867 resultados para 811
In this paper we analyze the set of Bronze Age bone tools recovered at the archaeological site of El Portalón of Cueva Mayor in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos). The Bronze Age cultural period is the best represented in the cavity and its study has forced us to unify the different excavation and stratigraphical criteria undertaken from the earliest archaeological excavations developed by J.M. Apellániz during the 70s until the excavations of the current research team (EIA) since 2000. We propose here for the first time a relationship between the initial system of “beds” used by Apellániz and our recent sedimentary sequence that recognizes eleven stratigraphic levels radiometrically dated from the late Upper Pleistocene to the Middle Age. Within the bone industry assemblage we recognize a large variety of utensils and ornamental elements, with native and allochthonous features, that make evident a regional as well as long distance relationships of these populations of the interior of the Iberian Peninsula during the recent Prehistory.
Background: Reablement, also known as restorative care, is one possible approach to home-care services for older adults at risk of functional decline. Unlike traditional home-care services, reablement is frequently time-limited (usually six to 12 weeks) and aims to maximise independence by offering an intensive multidisciplinary, person-centred and goal-directed intervention. Objectives:Objectives To assess the effects of time-limited home-care reablement services (up to 12 weeks) for maintaining and improving the functional independence of older adults (aged 65 years or more) when compared to usual home-care or wait-list control group. Search methods:We searched the following databases with no language restrictions during April to June 2015: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); MEDLINE (OvidSP); Embase (OvidSP); PsycINFO (OvidSP); ERIC; Sociological Abstracts; ProQuest Dissertations and Theses; CINAHL (EBSCOhost); SIGLE (OpenGrey); AgeLine and Social Care Online. We also searched the reference lists of relevant studies and reviews as well as contacting authors in the field.Selection criteria:We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs), cluster randomised or quasi-randomised trials of time-limited reablement services for older adults (aged 65 years or more) delivered in their home; and incorporated a usual home-care or wait-list control group. Data collection and analysis:Two authors independently assessed studies for inclusion, extracted data, assessed the risk of bias of individual studies and considered quality of the evidence using GRADE. We contacted study authors for additional information where needed.Main results:Two studies, comparing reablement with usual home-care services with 811 participants, met our eligibility criteria for inclusion; we also identified three potentially eligible studies, but findings were not yet available. One included study was conducted in Western Australia with 750 participants (mean age 82.29 years). The second study was conducted in Norway (61 participants; mean age 79 years). We are very uncertain as to the effects of reablement compared with usual care as the evidence was of very low quality for all of the outcomes reported. The main findings were as follows. Functional status: very low quality evidence suggested that reablement may be slightly more effective than usual care in improving function at nine to 12 months (lower scores reflect greater independence; standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.30; 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.53 to -0.06; 2 studies with 249 participants). Adverse events: reablement may make little or no difference to mortality at 12 months’ follow-up (RR 0.97; 95% CI 0.74 to 1.29; 2 studies with 811 participants) or rates of unplanned hospital admission at 24 months (RR 0.94; 95% CI 0.85 to 1.03; 1 study with 750 participants). The very low quality evidence also means we are uncertain whether reablement may influence quality of life (SMD -0.23; 95% CI -0.48 to 0.02; 2 trials with 249 participants) or living arrangements (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.34; 1 study with 750 participants) at time points up to 12 months. People receiving reablement may be slightly less likely to have been approved for a higher level of personal care than people receiving usual care over the 24 months’ follow-up (RR 0.87; 95% CI 0.77 to 0.98; 1 trial, 750 participants). Similarly, although there may be a small reduction in total aggregated home and healthcare costs over the 24-month follow-up (reablement: AUD 19,888; usual care: AUD 22,757; 1 trial with 750 participants), we are uncertain about the size and importance of these effects as the results were based on very low quality evidence. Neither study reported user satisfaction with the serviceAuthors’ conclusions:There is considerable uncertainty regarding the effects of reablement as the evidence was of very low quality according to our GRADE ratings. Therefore, the effectiveness of reablement services cannot be supported or refuted until more robust evidence becomes available. There is an urgent need for high quality trials across different health and social care systems due to the increasingly high profile of reablement services in policy and practice in several countries.
