1000 resultados para transmission mère-enfant
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 614
Meiosis in triploids faces the seemingly insuperable difficulty of dividing an odd number of chromosome sets by two. Triploid vertebrates usually circumvent this problem through either asexuality or some forms of hybridogenesis, including meiotic hybridogenesis that involve a reproductive community of different ploidy levels and genome composition. Batura toads (Bufo baturae; 3n = 33 chromosomes), however, present an all-triploid sexual reproduction. This hybrid species has two genome copies carrying a nucleolus-organizing region (NOR+) on chromosome 6, and a third copy without it (NOR-). Males only produce haploid NOR+ sperm, while ova are diploid, containing one NOR+ and one NOR- set. Here, we conduct sibship analyses with co-dominant microsatellite markers so as (i) to confirm the purely clonal and maternal transmission of the NOR- set, and (ii) to demonstrate Mendelian segregation and recombination of the NOR+ sets in both sexes. This new reproductive mode in vertebrates ('pre-equalizing hybrid meiosis') offers an ideal opportunity to study the evolution of non-recombining genomes. Elucidating the mechanisms that allow simultaneous transmission of two genomes, one of Mendelian, the other of clonal inheritance, might shed light on the general processes that regulate meiosis in vertebrates.
Atopic dermatitis is the most frequent dermatosis in childhood. Numerous studies underscored the central role of skin barrier alterations in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory skin lesions. The management of atopic dermatitis has to be multidimensional. It combines among others some daily local care and a sporadic topical anti-inflammatory treatment during the acute flare-ups. The objective of this article is to summarize, in light of the recent European guidelines, the general principles of management of atopic dermatitis, for the general practitioner.
S. Gianella, L. Haeberli, B. Joos, B. Ledergerber, R.P. Wüthrich, R. Weber, H. Kuster, P.M. Hauser, T. Fehr, N.J. Mueller. Molecular evidence of interhuman transmission in an outbreak of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia among renal transplant recipients. Transpl Infect Dis 2009. All rights reserved Abstract: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of this infection are poorly understood, and the exact mode of transmission remains unclear. Recent studies reported clusters of PCP among immunocompromised patients, raising the suspicion of interhuman transmission. An unexpected increase of the incidence of PCP cases in our nephrology outpatient clinic prompted us to conduct a detailed analysis. Genotyping of 7 available specimens obtained from renal transplant recipients was performed using multi-locus DNA sequence typing (MLST). Fragments of 4 variable regions of the P. jirovecii genome (ITS1, 26S, mt26S, beta-tubulin) were sequenced and compared with those of 4 independent control patients. MLST analysis revealed identical sequences of the 4 regions among all 7 renal allograft recipients with available samples, indicating an infection with the same P. jirovecii genotype. We observed that all but 1 of the 19 PCP-infected transplant recipients had at least 1 concomitant visit with another PCP-infected patient within a common waiting area. This study provides evidence that nosocomial transmission among immunocompromised patients may have occurred in our nephrology outpatient clinic. Our findings have epidemiological implications and suggest that prolonged chemoprophylaxis for PCP may be warranted in an era of more intense immunosuppression.
Première conséquence de tout dysfonctionnement de l'appareil locomoteur, quelle qu'en soit la cause, la boiterie est un motif fréquent de consultation d'orthopédie pédiatrique. Parfois elle fait partie du tableau d'une affection déjà connue mais constitue très souvent la première manifestation d'une pathologie auparavant Ignorée ou d'installation récente. SI la douleur est de loin la cause la plus fréquente de boiterie et permet classiquement de distinguer les boiteries douloureuses des boiteries non douloureuses, le petit enfant n'est pas toujours capable d'exprimer sa douleur et encore moins de la localiser. Ainsi l'anamnèse et l'examen clinique de tout enfant qui boite doivent être menés avec minutie et l'étude de la marche doit permettre de retrouver et situer l'anomalie mécanique perturbant la démarche, pour réaliser au besoin, les examens complémentaires nécessaires ou demander un avis spécialisé.