988 resultados para 630
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo implementar um modelo computacional para simular a dinâmica operacional de uma linha industrial de abate de suínos. O sistema real modelado pertence à empresa Frigorífico Frimesa, sediada no município de Medianeira (PR). O modelo implementado é tipo dinâmico, discreto e estocástico. Este simula 34 operações unitárias e foi estruturado com o uso da linguagem de simulação EXTEND TM. Para validação do modelo foram coletados dados relativos a cinco dias de operação, em que foram abatidos 1.346, 1.630, 1.360, 1.585 e 1.550 suínos, respectivamente. Como parâmetros de comparação entre os dados obtidos a partir do sistema e gerados pelo modelo foram selecionadas as seguintes variáveis: (i) tempo de duração da operação; (ii) tempo de deslocamento da insensibilização até a depiladeira; (iii) tempo deslocamento da insensibilização até a câmara fria; (iv) número de carcaças re-inspecionadas; e (v) número final de carcaças. Na validação do modelo, foi constatado que, para a variável tempo de duração da operação por meio do teste Tukey a 1% de significância, não foram detectadas diferenças estatísticas entre os valores obtidos do sistema real e os gerados pelo modelo. Considerando-se esta e outras análises, foi concluído que o modelo aplica-se à finalidade para a qual foi implementado. Sendo assim, foram realizadas duas análises de sensibilidade. Na primeira, ao alterar o número de suínos a abater de 1 mil para 2 mil, foi determinado que os tempos de duração da operação variariam de 6,20 a 10,10 h, respectivamente. Para a segunda, ao abater 1.340 suínos e alterar a velocidade das nórias de 300 para 600 animais por hora, o tempo de duração da operação passou de 8,10 para 7,40 h, respectivamente.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivando-se avaliar o desempenho de dois genótipos de soja-hortaliça de ciclo precoce [Glycine max (L.) Merril], em diferentes densidades, foi instalado um ensaio, em área experimental do Setor de Olericultura e Plantas Aromático-Medicinais, pertencente ao Departamento de Produção Vegetal, nas dependências da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV-UNESP), Campus de Jaboticabal-SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de parcelas subdivididas, adotando-se nas parcelas os genótipos e nas subparcelas as densidades, com quatro repetições por tratamento. Cada parcela experimental foi constituída por quatro linhas de 4,5m de plantio, com densidades de 20, 10 e 7 plantas por metro e 0,60m nas entrelinhas, sendo consideradas para avaliação 20 plantas por parcela, das duas linhas centrais. As sementes foram semeadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido de 128 células, contendo substrato Plantmax Hortaliças®. O transplantio ocorreu dez dias após a semeadura, em solo devidamente preparado, conforme recomendações para a cultura. A colheita foi realizada quando os legumes estavam em estádio reprodutivo R6. Avaliaram-se os genótipos JLM010 e CNPSOI quanto às características: número médio de legumes por planta, número médio de sementes por legume, massa fresca de 100 sementes e produtividade estimada de grãos imaturos. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que o genótipo JLM010 é o mais recomendado e deve ser plantado na densidade de 7 plantas por metro.
