896 resultados para twin discordance
It is often debated whether migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO) are etiologically distinct disorders. A previous study using latent class analysis (LCA) in Australian twins showed no evidence for separate subtypes of MO and MA. The aim of the present study was to replicate these results in a population of Dutch twins and their parents, siblings and partners (N = 10,144). Latent class analysis of International Headache Society (IHS)-based migraine symptoms resulted in the identification of 4 classes: a class of unaffected subjects (class 0), a mild form of nonmigrainous headache (class 1), a moderately severe type of migraine (class 2), typically without neurological symptoms or aura (8% reporting aura symptoms), and a severe type of migraine (class 3), typically with neurological symptoms, and aura symptoms in approximately half of the cases. Given the overlap of neurological symptoms and nonmutual exclusivity of aura symptoms, these results do not support the MO and MA subtypes as being etiologically distinct. The heritability in female twins of migraine based on LCA classification was estimated at .50 (95% confidence intervals [0CI} .27 -.59), similar to IHS-based migraine diagnosis (h(2) = .49, 95% Cl .19-.57). However, using a dichotomous classification (affected-unaffected) decreased heritability for the IHS-based classification (h(2) = .33, 95% Cl .00-.60), but not the LCA-based classification (h(2) = .51, 95% Cl. 23-.61). Importantly, use of the LCA-based classification increased the number of subjects classified as affected. The heritability of the screening question was similar to more detailed LCA and IHS classifications, suggesting that the screening procedure is an important determining factor in genetic studies of migraine.
Background: Plasma triglyceride concentration is known to be a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Previous studies have found that the level of triglycerides is strongly influenced by genetic factors. Methods: To identify quantitative trait loci influencing triglycerides, we conducted a genome-wide linkage scan on data from 485 Australian adult dizygotic twin pairs. Prior to linkage analysis, triglyceride values were adjusted for the effects of covariates including age, sex, time since last meal, time of blood collection (CT) and time to plasma separation. Results: The heritability estimate for ln(triglyceride) adjusted for all above fixed effects was 0.49. The highest multipoint LOD score observed was 2.94 (genome-wide p=0.049) on chromosome 7 (at 65cM). This 7p region contains several candidate genes. Two other regions with suggestive multipoint LOD scores were also identified on chromosome 4 (LOD score=2.26 at 62cM) and chromosome X (LOD score=2.01 at 81cM). Conclusions: The linkage peaks found represent newly identified regions for more detailed study, in particular the significant linkage observed on chromosome 7p13. \ (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Univariate linkage analysis is used routinely to localise genes for human complex traits. Often, many traits are analysed but the significance of linkage for each trait is not corrected for multiple trait testing, which increases the experiment-wise type-I error rate. In addition, univariate analyses do not realise the full power provided by multivariate data sets. Multivariate linkage is the ideal solution but it is computationally intensive, so genome-wide analysis and evaluation of empirical significance are often prohibitive. We describe two simple methods that efficiently alleviate these caveats by combining P-values from multiple univariate linkage analyses. The first method estimates empirical pointwise and genome-wide significance between one trait and one marker when multiple traits have been tested. It is as robust as an appropriate Bonferroni adjustment, with the advantage that no assumptions are required about the number of independent tests performed. The second method estimates the significance of linkage between multiple traits and one marker and, therefore, it can be used to localise regions that harbour pleiotropic quantitative trait loci (QTL). We show that this method has greater power than individual univariate analyses to detect a pleiotropic QTL across different situations. In addition, when traits are moderately correlated and the QTL influences all traits, it can outperform formal multivariate VC analysis. This approach is computationally feasible for any number of traits and was not affected by the residual correlation between traits. We illustrate the utility of our approach with a genome scan of three asthma traits measured in families with a twin proband.
