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The generation of ultrarelativistic positron beams with short duration (τe<sup>+sup>≃30 fs), small divergence (θe<sup>+sup>≃3 mrad), and high density (n e<sup>+sup>≃1014-1015 cm<sup>-sup>3) from a fully optical setup is reported. The detected positron beam propagates with a high-density electron beam and γ rays of similar spectral shape and peak energy, thus closely resembling the structure of an astrophysical leptonic jet. It is envisaged that this experimental evidence, besides the intrinsic relevance to laser-driven particle acceleration, may open the pathway for the small-scale study of astrophysical leptonic jets in the laboratory. 


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This paper concerns randomized leader election in synchronous distributed networks. A distributed leader election algorithm is presented for complete n-node networks that runs in O(1) rounds and (with high probability) uses only O(√ √nlog<sup>3/2</sup>n) messages to elect a unique leader (with high probability). When considering the "explicit" variant of leader election where eventually every node knows the identity of the leader, our algorithm yields the asymptotically optimal bounds of O(1) rounds and O(. n) messages. This algorithm is then extended to one solving leader election on any connected non-bipartite n-node graph G in O(τ(. G)) time and O(τ(G)n√log<sup>3/2</sup>n) messages, where τ(. G) is the mixing time of a random walk on G. The above result implies highly efficient (sublinear running time and messages) leader election algorithms for networks with small mixing times, such as expanders and hypercubes. In contrast, previous leader election algorithms had at least linear message complexity even in complete graphs. Moreover, super-linear message lower bounds are known for time-efficient deterministic leader election algorithms. Finally, we present an almost matching lower bound for randomized leader election, showing that Ω(n) messages are needed for any leader election algorithm that succeeds with probability at least 1/. e+. ε, for any small constant ε. >. 0. We view our results as a step towards understanding the randomized complexity of leader election in distributed networks.


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Aims/hypothesis: An abnormal urinary albumin excretion rate (AER) is often the first clinically detectable manifestation of diabetic nephropathy. Our aim was to estimate the heritability and to detect genetic variation associated with elevated AER in patients with type 1 diabetes. 
 Methods: The discovery phase genome-wide association study (GWAS) included 1,925 patients with type 1 diabetes and with data on 24 h AER. AER was analysed as a continuous trait and the analysis was stratified by the use of antihypertensive medication. Signals with a p value <10<sup>−4 were followed up in 3,750 additional patients with type 1 diabetes from seven studies. sup>
 Results: The narrow-sense heritability, captured with our genotyping platform, was estimated to explain 27.3% of the total AER variability, and 37.6% after adjustment for covariates. In the discovery stage, five single nucleotide polymorphisms in the GLRA3 gene were strongly associated with albuminuria (p < 5 × 10<sup>−8). In the replication group, a nominally significant association (p = 0.035) was observed between albuminuria and rs1564939 in GLRA3, but this was in the opposite direction. Sequencing of the surrounding genetic region in 48 Finnish and 48 UK individuals supported the possibility that population-specific rare variants contribute to the synthetic association observed at the common variants in GLRA3. The strongest replication (p = 0.026) was obtained for rs2410601 between the PSD3 and SH2D4A genes. Pathway analysis highlighted natural killer cell mediated immunity processes. sup>
 Conclusions/interpretation: This study suggests novel pathways and molecular mechanisms for the pathogenesis of albuminuria in type 1 diabetes.


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The dimensions and cavity sizes of the molecular capsules with the general formula [V10O18L4]<sup>10−sup> can be controlled modularly through the nature of the bifunctional, rigid organophosphonate ligands L<sup>1sup> and L<sup>2sup> (L<sup>1sup> = bis(4-phosphonatophenyl)ethyne and L<sup>2sup> = bis(4-phosphonatophenyl)butadiyne); the solution stability of the molecular entities as demonstrated by ESI-MS studies permits their assembly on the Au(111) surface on a sub-monolayer scale giving rise to a 2D supramolecular structure that is comparable to the packing arrangements of the capsules in the crystal structures.


