926 resultados para 1995-2008
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) was introduced to Australia in 1995 for the control of wild rabbits. Initial outbreaks greatly reduced rabbit numbers and the virus has continued to control rabbits to varying degrees in different parts of Australia. However, recent field evidence suggests that the virus may be becoming less effective in those areas that have previously experienced repeated epizootics causing high mortality. There are also reports of rabbits returning to pre-1995 density levels, Virus and host can be expected to co-evolve. The host will develop resistance to the virus with the virus subsequently changing to overcome that resistance. It has been 12 years since the release of RHDV and it is an opportune time to examine where the dynamic currently stands between RHDV and rabbits. Laboratory challenge tests have indicated that resistance to RHDV has developed to different degrees in populations throughout Australia. In one population a low dose (1:25 dilution) of Czech strain RHDV failed to infect a single susceptible rabbit, yet infected a low to high (up to 73%) percentage across other populations tested. Different selection pressures are present in these populations and will be driving the level of resistance being seen. The mechanisms and genetics behind the development of resistance are also important as the on-going use of RHDV as a control tool in the management of rabbits relies on our understanding of factors influencing the efficacy of the virus. Understanding how resistance has developed may provide clues on how best to use the virus to circumvent these mechanisms. Similarly, it will help in managing populations that have yet to develop high levels of resistance.
Horticultural industries are Queensland’s second largest primary producer, with a total gross value of more than $1.9 billion in 2008. Queensland’s diverse geography and climate supports the production of more than 120 horticultural products. With a growing worldwide demand for quality, nutritious food Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries continues to focus its activities on accelerating growth within the sector. The conference, sponsored by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and DPI&F is the first of its kind to examine the latest knowledge on the health properties of tropical fruits. Organising committee member and DPI&F science leader Dr Roger Stanley said the conference would develop international networks to accelerate research in the area.
The dissertation focuses on the development of music education in Estonian kindergartens and the factors influencing it, analysed in the historical perspective relying on post-positivist paradigm. The study is based on the factors and subjects’ views on kindergarten music education from 1905 to 2008, recorded in written sources or ascertained by means of questionnaire and interview. The dissertation deals with music’s functions, music education in retrospective, factors influencing child’s musical aptitude and development and teacher’s role in it through the prism of history. The formation of Estonian kindergarten music education and the phenomenon of its development have been researched by stages: the first manifestations of music in kindergarten in 1905 - 1940; the formation of the concept of music education in 1941 - 1967 and the application of a unified system in 1968 - 1990. The work also outlines innovative trends in music education at the end of the last millennium and the beginning of this century, in 1991 - 2008. The study relies on a combined design and an analysis of historical archival material and empirical data. The empirical part of the study is based on the questionnaire (n=183) and interviews (n=18) carried out with kindergarten music teachers. The data has been analysed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The subject of the research is the content and activity types of kindergarten music education and the role of music teacher in their implementation. The study confirmed that fundamental changes took place in Estonian kindergarten music education due to the change in political power in the 1940s. Following the example of the Soviet system of education, music in kindergarten became an independent music educational orientation and the position of a professionally trained music teacher was established (1947). It was also confirmed that in the newly independent Estonian Republic under the influence of innovative trends a new paradigm of music education arose from the traditional singing-centred education towards the more balanced use of music activity types (attaching importance to the child-centred approach, an increase in the number and variety of activity types). The most important conclusions made in the dissertation are that there has been improvement and development deriving from contemporary trends in the clear concept that has evolved in Estonian kindergarten music education over a century; professionally trained music teachers have had a crucial role in shaping it; and kindergarten music education is firmly positioned as a part of preschool education in Estonian system of education. Key words: early childhood music education, history of music education, kindergarten music education, early childhood music teachers
Technical highlights 2008–09, with detailed progress reports on the latest invasive plant and animal research undertaken by Biosecurity Queensland, a service unit of the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation.
