1000 resultados para 164-991


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InnovaCampus és una aplicació d'innovació docent que proporciona a la comunitat educativa una eina online d'autoavaluació per a estudiants universitaris. Aquesta eina permet als estudiants avaluar els seus coneixements i als professors analitzar-ne els resultats per tal d'extreure'n les corresponents conclusions. L'eina ha evolucionat any a any, i recentment s'ha dut a terme un redisseny de l'aplicació per tal d'aconseguir una aplicació modular utilitzant una arquitectura de tres capes que afavoreixi a futures ampliacions. Les capes de persistència i de negoci han estat desenvolupades en una primera fase del redisseny i la capa de presentació és la que dóna lloc al present projecte. Així doncs, el projecte consisteix en dissenyar, desenvolupar i integrar una nova capa de presentació de l'aplicació, amb la finalitat de proporcionar una interfície interactiva, àgil i eficient per tal d'obtenir un entorn amigable amb propietats visuals avançades. Tot plegat es pretén aconseguir integrant el framework Google Web Toolkit a l'estructura ja creada mitjançant el framework Spring i JPA.


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The reactivity spectrum of five different monoclonal anti-melanoma antibodies cross-reacting with gliomas and neuroblastomas and one monoclonal anti-glioma antibody cross-reacting with melanomas and neuroblastomas was investigated. Comparison of the binding activity of these monoclonal antibodies for 11 melanoma, seven glioma, and three neuroblastoma cell lines showed that each of these clones had a different pattern of cross-reactivity. The results indicated that the antigenic determinants detected by these antibodies were not associated with the same antigen and thus suggested the existence of at least six different antigens common to melanomas, gliomas, and neuroblastomas. Since all these tumors are known to derive from cells originating embryologically from the neural crest, it can be assumed that the antigens recognized by our monoclonal antibodies are neuroectodermal differentiation antigens. However, absorption with fetal brain homogenates abolished only the binding of monoclonal anti-glioma antibody, but did not modify the binding of monoclonal anti-melanoma antibodies.


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State Agency Audit Report - Special Investigation


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O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as restrições causadas pela incontinência urinária (IU) à vida da mulher, considerando-se o tipo de incontinência, e verificar como manejam este problema. Trata-se de uma análise secundária de dados obtidos em estudo anterior, coletados por meio de entrevista com perguntas abertas e fechadas. A amostra foi composta por 164 mulheres com queixa de IU, internadas em clínicas de ginecologia e urologia de dois hospitais-escola da cidade de Campinas, SP. Apresentavam idade entre 25 e 85 anos e 104 (64%) referiram uma ou mais restrições. Citaram alterações nas atividades sexuais (40,9%), sociais (33,5%), domésticas (18,9%) e ocupacionais (15,2%). A incontinência urinária mista e a de urgência forem as que mais afetavam a vida das mulheres. A estratégia mais utilizada para minimizar a IU foi o uso de forro e/ou absorvente higiênico. Concluiu-se que a IU tem implicações negativas no cotidiano dessas mulheres.