Background: The BRAF gene is frequently somatically altered in malignant melanoma. A majority of variations are at the valine 600 residue leading to a V600E substitution that constitutively activates the kinase. We screened 4000 patient and control DNAs for germ-line variations at the valine 600 residue. Methods: We developed a novel assay by adapting single-base variation assays and software for MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight) mass spectrometry to screen for all 5 reported variants at codon 600 of the BRAF gene. We screened a case-control collection comprising samples from 1082 melanoma patients and 154 of their unaffected relatives from 1278 families and from 2744 individuals from 659 unselected twin families with no history of melanoma. A panel of 66 melanoma cell lines was used for variation-positive controls. Results: All melanoma cell lines that we had found previously to carry a codon 600 variation were verified in this study. Three of the 4 possible variants (V600E n = 47, V600K n = 2, V600R n = 1) were detected, but no case of V600D was available. No germ-line variants were found in the samples from the 3980 melanoma patients or from the control individuals. Conclusions: This new assay is a high-throughput, automated alternative to standard sequencing and can be used as a rapid initial screen for somatic variants associated with melanoma. Germ-line variants at valine 600 are unlikely to exist and do not contribute to the reported role of the BRAF gene in melanoma predisposition. (c) 2006 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
Bias, precision and heritability of self-reported and clinically measured height in Australian twins
Many studies of quantitative and disease traits in human genetics rely upon self-reported measures. Such measures are based on questionnaires or interviews and are often cheaper and more readily available than alternatives. However, the precision and potential bias cannot usually be assessed. Here we report a detailed quantitative genetic analysis of stature. We characterise the degree of measurement error by utilising a large sample of Australian twin pairs (857 MZ, 815 DZ) with both clinical and self-reported measures of height. Self-report height measurements are shown to be more variable than clinical measures. This has led to lowered estimates of heritability in many previous studies of stature. In our twin sample the heritability estimate for clinical height exceeded 90%. Repeated measures analysis shows that 2-3 times as many self-report measures are required to recover heritability estimates similar to those obtained from clinical measures. Bivariate genetic repeated measures analysis of self-report and clinical height measures showed an additive genetic correlation > 0.98. We show that the accuracy of self-report height is upwardly biased in older individuals and in individuals of short stature. By comparing clinical and self-report measures we also showed that there was a genetic component to females systematically reporting their height incorrectly; this phenomenon appeared to not be present in males. The results from the measurement error analysis were subsequently used to assess the effects of error on the power to detect linkage in a genome scan. Moderate reduction in error (through the use of accurate clinical or multiple self-report measures) increased the effective sample size by 22%; elimination of measurement error led to increases in effective sample size of 41%.
Gametic selection during fertilization or the effects of specific genotypes on the viability of embryos may cause a skewed transmission of chromosomes to surviving offspring. A recent analysis of transmission distortion in humans reported significant excess sharing among full siblings. Dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs are a special case of the simultaneous survival of two genotypes, and there have been reports of DZ pairs with excess allele sharing around the HLA locus, a candidate locus for embryo survival. We performed an allele-sharing study of 1,592 DZ twin pairs from two independent Australian cohorts, of which 1,561 pairs were informative for linkage on chromosome 6. We also analyzed allele sharing in 336 DZ twin pairs from The Netherlands. We found no evidence of excess allele sharing, either at the HLA locus or in the rest of the genome. In contrast, we found evidence of a small but significant (P = .003 for the Australian sample) genomewide deficit in the proportion of two alleles shared identical by descent among DZ twin pairs. We reconciled conflicting evidence in the literature for excess genomewide allele sharing by performing a simulation study that shows how undetected genotyping errors can lead to an apparent deficit or excess of allele sharing among sibling pairs, dependent on whether parental genotypes are known. Our results imply that gene-mapping studies based on affected sibling pairs that include DZ pairs will not suffer from false-positive results due to loci involved in embryo survival.
Our studies of the teeth and faces of Australian twins commenced at the School of Dentistry, The University of Adelaide in the early 1980s. There are now over 900 pairs of twins enrolled in our continuing investigations, together with 1200 relatives. There are 3 main cohorts of participants. The first cohort comprises around 300 pairs of teenage twins for whom various records have been collected, including dental casts, facial photographs, finger and palm prints and information on laterality, including handedness. The second cohort comprises around 300 pairs of twins who have been examined at 3 stages of dental development from approximately 4 years of age to about 14 years: at primary, mixed, and permanent dentition (excluding 3rd molars) stages. The most recent study of tooth emergence and oral health, for which we are currently recruiting twins, will provide a third cohort of around 500 twin pairs aged from around birth to 3 to 4 years of age. Our broad aim in these studies has been to improve our understanding of how genetic and environmental factors contribute to variation in dental and facial features, and to oral health. We have also used our data to investigate aspects of the determination of laterality, particularly the fascinating phenomenon of mirror imaging. We plan to maximize the use of the longitudinal data and DNA we have collected, and continue to collect, by performing genome-wide scans for putative genetic linkage peaks for a range of dental features, and then to test for association between a series of likely candidate genes and our phenotypes.