Lihavuus ja ylipaino ovat viime vuosikymmeninä yleistyneet; jo yli puolet länsimaiden väestöstä on ylipainoisia ja viidennes lihavia. Varsinkin nuorilla ylipainon lisääntyminen on ollut nopeaa. Ylipaino, erityisesti yhdistettynä vyötärölihavuuteen, sekä tupakointi lisäävät sairastavuutta sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin, metabolisiin sairauksiin, kuten diabetekseen, sekä moniin syöpiin. Lihavuus ja tupakointi ovatkin kehittyneiden maiden tärkeimpiä ehkäistävissä olevia kuolinsyitä. Samanaikaisesti ylipainon kanssa laihduttaminen ja jopa terveydelle haitalliset laihdutusmenetelmät, kuten tupakointi painonhallintakeinona on tullut yhä yleisemmäksi. Nopeaan painonpudotukseen tähtäävällä laihduttamisella on usein terveydelle haitallisia seurauksia kuten painon nousu yli alkuperäisen painon ja kehon rasvajakauman muuttuminen epäterveellisemmäksi. Kolme neljännestä merkittävästi laihduttaneista kertoo painon nousseen takaisin. Tupakoinnin ja toistuvan laihduttamisen vaikutukset ylipainon ja lihavuuden kehittymiselle kytkeytyvät toisiinsa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin toistuvan laihduttamisen ja tupakoinnin vaikutusta kehon painoon ja lisäksi tupakoinnin vaikutusta vyötärölihavuuden kehittymiseen. Työn toisena tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka voimakkaasti tupakointi ja toistuva laihduttaminen liittyvät toisiinsa suomalaisilla ja onko tämä yhteys erilainen eri ikäryhmissä ja sukupuolilla. Työ perustuu kolmeen laajaan kyselyaineistoon: Nuorten Kaksosten Terveystutkimuksen (englanniksi FinnTwin16) aineistossa on seurattu 1975-79 syntyneitä kaksosia 16, 17, 18 ja 24 vuoden ikäisinä (N=5563). Suomen kaksoskohortin aineisto (N= 12 793) on kerätty vuonna 1990 samaa sukupuolta olevilta, vuosina 1930-57 syntyneiltä kaksosilta. Entisten huippu-urheilijoiden (N=1838) ja heille kaltaistettujen verrokkien (N=834) seurantatutkimuksessa tiedot on kerätty vuosina 1985, 1995 ja 2001. Pituus, paino ja tupakointi on kysytty kaikissa kyselyissä. Kaksoset vastasivat laihdutuskäyttäytymistä koskeviin kysymyksiin. Urheilijoiden laihdutuskäyttäytyminen pääteltiin lajin perusteella, sillä toistuvan laihduttamisen tiedetään olevan yleistä painoluokissa urheilevilla urheilijoilla (esim.painijat, nyrkkeilijät). Nuoruusiän tupakointi ennusti vyötärölihavuutta molemmilla sukupuolilla ja lisäksi ylipainoisuutta naisilla. Toistuva laihduttaminen oli yhteydessä myöhempään painonnousuun ja lihavuuteen miehillä. Lisäksi toistuvan laihduttamisen ja tupakoinnin todettiin liittyvän toisiinsa nuorilla aikuisilla. Vanhemmissa ikäluokissa miehet, jotka tupakoivat, laihduttivat harvemmin kuin tupakoimattomat. Lihavuuteen ja vyötärölihavuuteen liittyvän oheissairastavuuden ennaltaehkäisyssä tupakoinnin ja toistuvan laihduttamisen vähentäminen saattavat olla aiemmin luultua tehokkaampia keinoja.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of the Finnish tobacco control measures for reduction of smoking. First, the trends and patterns in ever smoking among adult Finns in 1978 2001 as well as the associations of trends with the Tobacco Control Act in 1976 were examined. Secondly, the impact of the 1976 TCA on the proportion of ever daily smokers in different socioeconomic groups was studied. Thirdly, the impact of the 1995 TCAA on recent trends in the prevalence of daily smoking was evaluated by gender and employment status. Fourthly, the trends of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) at workplaces and homes were investigated. The study is based on data of the Health Behaviour among the Finnish Adult Population surveys. Among Finnish men smoking initiation declined from earlier to later cohorts, whereas among women it increased in successive birth cohorts born before 1956. The lasting differences between birth cohorts as regards ever daily smoking reflected well the impact of measures to reduce smoking in Finland in 1976. Smoking initiation in the birth cohorts (born in 1961 or later) which were in critical age as regards the risk of smoking initiation when the TCA came into force was less common than could be expected according to the trends seen in the earlier birth cohorts. Marked socioeconomic differences were found in smoking in the different birth cohorts. Smoking was more prevalent in the lower socioeconomic groups than in the higher ones, and the differences were larger in the later birth cohorts compared to the earlier ones. The