998 resultados para wiener kongress
Hereditary nasal parakeratosis (HNPK), an inherited monogenic autosomal recessive skin disorder, leads to crusts and fissures on the nasal planum of Labrador Retrievers. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 13 HNPK cases and 23 controls. We obtained a single strong association signal on chromosome 2 (p(raw) = 4.4×10⁻¹⁴). The analysis of shared haplotypes among the 13 cases defined a critical interval of 1.6 Mb with 25 predicted genes. We re-sequenced the genome of one case at 38× coverage and detected 3 non-synonymous variants in the critical interval with respect to the reference genome assembly. We genotyped these variants in larger cohorts of dogs and only one was perfectly associated with the HNPK phenotype in a cohort of more than 500 dogs. This candidate causative variant is a missense variant in the SUV39H2 gene encoding a histone 3 lysine 9 (H3K9) methyltransferase, which mediates chromatin silencing. The variant c.972T>G is predicted to change an evolutionary conserved asparagine into a lysine in the catalytically active domain of the enzyme (p.N324K). We further studied the histopathological alterations in the epidermis in vivo. Our data suggest that the HNPK phenotype is not caused by hyperproliferation, but rather delayed terminal differentiation of keratinocytes. Thus, our data provide evidence that SUV39H2 is involved in the epigenetic regulation of keratinocyte differentiation ensuring proper stratification and tight sealing of the mammalian epidermis.
BACKGROUND Two varieties exist in the Chinese crested dog breed, namely hairless Chinese crested dogs presenting with hypotrichosis and dentition abnormalities, and the coated powderpuffs. Hairless Chinese crested dogs are obligate heterozygotes for a FOXI3 mutation, and this phenotype is classified as a form of canine ectodermal dysplasia. OBJECTIVES We provide a detailed histological description of hair follicles and their density for the three subphenotypes (true hairless, semi-coated and powderpuffs) of Chinese crested dogs. Apocrine and exocrine glands of the skin and other tissues were compared with findings reported from dogs with X-linked ectodermal dysplasia. ANIMALS Skin biopsies were collected from 22 Chinese crested dogs. Additionally, the glands of the skin and other tissues were examined from another two dogs available for postmortem examination. METHODS Skin biopsies and tissues were processed, stained and evaluated in a blinded fashion. RESULTS Hair follicular anomalies decreased with increasing number of hairs in the different phenotypes. The FOXI3 mutants had only simple primary hair follicles, whereas the nonmutant powderpuffs had compound follicles identical to other dog breeds. All Chinese crested dogs had an anagen-dominated hair cycle. Furthermore, apocrine glands in the skin and respiratory mucous glands of the mutant Chinese crested dogs were present and normal. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE We have identified striking histopathological differences between the three subphenotypes of Chinese crested dogs. We clearly demonstrated distinct differences between the canine ectodermal dysplasia in Chinese crested dogs and dogs with X-linked ectodermal dysplasia.
BACKGROUND Within the context of an increased epidemiological pressure caused by canine distemper virus (CDV) in Switzerland together with a potential re-emergence of endemic pathogens such as orthopoxviruses (OPXV), dual infections are possible among susceptible species. OBJECTIVE To describe a case of concurrent CDV and OPXV infection in a cat. ANIMAL A 5-year-old, neutered male cat was presented with erythema, crusts and ulcerations around the left eye. High-grade pruritus and a severe conjunctivitis were also present. METHODS Formalin-fixed skin biopsy samples were obtained from lesional skin. Histopathology, CDV immunohistochemistry and CDV and OPXV RT-PCR were performed. RESULTS Histopathological examination showed severe epidermal necrosis extending to the follicular walls and a dermal infiltration, predominantly eosinophilic. Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies were visible in the wall of affected hair follicles, with occasional formation of syncytia. The RT-PCR revealed the contextual presence of both CDV and OPXV. Scattered cells stained positive for CDV by immunohistochemistry. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Dual infections with CDV and OPXV, although rare, may occur and represent additional differential diagnoses for ulcerative skin lesions in cats.
Beiträge von über zwanzig namhaften Autoren und Spezialisten ihres Faches aus elf verschiedenen Ländern machen diese Festschrift zur wichtigen Dokumentation des Wiener Kaufrechtes. Dabei kommen nicht nur die entsprechenden national und kulturell geprägten Blickwinkel und Interpretationsweisen zur Geltung: Sowohl der Anwendung des CISG in den verschiedenen Mitgliedsländern, wie der Darlegung einiger wesentlicher und ganz spezifischer Problemkreise, wie nicht zuletzt seiner internationalen Bedeutung, wird Beachtung geschenkt. Nebst diesem eher praxisbezogenen Teil wird auch der theoretischen Seite der ihr angemessene Platz eingeräumt, in welchem dem rechts-philosophischen Aspekt des CISG ebenso Gewicht verliehen wird. Die nach inhaltlichen Gesichtspunkten gegliederte mehrsprachige Textsammlung ermöglicht dem Leser einen weiten Einblick, wobei die verschiedenen Anschauungen die Tiefe der vorliegenden Problematik zu erfassen suchen und die Autoren diese den unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen entsprechend durchleuchten. Der Komplexität des CISG wird in diesem Werk eine Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, die in dieser Art ihresgleichen sucht
Alcohol and tobacco related disorders are the two leading and most expensive causes of illness in central Europe. In addition to self reports and questionnaires, biomarkers are of relevance in diagnosis and therapy of alcohol use disorders.Traditional biomarkers such as gamma glutamyl transpeptidase or mean corpuscualr volume are indirect biomarkers and are subject to influence of age, gender and non alcohol related diseases, among others.Direct ethanol metabolites such as ethyl glucuronide (EtG), ethyl sulphate (EtS) and phosphatidylethanol (PEth) are direct metabolites of ethanol, that are positive after intake of ethyl alcohol. They represent useful diagnostic tools for identifying alcohol use even more accurately than traditional biomarkers. Each of these drinking indicators remains positive in serum and urine for a characteristic time spectrum after the cessation of ethanol intake-EtG and EtS in urine up to 7 days, EtG in hair for months after ethanol has left the body. Applications include clinical routine use, emergency room settings, proof of abstinence in alcohol rehabilitation programs, driving under influence offenders, workplace testing, assessment of alcohol intake in the context of liver transplantation and fetal alcohol syndrome.
