957 resultados para Açaí pulp


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The application of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) for biochemical sensing is well known. However, utilizing the nonlinear response of the QCM at elevated amplitudes has received sporadic attention. This study presents results for QCM-analyte interaction that provide insight into the nonlinear dynamics of the QCM with attached analyte. In particular, interactions of the QCM with polystyrene microbeads physisorbed via self-assembled monolayer (SAM) were studied through experiments and modelling. It was found that the response of the QCM coupled to these surface adsorbents is anharmonic even at low oscillation amplitudes and that the nonlinear signals from such interactions are much higher than those for bare quartz. Therefore, these signals can potentially be used as sensitive signatures of adsorbents and their kinetics on the surface. ©2009 IEEE.


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An 80 GSPS photonic ADC system is demonstrated, using broadband MLL and dispersive fibre to form a continuous waveform with time-wavelength mapping, and AWG to channelise. Tests are carried out for RF signals up to 10GHz. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We compare and contrast the effects of two distinctly different mechanisms of coupling (mechanical and electrical) on the parametric sensitivity of micromechanical sensors utilizing mode localization for sensor applications. For the first time, the strong correlation between mode localization and the phenomenon of 'eigenvalue loci-veering' is exploited for accurate quantification of the strength of internal coupling in mode localized sensors. The effects of capacitive coupling-spring tuning on the parametric sensitivity of electrically coupled resonators utilizing this sensing paradigm is also investigated and a mass sensor with sensitivity tunable by over 400% is realized. ©2009 IEEE.


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La pérdida de diversidad genética es un proceso que transcurre a gran velocidad, para preservar y conservar estos recursos genéticos vegetales, se hace necesario el inventario y caracterización (agronómica, morfológica, genética, bioquímica, etc), con el propósito de describir y diferenciar el material genético. Las estrategias de conservación del germoplasma deben basarse en la preservación de las poblaciones en su hábitat ( in situ) y la preservación fuera de su hábitat (ex situ). El presente estudio se desarrolló durante el período de octubre (2002) a noviembre (2002), muestreado en la zona del pacífico en los departamentos de Chinandega, León, Managua, Masaya, Granada, Carazo y Rivas con el objetivo de proponer una guía de descriptores del cultivo de pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus Britt & Rosse), definir descriptores que determinen similitud y relación entre los diferentes materiales genéticos y la realización de un catálogo de los caracteres cuantitativos de la estructura floral y vegetativa de esta especie, mediante análisis de estadística descriptiva, análisis de correlación y técnicas de taxonomía numérica como análisis de componentes principales (ACP) y análisis de agrupamiento (AA). Se encontró que esta especie florece con las primeras lluvias de mayo a junio, el periodo de producción es de mayo a noviembre, obteniendo mayores rendimientos entre agosto y septiembre. El cultivo de la pitahaya tiene amplia distribución en el país, cultivado en huertos familiares y de forma comercial, abasteciendo al mercado local de Masaya principalmente y en menor proporción a los otros departamentos, localizando los mejores frutos en La Concepción (cerro San Ignacio), debido a las condiciones ambientales y de adaptación del material genético en la zona. Tiene usos múltiples como fruta fresca, alimento para el ganado, uso medicinal. Se determinó que la variable diámetro del estilo presentó un C.V de 83.11% y el peso de la cáscara un C.V de 61.24%, siendo estas dos las que presentan mayor variación. Las variables diámetro basal de la flor y número de pétalos presentaron un C.V de 10.60% y 9.37% respectivamente, siendo las de menor variación. Asimismo las variables forma de brácteas inferior y superior al igual que el color primario y secundario presentaron semejanzas. El análisis de componentes principales determinó que el 46.83% de la variación total que la aportan los 3 primeros componentes y las variables que la integran son VOLFRU, PESFRU, LONFRU, PESCAS, VOLPUL y DIAFRU para discriminar un 19.24% en el primer componente; las variables COLFRU, UNIFES, DIAESTI, LONESP aislaron un 14.81% en el segundo componente y un 12.78% para el tercer componente conformado por NUMBRF, DIAEST y DIAFLO, estas variables pueden ser utilizadas para evaluar materiales de pitahayas.


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Circadian clocks are 24-h timing devices that phase cellular responses; coordinate growth, physiology, and metabolism; and anticipate the day-night cycle. Here we report sensitivity of the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian oscillator to sucrose, providing evidence that plant metabolism can regulate circadian function. We found that the Arabidopsis circadian system is particularly sensitive to sucrose in the dark. These data suggest that there is a feedback between the molecular components that comprise the circadian oscillator and plant metabolism, with the circadian clock both regulating and being regulated by metabolism. We used also simulations within a three-loop mathematical model of the Arabidopsis circadian oscillator to identify components of the circadian clock sensitive to sucrose. The mathematical studies identified GIGANTEA (GI) as being associated with sucrose sensing. Experimental validation of this prediction demonstrated that GI is required for the full response of the circadian clock to sucrose. We demonstrate that GI acts as part of the sucrose-signaling network and propose this role permits metabolic input into circadian timing in Arabidopsis.


