842 resultados para speaker diarization


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The Behavioral Finance develop as it is perceived anomalies in these markets efficient. This fields of study can be grouped into three major groups: heuristic bias, tying the shape and inefficient markets. The present study focuses on issues concerning the heuristics of representativeness and anchoring. This study aimed to identify the then under-reaction and over-reaction, as well as the existence of symmetry in the active first and second line of the Brazilian stock market. For this, it will be use the Fuzzy Logic and the indicators that classify groups studied from the Discriminant Analysis. The highest present, indicator in the period studied, was the Liabilities / Equity, demonstrating the importance of the moment to discriminate the assets to be considered "winners" and "losers." Note that in the MLCX biases over-reaction is concentrated in the period of financial crisis, and in the remaining periods of statistically significant biases, are obtained by sub-reactions. The latter would be in times of moderate levels of uncertainty. In the Small Caps the behavioral responses in 2005 and 2007 occur in reverse to those observed in the Mid-Large Cap. Now in times of crisis would have a marked conservatism while near the end of trading on the Bovespa speaker, accompanied by an increase of negotiations, there is an overreaction by investors. The other heuristics in SMLL occurred at the end of the period studied, this being a under-reaction and the other a over-reaction and the second occurring in a period of financial-economic more positive than the first. As regards the under / over-reactivity in both types, there is detected a predominance of either, which probably be different in the context in MLCX without crisis. For the period in which such phenomena occur in a statistically significant to note that, in most cases, such phenomena occur during the periods for MLCX while in SMLL not only biases are less present as there is no concentration of these at any time . Given the above, it is believed that while detecting the presence of bias behavior at certain times, these do not tend to appear to a specific type or heuristics and while there were some indications of a seasonal pattern in Mid- Large Caps, the same behavior does not seem to be repeated in Small Caps. The tests would then suggest that momentary failures in the Efficient Market Hypothesis when tested in semistrong form as stated by Behavioral Finance. This result confirms the theory by stating that not only rationality, but also human irrationality, is limited because it would act rationally in many circumstances


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O Humor é uma das bases da interação social humana e, por conseguinte, uma parte importante das relações que os indivíduos de uma sociedade estabelecem uns com os outros, utilizando-o com as mais variadas intenções. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar nos dois subgéneros narrativos humorísticos - a Piada e a Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico - as semelhanças e as diferenças na construção das suas estruturas, na utilização das estratégias interacionais usadas pelos interlocutores durante as interações, bem como alguns elementos avaliativos que traduzem as reações dos intervenientes perante as narrativas ouvidas. Na primeira parte, procedemos à referência das principais linhas teóricas que norteiam o tema do presente trabalho. Neste âmbito, referenciamos os quadros teóricos como o de Raskin (1985) e o de Morais (2010), tendo este último sido utilizado como ferramenta base nas nossas análises. Na segunda parte, analisámos Piadas e Narrativas Conversacionais de Cariz Humorístico, uns retirados do Corpus Morais (2010), outros de um Corpus por nós criado (Furtado (2014)). A partir desta análise constatou-se que (i) a estrutura tanto da Piada como da Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico se constrói de forma muito semelhante; (ii) o Ataque na Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico se assemelha em muito ao Ataque da Piada; (iii) que o modo como o locutor constrói a Orientação e a Ação na Piada é, de um modo geral, fixo; (iv) que ambos os géneros narrativos contêm formas de qualificação dos enunciados muito semelhantes; (v) que o trigger das Piadas opõe sempre duas ideias distintas, conforme o preconizado por Raskin; (vi) que tanto nas Piadas como nas Narrativas Conversacionais de Cariz Humorístico os interlocutores necessitam de partilhar os mesmos conhecimentos prévios para que o objetivo final do locutor seja alcançado, isto é, o riso.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada, 2015.


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O presente estudo, no âmbito da Pragmática Linguística, resulta de uma investigação, que observa a realização dos atos ilocutórios expressivos de agradecimento nas interações comerciais. O objetivo é tentar compreender os processos linguísticos subjacentes à realização dos referidos atos ilocutórios, nomeadamente através do recenseamento dos diferentes tipos de agradecimento, da descrição dos atos de fala predominantes e das funções semântico-pragmáticas do agradecimento. Um dos aspetos mais importantes será o recensear dos tipos de agradecimento mais usados nas interações comerciais. Para tal, parte-se da observação detalhada de um corpus recolhido no âmbito específico de interações comerciais que ocorreram entre 10 de fevereiro de 2014 a 30 de setembro de 2014. Os resultados obtidos convergem no sentido de que o agradecimento é um ato expressivo reativo que pode ser verbal ou não verbal, com a finalidade de estabelecer a relação custo-benefício entre locutor e ouvinte, tendo em conta e respeitando os vários contextos socioculturais. De facto, o ato de agradecer, tal como os restantes atos ilocutórios expressivos, depende da forma como é expressado, dos gestos que o acompanham e das emoções que lhe são inerentes.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2013


