903 resultados para validation study


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With the advent of peer to peer networks, and more importantly sensor networks, the desire to extract useful information from continuous and unbounded streams of data has become more prominent. For example, in tele-health applications, sensor based data streaming systems are used to continuously and accurately monitor Alzheimer's patients and their surrounding environment. Typically, the requirements of such applications necessitate the cleaning and filtering of continuous, corrupted and incomplete data streams gathered wirelessly in dynamically varying conditions. Yet, existing data stream cleaning and filtering schemes are incapable of capturing the dynamics of the environment while simultaneously suppressing the losses and corruption introduced by uncertain environmental, hardware, and network conditions. Consequently, existing data cleaning and filtering paradigms are being challenged. This dissertation develops novel schemes for cleaning data streams received from a wireless sensor network operating under non-linear and dynamically varying conditions. The study establishes a paradigm for validating spatio-temporal associations among data sources to enhance data cleaning. To simplify the complexity of the validation process, the developed solution maps the requirements of the application on a geometrical space and identifies the potential sensor nodes of interest. Additionally, this dissertation models a wireless sensor network data reduction system by ascertaining that segregating data adaptation and prediction processes will augment the data reduction rates. The schemes presented in this study are evaluated using simulation and information theory concepts. The results demonstrate that dynamic conditions of the environment are better managed when validation is used for data cleaning. They also show that when a fast convergent adaptation process is deployed, data reduction rates are significantly improved. Targeted applications of the developed methodology include machine health monitoring, tele-health, environment and habitat monitoring, intermodal transportation and homeland security.


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BACKGROUND: The Pro Children Eating Habits Questionnaire has been evaluated as a valid and reliable tool in Europe to measure determinants of fruit and vegetable intake for children; however, it has not been validation for United States populations. The purpose of this study was to (1) assess the reliability and discrimination validity of fruit and vegetable correlates for the Pro Children Eating Habits Questionnaire; (2) investigate the predictive validity of determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption for multi-ethnic elementary school children; and, (3) to assess the association of social determinants with fruit and vegetable consumption. METHODS: One hundred and thirty elementary school students from the 3rd and 5th grades completed this cross-sectional study. RESULTS: Fruit and vegetable determinants, had satisfactory internal consistencies. No differences were found between the test and the retest for the individual questions with the exception of the question for mean perceived vegetable intake. The discriminatory validity indicated the questionnaire could show differences across grade and gender levels for barriers of fruit and vegetables but not for other factors. Grade together with gender explained barriers to eating fruit and vegetables. Greater availability of fruit in the home and school was associated with higher frequency of consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate the Pro-Children Eating Habits Questionnaire may be a reliable and valid tool for assessing fruit and vegetable consumption of children in the United States.


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With the advent of peer to peer networks, and more importantly sensor networks, the desire to extract useful information from continuous and unbounded streams of data has become more prominent. For example, in tele-health applications, sensor based data streaming systems are used to continuously and accurately monitor Alzheimer's patients and their surrounding environment. Typically, the requirements of such applications necessitate the cleaning and filtering of continuous, corrupted and incomplete data streams gathered wirelessly in dynamically varying conditions. Yet, existing data stream cleaning and filtering schemes are incapable of capturing the dynamics of the environment while simultaneously suppressing the losses and corruption introduced by uncertain environmental, hardware, and network conditions. Consequently, existing data cleaning and filtering paradigms are being challenged. This dissertation develops novel schemes for cleaning data streams received from a wireless sensor network operating under non-linear and dynamically varying conditions. The study establishes a paradigm for validating spatio-temporal associations among data sources to enhance data cleaning. To simplify the complexity of the validation process, the developed solution maps the requirements of the application on a geometrical space and identifies the potential sensor nodes of interest. Additionally, this dissertation models a wireless sensor network data reduction system by ascertaining that segregating data adaptation and prediction processes will augment the data reduction rates. The schemes presented in this study are evaluated using simulation and information theory concepts. The results demonstrate that dynamic conditions of the environment are better managed when validation is used for data cleaning. They also show that when a fast convergent adaptation process is deployed, data reduction rates are significantly improved. Targeted applications of the developed methodology include machine health monitoring, tele-health, environment and habitat monitoring, intermodal transportation and homeland security.