Este trabalho visou a identificação das trocas de informações e ações conjuntas realizadas por participantes do Movimento Elefantes (ME), grupo constituído por 10 Big Bands formado em 2009. Buscou-se também identificar quais são os objetivos do grupamento, conforme são entendidos pelos participantes, e as dificuldades enfrentas pelo ME, por eles apontadas. A pesquisa de campo teve natureza exploratória, tendo sido aplicado aos músicos questionário via internet, com questões abertas. Os resultados obtidos, com base em análise de conteúdo, apontam que as trocas estão relacionadas predominantemente com questões estéticas, sendo também relevantes as indicações profissionais. Os objetivos considerados pelos respondentes são criar mais espaços para apresentação e promover integração entre os músicos. Embora estes objetivos sejam atingidos, o grupamento enfrenta dificuldades significativas, devido ao baixo comprometimento dos músicos e estrutura organizacional precária. São sugeridas medidas visando melhorar os resultados deste grupamento, que está inserido na chamada indústria criativa.
Introdução: A correção cirúrgica do aneurisma da aorta abdominal (AAA), por Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) ou cirurgia convencional (CC), pode agravar a função renal a curto prazo. Esta complicação, mais frequente nos doentes com insuficiência renal crónica (IRC), associa-se a pior prognóstico a longo prazo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o agravamento da função renal após reparação do AAA em doentes com IRC prévia e demonstrar o consequente aumento da morbimortalidade. Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo em doentes com IRC estádios Chronic Kidney Disease 3-4 (TFGe 15-59ml/min), submetidos a correção eletiva de AAA entre fevereiro/2011 e fevereiro/2015 numa instituição terciária. Variáveis estudadas: idade, sexo, tipo de intervenção (convencional/EVAR) e estádio CKD. Endpoints: variação da creatinina e taxa de filtração glomerular com a cirurgia, complicações renais pós-operatórias, necessidade de reintervenção cirúrgica e mortalidade. A análise estatística foi realizada em SPSS. Resultados: Foram incluídos 71doentes. Quinze doentes (21%) foram operados por CC e 56 (78%) por EVAR. À data da intervenção, os doentes encontravam-se nos seguintes estádios da DRC: CKD 3 --- 65 (91%) e CKD 4 --- 6 (9%). A variac¸ão da TFG com a cirurgia foi −1,08±18,01mg/dl. Verificou-se IRC agudizada pós-operatória em 22 (31%) doentes e necessidade de diálise em 5 (7%). A mortalidade global foi 8,5%. Os doentes operados por EVAR tinham DRC mais avançada pré-operatoriamente, mas apresentaram menor agravamento da função renal. Variação TFG: EVAR 1,14±16,26ml/min vs. CC 9,40±22,11ml/min (p=0,022); variação creatinina: EVAR 0,17±1,03mg/dl vs. CC 0,81±1,47mg/dl (p=0,02). A agudização da IRC pós-operatória foi superior no grupo CC (53,3 vs. 28,6%; p=0,072), assim como a necessidade de diálise (20 vs. 3,6%, p=0,06). Os 6 doentes que faleceram (EVAR: 3; CC: 3) apresentaram maior agravamento da função renal (variação da creatinina: 1,41±1,63mg/dl vs. 0,20±1,07mg/dl, p=0,001; variação da TFG: −19,0±16,55ml/min; 0,57±17,34ml/min, p=0,007) e necessidade de diálise (50 vs. 3,1%, p=0,003). Conclusão: Os resultados demonstraram uma tendência para uma menor probabilidade de IRA, menor necessidade de diálise pós-operatória e menor mortalidade nos doentes tratados por EVAR. Contudo, o impacto da administração de contraste a médio/longo prazo, decorrente dos programas de vigilância pós-EVAR, deve ser considerado. Julgamos ser possível considerar que a realização de EVAR para o tratamento de doentes com AAA e IRC é um procedimento pelo menos tão seguro como a CC.
El análisis acerca de los cambios de metodología entre la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENH) y la Encuesta Continua de Hogares (ECH), permite ver una ruptura en el estudio de los indicadores del mercado laboral que justifica el desarrollo de una propuesta de empalme para las variables utilizadas en el cálculo de los indicadores del mercado laboral. Particularmente, este artículo trabaja el empalme de la serie de la tasa de desempleo nacional a siete Áreas Metropolitanas desde marzo de 1985 hasta diciembre de 2003, basándose en el cálculo de un factor de corrección definitivo que es el producto de dos factores de corrección: uno por definición y otro por recolección, tal como lo presentaron Suárez y Buriticá (2004). Los resultados del empalme muestran que la serie corregida disminuye aproximadamente 0.46 puntos porcentuales, con respecto a la serie original. Asimismo, muestran que sólo es posible utilizar las ECH del año 2000 y el primer trimestre del 2001 para empalmar las series.