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The defensive skin secretions of many amphibians are a rich source of bradykinins and bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs). Members of this peptide group are also common components of reptile and arthropod venoms due to their multiple biological functions that include induction of pain, effects on many smooth muscle types, and lowering systemic blood pressure. While most BRPs are bradykinin receptor agonists, some have curiously been found to be exquisite antagonists, such as the maximakinin gene-related peptide, kinestatin—a specific bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist from the skin of the giant fire-bellied toad, Bombina maxima. Here, we describe the identification, structural and functional characterization of a heptadecapeptide (DYTIRTRLHQGLSRKIV), named ranakinestatin-PPF, from the skin of the Chinese ranid frog, Pelophylax plancyi fukienensis, representing a prototype of a novel class of bradykinin B2-receptor specific antagonist. Using a preconstricted preparation of rat tail arterial smooth muscle, a single dose of 10<sup>−6sup> M of the peptide effectively inhibited the dose-dependent relaxation effect of bradykinin between 10<sup>−11sup> M and 10<sup>−5sup> M and subsequently, this effect was pharmacologically-characterized using specific bradykinin B1- (desArg-HOE140) and B2-receptor (HOE140) antagonists; the data from which demonstrated that the antagonism of the novel peptide was mediated through B2-receptors. Ranakinestatin—PPF—thus represents a prototype of an amphibian skin peptide family that functions as a bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist herein demonstrated using mammalian vascular smooth muscle.


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The most active binary PtSn catalyst for direct ethanol fuel cell applications has been studied at 20 <sup>osup>C and 60 <sup>osup>C, using variable temperature electrochemical in-situ FTIR. In comparison with Pt, binary PtSn inhibits ethanol dissociation to CO(a), but promotes partial oxidation to acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Increasing the temperature from 20 <sup>osup>C to 60 <sup>osup>C facilitates both ethanol dissociation to CO(a) and their further oxidation to CO2, leading to an increased selectivity towards CO2; however, acetaldehyde and acetic acid are still the main products. Potential-dependent phase diagrams for surface oxidants of OH(a) formation on Pt(111), Pt(211) and Sn modified Pt(111) and Pt(211) surfaces have been determined using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. It is shown that Sn promotes the formation of OH(a) with a lower onset potential on the Pt(111) surface, whereas an increase in the onset potential is found on modification of the (211) surface. In addition, Sn inhibits the Pt(211) step edge with respect to ethanol C-C bond breaking compared with that found on the pure Pt, which reduces the formation of CO(a). Sn was also found to facilitate ethanol dehydrogenation and partial oxidation to acetaldehyde and acetic acid which, combined with the more facile OH(a) formation on the Pt(111) surface, gives us a clear understanding of the experimentally determined results. This combined electrochemical in-situ FTIR and DFT study, provides, for the first time, an insight into the long-term puzzling features of the high activity but low CO2 production found on binary PtSn ethanol fuel cell catalysts.


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Antimony doped tin oxide (ATO) was studied as a support material for IrO2 in proton exchange membrane water electrolyser (PEMWE). Adams fusion method was used to prepare the IrO2-ATO catalysts. The physical and electrochemical characterisation of the catalysts were carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), powder conductivity, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and membrane electrode assembly (MEA) polarisation. The BET surface area and electronic conductivity of the supported catalysts were found to be predominantly arisen from the IrO2. Supported catalyst showed higher active surface area than the pristine IrO2 in CV analysis with 85% H3PO4 as electrolyte. The MEA performance using Nafion®−115 membrane at 80 °C and atmospheric pressure showed a better performance for IrO2 loading ≥60 wt.% than the pristine IrO2 with a normalised current density of 1625 mA cm<sup>−2sup> @1.8 V for the 60% IrO2-ATO compared to 1341 mA cm<sup>−2sup> for the pristine IrO2 under the same condition. The higher performance of the supported catalysts was mainly attributed to better dispersion of active IrO2 on electrochemically inactive ATO support material, forming smaller IrO2 crystallites. A 40 wt.% reduction in the IrO2 was achieved by utilising the support material.