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SmartWater is a chemical taggant used as a crime deterrent. The chemical taggant is a colorless liquid that fluoresces yellow under ultra-violet (UV) light and contains distinctive, identifiable and traceable elemental composition. For instance, upon a break and entry scenario, the burglar is sprayed with a solution that has an elemental signature custom-made to a specific location. The residues of this taggant persist on skin and other objects and can be easily recovered for further analysis. The product has been effectively used in Europe as a crime deterrent and has been recently introduced in South Florida. In 2014, Fourt Lauderdale Police Department reported the use of SmartWater products with a reduction in burglaries of 14% [1]. The International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) at FIU validated the scientific foundation of the methods of recovery and analysis of these chemical tagging systems using LA-ICP-MS. Analytical figures of merit of the method such as precision, accuracy, limits of detection, linearity and selectivity are reported in this study. Moreover, blind samples were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS to compare the chemical signatures to the company’s database and evaluate error rates and the accuracy of the method. This study demonstrated that LA-ICP-MS could be used to effectively detect these traceable taggants to assist law enforcement agencies in the United States with cases involving transfer of these forensic coding systems.


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Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group for granting permission to use this database. They also thank the data management team in the University of Aberdeen who were the initial conduit for access to these data and also provided validation to the various data cleaning criteria applied. Jeremy J Walker, University of Edinburgh, was invaluable for the original funding application and initial exploration of data. HSRU is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates. Funding Chief Scientist Office (CSO) reference number: CZG/2/571.


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Automatic load transfer (ALT) on the 11 kV network is the process by which circuit breakers on the network are switched to form open points in order to feed load from different primary substations. Some of the potential benefits that may be gained from dynamically using ALT include maximising utilisation of existing assets, voltage regulation and reduced losses. One of the key issues, that has yet to be properly addressed in published research, is how to validate that the modelled benefits really exist. On an 11 kV distribution network where the load is continually changing and the load on each distribution substation is unlikely to be monitored - reduction in losses from moving the normally open point is particularly difficult to prove. This study proposes a method to overcome this problem and uses measured primary feeder data from two parts of the Western Power Distribution 11 kV Network under different configurations. The process of choosing the different configurations is based on a heuristic modelling method of locating minimum voltages to help reduce losses.


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Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a major global health challenge as the majority of individuals with ASD live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and receive little to no services or support from health or social care systems. Despite this global crisis, the development and validation of ASD interventions has almost exclusively occurred in high-income countries, leaving many unanswered questions regarding what contextual factors would need to be considered to ensure the effectiveness of interventions in LMICs. This study sought to conduct explorative research on the contextual adaptation of a caregiver-mediated early ASD intervention for use in a low-resource setting in South Africa.

Methods: Participants included 22 caregivers of children with autism, including mothers (n=16), fathers (n=4), and grandmothers (n=2). Four focus groups discussions were conducted in Cape Town, South Africa with caregivers and lasted between 1.5-3.5 hours in length. Data was recorded, translated, and transcribed by research personnel. Data was then coded for emerging themes and analyzed using the NVivo qualitative data analysis software package.

Results: Nine contextual factors were reported to be important for the adaptation process including culture, language, location of treatment, cost of treatment, type of service provider, familial needs, length of treatment, support, and parenting practices. One contextual factor, evidence-based treatment, was reported to be both important and not important for adaptation by caregivers. The contextual factor of stigma was identified as an emerging theme and a specifically relevant challenge when developing an ASD intervention for use in a South African context.

Conclusions: Eleven contextual factors were discussed in detail by caregivers and examples were given regarding the challenges, sources, and preferences related to the contextual adaptation of a parent-mediated early ASD intervention in South Africa. Caregivers reported a preference for an affordable, in-home, individualized early ASD intervention, where they have an active voice in shaping treatment goals. Distrust of community-based nurses and health workers to deliver an early ASD intervention and challenges associated with ASD-based stigma were two unanticipated findings from this data set. Implications for practice and further research are discussed.


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This study intends to validate the sensitivity and specificity of coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging (CACSSI) by comparison to clinical histological preparation and pathologic analysis methods currently used for the differentiation of normal and neoplastic breast tissues. A composite overlay of the CACSSI rendered image and pathologist interpreted, stained sections validate the ability of coherent scatter imaging to differentiate cancerous tissues from normal, healthy breast structures ex-vivo. Via comparison to the pathologist annotated slides, the CACSSI system may be further optimized to maximized sensitivity and specificity for differentiation of breast carcinomas.


