964 resultados para 27-31SAE-2801-21


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Em conformidade com o Edital nº1/1992, torna pública a lista dos candidatos ao cargo de Assistente Administrativo que estão convocados para a Prova de Datilografia, cuja data, local e horário serão divulgados oportunamente.


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Em conformidade com o Edital nº1/1992, torna público o resultado da prova de Datilografia do concurso público para o cargo de Assistente Administrativo.


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Torna público o resultado final do concurso público para o cargo de Contador da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Resumo da vida pública de Ulysses Guimarães. Inclui referências de biografias, discursos e pareceres.


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A Diretoria-Geral e a Secretaria-Geral da Mesa receberam a visita do Secretário-Geral do Parlamento do Timor-Leste, Sr. João Rui Amaral, e do Diretor da Divisão de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação, Sr. Abílio Bernardo Caldas, entre os dias 21, 24 e 27 de outubro de 2011.


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Fecha: 23-6-1939 (>1970 copia) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 2-9 / Nº de pág.: 3 (mecanografiadas)


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Cover [pdf, 1.2 Mb] PICES Science Board and Governing Council hold their first joint meeting [pp. 1-3] [pdf, 0.2 Mb] 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium [pp. 4-7] [pdf, 0.6 Mb] The state of the eastern North Pacific entering spring 2003 [pp. 8-9] [pdf, 0.4 Mb] The state of the western North Pacific in 2002 [pp. 10-13] [pdf, 0.6 Mb] The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events [pp. 14-15] [pdf. 0.7 Mb] Patricia Livingston [pp. 16-19] [pdf. 0.5 Mb] Recent changes in the abundance of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) off the Pacific Northwest, tracking a regime shift? [pp. 20-21] [pdf. 0.6 Mb] Developing new scientific programs in PICES [pp. 22-26] [pdf. 0.2 Mb] Report of the Yokohama 2003 MODEL Task Team Workshop to develop a marine ecosystem model of the North Pacific Ocean including pelagic fishes [pp. 27-29] [pdf. 0.5 Mb] 3rd PICES Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent Areas [pp.30-31] [pdf. 0.4 Mb] Recent oceanographic and marine environmental studies at FERHRI [pp.32-34] [pdf. 0.4 Mb] Symposium Announcement [p. 35] [pdf. 0.3 Mb] PICES announcements [p. 36] [pdf. 0.3 Mb]


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Cover [pdf, 0.2 Mb] The state of PICES Science - 2001 [pp. 1-2] [pdf, 0.2 Mb] Reception remarks at PICES X [pp. 3-4] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] The state of the western North Pacific in the first half of 2001 [pp. 5-7] [pdf, 0.8 Mb] The status of the Bering Sea: January - August 2001 [pp. 8-9] [pdf, 0.4 Mb] The state of the eastern Norht Pacific since spring 2001[pp. 10-11] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] 2001 SEEDS experiment in the western Norht Pacific [pp. 12-13] [pdf, 0.5 Mb] Plans for the Canadian SOLAS Iron Enrichment Experiment [pp. 14-15] [pdf,. 0.4 Mb] Photo highlights of the PICES Tenth Annual Meeting [pp. 16-17] [pdf,. 0.3 Mb] NEAR-GOOS 2001 Ocean Environment Forecasting Workshop [pp. 18-19] [pdf, 0.6 Mb] IRI/IPRC Pacific Climate-Fisheries Workshop [pp. 20-21] [pdf, 0.2 Mb] PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report [p. 21] [pdf,. 0.2 Mb] U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Ocean Program [pp. 22-26] [pdf, 0.5 Mb] New PICES Committee and Program Chairmen biographies [pp. 27-29] [pdf,. 0.4 Mb] Upcoming PICES publications and meetings [p. 30] [pdf,. 0.2 Mb] North Pacific Transitional Areas Symposium [p. 31] [pdf, 0.5 Mb] Gijon Symposium and other PICES announcements [p. 32] [pdf, 0.4 Mb]


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Cover [pdf, 0.2 Mb] Climate, biodiversity and ecosystems of the North Pacific [pp. 1-2] [pdf, 0.2 Mb] The state of the western North Pacific in the second half of 2000 [pp. 3-5] [pdf, 0.8 Mb] The status of the Bering Sea: June – December 2000 [pp. 6-7] [pdf, 1.5 Mb] The state of the eastern North Pacific since autumn 2000 [p. 8] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] Korean Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Program [pp. 9-12] [pdf, 0.5 Mb] Past and ongoing Mexican ecosystem research in the northeast Pacific Ocean [pp. 13-15] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] Vera Alexander [pp. 16-19] [pdf, 1.0 Mb] North Pacific CO2 data for the new millennium [pp. 20-21] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] PICES Higher Trophic Level Modelling Workshop [pp. 22-23] [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Argo Science Team 3rd Meeting (AST-3) [pp. 24-25] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] 2001 coast ocean / salmon ecosystem event [p. 26-27] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] Shifts in zooplankton abundance and species composition off central Oregon and southwestern British Columbia [pp. 28-29] [pdf, 0.3 Mb] The CLIVAR - Pacific Workshop [p. 30] [pdf, 0.2 Mb] PICES dialogue with Mexican scientists [p. 31] [pdf, 0.2 Mb] Announcements [p. 32] [pdf, 0.2 Mb]