OBJETIVO: Descrever o recrutamento de pacientes, instrumentos de avaliação, métodos para o desenvolvimento de estudos colaborativos multicêntricos e os resultados preliminares do Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Transtornos do Espectro Obsessivo-Compulsivo, que inclui sete centros universitários. MÉTODO: Este estudo transversal incluiu entrevistas semi-estruturadas (dados sociodemográficos, histórico médico e psiquiátrico, curso da doença e diagnósticos psiquiátricos comórbidos) e instrumentos que avaliam os sintomas do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (Escala para Sintomas Obsessivo-Compulsivos de Yale-Brown e Escala Dimensional para Sintomas Obsessivo-Compulsivos de Yale-Brown), sintomas depressivos (Inventário de Depressão de Beck), sintomas ansiosos (Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck), fenômenos sensoriais (Escala de Fenômenos Sensoriais da Universidade de São Paulo), juízo crítico (Escala de Avaliação de Crenças de Brown), tiques (Escala de Gravidade Global de Tiques de Yale) e qualidade de vida (questionário genérico de avaliação de qualidade de vida, Medical Outcome Quality of Life Scale Short-form-36 e Escala de Avaliação Social). O treinamento dos avaliadores consistiu em assistir cinco entrevistas filmadas e entrevistar cinco pacientes junto com um pesquisador mais experiente, antes de entrevistar pacientes sozinhos. A confiabilidade entre todos os líderes de grupo para os instrumentos mais importantes (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, Universidade de São Paulo Sensory Phenomena Scale ) foi medida após seis entrevistas completas. RESULTADOS: A confiabilidade entre avaliadores foi de 96%. Até março de 2008, 630 pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo tinham sido sistematicamente avaliados. A média de idade (±SE) foi de 34,7 (±0,51), 56,3% eram do sexo feminino e 84,6% caucasianos. Os sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos mais prevalentes foram os de simetria e os de contaminação. As comorbidades psiquiátricas mais comuns foram depressão maior, ansiedade generalizada e transtorno de ansiedade social. O transtorno de controle de impulsos mais comum foi escoriação neurótica. CONCLUSÃO: Este consórcio de pesquisa, pioneiro no Brasil, permitiu delinear o perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e terapêutico do paciente com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo em uma grande amostra clínica de pacientes. O Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Transtornos do Espectro Obsessivo-Compulsivo estabeleceu uma importante rede de colaboração de investigação clínica padronizada sobre o transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e pode abrir o caminho para projetos semelhantes destinados a integrar outros grupos de pesquisa no Brasil e em todo o mundo.
Droplets formed at the tip of a tube under the same conditions possess extreme uniformity of form, volume and weight. These properties of liquid drop formation have been known for a long time and consequently many applications for the drop have been found in instrumentation and chemical analysis methods. In the present paper, we report on the analytical use of a dynamic LED-based flow-through optical absorption detector with optical path length controlled by continuous dropping of a solution. This arrangement consists of a flow cell built within a high-intensity red LED (lambda (max)=630 nm). The feasibility of the detector is demonstrated by colorimetric determination of methylene blue, and ammonium by Berthelot's reaction, in a flow-injection system. For ammonium, the reaction forms a blue dye (indophenol) with a maximum absorption at 630-650 nm. The detection limit, considered as 3 times the signal of the blank, is better than 125 mu g l(-1). The small flow cell represents a good combination of optical path length, low volume and fast washout. This detector can be used advantageously in automated methods and can represent a solution to problems of optical detection involving gas bubbles and precipitation of particles in turbidimetric applications.
The effect in rats of an anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) electrolytic lesion on salivary secretion induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) or intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of a cholinergic agonist (pilocarpine) was investigated. Sham- or AV3V-lesioned rats anesthetized with urethane and with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. The amount of salivary secretion was studied over a seven-minute period after i.c.v. or i.p. injection of pilocarpine. In sham-operated rats, i.p. injection of pilocarpine (1 mg/kg b.w.) (after 6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days) produced salivary secretion (486 +/- 21, 778 +/- 85, 630 +/- 50, and 560 +/- 55 mg/7 min, respectively). This effect was reduced 6 h, 2, and 7 days after an AV3V lesion (142 +/- 22, 113 +/- 32, and 290 +/- 62 mg/7 min, respectively), but not 15 days after an AV3V lesion (516 +/- 19 mg/7 min). I.c.v. injection of pilocarpine (120 mug in 1 muL), in sham-operated rats after 6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days also produced salivary secretion (443 +/- 20, 417 +/- 81, 496 +/- 14, and 427 +/- 47 mg/7 min, respectively). The effects of i.c.v. pilocarpine were also reduced 6 h, 2, and 7 days after an AV3V lesion (143 +/- 19, 273 +/- 14, and 322 +/- 17 mg/7 min, respectively), but not after 15 days (450 +/- 28 mg/7 min). The results demonstrate that the central nervous system, and particularly the AV3V region, is important for the effect of pilocarpine on salivary secretion in rats. Moreover, they suggest that activation of central pathways may play an important part in the salivary secretion to peripheral pilocarpine in rats.
