884 resultados para transfer of resistance


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Nuclease resistance and RNA affinity are key criteria in the search for optimal antisense nucleic acid modifications, but the origins of the various levels of resistance to nuclease degradation conferred by chemical modification of DNA and RNA are currently not understood. The 2′-O-aminopropyl (AP)-RNA modification displays the highest nuclease resistance among all phosphodiester-based analogues and its RNA binding affinity surpasses that of phosphorothioate DNA by 1°C per modified residue. We found that oligodeoxynucleotides containing AP-RNA residues at their 3′ ends competitively inhibit the degradation of single-stranded DNA by the Escherichia coli Klenow fragment (KF) 3′-5′ exonuclease and snake venom phosphodiesterase. To shed light on the origins of nuclease resistance brought about by the AP modification, we determined the crystal structure of an A-form DNA duplex with AP-RNA modifications at 1.6-Å resolution. In addition, the crystal structures of complexes between short DNA fragments carrying AP-RNA modifications and wild-type KF were determined at resolutions between 2.2 and 3.0 Å and compared with the structure of the complex between oligo(dT) and the D355A/E357A KF mutant. The structural models suggest that interference of the positively charged 2′-O-substituent with the metal ion binding site B of the exonuclease allows AP-RNA to effectively slow down degradation.


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A simple mathematical model of bacterial transmission within a hospital was used to study the effects of measures to control nosocomial transmission of bacteria and reduce antimicrobial resistance in nosocomial pathogens. The model predicts that: (i) Use of an antibiotic for which resistance is not yet present in a hospital will be positively associated at the individual level (odds ratio) with carriage of bacteria resistant to other antibiotics, but negatively associated at the population level (prevalence). Thus inferences from individual risk factors can yield misleading conclusions about the effect of antibiotic use on resistance to another antibiotic. (ii) Nonspecific interventions that reduce transmission of all bacteria within a hospital will disproportionately reduce the prevalence of colonization with resistant bacteria. (iii) Changes in the prevalence of resistance after a successful intervention will occur on a time scale of weeks to months, considerably faster than in community-acquired infections. Moreover, resistance can decline rapidly in a hospital even if it does not carry a fitness cost. The predictions of the model are compared with those of other models and published data. The implications for resistance control and study design are discussed, along with the limitations and assumptions of the model.


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Evolving levels of resistance in insects to the bioinsecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can be dramatically reduced through the genetic engineering of chloroplasts in plants. When transgenic tobacco leaves expressing Cry2Aa2 protoxin in chloroplasts were fed to susceptible, Cry1A-resistant (20,000- to 40,000-fold) and Cry2Aa2-resistant (330- to 393-fold) tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens, cotton bollworm Helicoverpa zea, and the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua, 100% mortality was observed against all insect species and strains. Cry2Aa2 was chosen for this study because of its toxicity to many economically important insect pests, relatively low levels of cross-resistance against Cry1A-resistant insects, and its expression as a protoxin instead of a toxin because of its relatively small size (65 kDa). Southern blot analysis confirmed stable integration of cry2Aa2 into all of the chloroplast genomes (5,000–10,000 copies per cell) of transgenic plants. Transformed tobacco leaves expressed Cry2Aa2 protoxin at levels between 2% and 3% of total soluble protein, 20- to 30-fold higher levels than current commercial nuclear transgenic plants. These results suggest that plants expressing high levels of a nonhomologous Bt protein should be able to overcome or at the very least, significantly delay, broad spectrum Bt-resistance development in the field.


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Fluoroquinolones are antibacterial agents that attack DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV on chromosomal DNA. The existence of two fluoroquinolone targets and stepwise accumulation of resistance suggested that new quinolones could be found that would require cells to obtain two topoisomerase mutations to display resistance. For wild-type cells to become resistant, the two mutations must be acquired concomitantly. That is expected to occur infrequently. To identify such compounds, fluoroquinolones were tested for the ability to kill a moderately resistant gyrase mutant. Compounds containing a C8-methoxyl group were particularly lethal, and incubation of wild-type cultures on agar containing C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones produced no resistant mutant, whereas thousands arose during comparable treatment with control compounds lacking the C8 substituent. When the test strain contained a preexisting topoisomerase IV mutation, which by itself conferred no resistance, equally high numbers of resistant mutants were obtained for C8-methoxyl and control compounds. Thus C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones required two mutations for expression of resistance. Although highly lethal, C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones were not more effective than C8-H controls at blocking bacterial growth. Consequently, quinolone action involves two events, which we envision as formation of drug–enzyme–DNA complexes followed by release of lethal double-strand DNA breaks. Release of DNA breaks, which must occur less frequently than complex formation, is probably the process stimulated by the C8-methoxyl group. Understanding this stimulation should provide insight into intracellular quinolone action and contribute to development of fluoroquinolones that prevent selection of resistant bacteria.