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Se estudia la incidencia de los estímulos fonológicos y semánticos en los procesos de producción léxica, a partir de los datos obtenidos en pruebas de denominación con paciente afásica con características anómicas. Arroja datos en relación con la naturaleza del lexicón, el debate entre procesos seriales y de acceso directo y su papel en la recuperación léxica la longitud fonológica y silábica de la palabra.The incidence of semantic and phonological stimuli in word production processes is addressed. This research analyzes the results obtained from different denomination tasks with an anomic speaker with aphasia. The basis of research was a lexicon theory, the debate between connectionist or serial levels in language production, and the incidence of syllabical and phonological length in word recovery.


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Se ponen de relieve las elaboraciones y los tratamientos de la imagen de Dios presentes en la poesía de Machado. Mediante un análisis de textos significativos, subraya las discrepancias del poeta ante las concepciones tradicionales de un Dios abstracto y de un Jesús sufriente, a las que el hablante propone el apego a un Jesús histórico, dador de una palabra imperecedera. El análisis se desarrolla mediante un examen del discurso poemático, de sus recursos estilísticos, fónicos y semánticos.This articIe emphasizes the interpretations and treatments of the image of God in Machado's poetry. By analyzing significant texts, this study points out the poet's discrepancies with the traditional conceptions of an abstract God and a suffering Christ, for which the speaker proposes a preference for a historical Jesus whose word will never perish. The analysis examines the poetic discourse, addressing stylistic, phonetic and semantic features.


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The comparative analysis of Polish and Spanish political discourse in the multilingual context of European institutions is challenging not only due to linguistic, cultural, geopolitical and social differences, but also because of a relatively short history of such contacts in the EU framework. Intercultural communication, as a dynamic social practice is a fascinating object of investigation. Bidirectional comparative analysis of Polish and Spanish oral texts allows define the barriers of such communication. It encompasses the discursive act together with its objectives, strategies and consequences, and also its raison d’être. It explains why different strategies reflected through discursive categories were used. Consequently it describes both, conditions and outcomes of identity negotiation. The latter is a political competence perceived and evaluated by the direct interlocutors, the participants of the political debate, and indirectly, by a public opinion of the European Union. That proves it is two-level communication. The negotiation of political identity through discourse, according to the Ting-Toomey theory, can lead to maintaining, loosing, recovering or reinforcing it282. The Identity Negotiation Theory includes the construction and development of personal, relational, role and desired identity and is one of the methodological axes of this investigation. Political identity consists of exhibiting necessary competences to efficiently participate in the legislation process, for example, in order to present amendments, promote a given ideology, participate in controversial discussions and manage conflicts, and, finally, gain the support of public opinion. The analysis of creation, negotiation, maintenance, recovery and promotion of the political identity is performed through the identification and description of discursive categories proposed by Van Dijk283 and adapted to the needs of this study. This is the second methodological axe of the investigation. The following questions arise: which discursive strategies, used by Polish and Spanish politicians, will be communication facilitators and which will be barriers hampering communication? Which strategies show political competencies of the speaker, his or her influence in the legal EU reality through discourse?...


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No language has ever diversified as much as English has over the past 50 years. The driving force of this change is a shift in the sociolinguistic identity of its users. If one considers that English is predominately used now by ‘Non-Native Speakers’ (NNSs) to communicate with other NNS speech communities, a very different picture of the English language begins to immerge. This image has catalysed a paradigm shift away from theory cloaked in NS ideologies and questioned fundamental aspects of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Framed by a theory of foreign speech adaptation, this paper looks at three factors that may contribute to the misunderstandings that occur in the English as Lingua Franca (ELF) interactions of an Australian tertiary setting. The three independent variables are intelligibility, accentedness, and the emotional attitudes one has towards language variation. The preliminary findings suggest that listeners with a shared first language (SFL) background or typologically similar first language (TSFL) background to a speaker do not experience improved intelligibility. Similarly, participants with a SFL or TSFL background do not give lower ratings of accentedness. Furthermore, ratings of accent strength were found to be strongly correlated with intelligibility scores. Lastly, ELF users tend to classify emotional attitudes towards language variation into discrete categories, and that these attitudes are influenced more so by the perceived identity of the speaker rather than their speech quality. In sum, we have only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to understanding the nature of ELF interactions.


