990 resultados para 1792
Alinhamento estratégico, aliado ao planejamento estratégico, é um importante instrumento de gestão. Por isso, novas abordagens para a operacionalização do alinhamento durante todas as etapas do processo de planejamento podem auxiliar o gerenciamento de topo em suas decisões e influir no desempenho organizacional. O objetivo deste estudo, de natureza exploratória, é conceber e desenvolver um modelo operacional de alinhamento estratégico para uso durante a etapa de implementação dos itens planejados, promovendo o ajuste contínuo entre as necessidades de negócio através do devido suporte da Tecnologia da Informação (TI), tendo por base a análise das contribuições dos estudos sobre metodologia de implementação de planos estratégicos. Os principais resultados encontrados mostram que as empresas estudadas estão promovendo o alinhamento estratégico entre negócios e TI com maior ou menor intensidade, mesmo que, em algumas etapas do processo de planejamento, isto seja realizado de forma empírica. Os resultados apontaram os elementos de alinhamento “metodologia” e “instrumentação da gestão” como principais promotores de alinhamento durante a etapa de implementação do processo de planejamento, responsáveis por grande parte do comprometimento dos participantes do processo e pelo atingimento das metas planejadas. A metodologia de acompanhamento da execução dos itens planejados consiste em reuniões freqüentes de alinhamento dos itens de negócio e de TI, para sincronização dos recursos e controle do atingimento das metas e objetivos, mantendo o foco dos objetivos de longo prazo. A operacionalidade da promoção do alinhamento depende da instrumentação dos executivos (CEO e CIO) com o apropriado conjunto informacional representativo do modelo de negócio e de gestão estratégica para acompanhamento da execução dos itens planejados e promoção dos ajustes necessários em tempo real.
O trabalho doméstico é a ocupação da maioria das trabalhadoras brasileiras. São cerca de 6 milhões de mulheres empregadas nesta ocupação. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a mobilidade ocupacional e as conseqüências em termos de rendimento destas trabalhadoras. O objetivo do trabalho é examinar até que ponto o fato de tido o primeiro emprego como empregada doméstica afeta as trabalhadoras na escolha futura de suas ocupações. Estima-se o efeito do primeiro emprego como trabalhadora doméstica sobre a probabilidade de ter a ocupação de doméstica atualmente. O método escolhido foi o de variáveis instrumentais de modo a controlar o viés de endogeneidade entre a escolha da primeira ocupação e a ocupação atual. Os instrumentos escolhidos foram: número de escolas por criança em idade escolar, número de professores por escola e PIB per capita. Supõe-se que estes instrumentos sejam proxies para os custos diretos da educação e para o custo de oportunidade das mulheres. Os resultados mostram que o fato de ter tido como primeiro emprego o trabalho doméstico aumenta a probabilidade das trabalhadoras permanecerem nesta mesma ocupação em comparação com quem não começou como doméstica. Quando o resultado é comparado com a estimação pelo Método de Mínimos Quadrados, ou seja, sem controlar por um possível viés de endogeneidade, o resultado é três vezes maior. Estes resultados sugerem uma imobilidade ocupacional onde a escolha de inserção como empregada doméstica pode levar a uma armadilha de ocupação. Para tentar identificar possíveis efeitos que a primeira ocupação de doméstica pode ter sobre os rendimentos das trabalhadoras na sua ocupação atual a estimação pelo método de mínimos quadrados mostrou que o primeiro emprego como doméstica teria como efeito diminuir em 13% os rendimentos das trabalhadoras em comparação com quem não começou como doméstica. Já a estimação pelo método de variáveis instrumentais não mostrou um efeito estatisticamente significante. Além disso, também não foram encontrados resultados estatisticamente significantes quando a amostra foi restringida apenas para trabalhadoras que não tinham a ocupação atual de doméstica. Estes resultados sugerem que apesar da imobilidade ocupacional observada, não haveria diferenças em relação do rendimento atual das trabalhadoras.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os pesos e porcentagens de órgãos em relação ao peso vivo ao abate (PVA), ao peso de corpo vazio (PCV) e ao peso total dos órgãos (PTO) de cordeiros inteiros 1/2 Ile de France 1/2 Ideal confinados, recebendo dietas com relações volumoso:concentrado de 50:50 e 30:70 e abatidos aos 30 ou 34 kg. Os parâmetros mensurados foram: língua, pulmões com traquéia, coração, fígado, pâncreas, timo, tireóide, adrenal, rins, testículos, baço, diafragma, bexiga, pênis e glândulas anexas. Os resultados obtidos revelaram diferenças entre os pesos ao abate nas porcentagens de língua, coração, pulmões com traquéia, diafragma, pâncreas, tireóide, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PVA; nas porcentagens de língua, pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PCV e nas porcentagens de pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, tireóide, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PTO. Dietas com diferentes relações volumoso:concentrado afetaram apenas as porcentagens de pâncreas em relação ao PVA, ao PCV e ao PTO. Verificaram-se interações entre relação volumoso:concentrado e peso vivo ao abate nos pesos dos pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, tireóide e glândulas anexas.
