947 resultados para young adolescents


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Objective The purpose of this study was to identify the psychosocial and environmental correlates of objectively measured physical activity behavior in a diverse sample of sixth-grade students. Design Cross-sectional. Participants and Setting One hundred ninety-eight sixth-grade students from 4 public middle schools in Columbia, South Carolina. The study group was 52.0% female, 55.1% African-American, with a mean age of 11.4 +/- 0.6 years. Main Outcome Measures Time spent in moderate physical activity (MPA) and vigorous physical activity (VPA) was assessed using a uniaxial accelerometer (CSA WAM 7164) (Computer Science and Applications Inc., Shalimar, FL). Determinant variables included: age, gender, race/ethnicity (demographic); physical activity self-efficacy, social norms related to physical activity, and beliefs regarding physical activity outcomes (psychosocial); and perceived physical activity habits of parents and peers, involvement in community physical activity organizations, involvement in community-based sports programs, access to fitness/sporting equipment at home, and self-reported hours spent watching television or playing video games (environmental). Results For boys, physical activity self-efficacy, social norms related to physical activity, and involvement in community physical activity organizations were salient predictors of MPA and VPA. Among girls, only physical activity self-efficacy emerged as a clear predictor of objectively measured physical activity. Conclusions These findings are consistent with previous studies using self-reported physical activity and suggest that interventions to increase physical. activity in preadolescent youth should endeavor to boost physical activity self-efficacy by offering a wide selection of enjoyable, developmentally-appropriate physical activity options.


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There is currently some debate about whether the energy expenditure of domestic tasks is sufficient to confer health benefits. The aim of this study was therefore to measure the energy cost of five activities commonly undertaken by mothers of young children. Seven women with at least one child younger than five years of age spent 15 minutes in each of the following activities: sitting quietly, vacuum cleaning, washing windows, walking at moderate pace (approx 5km/hour), walking with a stroller and grocery shopping in a super-market. Each of the six 'trials' was completed on the same day, in random order. A carefully calibrated portable gas analyser was used to measure oxygen uptake during each activity, and data were converted to units of energy expenditure (METS). Vacuum cleaning, washing windows and walking with and without a stroller were found to be 'moderate intensity activities' (3 to 6 METs), but supermarket shopping did not reach this criterion. The MET values for these activities were similar to those reported in the Compendium of Physical Activities (Ainsworth et al., 2000). However, the energy expenditures of walking, both with and without a stroller, were higher than those reported in the Compendium. The findings suggest that some of the tasks associated with domestic caring duties are conducted at an intensity which is sufficient to confer some health benefit. Such benefits will only accrue however if the daily duration of these activities is sufficient to meet current guidelines.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concurrent validity of a modified version of the widely used previous day physical activity recall (PDPAR24) self-report instrument in a diverse sample of Australian adolescents comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (A&TSI) and non-indigenous high school students. A sample of 63 A&TSI and 59 non-indigenous high school students (N = 122) from five public secondary schools participated in the study. Participants completed the PDPAR-24 after wearing a seated electronic pedometer on the previous day. Significant positive correlations were observed between the self-reported physical activity variables (mean MET level, blocks of vigorous activity, and blocks of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity) and 24-h step counts. Validity coefficients (rho) ranged from 0.29 to 0.34 (p<0.05). A significant inverse correlation was observed for self-reported screen time and 24-h step count (rho = -0.19, p<0.05). Correlations for A&TSI students were equal to or greater than those observed for non-indigenous students. The PDPAR-24 instrument is a quick, unobtrusive, and cost-effective assessment tool. that would be useful for evaluating physical activity and sedentary behaviour in population-based studies. (C) 2006 Sports Medicine Australia.


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In this study, we evaluated agreement among three generations of ActiGraph (TM) accelerometers in children and adolescents. Twenty-nine participants (mean age = 14.2 +/- 3.0 years) completed two laboratory-based activity sessions, each lasting 60 min. During each session, participants concurrently wore three different models of the ActiGraph (TM) accelerometers (GT1M, GT3X, GT3X+). Agreement among the three models for vertical axis counts, vector magnitude counts, and time spent in moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise (MVPA) was evaluated by calculating intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman plots. The intraclass correlation coefficient for total vertical axis counts, total vector magnitude counts, and estimated MVPA was 0.994 (95% CI = 0.989-0.996), 0.981 (95% CI = 0.969-0.989), and 0.996 (95% CI = 0.989-0.998), respectively. Inter-monitor differences for total vertical axis and vector magnitude counts ranged from 0.3% to 1.5%, while inter-monitor differences for estimated MVPA were equal to or close to zero. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that there is strong agreement between the GT1M, GT3X, and GT3X+ activity monitors, thus making it acceptable for researchers and practitioners to use different ActiGraph (TM) models within a given study.