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Squalene epoxidase, a membrane-associated enzyme that converts squalene to squalene 2,3-oxide, plays an important role in the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. In 1957, Bloch and colleagues identified a factor from rat liver cytosol termed “supernatant protein factor (SPF),” which promotes the squalene epoxidation catalyzed by rat liver microsomes with oxygen, NADPH, FAD, and phospholipid [Tchen, T. T. & Bloch, K. (1957) J. Biol. Chem. 226, 921–930]. Although purification of SPF by 11,000-fold was reported, no information is so far available on the primary structure or biological function of SPF. Here we report the cDNA cloning and expression of SPF from rat and human. The encoded protein of 403 amino acids belongs to a family of cytosolic lipid-binding/transfer proteins such as α-tocopherol transfer protein, cellular retinal binding protein, yeast phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (Sec14p), and squid retinal binding protein. Recombinant SPF produced in Escherichia coli enhances microsomal squalene epoxidase activity and promotes intermembrane transfer of squalene in vitro. SPF mRNA is expressed abundantly in the liver and small intestine, both of which are important sites of cholesterol biosynthesis. SPF is expressed significantly in isolated hepatocytes, but the expression level was markedly decreased after 48 h of in vitro culture. Moreover, SPF was not detectable in most of the cell lines tested, including HepG2 and McARH7777 hepatomas. Transfection of SPF cDNA in McARH7777 significantly stimulated de novo cholesterol biosynthesis. These data suggest that SPF is a cytosolic squalene transfer protein capable of regulating cholesterol biosynthesis.


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Cytochrome c oxidase is a membrane-bound enzyme that catalyzes the four-electron reduction of oxygen to water. This highly exergonic reaction drives proton pumping across the membrane. One of the key questions associated with the function of cytochrome c oxidase is how the transfer of electrons and protons is coupled and how proton transfer is controlled by the enzyme. In this study we focus on the function of one of the proton transfer pathways of the R. sphaeroides enzyme, the so-called K-proton transfer pathway (containing a highly conserved Lys(I-362) residue), leading from the protein surface to the catalytic site. We have investigated the kinetics of the reaction of the reduced enzyme with oxygen in mutants of the enzyme in which a residue [Ser(I-299)] near the entry point of the pathway was modified with the use of site-directed mutagenesis. The results show that during the initial steps of oxygen reduction, electron transfer to the catalytic site (to form the “peroxy” state, Pr) requires charge compensation through the proton pathway, but no proton uptake from the bulk solution. The charge compensation is proposed to involve a movement of the K(I-362) side chain toward the binuclear center. Thus, in contrast to what has been assumed previously, the results indicate that the K-pathway is used during oxygen reduction and that K(I-362) is charged at pH ≈ 7.5. The movement of the Lys is proposed to regulate proton transfer by “shutting off” the protonic connectivity through the K-pathway after initiation of the O2 reduction chemistry. This “shutoff” prevents a short-circuit of the proton-pumping machinery of the enzyme during the subsequent reaction steps.


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The microsomal triglyceride (TG) transfer protein (MTP) is a heterodimeric lipid transfer protein that catalyzes the transport of triglyceride, cholesteryl ester, and phosphatidylcholine between membranes. Previous studies showing that the proximal cause of abetalipoproteinemia is an absence of MTP indicate that MTP function is required for the assembly of the apolipoprotein B (apoB) containing plasma lipoproteins, i.e., very low density lipoproteins and chylomicrons. However, the precise role of MTP in lipoprotein assembly is not known. In this study, the role of MTP in lipoprotein assembly is investigated using an inhibitor of MTP-mediated lipid transport, 2-[1-(3, 3-diphenylpropyl)-4-piperidinyl]-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-1-o ne (BMS-200150). The similarity of the IC50 for inhibition of bovine MTP-mediated TG transfer (0.6 microM) to the Kd for binding of BMS-200150 to bovine MTP (1.3 microM) strongly supports that the inhibition of TG transfer is the result of a direct effect of the compound on MTP. BMS-200150 also inhibits the transfer of phosphatidylcholine, however to a lesser extent (30% at a concentration that almost completely inhibits TG and cholesteryl ester transfer). When BMS-200150 is added to cultured HepG2 cells, a human liver-derived cell line that secretes apoB containing lipoproteins, it inhibits apoB secretion in a concentration dependent manner. These results support the hypothesis that transport of lipid, and in particular, the transport of neutral lipid by MTP, plays a critical role in the assembly of apoB containing lipoproteins.


