935 resultados para 350405 Road and Rail Transportation


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In this paper, we obtain detailed data on road traffic crash (RTC) casualties, by severity, for each of the eight state and territory jurisdictions for Australia and use these to estimate and compare the economic impact of RTCs across these regions. We show that the annual cost of RTCs in Australia, in 2003, was approximately $17b, which is approximately 2.3% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Importantly, though, there is remarkable intra-national variation in the incident rates of RTCs in Australia and costs range from approximately 0.62 to 3.63% of Gross State Product (GSP). The paper makes two fundamental contributions: (i) it provides a detailed breakdown of estimated RTC casualties, by state and territory regions in Australia, and (ii) it presents the first sub-national breakdown of RTC costs for Australia. We trust that these contributions will assist policy-makers to understand sub-national variations in the road toll better and will encourage further research on the causes of the marked differences between RTC outcomes across the states and territories of Australia. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objectives are to examine rural road accident data in order to develop a method by which high accident rate locations and accident causes can be identified, and also to develop proposals for improvements at such locations and to identify measures which will improve road safety throughout the country. The problem of road safety in Iran is an important issue, because of the tragic and unnecessary loss of life, and the enormous cost of accidents in the country. The resources available to deal with the problems are limited and must be allocated on priority basis. This study represents an initial effort to identify the extent of the problem in order to take remedial measures. A study was made of all the available road accident data collected by agencies related to road safety in Iran, and the major organisations responsible for road safety development were visited. The Vice Minister of Roads and Transportation selected for this study a 280 Km rural road in South West Iran. Mainly because of the lack of suitable maps and plans of the roads, it was not possible to accurately identify the location of accidents. Accident scene data was subsequently collected by the highway police and personally by the author. The data for the study road was then analysed to identify 'high accident rate' locations, and also to determine, as far as was possible, the reasons for the accidents. The study suggests specific improvements for each of the high accident rate locations examined (eg. the building of dual carriageways with central guard rails to reduce the risk of collision with oncoming vehicles, pedestrian facilities to allow pedestrians to cross dangerous roadsl]. In addition recommendations are made to guide and assist the major organisations responsible for road safety in Iran. These recommendations are: (al for improving accident data collection and storage (bl for subsequent analysis for taking remedial measures with a view to accident prevention


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This paper analyzes the relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment in the US. It develops an accessibility measure relevant for logistics companies based on a gravity model. This allows for an analysis of the accessibility of US counties focusing on four different modes of transportation: road, rail, air, and maritime. Using a Partial Least Squares model, these four different freight accessibility measures are combined into two constructs, continental and intercontinental freight accessibility, and related to logistics employment. Results show that highly accessible counties attract more logistics employment than other counties. The analyses show that it is very important to control for the effect of the county population on both freight accessibility and logistics employment. While county population explains the most variation in the logistics employment per county, there is a significant relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment, when controlling for this effect.


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Choosing between Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems is often controversial and not an easy task for transportation planners who are contemplating the upgrade of their public transportation services. These two transit systems provide comparable services for medium-sized cities from the suburban neighborhood to the Central Business District (CBD) and utilize similar right-of-way (ROW) categories. The research is aimed at developing a method to assist transportation planners and decision makers in determining the most feasible system between LRT and BRT. ^ Cost estimation is a major factor when evaluating a transit system. Typically, LRT is more expensive to build and implement than BRT, but has significantly lower Operating and Maintenance (OM) costs than BRT. This dissertation examines the factors impacting capacity and costs, and develops cost models, which are a capacity-based cost estimate for the LRT and BRT systems. Various ROW categories and alignment configurations of the systems are also considered in the developed cost models. Kikuchi's fleet size model (1985) and cost allocation method are used to develop the cost models to estimate the capacity and costs. ^ The comparison between LRT and BRT are complicated due to many possible transportation planning and operation scenarios. In the end, a user-friendly computer interface integrated with the established capacity-based cost models, the LRT and BRT Cost Estimator (LBCostor), was developed by using Microsoft Visual Basic language to facilitate the process and will guide the users throughout the comparison operations. The cost models and the LBCostor can be used to analyze transit volumes, alignments, ROW configurations, number of stops and stations, headway, size of vehicle, and traffic signal timing at the intersections. The planners can make the necessary changes and adjustments depending on their operating practices. ^


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Road pricing has emerged as an effective means of managing road traffic demand while simultaneously raising additional revenues to transportation agencies. Research on the factors that govern travel decisions has shown that user preferences may be a function of the demographic characteristics of the individuals and the perceived trip attributes. However, it is not clear what are the actual trip attributes considered in the travel decision- making process, how these attributes are perceived by travelers, and how the set of trip attributes change as a function of the time of the day or from day to day. In this study, operational Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) archives are mined and the aggregated preferences for a priced system are extracted at a fine time aggregation level for an extended number of days. The resulting information is related to corresponding time-varying trip attributes such as travel time, travel time reliability, charged toll, and other parameters. The time-varying user preferences and trip attributes are linked together by means of a binary choice model (Logit) with a linear utility function on trip attributes. The trip attributes weights in the utility function are then dynamically estimated for each time of day by means of an adaptive, limited-memory discrete Kalman filter (ALMF). The relationship between traveler choices and travel time is assessed using different rules to capture the logic that best represents the traveler perception and the effect of the real-time information on the observed preferences. The impact of travel time reliability on traveler choices is investigated considering its multiple definitions. It can be concluded based on the results that using the ALMF algorithm allows a robust estimation of time-varying weights in the utility function at fine time aggregation levels. The high correlations among the trip attributes severely constrain the simultaneous estimation of their weights in the utility function. Despite the data limitations, it is found that, the ALMF algorithm can provide stable estimates of the choice parameters for some periods of the day. Finally, it is found that the daily variation of the user sensitivities for different periods of the day resembles a well-defined normal distribution.


