965 resultados para théorie du contrat


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This work is the result of one year of investigation from May 1987 to June 1988 among fishermen of Vitré II village located in the eastern region of the Ebrié lagoon.


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The toxic effects of two herbicides Round up (gliphosate) and 2,4-D (herbazol) were tested on Pistia stratiotes (Linn. Araceae) samples cultivated in glass aquariums. The gliphosate appears to be more toxic on Pistia Stratiotes than 2,4-D. It was then tested on tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron juveniles. The lethal dose for tilapia (CL50 = 13.25 mg.l -1) is about 18, 37 and 74 times higher than the glyphosate toxic dose for plants at 1, 2 and 4 meters water depth respectively.


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The toxicity of the herbicide glyphosate was tested on water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) samples cultivated in glass aquariums. The lowest dose (0.09 g.m-2) leads to an increasing plant growth rate. This growth rate decreases with intermediate doses (0.18 and 0.36 g.m-2), the consequence of which is to increase stolons (vegetative reproduction). On the other hand, the dose of 0.72 g.m-2 leads to a total and irreversible destruction of plants.


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Abundance and species variations of the macrofauna associated with the roots of Pistia stratiotes of Ayamé II lake and Comoé river were studied during one year. Samples of plants were collected by hand once a month within a sampler of 1 m2 of surface.


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Samples of albacore tunny-fish (Thunnus albacares) caught from East Tropical Atlantic areas have been analysed in white and red muscles in order to determine the concentration of mercury. The results show that there are no significant differences between the mercury concentrations in the white and in the red muscles, and that a significant correlation exists between the mercury concentrations in the two types of muscles.


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This paper presents a large scale (1/10000) bathymetric chart along with the beach (s.l.) and shoreface schemes of Port-Bouet littoral. All these charts and maps contributed to identify the three morphological sub-areas which characterize the whole littoral area of Port-Bouet.


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Different rearing facilities (concrete tanks, pens and ponds) were tested for suitability as spawning environments. The concrete tanks and the pens in the lagoon gave the best results as to the number of spawns obtained. Of the three types of spawning devices tested, containers with a 150 mm opening at one of the two ends were preferably used by the fish. The brooders in the spawning facilities spontaneously entered the spawning containers to deposit their eggs without external human intervention. Actual fecundity estimates ranged from 9805 to 40597.


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Changes in the seasonal development of the gonads of female Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, in Ebrié lagoon (Côte d'Ivoire) are described over an annual reproductive cycle. Seven macroscopic stages of gonad maturity were identified. There is a major spawning period from July to November. The mature fish spawn only once during the breeding season. There was a slightly higher correlation between fecundity and fish length than between fecundity and fish weight or gonad weight. Fecundity estimates ranged from 5438 to 36257 eggs and from 4878 to 87724 eggs, respectively for the fish in captivity and those in the natural environment.


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This study deals with the present morphology of the Bandama river mouth in Grand-Lahou (Côte d'Ivoire). At the interface water-sediment channels and shallows appear, covered respectively by fine and medium sands. Topographic surveys conducted from 1989 to 1993 show significant migration of the river mouth from east to west. The average migration rate is about 1.1 meter per mouth. Although for the past two years , a rate of about 3.5 meters per month was observed.


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This paper presents the results of a comparative study of chemical and physical characteristics (temperature, oxygen, salinity, turbidity, pH, nutrient: phosphates, nitrates, nitrites, ammoniac) within the extensive aquaculture structure (acadja-enclosure or artificial habitats for fishes) and in the surrounding water. Biological characteristics of the periphyton growing on bamboos from acadja-enclosure were also described.


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African catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis Valenciennes, 1840), with a mean weight of 37 g, were raised in 4 m3 concrete tanks, with or without water changes at densities of 10 and 20 fish per m3. The results indicate that, although the low water needs of this catfish offer hope for the productions of 150 tons/hectare/year, water quality must always be monitored.


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Em publicações recentes, alguns psicanalistas, tendo como base a sua clínica, suscitaram um debate sobre a clínica na contemporaneidade e a necessidade de mudanças na teoria psicanalítica, ao sublinharem questões tais como: novos sintomas, declínio da função paterna, inutilidade do diagnóstico estrutural, não constituição do sujeito do inconsciente e predominância do discurso do capitalista, laço social anômalo que comandaria ao gozo ao invés de oferecer um viés para sua regulação. A fim de verificar a pertinência dessas formulações, nosso estudo retoma construções fundamentais da psicanálise lacaniana, em especial a categoria de sujeito. Primeiro abordamos produções no campo da filosofia e sociologia que discutem a especificidade de nossa época, particularmente sob a noção de pós-modernidade, que após análise desses trabalhos, não consideramos oportuna. Retomamos a atualidade dos escritos de Freud sobre o mal-estar na civilização e da proposição lacaniana do trabalho da psicanálise com o sujeito do inconsciente, categoria que se impõe à clínica. Procuramos desenvolver as elaborações da teoria que versam sobre a constituição do sujeito, verificando sua importância para a prática clínica e a inadequação das propostas que pregam a inoperância dessa categoria de trabalho. Por fim, discutimos as noções de estrutura clínica e discursos. Consideramos a proposta dos discursos como laços sociais uma formulação teórica mais adequada pra pensar as especificidades da clínica na contemporaneidade, em que o laço social se exerce predominante pela via do discurso universitário. Concluímos pela aposta no sujeito do inconsciente, ressaltando a necessidade de oferecimento de uma escuta que permita à clínica operar sobre ele.


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Este trabalho de dissertação desenvolve o tema da direção do tratamento na clínica da esquizofrenia, a partir da teoria psicanalítica da psicose. Partimos das elaborações de Freud sobre o narcisismo e de seus esclarecimentos acerca do fenômeno da palavra tomada como coisa e da linguagem de órgão. Desenvolvemos os conceitos lacanianos de foraclusão do Nome-do-Pai e do Estádio do espelho, assim como o retorno do simbólico no real e a exterioridade do esquizofrênico em relação ao laço social. Baseamo-nos na hipótese de que a foraclusão do Nome-do-Pai impossibilita o atravessamento do Estádio do espelho na esquizofrenia, acarretando grandes obstáculos para que o sujeito se constitua como um corpo e se torne alguém que sustenta uma unidade corporal. Em consequência, surge o fenômeno hipocondríaco em que o sujeito experimenta o corpo como o Outro absoluto, expressão radical da impossibilidade de alcançar qualquer unificação das pulsões através do significante. Finalmente, aplicamos esses conceitos no estudo de dois casos clínicos visando demonstrar que a paranoização é uma direção possível do tratamento psicanalítico na clínica da esquizofrenia.


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This note presents the results of a current study on the parasitism of the yellowfin Thunnus albacares in the Gulf of Guinea: a list of encountered crustaceans and helminths, remarks concerned with localisations, frequencies and intensities of the infestations is given. A hypothesis on the existence of three ecological stocks corresponding to three great fishing areas of the Gulf is suggested.


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The introduction is followed by a resume of the biogeographic factors and the principal work. The characteristics of zooplankton in different regions are presented based on regular research in Santa Helena Bay and Walvis Bay and the research carried out by William Scoresby. Certain factors of the digestive system of South African plankton are discussed. The next section concerns research in intertropical and equatorial regions in the Gulf of Guinea. It considers the littoral region of Angola, the Pointe Noire region and discusses the density and complexity of stocks. The last section concerns the zooplankton of Nigeria, Ghana and the Ivory Coast and discusses the grouping of species and compares the results.