839 resultados para stent coronariano
The incidence of anastomotic stricture following colorectal surgery has increased in recent years. This complication is observed in 2-5% of all operated patients and is probably due to the greater number of low anastomoses performed with surgical staplers. We observed 31 patients with postoperative stricture, arising from one to nine months post-surgery. All patients had been treated for colorectal cancer and underwent endoscopy either during routine follow-up or for symptoms of stenosis. In 16 patients (group A) the stricture diameter was less than 4 mm and the patients had symptoms attributable to partial bowel obstruction. In the remaining 15 patients (group B), who had difficult bowel movements, the stricture diameter ranged from 4 to 8 mm. All patients were treated with endoscopic dilation using achalasia balloons. The results were considered good when the post-dilation anastomosis diameter achieved was at least 13 mm, fair when it was 9-12 mm and poor when it was less than 9 mm. The short term results (3 weeks) were good in 27 patients (87.2%), fair in 3 patients (9.6%), and poor in 1 patient (3.2%). After several unsuccessful dilations, the latter was treated by surgery. Follow-up at 3-4 months of the remaining 30 patients revealed good results in 20 (66.6%), fair in 6 (20%), and poor in 4 (13.3%). In 1 of these 4 patients, cancer recurrence was observed and a new surgical resection was performed. In 2 patients a self–expandable metal stent was inserted for 4-6 weeks, with satisfactory results. In 1 patient a biodegradable polydioxanone stent was inserted with good results after 6 months. Follow-up at 3-4 months showed good results in 25 patients. After 38 months, cancer recurrence in the area of the anastomosis was observed in 1 patient, who was treated surgically. Endoscopic dilatation should be considered the first therapeutic approach in case of anastomotic strictures, as it is immediately effective, repeatable, and does not preclude surgery if this should become necessary. .
Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la première cause de mortalité dans le monde et les anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAAs) font partie de ce lot déplorable. Un anévrisme est la dilatation d’une artère pouvant conduire à la mort. Une rupture d’AAA s’avère fatale près de 80% du temps. Un moyen de traiter les AAAs est l’insertion d’une endoprothèse (SG) dans l’aorte, communément appelée la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR), afin de réduire la pression exercée par le flux sanguin sur la paroi. L’efficacité de ce traitement est compromise par la survenue d’endofuites (flux sanguins entre la prothèse et le sac anévrismal) pouvant conduire à la rupture de l’anévrisme. Ces flux sanguins peuvent survenir à n’importe quel moment après le traitement EVAR. Une surveillance par tomodensitométrie (CT-scan) annuelle est donc requise, augmentant ainsi le coût du suivi post-EVAR et exposant le patient à la radiation ionisante et aux complications des contrastes iodés. L’endotension est le concept de dilatation de l’anévrisme sans la présence d’une endofuite apparente au CT-scan. Après le traitement EVAR, le sang dans le sac anévrismal coagule pour former un thrombus frais, qui deviendra progressivement un thrombus plus fibreux et plus organisé, donnant lieu à un rétrécissement de l’anévrisme. Il y a très peu de données dans la littérature pour étudier ce processus temporel et la relation entre le thrombus frais et l’endotension. L’étalon d’or du suivi post-EVAR, le CT-scan, ne peut pas détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Il y a donc un besoin d’investir dans une technique sécuritaire et moins coûteuse pour le suivi d’AAAs après EVAR. Une méthode récente, l’élastographie dynamique, mesure l’élasticité des tissus en temps réel. Le principe de cette technique repose sur la génération d’ondes de cisaillement et l’étude de leur propagation afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu étudié. Cette thèse vise l’application de l’élastographie dynamique pour la détection des endofuites ainsi que de la caractérisation mécanique des tissus du sac anévrismal après le traitement EVAR. Ce projet dévoile le potentiel de l’élastographie afin de réduire les dangers de la radiation, de l’utilisation d’agent de contraste ainsi que des coûts du post-EVAR des AAAs. L’élastographie dynamique utilisant le « Shear Wave Imaging » (SWI) est prometteuse. Cette modalité pourrait complémenter l’échographie-Doppler (DUS) déjà utilisée pour le suivi d’examen post-EVAR. Le SWI a le potentiel de fournir des informations sur l’organisation fibreuse du thrombus ainsi que sur la détection d’endofuites. Tout d’abord, le premier objectif de cette thèse consistait à tester le SWI sur des AAAs dans des modèles canins pour la détection d’endofuites et la caractérisation du thrombus. Des SGs furent implantées dans un groupe de 18 chiens avec un anévrisme créé au moyen de la veine jugulaire. 