, the individual patient's history and experience provide a better understanding of the impact of oral tumors on daily life. The overall assessment identified 4 items that were perceived as major problems by all patients: swallowing solid food, dry mouth, limited mouth opening, and appearance. Prosthetic rehabilitation has only a limited influence on such problems.
The present study reports on the surgical and prosthodontic rehabilitation of 46 patients, 31 male and 15 female, after resection of oral tumors. The treatment was carried out from 2004 to 2007 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, with a follow-up time of 3 to 6 years. The average age at diagnosis was 54 years. 76% of all tumors were squamous cell carcinoma, followed by adenocarcinoma. Resection of the tumors including soft and/or hard tissues was performed in all patients. 80% of them additionally underwent radiotherapy and 40% chemotherapy. A full block resection of the mandible was perfomed in 23 patients, and in 10 patients, the tumor resection resulted in an oronasal communication. 29 patients underwent grafting procedures, mostly consisting of a free fibula flap transplant. To enhance the prosthetic treatment outcome and improve the prosthesis stability, a total of 114 implants were placed. However, 14 implants were not loaded because they failed during the healing period or the patient could not complete the final treatment with the prostheses. The survival rate of the implants reached 84.2% after 4 to 5 years. Many patients were only partially dentate before the tumors were detected, and further teeth had to be extracted in the course of the tumor therapy. Altogether, 31 jaws became or remained edentulous. Implants provide stability and may facilitate the adaptation to the denture, but their survival rate was compromised. Mostly, patients were fitted with removable prostheses with obturators in the maxilla and implant-supported complete dentures with bars in the mandible. Although sequelae of tumor resection are similar in many patients, the individual intermaxillary relations, facial morphology and functional capacity vary significantly. Thus, individual management is required for prosthetic rehabilitation.
BACKGROUND Legal in some European countries and US states, physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia remain under debate in these and other countries. OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to examine numbers, characteristics, and trends over time for assisted dying in regions where these practices are legal: Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Oregon, Washington, and Montana. DESIGN This was a systematic review of journal articles and official reports. Medline and Embase databases were searched for relevant studies, from inception to end of 2012. We searched the websites of the health authorities of all eligible countries and states for reports on physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia and included publications that reported on cases of physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. We extracted information on the total number of assisted deaths, its proportion in relation to all deaths, and socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals assisted to die. RESULTS A total of 1043 publications were identified; 25 articles and reports were retained, including series of reported cases, physician surveys, and reviews of death certificates. The percentage of physician-assisted deaths among all deaths ranged from 0.1%-0.2% in the US states and Luxembourg to 1.8%-2.9% in the Netherlands. Percentages of cases reported to the authorities increased in most countries over time. The typical person who died with assistance was a well-educated male cancer patient, aged 60-85 years. CONCLUSIONS Despite some common characteristics between countries, we found wide variation in the extent and specific characteristics of those who died an assisted death.
Background: In Switzerland, assisted suicide is legal but there is concern that vulnerable or disadvantaged groups are more likely to die in this way than other people. We examined socio-economic factors associated with assisted suicide. Methods: We linked the suicides assisted by right-to-die associations during 2003–08 to a census-based longitudinal study of the Swiss population. We used Cox and logistic regression models to examine associations with gender, age, marital status, education, religion, type of household, urbanization, neighbourhood socio-economic position and other variables. Separate analyses were done for younger (25 to 64 years) and older (65 to 94 years) people. Results: Analyses were based on 5 004 403 Swiss residents and 1301 assisted suicides (439 in the younger and 862 in the older group). In 1093 (84.0%) assisted suicides, an underlying cause was recorded; cancer was the most common cause (508, 46.5%). In both age groups, assisted suicide was more likely in women than in men, those living alone compared with those living with others and in those with no religious affiliation compared with Protestants or Catholics. The rate was also higher in more educated people, in urban compared with rural areas and in neighbourhoods of higher socio-economic position. In older people, assisted suicide was more likely in the divorced compared with the married; in younger people, having children was associated with a lower rate. Conclusions: Assisted suicide in Switzerland was associated with female gender and situations that may indicate greater vulnerability such as living alone or being divorced, but also with higher education and higher socio-economic position.
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to evaluate if osseous correction of the femoral neck achieved arthroscopically is comparable to that achieved by surgical dislocation. METHODS We retrospectively analyzed all patients who were treated with hip arthroscopy or surgical dislocation for cam or mixed type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in our institution between 2006 and 2009. Inclusion criteria were complete clinical and radiologic documentation with standardized radiographs. Group 1 consisted of 66 patients (49 female patients, mean age 33.8 years) treated with hip arthroscopy. Group 2 consisted of 135 patients (91 male patients, mean age 31.2 years) treated with surgical hip dislocation. We compared the preoperative and postoperative alpha and gamma angles, as well as the triangular index. Mean follow-up was 16.7 months (range, 2 to 79 months). RESULTS In group 1, the mean alpha angle improved from 60.7° preoperatively to 47.8° postoperatively (P < .001) and the mean gamma angle improved from 47.3° to 44.5° (P < .001). Over time, the preoperative mean alpha angle increased from 56.3° in 2006 to 67.5° in 2009, whereas the postoperative mean alpha angle decreased from 51.2° in 2006 to 47.5° in 2009. In group 2, the mean alpha angle improved from 75.3° preoperatively to 44.8° postoperatively (P < .001), and the mean gamma angle improved from 65.1° to 52.2° (P < .001). Arthroscopic revision of intra-articular adhesions was performed in 4 patients (6.1%) in group 1 and 16 patients (12%) in group 2. Three patients (2.2%) in group 2 underwent revision for nonunion of the greater trochanter. CONCLUSIONS Osseous correction of cam-type FAI with hip arthroscopy is comparable to the correction achieved by surgical hip dislocation. There is a significant learning curve for hip arthroscopy, with postoperative osseous correction showing improved results with increasing surgical experience. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, retrospective comparative study.