differences between the birth cohorts in ever daily smoking were compatible with the hypothetical impact of the TCA in almost all socioeconomic groups, except farmers. Among men the 1976 TCA appears to have had the greatest impact on white-collar employees. Among women the effect of the act was highly significant in all socioeconomic groups. However, female smoking prevalence continues to show wide socioeconomic disparities. Daily smoking decreased among employees after the 1995 TCAA, supporting the hypothesis of the lowering impact of the amendment on daily smoking due to increased smoking cessation. No parallel change in daily smoking was found in the population without direct expose to ETS legislation (farmers, students, housewives, pensioners or unemployed). Exposure to ETS decreased markedly among non-smokers at work after the 1995 TCAA. The 1976 TCA and the 1995 TCAA were useful in controlling smoking initiation and cessation, but their impact was not equal across the population groups. The results of this study strongly suggested that tobacco control policies markedly contribute to the decrease in smoking and in exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate intensity, productivity and efficiency in agriculture in Finland and show implications for N and P fertiliser management. Environmental concerns relating to agricultural production have been and still are focused on arguments about policies that affect agriculture. These policies constrain production while demand for agricultural products such as food, fibre and energy continuously increase. Therefore the importance of increasing productivity is a great challenge to agriculture. Over the last decades producers have experienced several large changes in the production environment such as the policy reform when Finland joined the EU 1995. Other and market changes occurred with the further EU enlargement with neighbouring countries in 2005 and with the decoupling of supports over the 2006-2007 period. Decreasing prices a decreased number of farmers and decreased profitability in agricultural production have resulted from these changes and constraints and of technological development. It is known that the accession to the EU 1995 would herald changes in agriculture. Especially of interest was how the sudden changes in prices of commodities on especially those of cereals, decreased by 60%, would influence agricultural production. The knowledge of properties of the production function increased in importance as a consequence of price changes. A research on the economic instruments to regulate productions was carried out and combined with earlier studies in paper V. In paper I the objective was to compare two different technologies, the conventional farming and the organic farming, determine differences in productivity and technical efficiency. In addition input specific or environmental efficiencies were analysed. The heterogeneity of agricultural soils and its implications were analysed in article II. In study III the determinants of technical inefficiency were analysed. The aspects and possible effects of the instability in policies due to a partial decoupling of production factors and products were studied in paper IV. Consequently connection between technical efficiency based on the turnover and the sales return was analysed in this study. Simple economic instruments such as fertiliser taxes have a direct effect on fertiliser consumption and indirectly increase the value of organic fertilisers. However, fertiliser taxes, do not fully address the N and P management problems adequately and are therefore not suitable for nutrient management improvements in general. Productivity of organic farms is lower on average than conventional farms and the difference increases when looking at selling returns only. The organic sector needs more research and development on productivity. Livestock density in organic farming increases productivity, however, there is an upper limit to livestock densities on organic farms and therefore nutrient on organic farms are also limited. Soil factors affects phosphorous and nitrogen efficiency. Soils like sand and silt have lower input specific overall efficiency for nutrients N and P. Special attention is needed for the management on these soils. Clay soils and soils with moderate clay content have higher efficiency. Soil heterogeneity is cause for an unavoidable inefficiency in agriculture.