Background: We previously found good psychometric properties of the Inventory for assessment of stress management skills (German translation: Inventar zur Erfassung von Stressbewältigungsfertigkeiten), ISBF, a short questionnaire for combined assessment of different perceived stress management skills in the general population. Here, we investigate whether stress management skills as measured by ISBF relate to cortisol stress reactivity in two independent studies, a laboratory study (study 1) and a field study (study 2). Methods: 35 healthy non-smoking and medication-free men in study 1 (age mean±SEM:38.0±1.6) and 35 male and female employees in study 2 (age mean±SEM:32.9±1.2) underwent an acute standardized psychosocial stress task combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. We assessed stress management skills (ISBF) and measured salivary cortisol before and after stress and several times up to 60 min (study 2) and 120 min (study 1) thereafter. Potential confounders were controlled. Results:. General linear models controlling for potential confounders revealed that in both studies, higher stress management skills (ISBF total score) were independently associated with lower cortisol levels before and after stress (main effects ISBF: p’s<.055) and lower cortisol stress reactivity (interaction ISBF-by-stress: p’s<.029). Post-hoc-testing of ISBF subscales suggest lower cortisol stress reactivity with higher “relaxation abilities” (both studies) and higher scores in the scale “cognitive strategies and problem solving” (study 2). Conclusions: Our findings suggest blunted increases in cortisol following stress with increasing stress management skills as measured by ISBF. This suggests that the ISBF not only relates to subjective psychological but also objective physiological stress indicators which may further underscore the validity of the questionnaire.
Prospective memory is the ability to plan, to retain and to carry out an intention as planned. It is an important function for leading an autonomous life and only recently research has started to investigate developmental aspects in particular related to attention, executive functions and metacognition. In this symposium, this research is emphasized. In addition, new experimental research on the impact of implementation intentions and importance will be presented.
Introduction Prospective memory (PM), the ability to remember to perform intended activities in the future (Kliegel & Jäger, 2007), is crucial to succeed in everyday life. PM seems to improve gradually over the childhood years (Zimmermann & Meier, 2006), but yet little is known about PM competences in young school children in general, and even less is known about factors influencing its development. Currently, a number of studies suggest that executive functions (EF) are potentially influencing processes (Ford, Driscoll, Shum & Macaulay, 2012; Mahy & Moses, 2011). Additionally, metacognitive processes (MC: monitoring and control) are assumed to be involved while optimizing one’s performance (Krebs & Roebers, 2010; 2012; Roebers, Schmid, & Roderer, 2009). Yet, the relations between PM, EF and MC remain relatively unspecified. We intend to empirically examine the structural relations between these constructs. Method A cross-sectional study including 119 2nd graders (mage = 95.03, sdage = 4.82) will be presented. Participants (n = 68 girls) completed three EF tasks (stroop, updating, shifting), a computerised event-based PM task and a MC spelling task. The latent variables PM, EF and MC that were represented by manifest variables deriving from the conducted tasks, were interrelated by structural equation modelling. Results Analyses revealed clear associations between the three cognitive constructs PM, EF and MC (rpm-EF = .45, rpm-MC = .23, ref-MC = .20). A three factor model, as opposed to one or two factor models, appeared to fit excellently to the data (chi2(17, 119) = 18.86, p = .34, remsea = .030, cfi = .990, tli = .978). Discussion The results indicate that already in young elementary school children, PM, EF and MC are empirically well distinguishable, but nevertheless substantially interrelated. PM and EF seem to share a substantial amount of variance while for MC, more unique processes may be assumed.
Prospective memory (ProM) is the ability to remember and carry out a planned intention in the future. ProM performance can be improved by instructing participants to prioritize the ProM task over the ongoing task. However, the improvement of ProM performance by emphasizing the relative importance typically restricted to situations in which the overlap between processing requirements of the ProM task and the ongoing task is low. Thus, additional processing resources are allocated to the ProM task and consequently, a cost emerges for the ongoing task. The aim of the present study was to further investigate this relationship. Participants were asked to respond to either semantic or perceptual ProM cues, which were embedded in a complex ongoing short term memory task. We manipulated absolute rather than relative importance by emphasizing the importance of the ProM task to half of the participants (i.e., without instructing them to prioritize it over the ongoing task). The results revealed that importance boosted ProM performance independent of the processing overlap between the ProM task and the ongoing task. Moreover, no additional cost was associated with absolute importance. These results challenge the view that importance always enhances the allocation of resources to the ProM task.