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The purpose of this study was to determine whether physical activity behavior tracks during early childhood. Forty-seven children (22 males, 25 females) aged 3-4 yr at the beginning of the study were followed over a 3-yr period. Heart rates were measured at least 2 and up to 4 d . yr(-1) with a Quantum XL Telemetry heart rate monitor. Physical activity was quantified as the percentage of observed minutes between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. during which heart rate was 50% or more above individual resting heart rate (PAHR-50 Index). Tracking of physical activity was analyzed using Pearson and Spearman correlations. Yearly PAHR-50 index tertiles were created and examined for percent agreement and Cohen's kappa. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to calculate the intraclass correlation coefficient across the 3 yr of the study. Spearman rank order correlations ranged from 0.57 to 0.66 (P < 0.0001). Percent agreement ranged from 49% to 62%. The intraclass R for the 3 yr was 0.81. It was concluded that physical activity behavior tends to track during early childhood.


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The purpose of this study was to document the level of physical activity and sedentary behavior in a representative sample of Singaporean adolescents. A random sample of 1,827 secondary school students from six secondary schools (929 boys, 898 girls, mean age 14.9 +/- 1.2 yr) completed the Three-Day Physical Activity Recall (3DPAR) self-report instrument. Approximately 63% of Singaporean high school students met current guidelines requiring 60 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. Just over half (51.6%) met the guideline calling for regular vigorous physical activity. Across all grade levels, boys were consistently more active than girls. More than 70% of Singaporean high school students exceeded the recommended 2 hours per day of electronic media use. Collectively, these findings suggest that a significant proportion of Singaporean adolescents are not sufficiently active and are in need of programs to promote physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior.


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This study examined the tracking of selected measures of physical activity, inactivity, and fitness in a cohort of rural youth. Students (N = 181, 54.7% female, 63.5% African American) completed test batteries during their fifth-(age = 10.7 +/- 0.7 years), sixth-, and seventh-grade years. The Previous Day Physical Activity Recall (PDPAR) was used to assess 30-min blocks of vigorous physical activity (VPA), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), TV watching and other sedentary activities, and estimated energy expenditure (EE). Fitness measures included the PWC 170 cycle ergometer test, strength tests, triceps skinfold thickness, and BMI. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for VPA, MVPA, and after-school EE ranged from 0.63 to 0.78. ICCs ranged from 0.49 to 0.71 for measures of inactivity and from 0.78 to 0.82 for the fitness measures. These results indicate that measures of physical activity, inactivity, and physical fitness tend to track during the transition from elementary to middle school.


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In recent years a compelling body of knowledge has been accumulated to support the belief that physical activity and dietary behaviors carry important health consequences for young people. It has long been known that adequate nutrition and physical activity are essential for normal growth and development [1]. Recently, however, clear evidence has emerged that diet and physical activity during childhood and adolescence also affect an array of physiological factors associated with risk for developing chronic diseases; these factors include body composition (e.g., adiposity), blood lipid concentrations, blood pressure, and bone mineral density It also appears that physical activity and dietary behaviors and the physiological outcomes associated with them often track from childhood and adolescence into adulthood. Thus, risky health behaviors adopted early in life may negatively influence health in adulthood by having both a short-term effect on physiological risk factors and a long-term impact on health behavior.


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Background This study evaluated the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a church-based intervention to promote physical activity (PA) in children. Methods The study was conducted in 4 churches located in 2 large metropolitan areas and 2 regional towns in Kansas. Churches in the intervention condition implemented the "Shining Like Stars" physical activity curriculum module during their regularly scheduled Sunday school classes. Churches in the control condition delivered the same content without integrating physical activity into the lessons. In addition to the curriculum, the intervention churches completed a series of weekly family devotional activities designed to promote parental support for PA and increase PA outside of Sunday school. Results Children completing the Shining Like Stars curriculum exhibited significantly greater amounts of MVPA than those in the control condition (20 steps/min vs. 7 steps/min). No intervention effects were observed for PA levels outside of Sunday school or parental support for PA; however, relative to controls, children in the intervention churches did exhibit a significant reduction in screen time. Conclusion The findings confirm that the integration of physical activity into Sunday school is feasible and a potentially effective strategy for promoting PA in young children.


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To date, a wide range of methods has been used to measure physical activity in children and adolescents. These include self-report methods such as questionnaires, activity logs, and diaries as well as objective measures of physical activity such as direct observation, doubly labeled water, heart rate monitoring, accelerometers, and pedometers. The purpose of this review is to overview the methods currently being used to measure physical activity in children and adolescents. For each measurement approach, new developments and/or innovations are identified and discussed. Particular attention is given to the use of accelerometers and the calibration of accelerometer output to units of energy expenditure to developing children.