Objectives. This study compared the shear bond strength (SBS) and microtensile (MTBS) testing methodologies for core and veneering ceramics in four types of all-ceramic systems.Methods. Four different ceramic veneer/core combinations, three of which were feldspathic and the other a fluor-apatite to their respectively corresponding cores, namely leucitereinforced ceramic ((IPS)Empress, Ivoclar), low leucite-reinforced ceramic (Finesse, Ceramco), glass-infiltrated alumina (In-Ceram Alumina, Vita) and lithium disilicate ((IPS)Empress 2, Ivoclar) were used for SBS and MTBS tests. Ceramic cores (N = 40, n = 10/group for SBS test method, N=5blocks/group for MTBS test method) were fabricated according to the manufacturers' instructions (for SBS: thickness, 3 mm; diameter, 5 mm and for MTBS: 10 mm x 10 mm x 2 mm) and ultrasonically cleaned. The veneering ceramics (thickness: 2 mm) were vibrated and condensed in stainless steel moulds and fired onto the core ceramic materials. After trying the specimens in the mould for minor adjustments, they were again ultrasonically cleaned and embedded in PMMA. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 1 week and bond strength tests were performed in universal testing machines (cross-head speed: 1mm/min). The bond strengths (MPa +/- S.D.) and modes of failures were recorded.Results. Significant difference between the two test methods and all-ceramic types were observed (P < 0.05) (2-way ANOVA, Tukey's test and Bonferroni). The mean SBS values for veneering ceramic to lithium disilicate was significantly higher (41 +/- 8 MPa) than those to low leucite (28 +/- 4 MPa), glass-infiltrated (26 +/- 4 MPa) and leucite-reinforced (23 +/- 3 MPa) ceramics, while the mean MTBS for low leucite ceramic was significantly higher (15 +/- 2 MPa) than those of leucite (12 +/- 2 MPa), glass-infiltrated (9 +/- 1 MPa) and lithium disilicate ceramic (9 +/- 1 MPa) (ANOVA, P < 0.05).Significance. Both the testing methodology and the differences in chemical compositions of the core and veneering ceramics influenced the bond strength between the core and veneering ceramic in bilayered all-ceramic systems. (c) 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mafic/ultramafic Ipanema Layered Complex (ILC), Minas Gerais Brazil, consists of seven individual bodies. These units crosscut polyphase orthogneisses and interlayered paragneisses of the Paleoproterozoic Juiz de Fora Complex. Intrusive granitoids tectonically related to [lie Neoproterozoie Aracuai orogen are also present in the study area.A Sm-Nd whole-rock linear array for seven samples metapyoxenites, metaperidotiles, metagabbro. and meta-anorthosite) from the Santa Cruz massif, the largest body of the ILC. suggest that it was emplaced at 1104 +/- 78 Ma the original magma was derived from a depleted mantle source (epsilon(Ndt)= +3.8). U-Pb single-grain zircon stud of a meta-anorthosite yields all upper intercept age of 1719 +/- 4 Ma, which is interpreted to represent inheritance. The lower intercept at 630+/-3 Ma indicates (hat a Neoproterozoic tectonothermal episode overprinted the ILC, this event occurred under upper-amphiolite-, to granulite-facies conditions. The 630 Ma episode is consistent with the timing of regional metamorphism and deformation of the adjacent Aracuai orogen (Brasiliano collage). Emplacement of the ILC and other coeval metamafies and meta-ultramafics (of alkaline affinity) in the re, oil is attributed to early extension tectonics, accompanying accretion of the Rodinia super- continent during the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic time boundary.