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Historically, the concepts of field-independence, closure flexibility, and weak central coherence have been used to denote a locally, rather globally, dominated perceptual style. To date, there has been little attempt to clarify the relationship between these constructs, or to examine the convergent validity of the various tasks purported to measure them. To address this, we administered 14 tasks that have been used to study visual perceptual styles to a group of 90 neuro-typical adults. The data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis. We found evidence for the existence of a narrowly defined weak central coherence (field-independence) factor that received loadings from only a few of the tasks used to operationalise this concept. This factor can most aptly be described as representing the ability to dis-embed a simple stimulus from a more complex array. The results suggest that future studies of perceptual styles should include tasks whose theoretical validity is empirically verified, as such validity cannot be established merely on the basis of a priori task analysis. Moreover, the use of multiple indices is required to capture the latent dimensions of perceptual styles reliably.


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Aims: Epidemiological evidence suggests that adipokines may be associated with the onset of type 2 diabetes, but the evidence to date is limited and inconclusive. This study examined the association between adiponectin and leptin and the subsequent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in a UK population based cohort of non-diabetic middle-aged men.
Methods: Baseline serum levels of leptin and adiponectin were measured in 1839 nondiabetic men aged 50–60 years who were participating in the prospective populationbased PRIME study. Over a mean follow-up of 14.7 years, new cases of type 2 diabetes were determined from self-reported clinical information with subsequent validation by general practitioners.
Results: 151 Participants developed type 2 diabetes during follow-up. In Cox regression models adjusted for age, men in the top third of the leptin distribution were at increased risk (hazard ratio (HR) 4.27, 95% CI 2.67–6.83) and men in the top third of the adiponectin
distribution at reduced risk (HR 0.24, 95% CI 0.14–0.42) relative to men in the bottom third. However, significance was lost for leptin after additional adjustment for BMI, waist to hip ratio, lifestyle factors and biological risk factors, including C-reactive protein (CRP). Further adjustment for HOMA-IR also resulted in loss of significance for adiponectin.
Conclusions: This study provides evidence that adipokines are associated with men’s future type 2 diabetes risk but not independently of other risk factors.


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In situ methods used for water quality assessment have both physical and time constraints. Just a limited number of sampling points can be performed due to this, making it difficult to capture the range and variability of coastal processes and constituents. In addition, the mixing between fresh and oceanic water creates complex physical, chemical and biological environment that are difficult to understand, causing the existing measurement methodologies to have significant logistical, technical, and economic challenges and constraints. Remote sensing of ocean colour makes it possible to acquire information on the distribution of chlorophyll and other constituents over large areas of the oceans in short periods. There are many potential applications of ocean colour data. Satellite-derived products are a key data source to study the distribution pattern of organisms and nutrients (Guillaud et al. 2008) and fishery research (Pillai and Nair 2010; Solanki et al. 2001. Also, the study of spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton blooms, red tide identification or harmful algal blooms monitoring (Sarangi et al. 2001; Sarangi et al. 2004; Sarangi et al. 2005; Bhagirathan et al., 2014), river plume or upwelling assessments (Doxaran et al. 2002; Sravanthi et al. 2013), global productivity analyses (Platt et al. 1988; Sathyendranath et al. 1995; IOCCG2006) and oil spill detection (Maianti et al. 2014). For remote sensing to be accurate in the complex coastal waters, it has to be validated with the in situ measured values. In this thesis an attempt to study, measure and validate the complex waters with the help of satellite data has been done. Monitoring of coastal ecosystem health of Arabian Sea in a synoptic way requires an intense, extensive and continuous monitoring of the water quality indicators. Phytoplankton determined from chl-a concentration, is considered as an indicator of the state of the coastal ecosystems. Currently, satellite sensors provide the most effective means for frequent, synoptic, water-quality observations over large areas and represent a potential tool to effectively assess chl-a concentration over coastal and oceanic waters; however, algorithms designed to estimate chl-a at global scales have been shown to be less accurate in Case 2 waters, due to the presence of water constituents other than phytoplankton which do not co-vary with the phytoplankton. The constituents of Arabian Sea coastal waters are region-specific because of the inherent variability of these optically-active substances affected by factors such as riverine input (e.g. suspended matter type and grain size, CDOM) and phytoplankton composition associated with seasonal changes.