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The potato spindle tuber disease was first observed early in the 20th century in the northeastern United States and shown, in 1971, to be incited by a viroid, potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). No wild-plant PSTVd reservoirs have been identified; thus, the initial source of PSTVd infecting potatoes has remained a mystery. Several variants of a novel viroid, designated Mexican papita viroid (MPVd), have now been isolated from Solanum cardiophyllum Lindl. (papita güera, cimantli) plants growing wild in the Mexican state of Aguascalientes. MPVd's nucleotide sequence is most closely related to those of the tomato planta macho viroid (TPMVd) and PSTVd. From TPMVd, MPVd may be distinguished on the basis of biological properties, such as replication and symptom formation in certain differential hosts. Phylogenetic and ecological data indicate that MPVd and certain viroids now affecting crop plants, such as TPMVd, PSTVd, and possibly others, have a common ancestor. We hypothesize that commercial potatoes grown in the United States have become viroid-infected by chance transfer of MPVd or a similar viroid from endemically infected wild solanaceous plants imported from Mexico as germplasm, conceivably from plants known to have been introduced from Mexico to the United States late in the 19th century in efforts to identify genetic resistance to the potato late blight fungus, Phytophthora infestans.


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A procedure of reversible immortalization of primary cells was devised by retrovirus-mediated transfer of an oncogene that could be subsequently excised by site-specific recombination. This study focused on the early stages of immortalization: global induction of proliferation and life span extension of cell populations. Comparative analysis of Cre/LoxP and FLP/FRT recombination in this system indicated that only Cre/LoxP operates efficiently in primary cells. Pure populations of cells in which the oncogene is permanently excised were obtained, following differential selection of the cells. Cells reverted to their preimmortalized state, as indicated by changes in growth characteristics and p53 levels, and their fate conformed to the telomere hypothesis of replicative cell senescence. By permitting temporary and controlled expansion of primary cell populations without retaining the transferred oncogene, this strategy may facilitate gene therapy manipulations of cells unresponsive to exogenous growth factors and make practical gene targeting by homologous recombination in somatic cells. The combination of retroviral transfer and site-specific recombination should also extend gene expression studies to situations previously inaccessible to experimentation.


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The specificity of the improvement in perceptual learning is often used to localize the neuronal changes underlying this type of adult plasticity. We investigated a visual texture discrimination task previously reported to be accomplished preattentively and for which learning-related changes were inferred to occur at a very early level of the visual processing stream. The stimulus was a matrix of lines from which a target popped out, due to an orientation difference between the three target lines and the background lines. The task was to report the global orientation of the target and was performed monocularly. The subjects' performance improved dramatically with training over the course of 2-3 weeks, after which we tested the specificity of the improvement for the eye trained. In all subjects tested, there was complete interocular transfer of the learning effect. The neuronal correlate of this learning are therefore most likely localized in a visual area where input from the two eyes has come together.


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The closely related multidrug efflux pumps QacA and QacB, from the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, both confer resistance to various toxic organic cations but differ in that QacB mediates lower levels of resistance to divalent cations. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the qacB gene revealed that qacB differs from qacA by only seven nucleotide substitutions. Random hydroxylamine mutagenesis of qacB was undertaken, selecting for variants that conferred increased resistance to divalent cations. Both QacA and the QacB mutants capable of conferring resistance to divalent cations contain an acidic residue at either amino acid 322 or 323, whereas QacB contains uncharged residues in these positions. Site-directed mutagenesis of qacA confirmed the importance of an acidic residue within this region of QacA in conferring resistance to divalent cations. Membrane topological analysis using alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase fusions indicated that the QacA protein contains 14 transmembrane segments. Thus, QacA represents the first membrane transport protein shown to contain 14 transmembrane segments, and confirms that the major facilitator superfamily contains a family of proteins with 14 transmembrane segments.