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This response is prepared to provide the public and its elected representatives with certain information which we believe to be of importance in selecting the size and type of highway network to be supported by the people of Iowa.


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Truck drivers are one of the largest occupational groups in Iran. Evidence from previous studies suggests that working and living conditions on the road engender many concerns for truck drivers, and their families and communities. This research aimed to explore the experiences of Iranian truck drivers regarding life on the road. This qualitative study was conducted among Iranian truck drivers working in the inter-state transportation sector. A purposeful sample of 20 truck drivers took part in this research. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed based on qualitative content analysis. After analysis of the data, three main themes emerged: "Individual impacts related to the hardships of life on the road life", "Family impacts related to the hardships of road life", and "Having positive attitude towards work and road". These findings represent the dimensions of perspectives in the road-life of truck drivers. Although truck drivers possess positive beliefs about their occupation and life on the road, they and their families face many hardships which should be well understood. They also need support to be better able to solve the road-life concerns they face. This study's findings are useful for occupational programming and in the promotion of health for truck drivers.


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Indoor and outdoor concentrations of various pollutants were measured in a naturally ventilated building in the West End of Edinburgh during and after the period of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to assess the effect upon indoor pollution levels of the closure of some streets in the city. The relationships between indoor and outdoor air qualities in respect of traffic-generated pollutants were studied and the building’s relative attenuation of external pollution levels investigated. The peak concentrations of some of the external pollutants were attenuated by the building and the internal concentrations showed a reduction of up to 30% in some periods. During periods of reduced traffic, the early analyses indicate that the daily mean concentrations of the pollutants were not significantly different from those measured at other times.


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There has long been a question as to whether crowding in rail passenger transport poses a threat to passenger health related to the experience of stress. A review of the scientific literature was conducted. Little rail-specific empirical research was identified. The more general research that does exist suggests that high-density environments are not necessarily perceived as crowded and that stress-related physiological, psychological and behavioural reactions do not necessarily follow from exposure to such environments. Several factors are identified that may moderate the impact of a high-density environment on perceptions of crowding and the subsequent experience and effects of stress. These include, inter alia, perceptions of control and predictability of events. However, if caused, the experience and effects of stress may be made worse by inadequate coach design that gives rise to discomfort. The model that emerges from these findings offers a suitable framework for the development of research questions that should help translate emerging knowledge into practical interventions, for the reduction of any adverse health outcomes associated with crowding.


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Les méthodes de design et de construction des routes développés dans le sud canadien ont maintenant besoin d’être adaptés aux environnements nordiques du pays afin de prévenir le dégel dramatique du pergélisol lors de la construction d’une nouvelle route. De plus, le réchauffement climatique occasionne présentement d’importants problèmes de stabilité des sols dans le nord canadien. Ces facteurs causent des pertes importantes au niveau des capacités fonctionnelles et structurales de l’Alaska Highway au Yukon sur un segment de plus de 200 km situé entre le village de Destruction Bay et la frontière de l’Alaska. Afin de trouver des solutions rentables à long terme, le ministère du transport du Yukon (en collaboration avec le Federal Highway Administration du gouvernement américain, Transports Canada, l’Université Laval, l’Université de Montréal et l’Alaska University transportation Center) a mis en place 12 sections d’essais de 50 mètres de longueur sur l’autoroute de l’Alaska près de Beaver Creek en 2008. Ces différentes sections d’essais ont été conçues pour évaluer une ou plusieurs méthodes combinées de stabilisation thermique telles que le drain thermique, le remblai à convection d’air, le pare-neige / pare-soleil, le remblai couvert de matières organiques, les drains longitudinaux, le déblaiement de la neige sur les pentes et la surface réfléchissante. Les objectifs spécifiques de la recherche sont 1) d’établir les régimes thermiques et les flux de chaleur dans chacune des sections pour les 3 premières années de fonctionnement ; 2) de documenter les facteurs pouvant favoriser ou nuire à l’efficacité des systèmes de protection et ; 3) de déterminer le rapport coûts/bénéfices à long terme pour chacune des techniques utilisées. Pour ce faire, une nouvelle méthode d’analyse, basée sur la mesure de flux d’extraction de chaleur Hx et d’induction Hi à l’interface entre le remblai et le sol naturel, a été utilisée dans cette étude. Certaines techniques de protection du pergélisol démontrent un bon potentiel durant leurs 3 premières années de fonctionnement. C’est le cas pour le remblai à convection d’air non-couvert, le remblai à convection d’air pleine largeur, les drains longitudinaux, le pare-soleil / pare-neige et la surface réfléchissante. Malheureusement, des problèmes dans l’installation des drains thermiques ont empêché une évaluation complète de leur efficacité.