4 anévrismes avaient une endofuite de type I, 13 avaient une endofuite de type II et un anévrisme n’avait pas d’endofuite. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été réalisés à l’implantation, puis 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois après le traitement EVAR. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et des coupes macroscopiques ont été produits au sacrifice. Les régions d’endofuites, de thrombus frais et de thrombus organisé furent identifiées et segmentées. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions furent comparées. Celles-ci furent différentes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Également, le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (1) et le DUS (3) ont échoué. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, le deuxième objectif de ce projet fut de caractériser l’évolution du thrombus dans le temps, de même que l’évolution des endofuites après embolisation dans des modèles canins. Dix-huit anévrismes furent créés dans les artères iliaques de neuf modèles canins, suivis d’une endofuite de type I après EVAR. Deux gels embolisants (Chitosan (Chi) ou Chitosan-Sodium-Tetradecyl-Sulfate (Chi-STS)) furent injectés dans le sac anévrismal pour promouvoir la guérison. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été effectués à l’implantation et après 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et un examen histologique ont été réalisés au sacrifice afin d’évaluer la présence, le type et la grosseur de l’endofuite. Les valeurs du module d’élasticité des régions d’intérêts ont été identifiées et segmentées sur les données pathologiques. Les régions d’endofuites et de thrombus frais furent différentes de façon significative comparativement aux autres régions (P < 0.001). Les valeurs d’élasticité du thrombus frais à 1 semaine et à 3 mois indiquent que le SWI peut évaluer la maturation du thrombus, de même que caractériser l’évolution et la dégradation des gels embolisants dans le temps. Le SWI a pu détecter des endofuites où le DUS a échoué (2) et, contrairement au CT-scan, détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Finalement, la dernière étape du projet doctoral consistait à appliquer le SWI dans une phase clinique, avec des patients humains ayant déjà un AAA, pour la détection d’endofuite et la caractérisation de l’élasticité des tissus. 25 patients furent sélectionnés pour participer à l’étude. Une comparaison d’imagerie a été produite entre le SWI, le CT-scan et le DUS. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions (endofuite, thrombus) furent identifiées et segmentées. Celles-ci étaient distinctes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Le SWI a détecté 5 endofuites sur 6 (sensibilité de 83.3%) et a eu 6 faux positifs (spécificité de 76%). Le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (2) ainsi que le DUS (2) ont échoué. Il n’y avait pas de différence statistique notable entre la rigidité du thrombus pour un AAA avec endofuite et un AAA sans endofuite. Aucune corrélation n’a pu être établie de façon significative entre les diamètres des AAAs ainsi que leurs variations et l’élasticité du thrombus. Le SWI a le potentiel de détecter les endofuites et caractériser le thrombus selon leurs propriétés mécaniques. Cette technique pourrait être combinée au suivi des AAAs post-EVAR, complémentant ainsi l’imagerie DUS et réduisant le coût et l’exposition à la radiation ionisante et aux agents de contrastes néphrotoxiques.
Background and aim: This article provides a practical review to undertaking safe endoscopic ampullectomy and highlights some of the common difficulties with this technique as well as offering strategies to deal with these challenges. Methods: We conducted a review of studies regarding endoscopic ampullectomy for ampullary neoplasms with special focus on techniques. Results: Accurate preoperative diagnosis and staging of ampullary tumors is imperative for predicting prognosis and determining the most appropriate therapeutic approach. The optimal technique for endoscopic ampullectomy is dependent on the lesions size. En bloc resection is recommended for lesions confined to the papilla. There is no significant evidence to support the submucosal injection before ampullectomy. There is no consensus regarding the optimal current and power output for endoscopic ampulectomy. The benefits of a thermal adjunctive therapy remain controversial. A prophylactic pancreatic stent reduces the incidence and severity of pancreatitis post-ampullectomy. Conclusions: Endoscopic ampullectomy is a safe and efficacious therapeutic procedure for papillary adenomas in experienced endoscopist and it can avoid the need for surgical intervention.