Using Harold Bloom s methodology known as dialectical revisionism we undertake the task of misreading of Vinícius de Moraes (1913- 1980) poems Poética (1950), Operário em construção (1955), Poética II (1960) against Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) and his poem A Song: Men of England, suggesting that the Brazilian poet trammeled a battle with his poetic triad, in which Operário em Construção is Vinicius s main weapon. It is suggested here that each one of Vinícius´poem represents a step of what Bloom calls anxiety of influence . The misreading proposed confronts the themes and the imagery of the poems, arguing that Shelley and Vinícius are similar when they approach exploitation and working class consciousness according to the Dialectic Marxism pattern, and that Vinícius´s poem was not only inspired by Shelley s, but using one of the strategies suggested by Bloom, he corrects the ideological flaws of Shelley s poem. It is also discussed the possibility that both poems are inspired by Plato´s (428-7 a 348-7 a.C.) allegory of the cave, his concept of justice and the moral construction of the polis defended in A República. Thus, considering the process of misreading, these five poems constitute what Bloom calls a family romance , which is characterizes the phenomenon of melancholy of creativity
In the present study, we described a rare association of polycystic liver disease (PCLD) with intracranial meningiomas in patients included on a liver transplant list, focusing on the diagnosis, treatment and possible association with any genetic alterations. Two female patients, aged 39 and 49 years were included on a liver transplant list due to extensive PCLD, with symptoms related to an abdominal compartmental syndrome. Screening for extrahepatic manifestation revealed a right frontal meningioma in the first patient, and a parietal posterior calcified meningioma in the second patient, measuring 1 and 7x3x2 cm in diameter, respectively. Following tumor removal, the histological pattern was compatible with fibrous and transitional meningioma, respectively. Cytogenetic studies conducted following surgery did not reveal any changes in metaphase chromosomes. The postoperative follow-up for the two patients was uneventful, without complications, with the patients remaining on a liver transplant waiting list. We conclude that screening for extrahepatic manifestations of PCLD is mandatory, as certain lesions require treatment prior to liver transplantation. The lack of a genetic or familial association between these two cases show they are likely to have occurred by chance, rather than representing a previously unrecognized association between polycystic liver disease and cranial meningioma.
To evaluate the tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Tc-99m-sestamibi breast scintigraphy was proposed as a quantitative method Fifty-five patients with ductal carcinoma were studied They underwent breast scintigraphy before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, along with clinical assessment and surgical specimen analysis The regions of interest on the lesion and contralateral breast were identified, and the pixel counts were used to evaluate lesion uptake in relation to background radiation The ratio of these counts before to after neoadjuvant chemotherapy was assessed The decrease in uptake rate due to chemotherapy characterized the scintigraphy tumor response The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the mean scintigraphic tumor response and histological type Dunn's multiple comparison test was used to detect differences between histological types The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare means between quantitative and qualitative variables scintigraphic tumor response vs clinical response and uptake before chemotherapy vs scintigraphic tumor response The Spearman's test was used to correlate the quantitative variables of clinical reduction in tumor size and scintigraphic tumor response All of the variables compared presented significant differences The change in Tc-99m-sestamibi uptake noted on breast scintigraphy, before to after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, may be used as an effective method for evaluating the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, since this quantification reflects the biological behavior of the tumor towards the chemotherapy regimen Furthermore, additional analysis on the uptake rate before chemotherapy may accurately predict treatment response
Scintimammography using Tc-99m-sestamibi is a noninvasive and painless diagnostic imaging method that is used to detect breast cancer when mammography is inconclusive Because of the advantages of labeling v '7,ith Tc-99m-sestamibi and its high efficiency in detecting carcinomas, it is the most widespread agent for this purpose Its accumulation in the tumor has multifactorial causes and does not depend on the presence of architectural distortion or local or diffuse density variation in the breast The objective of tfiis study was to evaluate the accuracy of scintimammography 1 for detecting breast cancer One hundred and fifty-seven patients presenting 158 palpable and non-palpable breast nodules were evaluated Three patients were male and 154 were female, aged between 14 and 81 years All patients underwent scintimammography, and the nodule was subjected i to cytological or histological study, i e, the gold standard for diagnosing cancer One hundred and eleven malignant and 47 benign nodules were detected, with predominance of ductal carcinomas (n=94) and fibroadenoma/fibrocysiic condition (n=11/n=11), respectively The mean size was 3 11 cm (7-10 cm) among the malignant nodules and 2 07 cm among the benign nodules (0 5-10 cm) The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were 89, 89, 95, 78 and 89%, respectively Analysis on the histological types showed that the technique was more effective on tumors that were more aggressive, such as ductal carcinoma In this study, Tc-99m-sestamibi scintim immography was shown to be an important tool for diagnosing breast cancer when mammography was inconclusive