Objetivos: La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) se asocia a un incremento del riesgo de fracturas y de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Los objetivos de nuestro estudio fueron evaluar los niveles séricos de Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) en una cohorte de pacientes con DM2 y analizar su relación con el metabolismo óseo y la enfermedad ateroesclerótica (EA). Pacientes y métodos: Se estudiaron 126 sujetos: 72 pacientes con DM2 (edad media de 58,2±6 años) y 54 sujetos no diabéticos (edad media de 55,4±7 años). Se midió DKK1 mediante ensayo de inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas (ELISA, Biomedica Gruppe), se determinó la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) mediante absorciometría dual de rayos X (DXA), se registró la presencia de EA (enfermedad cerebrovascular, enfermedad arterial periférica, cardiopatía isquémica) y se evaluó el grosor de la íntima-media (GIM, ultrasonografía doppler) y la calcificación aórtica (radiología simple). Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas en DKK1 entre diabéticos y no diabéticos. Las concentraciones séricas de DKK1 fueron significativamente mayores en las mujeres de la muestra total (24,3±15,2 vs. 19,6±10,2 pmol/L, p=0,046) y del grupo DM2 (27,5±17,2 vs. 19,8±8,9 pmol/L, p=0,025). Hubo una correlación positiva entre DKK1 y DMO lumbar en la muestra total (r=0,183, p=0,048). Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias en función del diagnóstico de osteoporosis o presencia de fracturas vertebrales morfométricas. Los valores de DKK1 fueron significativamente mayores en los pacientes con DM2 y EA (26,4±14,5 pmol/L vs. 19,1±11,6 pmol/L, p=0,026) y también en pacientes con GIM anormal (26,4±15,1 pmol/L vs. 19,8±11,3 pmol/L, p=0,038). En el análisis de la curva ROC para evaluar la utilidad de DKK1 como un marcador de alto riesgo de EA, el área bajo la curva fue de 0,667 (intervalo de confianza -IC- del 95%: 0,538-0,795; p=0,016). Una concentración de 17,3 pmol/L o superior mostró una sensibilidad del 71,4% y una especificidad del 60% para identificar un mayor riesgo de EA. Conclusiones: Los niveles circulantes DKK1 son más altos en los diabéticos con EA y se asocian con un GIM patológico. Por tanto, consideramos que DKK1 puede estar implicado en la enfermedad vascular de los pacientes con DM2.
International audience
There is growing recognition that gaining the views of young people is crucial for understanding issues that affect their lives. However, to date, very little is known about the way in which disabled children, make sense of their identities, and create a sense of their past and their imagined futures over time. This three year study, funded by the European Social Fund, and conducted by Dr Sonali Shah and colleagues at the University of Nottingham, used various methods to explore how physically disabled students, in full-time special or mainstream education, make choices concerning their occupational futures. It identified the factors that shape their educational and career related choices and chances, and explored how social relations, social processes, and social policies influenced the extent to which their aspirations were achieved. This study presents disabled children and young people as critical social actors who are telling their own stories of how social structures and processes shape their choices and aspirations for their future selves. It illustrates the importance of consulting children and young people about issues concerning their lives, and not rely solely on adults’ conceptions of childhood. The young disabled people’s experiences and views can be used to develop a new flexible system which offers the benefits of mainstream and special education, and facilitates young disabled people’s self-determination to make choices to participate in and contribute to their independent futures.
This study describes the psychometric properties of the Children's Separation Anxiety Scale (CSAS), which assesses separation anxiety symptoms in childhood. Participants in Study 1 were 1,908 schoolchildren aged between 8 and 11. Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors: worry about separation, distress from separation, opposition to separation, and calm at separation, which explained 46.91% of the variance. In Study 2, 6,016 children aged 8–11 participated. The factor model in Study 1 was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency (α = 0.82) and temporal stability (r = 0.83) of the instrument were good. The convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated by means of correlations with other measures of separation anxiety, childhood anxiety, depression and anger. Sensitivity of the scale was 85% and its specificity, 95%. The results support the reliability and validity of the CSAS.