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Les procédures appliquées avant l’abattage des animaux influencent directement la qualité de la viande en modulant l’état physiologique des porcs; ainsi, l’augmentation de la température corporelle, les taux élevés de lactate sanguin et l’épuisement des réserves de glycogène entre autres, occasionnent la majorité des baisses de qualité. L’objectif de cette thèse était de valider des outils indicateurs de stress porcin pour les fermes et les abattoirs. Ceux-ci seraient appliqués à la surveillance du bien-être animal et à la prédiction de variation de qualité de la viande porcine au niveau commercial. Premierement, les résultats de la thèse ont permis de conclure qu’un des outils développés (analyseur portatif de lactate) mesure la variation du niveau de lactate sanguin associé à l’état physiologique des porcs dans la phase péri-mortem et aide à expliquer la variation de la qualité de la viande chez le porc à l’abattoir, en particulier dans les muscles du jambon. Deuxièmement, les résultats des audits du bien-être animal appliqués de la ferme à l’abattoir ont démontré que la qualité du système d’élevage à la ferme d’origine et les compétences du chauffeur de camion sont d’importants critères affectant la réponse comportementale des porcs à la manipulation avant l’abattage. Ces résultats ont également démontré que les conditions de logement à la ferme (la faible densité et l’enrichissement dans les enclos), le comportement des porcs en période pré-abattage (glissade), ainsi que les interventions du manipulateur (utilisation du bâton électrique) dans la zone d’étourdissement de l’abattoir affectent négativement la variation de la qualité de la viande. L’application des protocoles d’audits dans la filière porcine a également démontré que le respect des critères de bien-être animal fixés par un outil de vérification est primordiale et permet de contrôler les conditions de bien-être des porcs à chaque étape de la période pré-abattage, de produire une viande de qualité supérieure et de réduire les pertes. Les audits de bien-être animal sont donc un outil qui apporte des resultats très pertinents pour aider a éviter les variations de la qualité de la viande chez le porc. Troisièmement, la thermographie infrarouge s’est avéré être une technique prometteuse permettant d’évaluer la variation de température corporelle de l’animal pendant et après un stress physique, en particulier lorsque cette mesure est prise derrière les oreilles. En conclusion, les outils validés à travers cette thèse représentent des méthodologies non invasives et potentiellement complémentaires à d’autres approches d’évaluation de l’état physiologique et du bien-être animal par rapport au stress, permettant de réduire les pertes de qualité de viande (par exemple en utilisation conjointe avec le niveau de lactate sanguin et les indicateurs de stress comportemental, entre autres).


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Despite elevated incidence and recurrence rates for Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (PSP), little is known about its etiology, and the genetics of idiopathic PSP remains unexplored. To identify genetic variants contributing to sporadic PSP risk, we conducted the first PSP genome-wide association study. Two replicate pools of 92 Portuguese PSP cases and of 129 age- and sex-matched controls were allelotyped in triplicate on the Affymetrix Human SNP Array 6.0 arrays. Markers passing quality control were ranked by relative allele score difference between cases and controls (|RASdiff|), by a novel cluster method and by a combined Z-test. 101 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected using these three approaches for technical validation by individual genotyping in the discovery dataset. 87 out of 94 successfully tested SNPs were nominally associated in the discovery dataset. Replication of the 87 technically validated SNPs was then carried out in an independent replication dataset of 100 Portuguese cases and 425 controls. The intergenic rs4733649 SNP in chromosome 8 (between LINC00824 and LINC00977) was associated with PSP in the discovery (P = 4.07E-03, ORC[95% CI] = 1.88[1.22-2.89]), replication (P = 1.50E-02, ORC[95% CI] = 1.50[1.08-2.09]) and combined datasets (P = 8.61E-05, ORC[95% CI] = 1.65[1.29-2.13]). This study identified for the first time one genetic risk factor for sporadic PSP, but future studies are warranted to further confirm this finding in other populations and uncover its functional role in PSP pathogenesis.