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Dirk de Bruyn’s expanded cinema performances engage the æsthetics of process at a number of levels. At the core of these performances are several of three- or four-screen, essentially abstract films of the same duration which comment upon and echo each other in a constant interplay of flicker-like positive and negative imagery. The soundtrack of the films works in a related way: the same or similar words and sound fragments are overlayed, or are repeated in an absurd call-and-answer pattern running from one speaker to another. This overall design or formal system is then set into play and relativised in the live event through a number of treatment-techniques. Reels are placed out of order or interspliced with other short films or fragments of found footage or tests, the bulb of one or more projectors can be occasionally turned off while the soundtrack continues, or the projector can be stopped altogether, extending, stretching out or disrupting completely the apparent synchrony between each screen and soundtrack. The light beam of each projector is filtered, distorted, split and multiplied using hand-held colour gels, plastic bottles, prisms and mirrors, or else silhouetted or blocked completely with the artist’s own hands and body. The projectors themselves can be inverted, turned around or physically transported across the space, mixing and overlaying the imagery, animating different areas of the performance environment and transforming the body of the audience itself into a screen medium.


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FAULT LINE examines the fragile humanity connected to the themes of sexuality, violence, addiction, family dynamics, and death. The book is not broken into sections; rather, as poems build upon one another to explore a narrative arc, FAULT LINE tracks a single speaker’s experience from girlhood to the verge of independent womanhood. The speaker employs formal structures such as the prose poem, sestina, and particularly the list poem to examine the fluidity of inner experience and also the culture at large while challenging the narrow definitions of femininity and masculinity. FAULT LINE works to not only address the question of blame but also the literal breaks in lines of poetry. By looking at a single speaker’s struggle, the book, like life, is both humorous and horrifying.


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Sociolinguists have discussed problematic language ideologies, such as Standard Language Ideology (Lippi-Green 1997) extensively and social perceptions of Standard English in the U.S and U.K are well documented. However, most work in this area has focused on perceptions of dialects within national contexts. This study makes a novel contribution to the study of language attitudes, investigating perceptions of British regional dialects within the U.S. A survey was created to gauge perceptions of five British regional dialects (Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle, London). 49 survey participants listened to audio clips of British regional dialect speakers and then completed a mapping activity, answered perception questions, and ranked each speaker on specific qualities. Results showed that speaker region had a significant effect on perception of almost all variables at a statistically significant rate, despite unfamiliarity with all but the London dialect. Results suggest that although participants are largely unfamiliar with varieties of English in England outside of London, they assessed them by recruiting pre-existing stereotypes about vernacular dialects.


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Persuasive communication is the process of shaping, reinforcing and changing others' responses. In political debates, speakers express their views towards the debated topics by choosing both the content of their discourse and the argumentation process. In this work we study the use of semantic frames for modelling argumentation in speakers' discourse. We investigate the impact of a speaker's argumentation style and their effect in influencing an audience in supporting their candidature. We model the influence index of each candidate based on their relative standings in the polls released prior to the debate and present a system which ranks speakers in terms of their relative influence using a combination of content and persuasive argumentation features. Our results show that although content alone is predictive of a speaker's influence rank, persuasive argumentation also affects such indices.


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A distinct metonymic pattern was discovered in the course of conducting a corpus-based study of figurative uses of WORD. The pattern involved examples such as Not one word of it made any sense and I agree with every word. It was labelled ‘hyperbolic synecdoche’, defined as a case in which a lexeme which typically refers to part of an entity (a) is used to stand for the whole entity and (b) is described with reference to the end point on a scale. Specifically, the speaker/writer selects the perspective of a lower-level unit (such as word for ‘utterance’), which is quantified as NOTHING or ALL, thus forming a subset of ‘extreme case formulations’. Hyperbolic synecdoche was found to exhibit a restricted range of lexicogrammatical patterns involving word, with the negated NOTHING patterns being considerably more common than the ALL patterns. The phenomenon was shown to be common in metonymic uses in general, constituting one-fifth of all cases of metonymy in word. The examples of hyperbolic synecdoche were found not to be covered by the oftquoted ‘abbreviation’ rationale for metonymy; instead, they represent a more roundabout way of expression. It is shown that other cases of hyperbolic synecdoche exist outside of word and the domain of communication (such as ‘time’ and ‘money’).


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This paper presents AmPost, a prototype of an interactive audio poster, which integrates ink-jet printed sonic and tactile elements along with textual and graphical information. This enables users to directly interact and engage with the poster. To achieve a seamless paper-based interactive poster that includes printed interactive elements, we implement a printed speaker and audio feedback system directly into the paper-based medium, which plays a short tune when someone walks by. Engaging passers-by with this new interface becomes a challenge as posters, in general, are non-interactive. This paper also presents an initial empirical evaluation of AmPost that captures and analyses the frequency and length of user engagement, and evaluates whether user engagement improves with the integration of interactive features, in comparison to the traditional non-interactive poster. This study facilitates in building the generic approach to measure engagement that applies to any kind of posters.