1000 resultados para 617.412


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La neurocirurgia és el tractament definitiu més utilitzat pels tumors hipofisaris. Objectiu: valorar les complicacions postquirúrgiques immediates(1º mes) i durant el 1º any dels adenomes hipofisaris secretors de GH, ACTH i no funcionants(NF) operats des del 2001. Metodologia: estudi observacional restrospectiu de 94 pacients (39H, 55D) amb edat a la cirurgia de 46,9±15,5 anys, intervinguts pels 2 mateixos neurocirurgians. Resultats: 40 pacients tenen alguna complicació immediata(42,5% dels NF, 37% GH i 48,5% ACTH) sense diferències en la freqüència de complicacions entre els 3 grups. Les complicacions més freqüents són: diabetis insípida transitòria(23,4%), fístula LCR(6,7%), sinusitis i meningitis(2,2%). Els secretors d'ACTH tenen una tendència a tenir més DI transitòria i sinusitis respecte els NF(p=0,071), mentre que els NF tendeixen a presentar més fístules LCR, meningitis i convulsions(p=0,08). En els GH, existeix major incidència de fístules LCR comparat amb els ACTH(p&0,05), sense diferències amb els NF. 10 pacients tenen complicacions al 1º any postquirúrgic(7,5% dels NF, 11,1% GH i 14,8% ACTH), destacant major incidència d'artromiàlgies i síndrome del túnel carpià en els ACTH comparat amb els altres 2 grups (p&0,05). Les variables més importants quan fem una predicció d'aparició de complicacions són: tipus de cirurgia utilitzada (més a craniotomies que als abordatges transesfenoidals) i presència d'extensió extraselar tumoral, sense ser significatiu(p=0,091). Conclusions: malgrat que els tumors d'ACTH són majoritàriament microdenomes(77,7%), i es presenten en pacients més joves, tendeixen a associar-se a major nombre de complicacions immediates i durant el primer any en comparació amb els NF i GH(97,5%, 81,4% macroadenomes respectivament).


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iv. La infiltració subfascial contínua d'anestèsic local a la ferida quirúrgica és una tècnica d'analgèsia postoperatòria. Objectius: Intentem valorar l'eficàcia analgèsica d'aquesta tècnica després d'una cesària. Material i Mètodes: Estudiem 44 pacients en les 48 hores següents a la cesària infiltrant bupivacaína 0'2% amb un catèter subfascial i una bomba d'infusió contínua. Resultats: Hi ha una correcta analgèsia amb un pic de dolor inicial. Discussió i Conclusions: La infiltració contínua d'un anestèsic local a nivell subfascial a la ferida quirúrgica és eficaç en la reducció del dolor postcesària però seria convenient reforçar-la inicialment.


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Estudiem l’efecte de l’atorvastatina sobre perfil lipídic, funció renal, marcadors d’inflamació, peptidoma plasmàtic i urinari de 54 pacients trasplantats renals. L’estudi proteòmic es basa en tecnologia d’esferes magnètiques combinada amb espectrometria de masses MALDI-TOF. L’atorvastatina va millorar el perfil lipídic dels pacients i va provocar canvis significatius al peptidoma plasmàtic. Es va observar la disminució en plasma de pèptids derivats de fragments del quininogen i de C4. Atès que bradiquinina i C4a, que s’alliberen de quininogen i C4, son potents mediadors de la inflamació, els nostres resultats poden aclarir els efectes antiinflamatoris atribuïts a les estatines.


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L´artroplastia total de cadera (ATC) es un dels procediments ortopédics més exitosos que es realitzen avui en dia. En aquest estudi es valora l´evolució de l´estat funcional i de l´estat de salut abans, al mes i ½ i als 3 mesos de la cirurgia. Després de l´ATC s´observa una millora de la condició funcional i de l´estat de salut. L´obtenció d´ecuacions de regresió lineal permitiria aproximar l´estat previ a la cirugia, i el grau de millora esperable per a l´estat de salut als 3 mesos.


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In México the first human chronic chagasic case was recognized in 1940. In spite of an increasing number of cases detected since that time, Chagas disease in México has been poorly documented. In the present work we studied 617 volunteers subjects living in high and low endemic regions of Trypanosoma cruzi infection with seroprevalence of 22% and 4% respectively. Hemoculture performed in those seropositive subjects failed to demonstrate circulating parasites, however polymerase chain reaction identified up to 60% of them as positives. A higher level of anti-T. cruzi antibodies was observed in seropositive residents in high endemic region, in spite of similar parasite persistence (p < 0.05). On standard 12 leads electrocardiogram (ECG) 20% to 22% seropositive individuals from either region showed right bundle branch block or ventricular extrasystoles which were more prevalent in seropositive than in seronegative individuals (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the frequency or type of ECG abnormality was influenced by serologic status but not by endemicity or parasite persistence. Furthermore, Mexican indeterminate patients have a similar ECG pattern to those reported in South America.