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SUMMARYIn order to increase drug safety we must better understand how medication interacts with the body of our patients and this knowledge should be made easily available for the clinicians prescribing the medication. This thesis contributes to how the knowledge of some drug properties can increase and how to make information readily accessible for the medical professionals. Furthermore it investigates the use of Therapeutic drug monitoring, drug interaction databases and pharmacogenetic tests in pharmacovigilance.Two pharmacogenetic studies in the naturalistic setting of psychiatric in-patients clinics have been performed; one with the antidepressant mirtazapine, the other with the antipsychotic clozapine. Forty-five depressed patients have been treated with mirtazapine and were followed for 8 weeks. The therapeutic effect was as seen in other previous studies. Enantioselective analyses could confirm an influence of age, gender and smoking in the pharmacokinetics of mirtazapine; it showed a significant influence of the CYP2D6 genotype on the antidepressant effective S-enantiomer, and for the first time an influence of the CYP2B6 genotype on the plasma concentrations of the 8-OH metabolite was found. The CYP2B6*/*6 genotype was associated to better treatment response. A detailed hypothesis of the metabolic pathways of mirtazapine is proposed. In the second pharmacogenetic study, analyses of 75 schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine showed the influence of CYP450 and ABCB1 genotypes on its pharmacokinetics. For the first time we could demonstrate an in vivo effect of the CYP2C19 genotype and an influence of P-glycoprotein on the plasma concentrations of clozapine. Further we confirmed in vivo the prominent role of CYP1A2 in the metabolism of clozapine.Identifying risk factors for the occurrence of serious adverse drug reactions (SADR) would allow a more individualized and safer drug therapy. SADR are rare events and therefore difficult to study. We tested the feasibility of a nested matched case-control study to examine the influence of high drug plasma levels and CYP2D6 genotypes on the risk to experience an SADR. In our sample we compared 62 SADR cases with 82 controls; both groups were psychiatric patients from the in-patient clinic Königsfelden. Drug plasma levels of >120% of the upper recommended references could be identified as a risk factor with a statistically significant odds ratio of 3.5, a similar trend could be seen for CYP2D6 poor metaboliser. Although a matched case-control design seems a valid method, 100% matching is not easy to perform in a relative small cohort of one in-patient clinic. However, a nested case-control study is feasible.On the base of the experience gained in the AMSP+ study and the fact that we have today only sparse data indicating that routine drug plasma concentration monitoring and/or pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatry are justified to minimize the risk for ADR, we developed a test algorithm named "TDM plus" (TDM plus interaction checks plus pharmacogenetic testing).Pharmacovigilance programs such as the AMSP project (AMSP = Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie) survey psychiatric in-patients in order to collect SADR and to detect new safety signals. Case reports of such SADR are, although anecdotal, valuable to illustrate rare clinical events and sometimes confirm theoretical assumptions of e.g. drug interactions. Seven pharmacovigilance case reports are summarized in this thesis.To provide clinicians with meaningful information on the risk of drug combinations, during the course of this thesis the internet based drug interaction program mediQ.ch (in German) has been developed. Risk estimation is based on published clinical and pharmacological information of single drugs and alimentary products, including adverse drug reaction profiles. Information on risk factors such as renal and hepatic insufficiency and specific genotypes are given. More than 20'000 drug pairs have been described in detail. Over 2000 substances with their metabolic and transport pathways are included and all information is referenced with links to the published scientific literature or other information sources. Medical professionals of more than 100 hospitals and 300 individual practitioners do consult mediQ.ch regularly. Validations with comparisons to other drug interaction programs show good results.Finally, therapeutic drug monitoring, drug interaction programs and pharmacogenetic tests are helpful tools in pharmacovigilance and should, in absence of sufficient routine tests supporting data, be used as proposed in our TDM plus algorithm.RESUMEPour améliorer la sécurité d'emploi des médicaments il est important de mieux comprendre leurs interactions dans le corps des patients. Ensuite le clinicien qui prescrit une pharmacothérapie doit avoir un accès simple à ces informations. Entre autres, cette thèse contribue à mieux connaître les caractéristiques pharmacocinétiques de deux médicaments. Elle examine aussi l'utilisation de trois outils en pharmacovigilance : le monitorage thérapeutique des taux plasmatiques des médicaments (« therapeutic drug monitoring »), un programme informatisé d'estimation du risque de combinaisons médicamenteuses, et enfin des tests pharmacogénétiques.Deux études cliniques pharmacogénétiques ont été conduites dans le cadre habituel de clinique psychiatrique : l'une avec la mirtazapine (antidépresseur), l'autre avec la clozapine (antipsychotique). On a traité 45 patients dépressifs avec de la mirtazapine pendant 8 semaines. L'effet thérapeutique était semblable à celui des études précédentes. Nous avons confirmé l'influence de l'âge et du sexe sur la pharmacocinétique de la mirtazapine et la différence dans les concentrations plasmatiques entre fumeurs et non-fumeurs. Au moyen d'analyses énantiomères sélectives, nous avons pu montrer une influence significative du génotype CYP2D6 sur l'énantiomère S+, principalement responsable de l'effet antidépresseur. Pour la première fois, nous avons trouvé une influence du génotype CYP2B6 sur les taux plasmatiques de la 8-OH-mirtazapine. Par ailleurs, le génotype CYP2B6*6/*6 était associé à une meilleure réponse thérapeutique. Une hypothèse sur les voies métaboliques détaillées de la mirtazapine est proposée. Dans la deuxième étude, 75 patients schizophrènes traités avec de la clozapine ont été examinés pour étudier l'influence des génotypes des iso-enzymes CYP450 et de la protéine de transport ABCB1 sur la pharmacocinétique de cet antipsychotique. Pour la première fois, on a montré in vivo un effet des génotypes CYP2C19 et ABCB1 sur les taux plasmatiques de la clozapine. L'importance du CYP1A2 dans le métabolisme de la clozapine a été confirmée.L'identification de facteurs de risques dans la survenue d'effets secondaire graves permettrait une thérapie plus individualisée et plus sûre. Les effets secondaires graves sont rares. Dans une étude de faisabilité (« nested matched case-control design » = étude avec appariement) nous avons comparé des patients avec effets secondaires graves à des patients-contrôles prenant le même type de médicaments mais sans effets secondaires graves. Des taux plasmatiques supérieurs à 120% de la valeur de référence haute sont associés à un risque avec « odds ratio » significatif de 3.5. Une tendance similaire est apparue pour le génotype du CYP2D6. Le « nested matched case-control design » semble une méthode valide qui présente cependant une difficulté : trouver des patients-contrôles dans le cadre d'une seule clinique psychiatrique. Par contre la conduite d'une « nested case-control study » sans appariement est recommandable.Sur la base de notre expérience de l'étude AMSP+ et le fait que nous disposons que de peux de données justifiant des monitorings de taux plasmatiques et/ou de tests pharmacogénétiques de routine, nous avons développé un test algorithme nommé « TDMplus » (TDM + vérification d'interactions médicamenteuses + tests pharmacogénétique).Des programmes de pharmacovigilances comme celui de l'AMSP (Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie = pharmacovigilance en psychiatrie) collectent les effets secondaires graves chez les patients psychiatriques hospitalisés pour identifier des signaux d'alertes. La publication de certains de ces cas même anecdotiques est précieuse. Elle décrit des événements rares et quelques fois une hypothèse sur le potentiel d'une interaction médicamenteuse peut ainsi être confirmée. Sept publications de cas sont résumées ici.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, on a développé un programme informatisé sur internet (en allemand) - mediQ.ch - pour estimer le potentiel de risques d'une interaction médicamenteuse afin d'offrir en ligne ces informations utiles aux cliniciens. Les estimations de risques sont fondées sur des informations cliniques (y compris les profils d'effets secondaires) et pharmacologiques pour chaque médicament ou substance combinés. Le programme donne aussi des informations sur les facteurs de risques comme l'insuffisance rénale et hépatique et certains génotypes. Actuellement il décrit en détail les interactions potentielles de plus de 20'000 paires de médicaments, et celles de 2000 substances actives avec leurs voies de métabolisation et de transport. Chaque information mentionne sa source d'origine; un lien hypertexte permet d'y accéder. Le programme mediQ.ch est régulièrement consulté par les cliniciens de 100 hôpitaux et par 300 praticiens indépendants. Les premières validations et comparaisons avec d'autres programmes sur les interactions médicamenteuses montrent de bons résultats.En conclusion : le monitorage thérapeutique des médicaments, les programmes informatisés contenant l'information sur le potentiel d'interaction médicamenteuse et les tests pharmacogénétiques sont de précieux outils en pharmacovigilance. Nous proposons de les utiliser en respectant l'algorithme « TDM plus » que nous avons développé.