This thesis presents an investigation on endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT). As a noninvasive imaging modality, OCT emerges as an increasingly important diagnostic tool for many clinical applications. Despite of many of its merits, such as high resolution and depth resolvability, a major limitation is the relatively shallow penetration depth in tissue (about 2∼3 mm). This is mainly due to tissue scattering and absorption. To overcome this limitation, people have been developing many different endoscopic OCT systems. By utilizing a minimally invasive endoscope, the OCT probing beam can be brought to the close vicinity of the tissue of interest and bypass the scattering of intervening tissues so that it can collect the reflected light signal from desired depth and provide a clear image representing the physiological structure of the region, which can not be disclosed by traditional OCT. In this thesis, three endoscope designs have been studied. While they rely on vastly different principles, they all converge to solve this long-standing problem.
A hand-held endoscope with manual scanning is first explored. When a user is holding a hand- held endoscope to examine samples, the movement of the device provides a natural scanning. We proposed and implemented an optical tracking system to estimate and record the trajectory of the device. By registering the OCT axial scan with the spatial information obtained from the tracking system, one can use this system to simply ‘paint’ a desired volume and get any arbitrary scanning pattern by manually waving the endoscope over the region of interest. The accuracy of the tracking system was measured to be about 10 microns, which is comparable to the lateral resolution of most OCT system. Targeted phantom sample and biological samples were manually scanned and the reconstructed images verified the method.
Next, we investigated a mechanical way to steer the beam in an OCT endoscope, which is termed as Paired-angle-rotation scanning (PARS). This concept was proposed by my colleague and we further developed this technology by enhancing the longevity of the device, reducing the diameter of the probe, and shrinking down the form factor of the hand-piece. Several families of probes have been designed and fabricated with various optical performances. They have been applied to different applications, including the collector channel examination for glaucoma stent implantation, and vitreous remnant detection during live animal vitrectomy.
Lastly a novel non-moving scanning method has been devised. This approach is based on the EO effect of a KTN crystal. With Ohmic contact of the electrodes, the KTN crystal can exhibit a special mode of EO effect, termed as space-charge-controlled electro-optic effect, where the carrier electron will be injected into the material via the Ohmic contact. By applying a high voltage across the material, a linear phase profile can be built under this mode, which in turn deflects the light beam passing through. We constructed a relay telescope to adapt the KTN deflector into a bench top OCT scanning system. One of major technical challenges for this system is the strong chromatic dispersion of KTN crystal within the wavelength band of OCT system. We investigated its impact on the acquired OCT images and proposed a new approach to estimate and compensate the actual dispersion. Comparing with traditional methods, the new method is more computational efficient and accurate. Some biological samples were scanned by this KTN based system. The acquired images justified the feasibility of the usage of this system into a endoscopy setting. My research above all aims to provide solutions to implement an OCT endoscope. As technology evolves from manual, to mechanical, and to electrical approaches, different solutions are presented. Since all have their own advantages and disadvantages, one has to determine the actual requirements and select the best fit for a specific application.
Background: Postoperative esophageal leaks have a high morbidity and mortality. Self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) have been used as an alternative to re-operation. Aim: Evaluating predictors of success of SEMS in postoperative esophageal leaks. Methods: Retrospective study of patients with postoperative esophageal leaks referred for SEMS placement in a reference center during a period of 3 years. Technical success was defined as closure of the leak in barium swallow at 15 days. Clinical success was considered as endoscopic and/or radiographic confirmation of closure after stent removal. Results: Thirteen patients placed SEMS. Median follow-up was 58 days. Leaks had a median size of 20 mm. Time between surgery and SEMS placement was 20 days. One patient died 2 days after SEMS placement and one had worsening of the fistula after SEMS expansion. Time till stent migration was 9 days. Technical success was achieved in 9 of 11 patients, with clinical success without recurrence in 5 patients. All leaks with less than 20 mm were solved endoscopically. Technical and clinical success was higher when time between surgery and SEMS placement was lower, even though without statistical significance (respectively, p = 0.228 and 0.374). In the 8 patients who died during follow-up, median survival was 59 days. Conclusions: Technical success of SEMS was higher than 80%; however, due to high morbidity and mortality, only 45% of patients had their stent removed. Lower time from diagnosis to SEMS placement and leak size less than 20 mm may be associated with better results.
Pediatric coronary artery bypass surgery gained wide acceptance with the introduction of internal thoracic arteries (ITAs) for bypass operations for post Kawasaki disease (KD) lesions. The technique is now established as the standard surgical choice, and its safety even in infancy, graft patency, growth potential, graft longevity and clinical efficacy have been well documented. In this article the author reviews the development of pediatric coronary bypass as the main indication for the treatment of coronary lesions due to KD. I believe that coronary revascularization surgery in pediatric population utilizing uni- or bilateral ITAs is the current gold-standard as the most reliable treatment, although percutaneous coronary intervention with or without a stent has been tried with vague long-term results in children.