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To evaluate the validity of the ActiGraph accelerometer for the measurement of physical activity intensity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) using oxygen uptake (VO 2) as the criterion measure. Thirty children and adolescents with CP (mean age 12.6 ± 2.0 years) wore an ActiGraph 7164 and a Cosmed K4b 2 portable indirect calorimeter during four activities; quiet sitting, comfortable paced walking, brisk paced walking and fast paced walking. VO 2 was converted to METs and activity energy expenditure and classiWed as sedentary, light or moderate-to-vigorous intensity according to the conventions for children. Mean ActiGraph counts min -1 were classiWed as sedentary, light or moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA) intensity using four diVerent sets of cut-points. VO 2 and counts min¡1 increased signiWcantly with increases in walking speed (P < 0.001). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis indicated that, of the four sets of cut-points evaluated, the Evenson et al. (J Sports Sci 26(14):1557-1565, 2008) cut-points had the highest classiWcation accuracy for sedentary (92%) and MVPA (91%), as well as the second highest classiWcation accuracy for light intensity physical activity (67%). A ROC curve analysis of data from our participants yielded a CP-speciWc cut-point for MVPA that was lower than the Evenson cut-point (2,012 vs. 2,296 counts min¡1), however, the diVerence in classiWcation accuracy was not statistically signiWcant 94% (95% CI = 88.2-97.7%) vs. 91% (95% CI = 83.5-96.5%). In conclusion, among children and adolescents with CP, the ActiGraph is able to diVerentiate between diVerent intensities of walking. The use of the Evenson cut-points will permit the estimation of time spent in MVPA and allows comparisons to be made between activity measured in typically developing adolescents and adolescents with CP. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Backgroun An understanding of the factors that influence physical activity behavior is an important prerequisite for the design and implementation of physical activity interventions in adolescents. To date, no studies have investigated the factors that influence physical activity participation in Singaporean adolescents. Purpose he purpose of this study was to identify the psychosocial and environmental factors that influence physical activity in a representative sample of Singaporean adolescents (N=1,814, 919 boys, 895 girls, mean age 14.4 +/- 1.1 years). Methods Participants completed the Three-Day Physical Activity Recall and a questionnaire measuring hypothesized psychosocial and environmental correlates of physical activity. Results Hierarchical regression revealed self-efficacy, enjoyment of physical activity, parental support, and participation in sport teams to be significant correlates of physical activity. Conclusion Interventions promoting physical activity in Singaporean adolescents should aim to increase self-efficacy perceptions by offering enjoyable, developmentally appropriate physical activity options that promote mastery and adopt policies that increase parental support and awareness of community physical activity programs.


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Effects of physical activity interventions in youth: A review. International SportMed Journal. Vol.2 No.5 2001. The purpose of this paper is to review the peer-reviewed literature pertinent to physical activity interventions for children and adolescents. In order to provide a more quantitative conclusion regarding the effectiveness of these interventions, a meta-analytic approach was utilized in which effect sizes (the efficacy of each intervention or magnitude of the intervention effect was expressed as a standardized effect size, which represents the influence of the treatment or intervention on the dependent variable) from each study are pooled to provide a global estimate of effectiveness. A search of the relevant peer-reviewed literature was conducted using several computer-based databases, including MEDLINE, PYSCHLIT, SOCIAL SCIENCE INDEX, and SPORTS DISCUS. Manual searches were also made using the reference lists from recovered articles. Applying strict criteria for quality of design and assessment of physical activity, 10 studies were located, yielding a total of 44 effect sizes. The mean effect size was 0.47 (95% C.I. 0.28 – 0.66) suggesting that interventions have produced moderate increases in physical activity behavior. Effect sizes ranged from –0.61 to 2.5. Interventions focusing on increasing the amount of physical activity performed during regular physical education were more effective than those targeting overall levels of physical activity. Interventions were almost entirely school-based. Accordingly, the development and evaluation of community-based approaches for promoting physical activity among young people, especially older adolescents, remains an urgent priority for future research.


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Childhood obesity and physical inactivity are major health concerns for the Singaporean government (Ministry of Health, Singapore [MOH], 2001). Data from the 1998 Singaporean National Health Survey indicate that 10.8–14.7% of Singaporean children ages 6–16 years are either overweight or obese (MOH, 2001). Although true population estimates of youth physical activity are not available, descriptive epidemiological studies conducted in the 1990s suggest that a large percentage of school-aged children in Singapore fail to meet established guidelines for participation in physical activity...


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OBJECTIVES This study examined the associations between physical activity and other health behaviors in a representative sample of US adolescents. METHODS In the 1990 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 11631 high school students provided information on physical activity; diet; substance use; and other negative health behaviors. Logistic regression analyses examined associations between physical activity and other health behaviors in a subset of 2652 high-active and 1641 low-active students. RESULTS Low activity was associated with cigarette smoking, marijuana use, lower fruit and vegetable consumption, greater television watching, failure to wear a seat belt, and low perception of academic performance. For consumption of fruit, television watching, and alcohol consumption, significant interactions were found with race/ethnicity or sex, suggesting that sociocultural factors may affect the relationships between physical activity and some health behaviors. CONCLUSIONS Low physical activity was associated with several other negative health behaviors in teenagers. Future studies should examine whether interventions for increasing physical activity in youth can be effective in reducing negative health behaviors.