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BACKGROUND: Fatalities following contrast medium exposure are extremely rare in clinical routine, though they may occur as an exception. Some may fall under the purview of the inquiring authorities and forensic pathologists due to their in-hospital occurrence. The purpose of this study was to assess the risk factors for anaphylaxis due to contrast medium administration that can be identified in fatal cases. METHODS: Fatalities occurred during the course of clinical investigations with contrast media described in the literature and fatal reactions to contrast agents that had undergone forensic investigations in our medicolegal center were reviewed with respect to patient characteristics, administered contrast medium, performed biochemical investigations and potential risk factors identified based on clinical history and medical records. RESULTS: Biochemical investigations into the fatal cases examined in our facility revealed increased mast cell tryptase, total IgE and activated mast cells in all subjects. Data obtained from the literature and our own investigations indicated that in only a minority of the fatal cases had there been previous exposure to contrast compounds, while most cases of severe anaphylaxis involved patients who apparently reacted on initial exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Most fatal cases failed to present any identifiable predisposing conditions out of those traditionally considered as risk factors for an anaphylactic reaction to contrast compounds in the medical histories of the patients. Comprehensive clinical histories and thorough reviews of medical data, along with exhaustive forensic investigations, provide information that is relevant in order to better appreciate the interwoven relationships linking all factors potentially involved in the pathogenesis of fatal anaphylaxis to contrast media. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Hematopietic stem cells (HSCs) maintain life-long hematopoiesis in the bone marrow via their ability to self-renew and to differentiate into all blood lineages. Although a central role for the canonical wnt signaling pathway has been suggested in HSC self-renewal as well as in the development of B and T cells, conditional deletion of beta-catenin (which is considered to be essential for Wnt signaling) has no effect on hematopoiesis or lymphopoiesis. Here, we address whether this discrepancy can be explained by a redundant and compensatory function of gamma-catenin, a close homolog of beta-catenin. Unexpectedly, we find that combined deficiency of beta- and gamma-catenin in hematopoietic progenitors does not impair their ability to self-renew and to reconstitute all myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid lineages, even in competitive mixed chimeras and serial transplantations. These results exclude an essential role for canonical Wnt signaling (as mediated by beta- and/or gamma-catenin) during hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis.