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OBJECTIVE The risk of carrying methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is higher among nursing home (NH) residents than in the general population. However, control strategies are not clearly defined in this setting. In this study, we compared the impact of standard precautions either alone (control) or combined with screening of residents and decolonization of carriers (intervention) to control MRSA in NHs. DESIGN Cluster randomized controlled trial SETTING NHs of the state of Vaud, Switzerland PARTICIPANTS Of 157 total NHs in Vaud, 104 (67%) participated in the study. INTERVENTION Standard precautions were enforced in all participating NHs, and residents underwent MRSA screening at baseline and 12 months thereafter. All carriers identified in intervention NHs, either at study entry or among newly admitted residents, underwent topical decolonization combined with environmental disinfection, except in cases of MRSA infection, MRSA bacteriuria, or deep skin ulcers. RESULTS NHs were randomly allocated to a control group (51 NHs, 2,412 residents) or an intervention group (53 NHs, 2,338 residents). Characteristics of NHs and residents were similar in both groups. The mean screening rates were 86% (range, 27%-100%) in control NHs and 87% (20%-100%) in intervention NHs. Prevalence of MRSA carriage averaged 8.9% in both control NHs (range, 0%-43%) and intervention NHs (range, 0%-38%) at baseline, and this rate significantly declined to 6.6% in control NHs and to 5.8% in intervention NHs after 12 months. However, the decline did not differ between groups (P=.66). CONCLUSION Universal screening followed by decolonization of carriers did not significantly reduce the prevalence of the MRSA carriage rate at 1 year compared with standard precautions


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Les troubles dissociatifs se présentent souvent par une clinique neurologique atypique impliquant une démarche diagnostique complexe à l'interface de la neurologie et de la psychiatrie. La restitution du diagnostic aux patients et leur prise en charge nécessitent une étroite collaboration interdisciplinaire. Les connaissances actuelles sont encore limitées, mais ce domaine est enrichi par des études récentes en neurosciences cliniques. Cet article présente les principaux aspects des troubles dissociatifs et formule un concept de prise en charge. Dissociative disorders often have an atypical neurological presentation requiring a complex diagnostic process at the interface between neurology and psychiatry. A strong interdisciplinary collaboration is needed for diagnosis restitution and patient treatment. Current knowledge is still scarce but recent studies in clinical neuroscience enrich this field. This article presents the main aspects of dissociative disorders and suggests a treatment framework


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The application of DNA-based markers toward the task of discriminating among alternate salmon runs has evolved in accordance with ongoing genomic developments and increasingly has enabled resolution of which genetic markers associate with important life-history differences. Accurate and efficient identification of the most likely origin for salmon encountered during ocean fisheries, or at salvage from fresh water diversion and monitoring facilities, has far-reaching consequences for improving measures for management, restoration and conservation. Near-real-time provision of high-resolution identity information enables prompt response to changes in encounter rates. We thus continue to develop new tools to provide the greatest statistical power for run identification. As a proof of concept for genetic identification improvements, we conducted simulation and blind tests for 623 known-origin Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to compare and contrast the accuracy of different population sampling baselines and microsatellite loci panels. This test included 35 microsatellite loci (1266 alleles), some known to be associated with specific coding regions of functional significance, such as the circadian rhythm cryptochrome genes, and others not known to be associated with any functional importance. The identification of fall run with unprecedented accuracy was demonstrated. Overall, the top performing panel and baseline (HMSC21) were predicted to have a success rate of 98%, but the blind-test success rate was 84%. Findings for bias or non-bias are discussed to target primary areas for further research and resolution.


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Introducció d'un entorn virtual d' autoaprenentatge que permeti als estudiants millorar les seves habilitats de modelització, una peça clau en la seva capacitació com a professionals de la informàtica adaptats a les demandes de la societat actual.


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Physical activity appears once again as the single most effective preventative intervention in older persons to delaying functional decline, avoiding falls, and mitigating the odds of developing dementia. Integrated care that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals is a major avenue to improve care coordination in polymorbid older patients. A study depicts the large gap between physicians and nurses' views about their respective skills and role in such a collaboration. On the cognitive side, while several studies show that new cohorts of older persons appear to age in better cognitive shape, results of trials of semagestat, a gamma-secretase inhibitor, and post-menopausal estrogenic therapy were disappointing. Finally, a study challenges the benefits of hydration in terminally ill patients.


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This study investigated the seropositivity for hepatitis B virus (HBV), the vaccination index, and the vaccine response index in dentists from Campo Grande, MS. Blood samples from 474 dentists (63.7% women and 36.3% men), with a mean age of 38.5 ± 10.5 years were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect the serological markers: HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc. The HBsAg positive samples were tested for anti-HBc IgM, HBeAg, and anti-HBe. A total of 51 (10.8%) dentists showed seropositivity for HBV. Three (0.6%) were HBsAg/anti-HBc/anti-HBe positive, 43 (9.1%) were anti-HBc/anti-HBs positive, and 5 (1.1%) had only anti-HBc. Viral DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction in 9 (17.6%) out of 51 HBV seropositive samples. A vaccination index of 96.6% (458/474) was observed, although 73.1% (335/458)completed the three-dose schedule. Excluding 46 HBV seropositive individuals from 458 that reported vaccination, 412 were analyzed for vaccine response index. It was observed that 74.5% (307/412) were anti-HBs positive; this percentage increased to 79.1% when three doses were administered. The results showed a high vaccination index and a good rate of vaccine response; however, the failure in completing the three-dose schedule and the occurrence of HBV infection reinforce the need for more effective prevention strategies.


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El projecte "MisListas" està dissenyat especialment per a usuaris domèstics, permetent a aquests construir llistes amb diferents continguts com: Llista de la compra, de tasques, cites, aniversaris, reunions, arbres genealògics i en definitiva qualsevol tipus de llista jeràrquica que desitgin guardar nostra aplicació.