A technicians following UCR courses have performed very well, teachers are very satisfied with their work and preparation they have received in the UNA. Lucia Chacon speaks well about the courses: I think when you start a race for it to be good, or more specifically their level of use is optimal, it is necessary that both the faculty and the students show interest. It is also important that students are aware of what the role of the library in the process of communication between the company and its role culturizante in a changing world. Thus the career of librarianship should be a support staff who need the libraries in the country, should contribute to social and cultural development of society and should be upgraded every day the library system, which is achieved mainly through accountability and self-improvement of teachers, so that their knowledge is transmitted to the students.
Hygiene and biosecurity: the language and politics of risk in an era of emerging infectious diseases
Infectious diseases, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and avian influenza, have recently been high on the agenda of policy makers and the public. Although hygiene and biosecurity are preferred options for disease management, policy makers have become increasingly aware of the critical role that communication assumes in protecting people during outbreaks and epidemics. This article makes the case for a language-based approach to understanding the public perception of disease. Health language research carried out by the authors, based on metaphor analysis and corpus linguistics, has shown that concepts of journeys, pathways, thresholds, boundaries and barriers have emerged as principal framing devices used by stakeholders to advocate a hygiene based risk and disease management. These framings provide a common ground for debate, but lead to quite different perceptions and practices. This in turn might be a barrier to global disease management in a modern world.
Sementes de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cv. EA-955 foram condicionadas em latas de metal vedadas, sacos de pano e de polipropileno e armazenadas sob condicoes naturais, em quatro localidades do Estado do Ceara: Fortaleza, Quixada, Morada Nova e Ubajara, com o objetivo de determinar a influencia da embalagem do local e do periodo de armazenamento sobre a qua qualidade fisiologica. Mensalmente, foi determinado o teor de umidade das smentes, e a cada dois meses a qualidade das sementes era avaliada por meio de testes de germinacao, vigor (comprimento da raiz) e peso seco de plantulas. Utilizou-se um delineamento no esquema fatorial, no qual os fatores eram cinco periodos de armazenamento (0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 meses) e tres tipos de embalagem (lata, pano, polipropileno), com quatro repeticoes. Durante o periodo de armazenamento, observou-se ser a lata de metal a embalagem que melhor preserva a qualidade das sementes. No que se refere aos locais, constatou-se que as smentes armazenadas um Ubajara mostraram melhor qualidade do que as sementes estocadas nas outras localidades.
Performance and economic indicators of a large scale fish farm that produces round fish, located in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, were evaluated. The 130.8 ha-water surface area was distributed in 30 ponds. Average total production costs and the following economic indicators were calculated: gross income (GI), gross margin (GM), gross margin index (GMI), profitability index (PI) and profit (P) for the farm as a whole and for ten ponds individually. Production performance indicators were also obtained, such as: production cycle (PC), apparent feed conversion (FC), average biomass storage (ABS), survival index (SI) and final average weight (FAW). The average costs to produce an average 2.971 kg.ha-1 per year were: R$ 2.43, R$ 0.72 and R$ 3.15 as average variable, fixed and total costs, respectively. Gross margin and profit per year per hectare of water surface were R$ 2,316.91 and R$ 180.98, respectively. The individual evaluation of the ponds showed that the best pond performance was obtained for PI 38%, FC 1.7, ABS 0.980 kg.m-2, TS 56%, FAW 1.873 kg with PC of 12.3 months. The worst PI was obtained for the pond that displayed losses of 138%, FC 2.6, ABS 0.110 kg.m-2, SI 16% and FAW 1.811 kg. However, large scale production of round-fish in farms is economically feasible. The studied farm displays favorable conditions to improve performance and economic indicators, but it is necessary to reproduce the breeding techniques and performance indicators achieved in few ponds to the entire farm.
Recent findings indicate that bimodal-redundant stimulation promotes perceptual learning and recruits attention to amodal properties in non-human as well as human infants. However it is not clear if bimodal-redundant stimulation can also facilitate memory during the postnatal period. Moreover, most animal and human studies have employed an operant paradigm to study memory, but have not compared the effectiveness of contingent versus passive presentation of information on memory. The current study investigated the role of unimodal versus bimodal presentation and, the role of a contingent versus passive exposure in memory retention in the bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Results revealed that contingently trained chicks demonstrated a preference for the familiarized call under both unimodal and bimodal conditions. Between-group analyses revealed that the contingent-bimodal group preferred the familiarized call as compared to the passive-bimodal group. These results indicate that the contingency paradigm accompanied with the bimodal stimulus type facilitated memory during early development.