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Background: Medical prescription after organ transplant must prevent both rejection and infectious complications. We assessed the 1-year effectiveness and cost of introducing a new combined regimen in kidney transplantation. Methods: Patients transplanted from January 2000 to March 2003 (Period 1) were compared to patients transplanted from April 2003 to July 2005 (Period 2). In period 1, patients were treated with Basiliximab, Cyclosporin, steroids and Mycophenolate (MMF) or Azathioprine. Prophylaxis with Valacyclovir was prescribed only in CMV D+/R- patients. In period 2, immunosuppressive drugs were Basiliximab, Tacrolimus, steroids and MMF. A 3-month universal CMV prophylaxis with Valganciclovir was used. Medical charts of outpatient visits allowed identifying drug, laboratory and radiological tests use, and hospital information system causes of hospitalisation and length of stay (LOS) over the first year after transplant. Patients with incomplete costs data were excluded. Results: 53 patients were analysed in period 1, and 60 in period 2. CMV serostatus patterns were not significantly different between the 2 periods. Over 12 months, acute rejection decreased from 22 patients (42%) in period 1 to 4 patients (7%) in period 2 (p<0.001), and CMV infection from 25 patients (47%) to 9 patients (15%, p<0.001). Average total rehospitalisation LOS decreased from 28±19 to 20±11 days (p<0.007). Average outpatient visits decreased from 49±10 to 39±8 (p<0.001). Average immunosuppression and CMV prophylaxis costs increased from US$ 18,362±6,546 to 24,637±5,457 (p<0.001), while average graft rejection costs decreased form US$ 4,135±9,164 to 585±2,850 (p=0.005), and average CMV treatment costs from US$ 2,043±5,545 to 91±293 (p=0.008). Average outpatient visits costs decreased from US$ 7,619±1,549 to 6,074±1,043 (p<0.001), and other hospital costs from US$ 3,801±6,519 to 1,196±3,146 (p=0.007). Altogether, average 1-year treatment costs decreased from US$ 35,961±14,916 to 32,584±6,211 (p=0.115). Cost-effectiveness ratios to avoid graft rejection and CMV infection decreased from US$ 61,482±9,292 to 34,911± 1,639 (p=0.006) and US$ 68,070±11,122 to 39,899±2,650 (p=0.015), respectively. Conclusion: The new combined regimen administered in period 2 was significantly more effective. Its additional cost was more than offset by savings linked with complications avoidance.


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Collection : Etudes économique ; [2]


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O objetivo foi descrever os resultados maternos e perinatais da assistência no Centro de Parto Normal Casa de Maria (CPN-CM), na cidade de São Paulo. A amostra probabilística foi de 991 parturientes e seus recém-nascidos, assistidos entre 2003 e 2006. Os resultados mostraram que 92,2% das parturientes tiveram um acompanhante de sua escolha e as práticas mais utilizadas no parto foram banho de aspersão ou imersão (92,9%), amniotomia (62,6%), deambulação (47,6%), massagem de conforto (29,8%) e episiotomia (25,7%). Com relação aos recém-nascidos, 99,9% apresentaram índice de Apgar = 7 no quinto minuto; 9,3% receberam aspiração das vias aéreas superiores; nenhum necessitou ser entubado; e 1,4% foram removidos para o hospital. O modelo de assistência praticado no CPN-CM apresenta resultados maternos e perinatais esperados para mulheres com baixo risco obstétrico, sendo alternativa segura e menos intervencionista no parto normal.


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En s'appuyant sur les acquis démontrés de l'entretien motivationnel individuel chez les patients psychotiques consommateurs de cannabis, une équipe suisse a complété leur prise en charge individuelle par des groupes motivationnels. Le format de ces groupes mobilise davantage ces patients et favorise notamment une mise en scène de la balance décisionnelle.


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OBJECTIVE: In Switzerland, the prescription of biologic antirheumatic agents in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients is not limited by stringent requirements from health authorities. The goals of this study were to: determine the characteristics of the Swiss patients at the initiation of biologics, compare them with other countries and evaluate whether different disease activity levels at initiation of therapy, resulting from distinct access to these treatment, influence their effectiveness. METHODS: This is a retrospective cohort study of RA patients followed in the Swiss register (SCQM-RA). Two thousand and sixty patients treated with biologics were retrieved. We present the disease characteristics and the patients' demographic data, at initiation and some effectiveness data after 1 year of treatment. RESULTS: Two thousand and sixty patients treated with biologics were retrieved. At initiation of treatment, the mean disease activity DAS (SD): 4.4 (1.4), number of previous antirheumatic treatments: 1.1, functional status HAQ: 1.1 (0.7) and median duration of illness: 5.5 years were significantly lower than in other published registries. The mean DAS: 3.3 (1.4) 1 year after initiation of therapy also appears lower than in other countries. Additionally, patients treated more recently (after 2005) had a significantly higher improvement in mean DAS. CONCLUSIONS: Data from the Swiss RA registry demonstrate that biologics are prescribed at a lower level of disease activity and after fewer prior DMARD failures than in most other countries, a practice that seems to correlate with overall lower absolute levels of disease activity and better patient outcomes after 1 year of treatment.