There is strong evidence from twin and family studies indicating that a substantial proportion of the heritability of susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and its clinical manifestations is encoded by non-major-histocompatibility-complex genes. Efforts to identify these genes have included genomewide linkage studies and candidate gene association studies. One region, the interleukin (IL)-I gene complex on chromosome 2, has been repeatedly associated with AS in both Caucasians and Asians. It is likely that more than one gene in this complex is involved in AS, with the strongest evidence to date implicating IL-IA. Identifying the genes underlying other linkage regions has been difficult due to the lack of obvious candidates and the low power of most studies to date to identify genes of the small to moderate magnitude that are likely to be involved. The field is moving towards genomewide association analysis, involving much larger datasets of unrelated cases and controls. Early successes using this approach in other diseases indicates that it is likely to identify genes in common diseases like AS, but there remains the risk that the common-variant, common-disease hypothesis will not hold true in AS. Nonetheless, it is appropriate for the field to be cautiously optimistic that the next few years will bring great advances in our understanding of the genetics of this condition.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the retention of flavour volatiles encapsulated in water-insoluble systems during high temperature–short time extrusion process. A protein precipitation method was used to produce water-insoluble capsules encapsulating limonene, and the capsules were added to the extruder feed material (cornstarch). A twin-screw extruder was used to evaluate the effect of capsule level of addition (0–5%), barrel temperature (125–145 °C) and screw speed (145–175 r.p.m.) on extruder parameters (torque, die pressure, specific mechanical energy, residence time distribution) and extrudate properties [flavour retention, texture, colour, density, expansion, water absorption index, water solubility index (WSI)]. Capsule level had a significant effect on extrusion conditions, flavour retention and extrudate physical properties. Flavour retention increased with the increase in capsule level from 0% to 2.5%, reached a maximum value at capsule level of 2.5% and decreased when the capsule level increased from 2.5% to 5%. The die pressure, torque, expansion ratio, hardness and WSI exhibited the opposite effect with the presence of capsules.
Wide and ‘skip row’ row configurations have been used as a means to improve yield reliability in grain sorghum production. However, there has been little effort put to design of these systems in relation to optimal combinations of root system characteristics and row configuration, largely because little is known about root system characteristics. The studies reported here aimed to determine the potential extent of root system exploration in skip row systems. Field experiments were conducted under rain-out shelters and the extent of water extraction and root system growth measured. One experiment was conducted using widely-spaced twin rows grown in the soil. The other experiment involved the use of specially constructed large root observation chambers for single plants. It was found that the potential extent of root system exploration in sorghum was beyond 2m from the planted rows using conventional hybrids and that root exploration continued during grain filling. Preliminary data suggested that the extent of water extraction throughout this region depended on root length density and the balance between demand for, and supply of, water. The results to date suggest that simultaneous genetic and management manipulation of wide row production systems might lead to more effective and reliable production in specific environments. Further study of variation in root-shoot dynamics and root system characteristics is required to exploit possible opportunities.
In this paper, we propose a novel high-dimensional index method, the BM+-tree, to support efficient processing of similarity search queries in high-dimensional spaces. The main idea of the proposed index is to improve data partitioning efficiency in a high-dimensional space by using a rotary binary hyperplane, which further partitions a subspace and can also take advantage of the twin node concept used in the M+-tree. Compared with the key dimension concept in the M+-tree, the binary hyperplane is more effective in data filtering. High space utilization is achieved by dynamically performing data reallocation between twin nodes. In addition, a post processing step is used after index building to ensure effective filtration. Experimental results using two types of real data sets illustrate a significantly improved filtering efficiency.
Polymer processing experiments have been conducted with a twin screw extruder. Different formulations of starch-based nanocomposites are being tested in a pilot scale film blowing tower. The physical properties of different starch-based films have been examined with thermal and mechanical analysis and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the addition of organoclay significantly improves both the processing and tensile properties over the original starch blends. The mechanical and thermal properties of the blends are also sensitive to the scale the clay particles are dispersed.
The reweaving and repaving of the modern Silk Road passes through outsourcing and offshoring activities that have a profound impact on both global business psyche and landscape. Firms, in particular, and their global value chain are being shaped and reshaped through a complex concoction of vertical integration and disintegration. The boundary of the firm and the firm/market interface has been of interest to students of organisation and economics for some time. It has provided the context for Internalisation Theory. Within the new economy, the twin trends of globalisation and advancing technologies are giving rise to a hitherto unknown “worldwide market for market transactions? and increased opportunities for international expansion by firms via market-based modes of organisation. We describe these trends and offer an early modeling approach for explaining why some firm’s externalise the marginal transaction in the so-called new economy. The paper further draws attention on the need to articulate an “Externalisation Theory? that adequately accounts for the firm’s offshoring and outsourcing activities, and that parallels as well as complement “Internalisation Theory? for a full explanation of today’s firms behaviour.