The aim of this study was to confirm the effectiveness of early physiotherapeutic stimulation for lymphatic flaw progression in patients with breast cancer undergoing axillary dissection This was a randomized experimental study oil 22 patients who underwent lymphoscintigraphy in their arms on two different occasions, firstly without stimulation and secondly after randomization into two groups without physiotherapeutic stimulation (WOPS, n=10) and with physiotherapeutic stimulation (WPS, n=12) The lymphoscintigraphy scan was performed with (99m)Tc-phytate administered into the second interdigital space of the hand, ipsilaterally to the dissected axilla, in three phases dynamic, static, and delayed whole body imaging Physiotherapeutic stimulation was earned out using Foldi's technique In both groups, images from the two examinations of each patient were compared Flow progression was considered positive when, on the second damnation, the radiopharmaceutical reached areas more distant from the injection site Statistical analysis was used to evaluate frequencies, percentages and central trend measurements, and non-parametric tests were conducted Descriptive analysis showed that the WPS and WOPS groups were similar M terms of mean age, weight, height, body mass index and number of lymph nodes removed There were statistically significant associations between physiotherapeutic stimulation and radiopharmaceutical progression at all three phases of the study (p < 0 0001) Early physiotherapeutic stimulation in beast cancer patients undergoing radical axillary dissection is effective, and can therefore be indicated as a preventive measure against lymphedema
Processou-se neste trabalho a farinha de mandioquinha-salsa (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancr.) em uma linha de extrusão (mono rosca) variando as condições operacionais: umidade da farinha (11-19%), temperatura de extrusão (86-154ºC) e taxa de rotação da rosca (136-272rpm). Os parâmetros de cor analisados foram luminosidade (L*) e os componentes de cromaticidade a* e b*. Os parâmetros de propriedade de pasta analisados foram viscosidade inicial, pico de viscosidade, quebra de viscosidade, tendência a retrogradação e viscosidade final. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a umidade da matéria-prima interferiu nos componentes de cor das farinhas com efeito significativo sobre a luminosidade e croma a*, e a temperatura interferiu no croma b* . Quanto ao efeito dos parâmetros de processo sobre as propriedades de pasta, a umidade interferiu nas viscosidades inicial e final dos produtos, pico e quebra de viscosidade, enquanto a temperatura de extrusão e a rotação da rosca tiveram influência sobre a tendência a retrogradação e viscosidade final dos produtos.
Objective. We previously documented that abatacept was effective and safe in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) who had not previously achieved a satisfactory clinical response with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs or tumor necrosis factor blockade. Here, we report results from the long-term extension (LTE) phase of that study.Methods. This report describes the long-term, open-label extension phase of a double-blind, randomized, controlled withdrawal trial in 190 patients with JIA ages 6-17 years. Children were treated with 10 mg/kg abatacept administered intravenously every 4 weeks, with or without methotrexate. Efficacy results were based on data derived from the 153 patients who entered the open-label LTE phase and reflect >= 21 months (589 days) of treatment. Safety results include all available open-label data as of May 7, 2008.Results. of the 190 enrolled patients, 153 entered the LTE. By day 589, 90%, 88%, 75%, 57%, and 39% of patients treated with abatacept during the double-blind and LTE phases achieved responses according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Pediatric 30 (Pedi 30), Pedi 50, Pedi 70, Pedi 90, and Pedi 100 criteria for improvement, respectively. Similar response rates were observed by day 589 among patients previously treated with placebo. Among patients who had not achieved an ACR Pedi 30 response at the end of the open-label lead-in phase and who proceeded directly into the LTE, 73%, 64%, 46%, 18%, and 5% achieved ACR Pedi 30, Pedi 50, Pedi 70, Pedi 90, and Pedi 100 responses, respectively, by day 589 of the LTE. No cases of tuberculosis and no malignancies were reported during the LTE. Pneumonia developed in 3 patients, and multiple sclerosis developed in 1 patient.Conclusion. Abatacept provided clinically significant and durable efficacy in patients with JIA, including those who did not initially achieve an ACR Pedi 30 response during the initial 4-month open-label lead-in phase.
This study aims to present the clinical features and treatment of a case of maxillary ameloblastic carcinoma. A meloblastic carcinoma is a rare malignant odontogenic carcinoma that has metastatic potential. Due to its rare incidence, there are few studies focusing on its radiological characteristics. When ameloblastic carcinoma demonstrates an aggressive appearance, it may be diagnosed as a malignant tumor; however, in cases showing a non-aggressive appearance, it is difficult to distinguish ameloblastic carcinoma from ameloblastoma. We report a case of ameloblastic carcinoma of the maxilla in a 59-year-old male patient, including the clinical signs, radiological images and pathological features. A partial area was surgically excised under local anesthesia and the material was sent to the Laboratory of Oral Pathology. The histological sections revealed a fragmented odontogenic tumor of epithelial origin, consisting of solid parenchyma and also revealed basal cells resembling ameloblasts, occasionally arranged in palisades. Certain parts of the architecture resembled that of an ameloblastoma; however, the cytology of other areas confirmed the diagnosis of ameloblastic carcinoma of the maxilla. The patient was scheduled for definitive surgery, including a right maxillectomy and radiotherapy. The patient was followed up every 3 months. After 2 years follow-up, there were no clinical or radiological signs of recurrence.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)