1000 resultados para 7140-310
For twelve months (from January to December of 1996) we investigated bee-flower interactions in a sea coastal ecosystem in Bahia, Brazil. Samples were taken three times each month. 3983 individuals belonging to 49 bee species, grouped in 13 morph-functional categories, visited 66 plant species belonging to 39 botanic families. It was observed 310 interactions between bees and plants at species level. The use of floral resources by bees was not homogeneous; most of the plant species received a low number of visitors. No restricted plant-bee species relationship in resource use concerning the subset of analyzed interactions was detected. In Abaeté the generalist relationships predominated.
The Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) engages in research and development for two reasons: first, to find workable solutions to the many problems that require more than ordinary, routine investigation; second, to identify and implement improved engineering and management practices. This report, entitled “Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY2007” is submitted in compliance with Sections 310.36 and 312.3A, Code of Iowa, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects, which were in progress on June 30, 2007; it is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006, and ending June 30, 2007. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available in the Research and Technology Bureau in the Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Consider the density of the solution $X(t,x)$ of a stochastic heat equation with small noise at a fixed $t\in [0,T]$, $x \in [0,1]$.In the paper we study the asymptotics of this density as the noise is vanishing. A kind of Taylor expansion in powers of the noiseparameter is obtained. The coefficients and the residue of the expansion are explicitly calculated.In order to obtain this result some type of exponential estimates of tail probabilities of the difference between the approximatingprocess and the limit one is proved. Also a suitable local integration by parts formula is developped.
Informa la situación poblacional de la concha de abanico Argopecten purpuratus en la Bahía Independencia, así como los resultados de la evaluación de este recurso y su interrelación con el medio ambiente en el periodo comprendido entre el 17 de enero y 4 de febrero de 1987.
Contexte: Parmi les complications de toute chirurgie, on retrouve l'embolie pulmonaire, dont l'issue est potentiellement fatale. Peu de travaux cependant ont été effectués pour étudier les facteurs de risques associés à une embolie pulmonaire après une chirurgie hépato-biliaire en particulier. Objectif: Le but de notre travail est d'étudier et comparer aux rares résultats existants les facteurs de risque ainsi que les conséquences d'une embolie pulmonaire post- hépatectomie. Les données pourront éventuellement être utilisées pour cibler les patients à risque et améliorer la prévention. Résultats: Le diagnostic d'embolie pulmonaire a été posé chez 24 patients (8%) au CT-scan dans la période post-opératoire. Le délai moyen entre l'opération et le diagnostic était de 5 jours (1-15j). La comparaison des patients du groupe EP (n = 24) au groupe Non-EP (n = 272) montre un BMI médian plus élevé (27 vs 24 kg/m2, p=0.006), un taux plus élevé de résections majeures (71 vs 43%, p=0.01) ainsi qu'une durée opératoire plus longue (310 vs 260 min, p=0.001). La durée totale d'hospitalisation était également supérieure dans le groupe EP (22 vs 11j, p<0.05), de même que la durée de séjour aux soins intensifs (3 vs 1j, p<0.05). La mortalité globale à 90j post-opératoires était de 3.3%, la mortalité du groupe EP étant nulle. Conclusion: Les résultats de cette étude rétrospective ont démontré l'association des embolies pulmonaires post-hépatectomie avec l'obésité, les hépatectomies majeures, ainsi qu'une longue durée d'opération. L'incidence non négligeable des embolies prouve la nécessité d'une prophylaxie thrombo-embolique.
Purpose: To evaluate whether parametric imaging with contrast material-enhanced ultrasonography (US) is superior to visual assessment for the differential diagnosis of focal liver lesions (FLLs). Materials and Methods: This study had institutional review board approval, and verbal patient informed consent was obtained. Between August 2005 and October 2008, 146 FLLs in 145 patients (63 women, 82 men; mean age, 62.5 years; age range, 22-89 years) were imaged with real-time low-mechanical-index contrast-enhanced US after a bolus injection of 2.4 mL of a second-generation contrast agent. Clips showing contrast agent uptake kinetics (including arterial, portal, and late phases) were recorded and subsequently analyzed off-line with dedicated image processing software. Analysis of the dynamic vascular patterns (DVPs) of lesions with respect to adjacent parenchyma allowed mapping DVP signatures on a single parametric image. Cine loops of contrast-enhanced US and results from parametric imaging of DVP were assessed separately by three independent off-site readers who classified each lesion as benign, malignant, or indeterminate. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for both techniques. Interobserver agreement (κ statistics) was determined. Results: Sensitivities for visual interpretation of cine loops for the three readers were 85.0%, 77.9%, and 87.6%, which improved significantly to 96.5%, 97.3%, and 96.5% for parametric imaging, respectively (P < .05, McNemar test), while retaining high specificity (90.9% for all three readers). Accuracy scores of parametric imaging were higher than those of conventional contrast-enhanced US for all three readers (P < .001, McNemar test). Interobserver agreement increased with DVP parametric imaging compared with conventional contrast-enhanced US (change of κ from 0.54 to 0.99). Conclusion: Parametric imaging of DVP improves diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced US in the differentiation between malignant and benign FLLs; it also provides excellent interobserver agreement.
Kirje 4.2.1958
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) engages in research and development for two reasons: first, to find workable solutions to the many problems that require more than ordinary, routine investigation; second, to identify and implement improved engineering and management practices. This report, entitled "Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY2008" is submitted in compliance with Sections 310.36 and 3 I2.3A, Code of Iowa, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects in progress on June 30, 2008; it is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available in the Research and Technology Bureau in the Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation. IOWA HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD In developing a progressive, continuing and coordinated program of research and development, the Highway Division is assisted by the Iowa Highway Research Board. This advisory group was established in 1949 by the Iowa State Highway Commission to respond to the research denoted in Section 310.36 of the Code of Iowa and now is denoted by 312.3A. The Research Board consists of 15 regular members: seven Iowa county engineers, four Iowa DOT engineers, one representative from Iowa State University, one from The University of Iowa, and two engineers employed by Iowa municipalities. Each regular member may have an alternate who will serve at the request of the regular member. The regular members and their alternates are appointed for a three-year term. The membership of the Research Board as of June 30, 2008, is listed in Table I. The Research Board held nine regular meetings during the period ofJuly 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008. Suggestions for research and development were reviewed at these meetings and recommendations were made by the Board.
Tasavallan Presidentin lausunto Paasikivi-seuran kokouksessa 28.5.1963 Helsinki ; XI. Tasavallan Presidentin yksityinen vierailu Neuvostoliittoon. Puhe Suomen suurlähetystössä järjestetyillä päivällisillä 3.12.1963 Moskova
Nas últimas décadas a utilização de computadores tornou-se parte integrante da vida das pessoas, permitindo o aparecimento de vários tipos de crimes electrónicos. Neste contexto, é importante que as organizações se preparem para investigar casos que envolvem a informática e adoptem procedimentos válidos e confiáveis que permitem recuperar os dados dos computadores envolvidos em actividades ilícitas. A Forense Computacional, são técnicas que permitem-nos recolher, identificar, analisar e apresentar evidências de crimes digitais. Pretende-se com este trabalho, apresentar as principais técnicas de Forense Computacional em servidor IIS 5.0 da Microsoft.
Audit report on Pottawattamie County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008