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Ce mémoire présente la conception, le contrôle et la validation expérimentale d’une boussole haptique servant à diriger les utilisateurs aux prises avec une déficience visuelle, et ce, dans tous les environnements. La revue de littérature décrit le besoin pour un guidage haptique et permet de mettre en perspective cette technologie dans le marché actuel. La boussole proposée utilise le principe de couples asymétriques. Son design est basé sur une architecture de moteur à entraînement direct et un contrôle en boucle ouverte étalonné au préalable. Cette conception permet d’atteindre une vaste plage de fréquences pour la rétroaction haptique. Les propriétés mécaniques de l’assemblage sont évaluées. Puis, l’étalonnage des couples permet d’assurer que le contrôle en boucle ouverte produit des couples avec une précision suffisante. Un premier test avec des utilisateurs a permis d’identifier que les paramètres de fréquence entre 5 et 15 Hz combinés avec des couples au-delà de 40 mNm permettent d’atteindre une efficacité intéressante pour la tâche. L’expérience suivante démontre qu’utiliser une rétroaction haptique proportionnelle à l’erreur d’orientation améliore significativement les performances. Le concept est ensuite éprouvé avec dix-neuf sujets qui doivent se diriger sur un parcours avec l’aide seule de cette boussole haptique. Les résultats montrent que tous les sujets ont réussi à rencontrer tous les objectifs de la route, tout en maintenant des déviations latérales relativement faibles (0:39 m en moyenne). Les performances obtenues et les impressions des utilisateurs sont prometteuses et plaident en faveur de ce dispositif. Pour terminer, un modèle simplifié du comportement d’un individu pour la tâche d’orientation est développé et démontre l’importance de la personnalisation de l’appareil. Ce modèle est ensuite utilisé pour mettre en valeur la stratégie d’horizon défilant pour le placement de la cible intermédiaire actuelle dans un parcours sur une longue distance.


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L’échec des différents essais cliniques souligne la nécessité de développer des nouvelles thérapies pour la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), la cause la plus commune de démence. Les microARNs (miARNs) sont les ARNs non-codants les plus étudiés et ils jouent un rôle important dans la modulation de l’expression des gènes et de multiples voies de signalisation. Des études antérieures, dont celles de mon laboratoire d’accueil, ont permis de développer l’hypothèse que certains membres de la famille miR-15/107 (c.-à-d. miR-15ab, miR-16, miR-195, miR-424, and miR-497) pourraient être utilisés comme agents thérapeutiques dans MA. En effet, cette famille avait le potentiel de réguler de multiples gènes associés à MA, tels que la protéine précurseur de l’amyloïde (APP), la β-secrétase (BACE1), et la protéine Tau. Tel que démontré dans ce projet de thèse, j’ai choisi miR-16 comme cible thérapeutique potentielle pour MA parmi tous les membres de la famille. L’essai luciférase dans ce projet confirme que miR-16 peut réguler simultanément APP et BACE1, directement par une interaction avec la région non-codante en 3’ de l’ARNm). Notamment, nous observons aussi une réduction de la production des peptides amyloïdes et de la phosphorylation de Tau après une augmentation de miR-16 en cellule. J’ai ensuite validé mes résultats in vivo dans la souris en utilisant une méthode de livraison de miR-16 via une pompe osmotique implanté dans le cerveau. Dans ce cas, l’expression des protéines d’intérêts (APP, BACE1, Tau) a été mesurée par immunobuvardage et PCR à temps réel. Après validation, ces résultats ont été complémentés par une étude protéomique (iTRAQ) du tronc cérébral et de l’hippocampe, deux régions associées à la maladie. Ces données m’ont permis d’identifier d’autres protéines régulées par miR-16 in vivo, incluant α-Synucléine, Transferrine receptor1, et SRm300. Une autre observation intéressante : les voies régulées par miR-16 in vivo sont directement en lien avec le stress oxydatif et la neurodégénération. En résumé, ce travail démontre l’efficacité et la faisabilité d’utiliser un miARN comme outil thérapeutique pour la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ces résultats rentrent dans un cadre plus vaste de découvrir de nouvelles cibles pour MA, et en particulier la forme sporadique de la maladie qui représente plus de 95% de tous les cas. Évidemment, la découverte d’une molécule pouvant cibler simultanément les deux pathologies de la maladie (plaques amyloïdes et hyper phosphorylation de tau) est nouvelle et intéressante, et ce domaine de recherche ouvre la porte aux autres petits ARNs non-codants dans MA et les maladies neurodégénératives connexes.