996 resultados para (15)N resonance
Acute myocarditis was until recently one of the most difficult diagnoses in cardiology. The spectrum of signs and symptoms is very wide, the usual non-invasive tests lack specificity and the myocardial biopsy is only performed in a minority of cases to confirm the diagnosis. Due to its unique ability to directly image myocardial necrosis, fibrosis and oedema, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is now considered the primary tool for noninvasive assessment of patients with suspected myocarditis. CMR is also useful for monitoring disease activity under treatment. Myocarditis has been associated with the development of dilated cardiomyopathy; CMR could play a role in the follow-up of such cases to detect the progression toward a dilatative phenotype. Precise mapping of myocardial lesions with cardiac MRI is invaluable to guide myocardial biopsy and increase its diagnostic yield by improving sensitivity.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
State of address from Governor Culver.
The cistern of the velum interpositum is a space located between the corpus callosum dorsally and the roof of the third ventricle ventrally. Lesions located within the velum interpositum are rare and include meningiomas, pilocytic astrocytomas, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors and arachnoid cysts. Epidermoid cysts in this location have not been reported previously. We report the clinical and radiological features of two patients with epidermoid cysts located in the velum interpositum. The patients presented with gait difficulty and features of raised intracranial pressure and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated large tumors in the velum interpositum with intensities suggestive of epidermoid cysts. There was ventral displacement of the internal cerebral veins and dorsal displacement of the corpus callosum in keeping with a mass in the velum interpositum. Tumors of the third ventricle displace the internal cerebral veins dorsally. A transcallosal approach was used in both patients to effectively excise the tumors.
Kirje 15.3.1967
Presenta los resultados obtenidos de la evaluación de la calidad del ecosistema marino costero de la bahía Talara y aguas adyacentes, realizada del 15 al 17 de abril de 1997, con el objetivo de establecer un análisis comparativo estacional (otoño) y evaluar la influencia de las descargas terrestres en el medio marino dentro del Programa de Vigilancia del Estado de Calidad Marino Costero. El objetivo principal del estudio es continuar con la vigilancia del estado de calidad acuática.
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter for Lottery Retailers
Iowa Lottery Authority Newsletter for Lottery Retailers