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La intensificación del cultivo de la Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) y la creciente demanda de frutos por el mercado nacional así como la exportación, ha requerido de la búsqueda de nuevas variedades que respondan adecuadamente a las exigencias de los mercados en sabor, color, dulzor, apariencia, y a las expectativas de los productores como la resistencia a plagas y enfermedades. La presente investigación se realizó entre los meses de Junio y Noviembre del año 2003 en el Centro Experimental Campos Azules (CECA); ubicado en el municipio de Masatepe, departamento de Masaya. El objetivo del trabajo es principalmente validar una Guía de Descriptores de Pitahaya. Además de caracterizar morfológicamente cada uno de los siete clones de Pitahaya (Amarilla, Cebra, Lisa, Orejona, Rosa, Sin Espina y San Ignacio) encontradas en el banco de germoplasma del CECA. Se tomaron las muestras bajo un Diseño Completo al Azar (D.C.A.) ya que la plantación estaba establecida y se realizó la caracterización de flores y frutos en el laboratorio del REGEN, exceptuando el levantamiento de datos vegetativos (cladodios) el que se realizó en el campo. Los datos se procesaron mediante análisis de varianzas y desviación estándar (entre y dentro de los clones con la tabla Tukey al 5%) en cuanto a clones, fechas de muestreo e interacción clon * fecha, Análisis de Agrupamiento (AA), Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP), análisis de correlación y un análisis del empleo de la Guía de Descriptores. El clon Amarilla presentó los más altos valores en el ANDEVA respecto a los cladodios para las variables ancho de cladodio, longitud de espinas y número de espinas, respecto al resto de los clones (7.34 cm, 12.74cm y 6.75 espinas respectivamente), el clon Sin Espina obtuvo el más alto valor en la variable distancia de areola (3.71 cm). El Análisis de Varianza en cuanto a frutos mostró diferencias estadísticas en las variables tamaño de semilla y número de brácteas, correspondientes a los clones Sin Espina y Cebra (49.11s/g y 32.88 brácteas respectivamente); El ANDEVA en cuanto a fechas mostró que en la fecha 4 (Noviembre) se obtuvieron los mejores resultados; reflejando significancia estadística en todas las variables. El análisis de Componentes Principales determinó que el 40.17% de la variación total del germoplasma la aportan los dos primeros CP y las variables que la integran son volumen de fruto, peso de fruto, peso de pulpa, diámetro de fruto, volumen de pulpa, número de pétalos, número de brácteas, color de estigma, ancho y forma de pétalos. El Análisis de Agrupamiento mostró que existen cuatro (4) grupos formados por los clones Amarilla, I; Cebra, Sin Espina y San Ignacio, II; Lisa y Orejona, III y Rosa, IV. El análisis de correlación demuestra que las variables de fruto están íntimamente asociadas.