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Na Comissão de Sistematização tem início a votação do capítulo cinco do projeto de Constituição que trata sobre o Distrito Federal (DF) e territórios. No texto o Distrito Federal será administrado por um governador eleito pelo povo. Sua eleição coincidirá com a de presidente da república, seu mandato terá a mesma duração do mandato do presidente e haverá uma Assembléia Legislativa. Alguns constituintes consideram que o Distrito Federal deve ter um prefeito, e querem mudar o texto do Substitutivo, como o Deputado Carlos Sant`Anna (PMDB-BA). A Deputada Maria de Lourdes Abadia (PFL-DF) e o Deputado Sigmaringa Seixas (PMDB-DF) defendem a medida que define o cargo de governador, a criação da Câmara Legislativa, e representação no parlamento. O Senador Pompeu de Souza (PSDB-DF) concorda com os termos do projeto, mas discorda, quanto à data de eleição de governador coincidir com a eleição do presidente. A Comissão de Sistematização aprovou a eleição em dois turnos para prefeitos, mandato de quatro anos e aumento no número de vereadores. O Deputado Mozarildo Cavalcanti (PFL-RR) propõe que o número de vereadores não seja inferior a 9 e superior a 21 nos municípios de até um milhão de habitantes. Segundo o constituinte, a proposta aumenta o aspecto de representatividade dos pequenos partidos nas Câmaras Municipais. A Comissão de Sistematização aprova a participação de organizações comunitárias no planejamento municipal. O Deputado Octávio Elísio (PMDB-MG) declara que a aprovação dessa proposta tem como consequência a democratização no processo de elaboração dos planos municipais. Em reunião com o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), Deputado Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP), líderes dos partidos discutem a prorrogação do prazo dos trabalhos e o funcionamento paralelo do Plenário. O Senador Jarbas Passarinho (PDS-PA) defende o trabalho isolado da Comissão de Sistematização.


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Report of Opening Session (pdf 124 KB) Report of Governing Council Meetings (pdf 67 KB) Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board (pdf 56 KB) Biological Oceanography Committee (pdf 27 KB) Fishery Science Committee (pdf 53 KB) Working Group 12: Crabs and Shrimps Marine Environmental Quality Committee (pdf 92 KB) Working Group 8: Practical Assessment Methodology Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (pdf 64 KB) Working Group 13: CO2 in the North Pacific Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (pdf 51 KB) Technical Committee on Data Exchange (pdf 31 KB) Publication Committee (pdf 21) Finance and Administration: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (pdf 40 KB) Assets on 31st of December, 1998 Income and Expenditures for 1998 Budget for 2000 Composition of the Organization (pdf 27 KB) List of Participants (pdf 94 KB) List of Acronyms (pdf 13 KB)


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The food and feeding habits of Polyprerus cncllicheri and Polypterus senegalus was carried out in the months of September to October. The food of 33 Polypierus endlicheri as observed include Tilapia species (89.3%), Eutropius niloticus (28.6%), Mayfly nymph (39.3%), Dragon fly larva (56.6%) fish remains (21.4%) and detritus (7.1%). The food of27 Polypterus senegalus as observed include Tilapia sp (88.4%), Eutropius niloticus (27.9%), may fly nymph (23.3%), Dragonfly nymph (34.9%) remains (21.1%) detritus (23.3%). (9 page document) The percentage occurrence of food item found in the stomach of Polypterus endlieheri is 93.3% while that of Polyprerus senegalus is 67.4%. The dominance of Tilapia sp was establish in the study, and there is no significant difference between the feeding habit of Polypterus endlicheri and Polyprerus senegalus.


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The general circulation pattern in the western boundary of the SW Atlantic is dominated by the opposite flows of Malvinas (-Falkland)and Brazil Current. In the Confluence region both currents separate from the continental slope and flow offshore creating an area of strong contracts and complex dynamics. The shelf-break fronts off Argentina mark the transition between shelf waters of mixed origin and nutrient rich Malvinas waters. Two areas deserve special attention due to the steep gradients introduced by the outflow of important sources of continental waters: the Rio de la Plata and the Magellan Strait to the north and south of the study area. Characteristics of the front is the high primary and secondary production, and the presence of important invertebrate and fish stocks that concentrate along the front to feed or spawn. The area comprises nearly 30 o/o (333 million U$S in 1995)of all Argentine catches of fish and squid. Resources in the area, beyond the EEZ limits, support international fisheries mainly of Russia, Poland and Spain. (Document contains 15 pages & figs)


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The purpose of the workshop was to enable professionals and organizations working with fishing communities in response to HIV and AIDS in Africa to share experiences, appraise the efficacy of their approaches and identify actions in research and development that will further improve their impact. The workshop pursued and achieved the following objectives: 1)Review and compare research findings and approaches applied in response to HIV and AIDS in fishing communities and the wider fishery sector. 2)Identify good practice examples for wider application. 3)Identify next steps in development and research to scale up these examples. 4)Initiate a network of practitioners in Africa for capacity building, scaling-up and further development of approaches. The range of papers presented at the conference reveals the diversity of responses to HIV and AIDS in the fishery sector at all levels. The papers discussed a range of issues within this broad remit, from community level impacts of disease to policy implementation, from spatial mapping to theatre as a mode of communication. (Document contains 92 pages)