La derivación portosistémica intrahepática transyugular (TIPS) es una técnica importante en el manejo de las complicaciones de la hipertensión portal, en especial en aquellos pacientes candidatos a trasplante hepático. Se trata de un estudio observacional analítico, sin riesgo, en el cual se emplearon técnicas y métodos de investigación documental retrospectivo, y no se realizó ningún tipo de intervención sobre las variables fisiológicas, psicológicas y sociales de la población incluida. Se realizó la descripción demográfica de los pacientes, características clínicas, hallazgos imageneológicos y aspectos técnicos asociados al procedimiento de los pacientes con hipertensión portal que han sido manejados con TIPS en la Fundación CardioInfantil desde Enero 1 de 2007 hasta Junio 30 de 2016. Se incluyeron 54 pacientes de los cuales el 66,7% no presentaron complicaciones inmediatas, tenidas en cuenta desde la terminación del procedimiento y hasta las siguientes 24 horas; sin embargo, 16,9% debutaron con encefalopatía durante este periodo. De las complicaciones tardías, la más frecuente fue la ascitis con un 66,7%, con una mortalidad de 20,4% de los cuales, el 45% de estos fue por shock séptico y falla orgánica secundaria. Aunque el porcentaje de complicaciones asociadas al procedimiento fue alto en nuestros pacientes, se encuentra dentro de los valores reportados en la literatura. Los resultados presentados son un punto de partida para la evaluación del procedimiento en nuestra población y permiten implementar estrategias de mejora que conlleven a incidir de manera positiva en el porcentaje de complicaciones y mortalidad derivadas del procedimiento.
Introducción: El cáncer gástrico es uno de los más frecuentes a nivel mundial y Colombia se sitúa entre los países de mayor incidencia en este tipo de patología. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, el tratamiento administrado y los desenlaces inmediatos de los pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer gástrico atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Mayor de Bogotá entre los años 2011 y 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo con diagnóstico de cáncer gástrico. Se realizaron análisis univariados por medio de proporciones para las variables cualitativas y medidas de tendencia central para las variables cuantitativas según la distribución. Resultados: Un total de 189 pacientes fueron analizados. El dolor fue el síntoma más frecuente en los pacientes (30.7%) y el principal signo encontrado fue una masa palpable en abdomen (9,5%). Los pacientes fueron sometidos a diferentes abordajes terapéuticos, la mayoría recibieron manejo paliativo no quirúrgico (52.9%) y la opción quirúrgica más usada en los pacientes fue la gastrectomía total (20.6%), y la subtotal (16,4) seguidas de quimioterapia y/o radiación perioperatoria. Los pacientes que sobrevivieron a los 2 años fueron 7,4% del total. Conclusiones: El registro de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico es bueno en el Méderi-Hospital Universitario Mayor es bueno y permite caracterizar los pacientes, la presentación de la patología y los resultados del tratamiento que concuerdan con los presentados en contextos similares en la literatura.
INTRODUCTION Aim of this multicentric study:to compare the short-and mid-term results of bare metal stents(BMS)and covered stents(CS)in the Kissing Stent(KS)technique. METHODS Patients undertaking a KS with BMS or CS between January 2017-August 2021 included. Morphological features of plaques were classified as per the extension of calcifications and thrombosis. Every endpoint and outcome was compared in relation to BMS or CS. All patients included received dual anti-platelets DAPT)for at least one month. RESULTS Thirty-four patients enrolled,17 treated with BMS and 17 with CS. Average age 66 years. The 80% of patients were part of TASC C-D categories. DAPT was administered to 82.4%(28/34)of patients with a mean duration of 4.4±1.6 months. Mean follow-up 32.1±17.8 months. Technical Success was 100%. Immediate Clinical Success was reached in 29 cases(85.3%). Immediate and 30-day Clinical Success was higher in CS(64.7% vs 100%, p=.01). Overall Clinical Success at 1-year follow-up was 91.2%,and resulted significantly higher in CS(82.4% vs 100%,p .04). Overall Primary Patency,Assisted Patency,and Secondary Patency at 30 days were 97.1%,97.1%,and 100%,without differences between BMS and CS(94.1% vs 100%,94.1% vs 100%,and 100% vs 100%;p =.7). Two cases(5.9%)of thrombosis were registered,and both occurred within 3 months after the procedure and both in the BMS,without statistical differences with the CS group(11.8% vs 0%,p .48). Both cases of thrombosis occurred in patients who were not treated with dual antiplatelet therapy(33.3% vs 0%,p .027). Survival statistically differed only at the mean follow-up in favour of CS(70.6% and 100%,p .04). CONCLUSIONS The endovascular approach is currently safe and effective in the treatment of AIOD,and KS offers excellent results in particular if performed with CS; however,no statistically significant differences emerged between the two types of stents in terms of patency,reintervention,and complications. DAPT seems to warrant the best results in terms of patency,although there is still no consensus about the ideal duration of administration.