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Aims: To build a population pharmacokinetic model that describes the apparent clearance of tacrolimus and the potential demographic, clinical and genetically controlled factors that could lead to inter-patient pharmacokinetic variability within children following liver transplantation.

Methods: The present study retrospectively examined tacrolimus whole blood pre-dose concentrations (n = 628) of 43 children during their first year post-liver transplantation. Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using the non-linear mixed effects modelling program (nonmem) to determine the population mean parameter estimate of clearance and influential covariates.

Results: The final model identified time post-transplantation and CYP3A5*1 allele as influential covariates on tacrolimus apparent clearance according to the following equation:

TVCL=12.9×(Weight /13.2)<sup>0.75sup>×EXP(-0.00158×TPT)×EXP(0.428×CYP3A5)

where TVCL is the typical value for apparent clearance, TPT is time post-transplantation in days and the CYP3A5 is 1 where*1 allele is present and 0 otherwise. The population estimate and inter-individual variability (%CV) of tacrolimus apparent clearance were found to be 0.977 l h kg (95% CI 0.958, 0.996) and 40.0%, respectively, while the residual variability between the observed and predicted concentrations was 35.4%.

Conclusion: Tacrolimus apparent clearance was influenced by time post-transplantation and CYP3A5 genotypes. The results of this study, once confirmed by a large scale prospective study, can be used in conjunction with therapeutic drug monitoring to recommend tacrolimus dose adjustments that take into account not only body weight but also genetic and time-related changes in tacrolimus clearance. © 2013 The British Pharmacological Society.


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Epitaxial (001)-oriented 0.7Pb(Mg0.33Nb0.67)O3-0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) thin films were deposited by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal SrTiO3 (001) substrates using La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 as bottom electrode. Detailed microstructural investigations of these films were carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Polarization-field hysteresis curves were measured at room temperature. Spontaneous polarization P s , remnant polarization P r and coercive voltage V c were found to be 25 μC/cm<sup>2sup>, 15 μC/cm<sup>2sup> and 0.81 V, respectively. Field dependent dielectric constant measurements exhibited butterfly shaped curves, indicating the true ferroelectric nature of these films at room temperature. The dielectric constant and the dielectric loss at 100 kHz were found to be 238 and 0.14, respectively. The local piezoelectric properties of PMN-PT films were investigated by piezoelectric force microscopy and were found to exhibit a local piezoelectric coefficient of 7.8 pm/V.


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We present initial results from observations and numerical analyses aimed at characterizing the main-belt comet P/2012 T1 (PANSTARRS). Optical monitoring observations were made between 2012 October and 2013 February using the University of Hawaii 2.2 m telescope, the Keck I telescope, the Baade and Clay Magellan telescopes, Faulkes Telescope South, the Perkins Telescope at Lowell Observatory, and the Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope. The object's intrinsic brightness approximately doubles from the time of its discovery in early October until mid-November and then decreases by ~60% between late December and early February, similar to photometric behavior exhibited by several other main-belt comets and unlike that exhibited by disrupted asteroid (596) Scheila. We also used Keck to conduct spectroscopic searches for CN emission as well as absorption at 0.7 μm that could indicate the presence of hydrated minerals, finding an upper limit CN production rate of Q CN <1.5 × 1023 mol s-1, from which we infer a water production rate of Q_H_2O100 Myr and is unlikely to be a recently implanted interloper from the outer solar system, while a search for potential asteroid family associations reveals that it is dynamically linked to the ~155 Myr old Lixiaohua asteroid family. Some of the data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation, the Magellan Telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile, and the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope, which is a joint project of the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, e Inovação (MCTI) da República Federativa do Brasil, the U.S. National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), and Michigan State University (MSU).