The memoir contains poems, eulogies and family photos and was written in 1995 in Connecticut. Recollections of the author's childhood in an orthodox Jewish family in the Leopoldstadt, the second district in Vienna. He was the third of four children. His father was a businessman who was dealing with clothing and textile. Kurt was enrolled in the same class as his older brother Hans at Gymnasium. Memories of his Bar Mitzvah celebration. Cello lessons and concerts with his brother Hans. After graduation Kurt started to study medicine at the Anatomic Institute of Julius Tandler at the Vienna University. Member of the liberal medical students' union "Wiener Mediziner". Acquaintance with his future-wife Greta. Skiing trip in the mountains. Antisemitic attacks at University, particularly within the faculties of law and medicine. Arrest under the false accusation of distributing illegal literature. In January 1938 Greta and Kurt Tauber were married. Worsening of political situation and rising of the illegal Nazi movement in Austria. Recollections of the "Anschluss" (Nazi take-over) in March 1938. Affidavit for Greta and Kurt from her brother in the United States. In June 1938 they went to London, where they waited for their visas to the US. Fervent attempts to arrange exit permits for their families in Vienna. Greta and Kurt Tauber arrived in New York in October of 1938. Difficult start at the beginning. Kurt started to work in a bakery. Greta and Kurt moved to a small apartment in the Lower East Side. Move to Queens with Greta's parents. Kurt's parents arrived in 1940 and moved to Washington Heights. Kurt and Greta started a baking business in Kew Gardens, Queens. Birth of their daughters Judy in 1941 and Ellen in 1944. Recollections of Passover family celebrations and vacations in the mountains and at Fleischmann's in the Catskills. Description of business encounters and family events, such as the birth of their grandchildren. Journey to Israel. Retirement and
Bernard Bernstein collection documents professional activities of Bernard Bernstein, a jeweler, metal smith, writer, and teacher. The collection includes artifacts, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, printed materials, photographs, other visual materials, and sketches.The larger part of the collection includes materials dealing with the artistic side of Bernard Bernstein. These materials are found throughout the collection and consist of artifacts produced during his schooling at City College (Series I: Artifacts), various jewelry designs produced by Bernard Bernstein for commercial use (Series III: Designs), certificates and awards (Series V: General), and materials pertaining to a number of shows and exhibits that Bernard Bernstein was a part of (Series IV: Exhibitions and Art Catalogues).Other materials include documents pertaining to Bernard Bernstein education, professional carrier as a teacher ( Series II: City College of the City University of New York, Series V: General), and his articles in professional journals (Series VI: Printed Materials).In some cases materials are accompanied by Bernard Bernstein’s notes explaining the significance and provenance of the documents.
The importance of intermolecular interactions to chemistry, physics, and biology is difficult to overestimate. Without intermolecular forces, condensed phase matter could not form. The simplest way to categorize different types of intermolecular interactions is to describe them using van der Waals and hydrogen bonded (H-bonded) interactions. In the H-bond, the intermolecular interaction appears between a positively charged hydrogen atom and electronegative fragments and it originates from strong electrostatic interactions. H-bonding is important when considering the properties of condensed phase water and in many biological systems including the structure of DNA and proteins. Vibrational spectroscopy is a useful tool for studying complexes and the solvation of molecules. Vibrational frequency shift has been used to characterize complex formation. In an H-bonded system A∙∙∙H-X (A and X are acceptor and donor species, respectively), the vibrational frequency of the H-X stretching vibration usually decreases from its value in free H-X (red-shift). This frequency shift has been used as evidence for H-bond formation and the magnitude of the shift has been used as an indicator of the H-bonding strength. In contrast to this normal behavior are the blue-shifting H-bonds, in which the H-X vibrational frequency increases upon complex formation. In the last decade, there has been active discussion regarding these blue-shifting H-bonds. Noble-gases have been considered inert due to their limited reactivity with other elements. In the early 1930 s, Pauling predicted the stable noble-gas compounds XeF6 and KrF6. It was not until three decades later Neil Bartlett synthesized the first noble-gas compound, XePtF6, in 1962. A renaissance of noble-gas chemistry began in 1995 with the discovery of noble-gas hydride molecules at the University of Helsinki. The first hydrides were HXeCl, HXeBr, HXeI, HKrCl, and HXeH. These molecules have the general formula of HNgY, where H is a hydrogen atom, Ng is a noble-gas atom (Ar, Kr, or Xe), and Y