Background: The frozen elephant trunk(FET) technique is one of the last evolution in the treatment of complex pathologies of the aortic arch and the descending thoracic aorta.Materials and methods: Between January 2007 and March 2021, a total of 396 patients underwent total aortic arch replacements with the FET technique in our centre.The main indications were thoracic aortic aneurysm(n=104,28.2%), chronic aortic dissection(n=224,53.4%) and acute aortic dissection(n=68, 18.4%). We divided the population in two groups according the position of the distal anastomosis (zone 2 vs zone 3) and the length of the stent graft (< 150 mm vs > 150 mm): conservative group (Zone 2 anastomosis + stent length < 150mm, n. 140 pts) and aggressive group (zone 3 anastomosis + stent length > 150mm, n. 141). Results: The overall 30-day mortality rate was 13%(48/369); the risk factor analysis showed that an aggressive approach was neither a risk factor for major complication (permanent dialysis, tracheostomy, bowel malperfusion and permanent paraplegia) neither for 30-day mortality. The survival rate at 1, 5,10 and 15 years was 87.7%,75%,61.3% and 58.4% respectively. During the follow up, an aortic reintervention was performed in 122 patients (38%), 5 patients received a non-aortic cardiac surgery. Freedom from aortic reintervention at 1-,5- and 10-year was 77%,54% and 44% respectively. The freedom from aortic reintervention was higher in the ‘aggressive’ group (62.5%vs40.0% at 5 years, log-rank=0.056). An aggressive approach was not protective for aortic reintervention at follow up and for death at follow up. Conclusions: The FET technique represents a feasible and efficient option in the treatment of complex thoracic aortic pathologies. An aortic reintervention after FET is very common and the decision-making approach should consider and balance the higher risk of an aggressive approach in terms of post-operative complication versus the higher risk of a second aortic reintervention at follow-up.
Objectives: To investigate the use of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) for carotid artery stenting (CAS) procedures in patients with atherosclerotic stenosis. Examine possible markers that might identify the onset of new cerebral ischemic lesions on MRI. Specifically, attention was drawn to the morphological features of the used dual layer stent, which could be underestimated during traditional CAS procedures. Secondary goals are to compare the safety and efficacy of different CAS techniques and the accuracy of the vessel analysis software’s on pre-operative CTA examination used to quantify ICA stenosis with the gold standard IVOCT. Material and Methods: Ten patients underwent CAS procedure with flow-arrest technique and IVOCT evaluations prior to and following stent deployment, while five matched patients underwent CAS procedure with distal embolic protection device (EPD) technique. All patients underwent 24-hours 3T MRI examination to check for ischemic lesions; all patients were treated with the same dual-layer stent. Results: Patients with new ischemic lesions demonstrated peculiar stent configuration in the distal end, and a strong Spearman’s rank order correlation was found among the volume of new DWI lesions and the stent configuration in its distal end (Rs: 0.81; p <0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed in the total burden of new ischemic lesions for each technique. The vessel analysis software's on CTA comparison demonstrated a higher diagnostic accuracy in the degree of ICA stenosis compared to the gold standard of IVOCT of the specialized software (ROC curve = 0.63; p = 0.06) compared to the general software (ROC curve = 0.57, p = 0.31). Conclusions: Study’s results support the use of IVOCT to allow recognition of potential features that can predict the onset of new cerebral ischemic lesions. Additionally, IVOCT made it possible to evaluate specialized software's increased accuracy in the pre-operative evaluation of ICA atherosclerotic stenosis.