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The present research investigates the uptake of phosphate ions from aqueous solutions using acidified laterite (ALS), a by-product from the production of ferric aluminium sulfate using laterite. Phosphate adsorption experiments were performed in batch systems to determine the amount of phosphate adsorbed as a function of solution pH, adsorbent dosage and thermodynamic parameters per fixed P concentration. Kinetic studies were also carried out to study the effect of adsorbent particle sizes. The maximum removal capacity of ALS observed at pH 5 was 3.68 mg P g<sup>-1sup>. It was found that as the adsorbent dosage increases, the equilibrium pH decreases, so an adsorbent dosage of 1.0 g L<sup>-1sup> of ALS was selected. Adsorption capacity (qm) calculated from the Langmuir isotherm was found to be 2.73 mg g<sup>-1sup>. Kinetic experimental data were mathematically well described using the pseudo first-order model over the full range of the adsorbent particle size. The adsorption reactions were endothermic, and the process of adsorption was favoured at high temperature; the ΔG and ΔH values implied that the main adsorption mechanism of P onto ALS is physisorption. The desorption studies indicated the need to consider a NaOH 0.1M solution as an optimal solution for practical regeneration applications.


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The optimisation of Fe and Al oxyhydroxide materials produced using industrial grade coagulants is presented in this work. The effects of synthesis pH and post-synthesis washing procedure onto the arsenic adsorption capacity of the materials were investigated. It was shown that the materials produced at higher pH were more efficient in removing As(V), especially after cleaning procedure. The materials produced at lower pH were less efficient in removing As(V) but the higher presence of sulphate groups in the materials produced at lower pH enhanced As(III) adsorption. Most performing materials can remove up to 84.7 mg As(V) g<sup>-1sup> or 77.9 mg As(III) g<sup>-1sup>.


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Background: Excessive use of empirical antibiotics is common in critically ill patients. Rapid biomarker-based exclusion of infection may improve antibiotic stewardship in ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP). However, successful validation of the usefulness of potential markers in this setting is exceptionally rare.

Objectives: We sought to validate the capacity for specific host inflammatory mediators to exclude pneumonia in patients with suspected VAP. 

Methods: A prospective, multicentre, validation study of patients with suspected VAP was conducted in 12 intensive care units. VAP was confirmed following bronchoscopy by culture of a potential pathogen in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) at >10<sup>4sup> colony forming units per millilitre (cfu/mL). Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), IL-8, matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), MMP-9 and human neutrophil elastase (HNE) were quantified in BALF. Diagnostic utility was determined for biomarkers individually and in combination. 

Results: Paired BALF culture and biomarker results were available for 150 patients. 53 patients (35%) had VAP and 97 (65%) patients formed the non-VAP group. All biomarkers were significantly higher in the VAP group (p<0.001). The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve for IL-1β was 0.81; IL-8, 0.74; MMP-8, 0.76; MMP-9, 0.79 and HNE, 0.78. A combination of IL-1β and IL-8, at the optimal cut-point, excluded VAP with a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 44.3% and a post-test probability of 0% (95% CI 0% to 9.2%). 

Conclusions: Low BALF IL-1β in combination with IL-8 confidently excludes VAP and could form a rapid biomarker-based rule-out test, with the potential to improve antibiotic stewardship.


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A novel method for characterising the full spectrum of deuteron ions emitted by laser driven multi-species ion sources is discussed. The procedure is based on using differential filtering over the detector of a Thompson parabola ion spectrometer, which enables discrimination of deuterium ions from heavier ion species with the same charge-to-mass ratio (such as C<sup>6 +sup>, O<sup>8 +sup>, etc.). Commonly used Fuji Image plates were used as detectors in the spectrometer, whose absolute response to deuterium ions over a wide range of energies was calibrated by using slotted CR-39 nuclear track detectors. A typical deuterium ion spectrum diagnosed in a recent experimental campaign is presented, which was produced from a thin deuterated plastic foil target irradiated by a high power laser.


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Structured parallel programming is recognised as a viable and effective means of tackling parallel programming problems. Recently, a set of simple and powerful parallel building blocks RISC pb<sup>2sup>l) has been proposed to support modelling and implementation of parallel frameworks. In this work we demonstrate how that same parallel building block set may be used to model both general purpose parallel programming abstractions, not usually listed in classical skeleton sets, and more specialized domain specific parallel patterns. We show how an implementation of RISC pb<sup>2sup> l can be realised via the FastFlow framework and present experimental evidence of the feasibility and efficiency of the approach.