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A micromachined electrometer, based on the concept of a variable capacitor, has been designed, modeled, fabricated, and tested. The device presented in this paper functions as a modulated variable capacitor, wherein a dc charge to be measured is up-modulated and converted to an ac voltage output, thus improving the signal-to-noise ratio. The device was fabricated in a commercial standard SOI micromachining process without the need for any additional processing steps. The electrometer was tested in both air and vacuum at room temperature. In air, it has a charge-to-voltage conversion gain of 2.06 nV/e, and a measured charge noise floor of 52.4 e/rtHz. To reduce the effects of input leakage current, an electrically isolated capacitor has been introduced between the variable capacitor and input to sensor electronics. Methods to improve the sensitivity and resolution are suggested while the long-term stability of these sensors is modeled and discussed. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper details a bulk acoustic mode resonator fabricated in single-crystal silicon with a quality factor of 15 000 in air, and over a million below 10 mTorr at a resonant frequency of 2.18 MHz. The resonator is a square plate that is excited in the square-extensional mode and has been fabricated in a commercial foundry silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MEMS process through MEMSCAP. This paper also presents a simple method of extracting resonator parameters from raw measurements heavily buried in electrical feedthrough. Its accuracy has been demonstrated through a comparison between extracted motional resistance values measured at different voltage biases and those predicted from an analytical model. Finally, a method of substantially cancelling electrical feedthrough through system-level electronic implementation is also introduced. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A single-crystal silicon resonant bulk acoustic mass sensor with a measured resolution of 125 pg cm2 is presented. The mass sensor comprises a micromachined silicon plate that is excited in the square-extensional bulk acoustic resonant mode at a frequency of 2.182 MHz, with a quality factor exceeding 106. The mass sensor has a measured mass to frequency shift sensitivity of 132 Hz cm2 μg. The resonator element is embedded in a feedback loop of an electronic amplifier to implement an oscillator with a short term frequency stability of better than 7 ppb at an operating pressure of 3.8 mTorr. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper presents a method for the fast and direct extraction of model parameters for capacitive MEMS resonators from their measured transmission response such as quality factor, resonant frequency, and motional resistance. We show that these parameters may be extracted without having to first de-embed the resonator motional current from the feedthrough. The series and parallel resonances from the measured electrical transmission are used to determine the MEMS resonator circuit parameters. The theoretical basis for the method is elucidated by using both the Nyquist and susceptance frequency response plots, and applicable in the limit where CF > CmQ; commonly the case when characterizing MEMS resonators at RF. The method is then applied to the measured electrical transmission for capacitively transduced MEMS resonators, and compared against parameters obtained using a Lorentzian fit to the measured response. Close agreement between the two methods is reported herein. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper details the design and enhanced electrical transduction of a bulk acoustic mode resonator fabricated in a commercial foundry MEMS process utilizing 2.5 μm gaps. The I-V characteristics of electrically addressed silicon resonators are often dominated by capacitive parasitics, inherent to hybrid technologies. This paper benchmarks a variety of drive and detection principles for electrostatically driven square-extensional mode resonators operating in air via analytical models accompanied by measurements of fabricated devices with the primary aim of enhancing the ratio of the motional to feedthrough current at nominal operating voltages. In view of ultimately enhancing the motional to feedthrough current ratio, a new detection technique that combines second harmonic capacitive actuation and piezoresistive detection is presented herein. This new method is shown to outperform previously reported methods utilizing voltages as low as ±3 V in air, providing a promising solution for low voltage CMOS-MEMS integration. To elucidate the basis of this improvement in signal output from measured devices, an approximate analytical model for piezoresistive sensing specific to the resonator topology reported here is also developed and presented. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrically addressed silicon bulk acoustic wave microresonators offer high Q solutions for applications in sensing and signal processing. However, the electrically transduced motional signal is often swamped by parasitic feedthrough in hybrid technologies. With the aim of enhancing the ratio of the motional to feedthrough current at nominal operating voltages, this paper benchmarks a variety of drive and detection principles for electrostatically driven square-extensional mode resonators operating in air and in a foundry MEMS process utilizing 2μm gaps. A new detection technique, combining second harmonic capacitive actuation and piezoresistive detection, outperforms previously reported methods utilizing voltages as low as ± 3V in air providing a promising solution for low voltage CMOS-MEMS integration. ©2009 IEEE.


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We use vibration localization as a sensitive means of detecting small perturbations in stiffness in a pair of weakly coupled micromechanical resonators. For the first time, the variation in the eigenstates is studied by electrostatically coupling nearly identical resonators to allow for stronger localization of vibrational energy due to perturbations in stiffness. Eigenstate variations that are orders of magnitude greater than corresponding shifts in resonant frequency for an induced stiffness perturbation are experimentally demonstrated. Such high, voltagetunable parametric sensitivities together with the added advantage of intrinsic common mode rejection pave the way to a new paradigm of mechanical sensing. ©2009 IEEE.


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Capacitive parasitic feedthrough is an impediment that is inherent to all electrically interfaced micron scale resonant devices, resulting in increased challenges to their integration in more complex circuits, particularly as devices are scaled to operate at higher frequencies for RF applications. In this paper, a technique to cancel the undesirable effects of capacitive feedthrough that was previously proposed is here developed for an on-chip implementation. The method reported in this paper benefits from the simplicity of its implementation, and its effectiveness is demonstrated in this paper. This technique is demonstrated for two disk-plate resonators that have been excited in the wine glass mode at 5.4 MHz, though applicable to almost any electrically interfaced resonator. Measurements of the electrical transmission from these resonators show that the magnitude of the frequency response of the system is enhanced by up to 19 dB, while the phase is found to shift through a full 180° about the resonant frequency. This method is proposed as a useful addition to other techniques for enhancing the measured response of electrostatic micromechanical resonators. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the design and electrical characterization of a micromechanical disk resonator fabricated in single crystal silicon using a foundry SOI micromachining process. The microresonator has been selectively excited in the radial extensional and the wine glass modes by reversing the polarity of the DC bias voltage applied on selected drive electrodes around the resonant structure. The quality factor of the resonator vibrating in the radial contour mode was 8000 at a resonant frequency of 6.34 MHz at pressure below 10 mTorr vacuum. The highest measured quality factor of the resonator in the wine glass resonant mode was 1.9 × 106 using a DC bias voltage of 20 V at about the same pressure in vacuum; the resonant frequency was 5.43 MHz and the lowest motional resistance measured was approximately 17 kΩ using a DC bias voltage of 60 V applied across 2.7 μm actuation gaps. This corresponds to a resonant frequency-quality factor (f-Q) product of 1.02 × 1013, among the highest reported for single crystal silicon microresonators, and on par with the best quartz crystal resonators. The quality factor for the wine glass mode in air was approximately 10,000. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.