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm is the pathological dilation of the abdominal tract of the aorta and, if left untreated, could undergo rupture with a mortality rate of up to 90%. EVAR is the most common method for AAA treatment consisting in the internal coverage of the aorta with a metallic stent to isolate the aneurysmatic segment from the systemic circulation. Although EVAR technical success rate is high, reinterventions are common. Among the causes of reinterventions typeII endoleaks are the most frequent and consist in retrograde blood flow into the aneurysmal sac from collateral aortic branches. Continued perfusion of the aneurysm sac may lead to aneurysm rupture, therefore AAA sac embolization is performed using metallic coils. However, the presence of artifacts caused by the presence of metallic coils is a limitation because they are radiopaque and can hamper the endoleak during imaging follow-up. This study is aimed at developing a biocompatible hydrogel that could be injected into the aneurysmal sac and may allow a selective intraprocedural sac embolization to reduce post procedural typeII endoleak and eventual AAA rupture. P(BT75BSI25) was synthesized by polycondensation and its biocompatibility tested to assess whether the polymers had no toxic effects. HUVEC cell line was used to mimic the environment in which the polymer would be in contact with, PBS was used as a positive control and MTT assay was performed to evaluate cellular viability after being in contact with the hydrogel. MTT assay showed no significant difference between PBS and P(BT75BSI25), thus the polymer is biocompatible, as confirmed by the analysis of apoptosis by flow cytometry. An aromatic copolymer was obtained via polycondensation and was found to be biocompatible in contact with endothelial cells. This suggests that the hydrogel could be potentially used in the clinical setting for the treatment of type II endoleak after EVAR.
A Hipertensão Arterial e o Diabetes Mellitus são atualmente considerados problemas de saúde pública, sendo que as doenças cardiovasculares representam hoje no Brasil a maior causa de mortes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de revisão integrativa realizada na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde que objetivou descrever os trabalhos relacionados à utilização do Escore de Risco de Framingham publicados na literatura nacional nos anos de 2003 a 2013, em artigos científicos completos. A intenção deste trabalho é propor a utilização do Escore de Risco de Framingham para a abordagem, manejo e acompanhamento dos usuários de uma Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Foram utilizados os descritores: Hipertensão; Diabetes Mellitus e a palavra Framingham. Chegou-se aos seguintes resultados: todas as variáveis utilizadas pelo Escore de Framingham, sendo elas: sexo, idade, tabagismo, presença de diabetes, pressão arterial, colesterol total e HDL colesterol diminuído se mostraram associadas ao risco coronariano, ou seja, possuir estes fatores de risco aumentam as chances de infarto ou morte por doença coronariana nos próximos 10 anos. O Escore de Risco de Framingham tem utilidade na prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares pela proposta de intervir nos fatores de risco modificáveis e propor mudanças no estilo de vida, além de ser forma eficiente de abordagem das doenças pela possibilidade de garantir adequada adesão medicamentosa e ao tratamento propriamente dito, além de possibilitar acompanhamento e avaliação dos pacientes. De acordo com os resultados encontrados, pode-se concluir que a Estratégia da Saúde da Família é um dos locais apropriados para o acompanhamento e para o tratamento de hipertensos e diabéticos dentro do enfoque de risco, com a finalidade de estabelecer metas terapêuticas para o manejo e abordagem destes pacientes, visando a diminuição dos índices de morbimortalidade.
O aumento da mortalidade relacionada à obesidade é devido principalmente pela maior incidência de eventos cardiovasculares, atribuídas muitas vezes a algumas condições associadas como: Hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE), diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), conhecidos também como fatores de risco coronariano. A obesidade em homens é associada também a aumentos nos casos câncer de próstata, reto e cólon, enquanto que em mulheres tem se associado à maior frequência de câncer de endométrio, mamas e vesícula. Há demonstrado a maior predisposição a outras condições mórbidas tais como: esteatose hepática, osteoartrose, osteoartrites, colelitíase, apneia obstrutiva do sono, alterações dos ciclos menstruais, redução da fertilidade e alteração da ventilação pulmonar, exemplos citados que denotam melhora significativa com a perda ponderal. Diante disto foi iniciado esse projeto de intervenção através do estímulo a perda de peso com uma dieta hipocalórica e de baixo custo, em pacientes obesos da Estratégia Saúde da Família São João-Uruguaiana-RS, com reuniões mensais de apoio e catalogação dos dados antropométricos desses, a exemplo de: peso, Pressão arterial, IMC, medida da circunferência abdominal.