is an electronegative fragment. At present, this class of molecules comprises 23 members including both inorganic and organic compounds. The first and only argon-containing neutral chemical compound HArF was synthesized in 2000 and its properties have since been investigated in a number of studies. A helium-containing chemical compound, HHeF, was predicted computationally, but its lifetime has been predicted to be severely limited by hydrogen tunneling. Helium and neon are the only elements in the periodic table that do not form neutral, ground state molecules. A noble-gas matrix is a useful medium in which to study unstable and reactive species including ions. A solvated proton forms a centrosymmetric NgHNg+ (Ng = Ar, Kr, and Xe) structure in a noble-gas matrix and this is probably the simplest example of a solvated proton. Interestingly, the hypothetical NeHNe+ cation is isoelectronic with the water-solvated proton H5O2+ (Zundel-ion). In addition to the NgHNg+ cations, the isoelectronic YHY- (Y = halogen atom or pseudohalogen fragment) anions have been studied with the matrix-isolation technique. These species have been known to exist in alkali metal salts (YHY)-M+ (M = alkali metal e.g. K or Na) for more than 80 years. Hydrated HF forms the FHF- structure in aqueous solutions, and these ions participate in several important chemical processes. In this thesis, studies of the intermolecular interactions of HNgY molecules and centrosymmetric ions with various species are presented. The HNgY complexes show unusual spectral features, e.g. large blue-shifts of the H-Ng stretching vibration upon complexation. It is suggested that the blue-shift is a normal effect for these molecules, and that originates from the enhanced (HNg)+Y- ion-pair character upon complexation. It is also found that the HNgY molecules are energetically stabilized in the complexed form, and this effect is computationally demonstrated for the HHeF molecule. The NgHNg+ and YHY- ions also show blue-shifts in their asymmetric stretching vibration upon complexation with nitrogen. Additionally, the matrix site structure and hindered rotation (libration) of the HNgY molecules were studied. The librational motion is a much-discussed solid state phenomenon, and the HNgY molecules embedded in noble-gas matrices are good model systems to study this effect. The formation mechanisms of the HNgY molecules and the decay mechanism of NgHNg+ cations are discussed. A new electron tunneling model for the decay of NgHNg+ absorptions in noble-gas matrices is proposed. Studies of the NgHNg+∙∙∙N2 complexes support this electron tunneling mechanism.
The records of the North American Jewish Students Appeal (NAJSA or APPEAL) contains documents on two levels of concern: those documents dealing with the NAJSA as a student-run organization promoting Jewish identity among college-aged youth; and those documents dealing with the APPEAL as a fundraising organization for several well-known student constituent organizations. The Constituents were: the Jewish Student Press Service, Lights in Action, the North American Jewish Students Network, the Progressive Zionist Caucus, Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review, Yavneh Religious Students Organization, and Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish. Documents include correspondence, financial records, minutes, press releases, information on grants awarded to student organizations for programming and publishing, student journals, and newspapers, photographs, and ephemera.
Robison family papers reflect various activities of Adolf C. and Ann Green Robison in civic organizations, Jewish communal life, Jewish national and international affairs, and individually in the arts. Contains information on the origins of the United Nations and on aid to Israel before, during, and after the War of Independence. The materials include correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, financial documents, newspaper clippings, photographs, diaries, scrapbooks, musical scores, and play scripts.
Papers include a large number of journals and notebooks, hundreds of fan letters, general correspondence, manuscripts by and about Roth, and publications by and about Roth. Papers also include various editions of his works and several annotated volumes of his personal reference library. Topical files contain photographs and items reflecting his interests and personal history.
We perceive the epistemological boundaries of Critical Indigenous Studies as marked by analyses of contemporary colonising power in its multiple forms in different contexts. This first issue brings together a diverse group of international Indigenous scholars who are politically and intellectually engaged in theorising from their respective standpoints as well as spatial and geographic locations. As such these essays enable dialogue across and within different colonial power contexts addressing epistemological ethical and methodological concerns within the broad field of Indigenous studies. In each essay a connecting theme is the need for intercultural and comparative work and to import Indigenous agency in the writing of history...
Various newspaper articles about Daisy Davidow and her art work.