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The x-ray crystallographic structure of the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) has proven critical in understanding biological electron transfer processes. By contrast, understanding of intraprotein proton transfer is easily lost in the immense richness of the details. In the RC of Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides, the secondary quinone (QB) is surrounded by amino acid residues of the L subunit and some buried water molecules, with M- and H-subunit residues also close by. The effects of site-directed mutagenesis upon RC turnover and quinone function have implicated several L-subunit residues in proton delivery to QB, although some species differences exist. In wild-type Rb. sphaeroides, Glu L212 and Asp L213 represent an inner shell of residues of particular importance in proton transfer to QB. Asp L213 is crucial for delivery of the first proton, coupled to transfer of the second electron, while Glu L212, possibly together with Asp L213, is necessary for delivery of the second proton, after the second electron transfer. We report here the first study, by site-directed mutagenesis, of the role of the H subunit in QB function. Glu H173, one of a cluster of strongly interacting residues near QB, including Asp L213, was altered to Gln. In isolated mutant RCs, the kinetics of the first electron transfer, leading to formation of the semiquinone, QB-, and the proton-linked second electron transfer, leading to the formation of fully reduced quinol, were both greatly retarded, as observed previously in the Asp L213 --> Asn mutant. However, the first electron transfer equilibrium, QA-QB <==> QAQB-, was decreased, which is opposite to the effect of the Asp L213 --> Asn mutation. These major disruptions of events coupled to proton delivery to QB were largely reversed by the addition of azide (N3-). The results support a major role for electrostatic interactions between charged groups in determining the protonation state of certain entities, thereby controlling the rate of the second electron transfer. It is suggested that the essential electrostatic effect may be to "potentiate" proton transfer activity by raising the pK of functional entities that actually transfer protons in a coupled fashion with the second electron transfer. Candidates include buried water (H3O+) and Ser L223 (serine-OH2+), which is very close to the O5 carbonyl of the quinone.


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The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is the most important insect pest of coffee worldwide and has an unusual life history that ensures a high degree of inbreeding. Individual females lay a predominantly female brood within individual coffee berries and because males are flightless there is almost entirely full sib mating. We investigated the genetics associated with this interesting life history after the important discovery of resistance to the cyclodiene type insecticide endosulfan. Both the inheritance of the resistance phenotype and the resistance-associated point mutation in the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor gene Rdl were examined. Consistent with haplodiploidy, males failed to express and transmit paternally derived resistance alleles. Furthermore, while cytological examination revealed that males are diploid, one set of chromosomes was condensed, and probably nonfunctional, in the somatic cells of all males examined. Moreover, although two sets of chromosomes were present in primary spermatocytes, the chromosomes failed to pair before the single meiotic division, and only one set was packaged in sperm. Thus, the coffee berry borer is "functionally" haplodiploid. Its genetics and life history may therefore represent an interesting intermediate step in the evolution of true haplodiploidy. The influence of this breeding system on the spread of insecticide resistance is discussed.


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Rhizobia were isolated from nodules off a stand of Lotus corniculatus established with a single inoculant strain, ICMP3153, 7 years earlier in an area devoid of naturalized Rhizobium loti. The isolates showed diversity in growth rate, Spe I fingerprint of genomic DNA, and hybridization pattern to genomic DNA probes. The 19% of isolates that grew at the same rate as strain ICMP3153 were the only isolates that had the same fingerprint as strain ICMP3153. Sequencing of part of the 16S rRNA gene of several diverse isolates confirmed that they were not derived from the inoculant strain. Nevertheless, all non-ICMP3153 strains gave EcoRI and Spe I hybridization patterns identical to ICMP3153 when hybridized to nodulation gene cosmids. Hybridization of digests generated by the very rare cutting enzyme Swa I revealed that the symbiotic DNA region (at least 105 kb) was chromosomally integrated in the strains. The results suggest that the diverse strains arose by transfer of chromosomal symbiotic genes from ICMP3153 to nonsymbiotic rhizobia in the environment.


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Multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP) is a plasma membrane glycoprotein that can confer multidrug resistance (MDR) by lowering intracellular drug concentration. Here we demonstrate that depletion of intracellular glutathione by DL-buthionine (S,R)-sulfoximine results in a complete reversal of resistance to doxorubicin, daunorubicin, vincristine, and VP-16 in lung carcinoma cells transfected with a MRP cDNA expression vector. Glutathione depletion had less effect on MDR in cells transfected with MDR1 cDNA encoding P-glycoprotein and did not increase the passive uptake of daunorubicin by cells, indicating that the decrease of MRP-mediated MDR was not due to nonspecific membrane damage. Glutathione depletion resulted in a decreased efflux of daunorubicin from MRP-transfected cells, but not from MDR1-transfected cells, suggesting that glutathione is specifically required for the export of drugs from cells by MRP. We also show that MRP increases the export of glutathione from the cell and this increased export is further elevated in the presence of arsenite. Our results support the hypothesis that MRP functions as a glutathione S-conjugate carrier.