We investigate the linear optical properties and energy transfer processes in tungstate fluorophosphate glass doped with thulium (Tm3+) and neodymium (Nd3+) ions. The linear absorption spectra from 370 to 3000 nm were obtained. Transitions probabilities, radiative lifetimes, and transition branching ratios were determined using the Judd-Ofelt [Phys. Rev. 127, 750 (1962); J. Chem. Phys. 37, 511 (1962)] theory. Frequency up-conversion to the blue region and fluorescence in the infrared were observed upon pulsed excitation in the range of 630-700 nm. The excitation spectra of the luminescence were obtained to understand the origin of the signals. The temporal decay of the fluorescence was measured for different concentrations of the doping ions. Energy transfer rates among the Tm3+ and Nd3+ ions were also determined.
[1] Surface-based measurements of atmospheric formic acid (HCOOH), acetic acid (CH3COOH), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and nitric acid (HNO3) were made in central São Paulo State, Brazil, between April 1999 and March 2000. Mean concentrations were 9.0 ppb (HCOOH), 1.3 ppb (CH3COOH), 4.9 ppb (SO2), 0.3 ppb (HCl), and 0.5 ppb (HNO3). Concentrations in sugar cane burning plumes were 1160-4230 ppb (HCOOH), 360-1750 ppb (CH3COOH), 10-630 ppb (SO2), 4-210 ppb (HCl), and 14-90 ppb (HNO3). Higher ambient concentrations of SO2, HCl and HNO3 were measured during the burning season (May-November). Concentrations of SO2 and HCl increased during the evening, and of HCOOH and CH3COOH were lowest in the morning, with peak levels in the afternoon. Ratios obtained between different species showed either nighttime maxima (SO2/HCOOH, SO2/CH3COOH, SO2/HNO3, CH3COOH/HNO3, SO2/HCl and HCOOH/HNO3), daytime maxima (HCOOH/HCl, CH3COOH/HCl and HNO3/HCl), or no clear trends (HCOOH/CH3COOH). Correlation analysis showed that SO2 and HCl were primary emissions from biomass burning and road transport; HCOOH, HNO3 and CH3COOH were products of photochemistry; HCOOH and CH3COOH were emitted directly during combustion as well as from biogenic sources. Biomass burning affected atmospheric acidity on a regional scale, while vehicular emissions had greater impact in urban and adjacent areas. Atmospheric ammonia levels were insufficient to neutralize atmospheric acidity, which was mainly removed by deposition to the surface.
A 9.5/65/35 PLZT ceramic with a Pb-0.905 La-0.095 (Zr-0.65 Ti-0.35)(0.976) O-3 + 35 w% PbO formula was prepared using the Pechini method for powder preparation and two-step sintering in an oxygen atmosphere. Thr first step consisted of sintering at 1200 degrees C for 4 h with slow heating and cooling rates. The second step consisted of hot pressing at 1200 degrees C for 3 h, with slow heating and cooling rates and pressing pressures of 20 MPa (initial pressure) and 40 MPa (at sintering temperature). Investigations were made of the powder phase formation and powder morphology, i.e. The structure of sintered and hot-pressed PLZT ceramics. SEM microstructural analyses were carried out on the sintering and hot-pressing processes. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
The capacitor placement (replacement) problem for radial distribution networks determines capacitor types, sizes, locations and control schemes. Optimal capacitor placement is a hard combinatorial problem that can be formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear program. Since this is a NP complete problem (Non Polynomial time) the solution approach uses a combinatorial search algorithm. The paper proposes a hybrid method drawn upon the Tabu Search approach, extended with features taken from other combinatorial approaches such as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, and from practical heuristic approaches. The proposed method has been tested in a range of networks available in the literature with superior results regarding both quality and cost of solutions.