943 resultados para slope-scaling


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Evolution strategies are a class of general optimisation algorithms which are applicable to functions that are multimodal, nondifferentiable, or even discontinuous. Although recombination operators have been introduced into evolution strategies, the primary search operator is still mutation. Classical evolution strategies rely on Gaussian mutations. A new mutation operator based on the Cauchy distribution is proposed in this paper. It is shown empirically that the new evolution strategy based on Cauchy mutation outperforms the classical evolution strategy on most of the 23 benchmark problems tested in this paper. The paper also shows empirically that changing the order of mutating the objective variables and mutating the strategy parameters does not alter the previous conclusion significantly, and that Cauchy mutations with different scaling parameters still outperform the Gaussian mutation with self-adaptation. However, the advantage of Cauchy mutations disappears when recombination is used in evolution strategies. It is argued that the search step size plays an important role in determining evolution strategies' performance. The large step size of recombination plays a similar role as Cauchy mutation.


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The linear relationship between work accomplished (W-lim) and time to exhaustion (t(lim)) can be described by the equation: W-lim = a + CP.t(lim). Critical power (CP) is the slope of this line and is thought to represent a maximum rate of ATP synthesis without exhaustion, presumably an inherent characteristic of the aerobic energy system. The present investigation determined whether the choice of predictive tests would elicit significant differences in the estimated CP. Ten female physical education students completed, in random order and on consecutive days, five art-out predictive tests at preselected constant-power outputs. Predictive tests were performed on an electrically-braked cycle ergometer and power loadings were individually chosen so as to induce fatigue within approximately 1-10 mins. CP was derived by fitting the linear W-lim-t(lim) regression and calculated three ways: 1) using the first, third and fifth W-lim-t(lim) coordinates (I-135), 2) using coordinates from the three highest power outputs (I-123; mean t(lim) = 68-193 s) and 3) using coordinates from the lowest power outputs (I-345; mean t(lim) = 193-485 s). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that CPI123 (201.0 +/- 37.9W) > CPI135 (176.1 +/- 27.6W) > CPI345 (164.0 +/- 22.8W) (P < 0.05). When the three sets of data were used to fit the hyperbolic Power-t(lim) regression, statistically significant differences between each CP were also found (P < 0.05). The shorter the predictive trials, the greater the slope of the W-lim-t(lim) regression; possibly because of the greater influence of 'aerobic inertia' on these trials. This may explain why CP has failed to represent a maximal, sustainable work rate. The present findings suggest that if CP is to represent the highest power output that an individual can maintain for a very long time without fatigue then CP should be calculated over a range of predictive tests in which the influence of aerobic inertia is minimised.


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Transpiration efficiency, W, the ratio of plant carbon produced to water transpired and carbon isotope discrimination of leaf dry matter, Delta(d)' were measured together on 30 lines of the C-4 species, Sorghum bicolor in the glasshouse and on eight lines grown in the field. In the glasshouse, the mean W observed was 4.9 mmol C mol(-1) H2O and the range was 0.8 mmol C mol(-1) H2O The mean Delta(d) was 3.0 parts per thousand and the observed range was 0.4 parts per thousand. In the field, the mean W was lower at 2.8 mmol C mol H2O and the mean Delta(d) was 4.6 parts per thousand. Significant positive correlations between W and Delta(d) were observed for plants grown in the glasshouse and in the field. The observed correlations were consistent with theory, opposite to those for C-4 species, and showed that variation in Delta(d) was an integrated measure of long-term variation in the ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 partial pressure, p(i)/p(a). Detailed gas exchange measurements of carbon isotope discrimination during CO2 uptake, Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) were made on leaves of eight S. bicolor lines. The observed relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) was linear with a negative slope of 3.7 parts per thousand in Delta(A) for a unit change in p(i)/p(a). The slope of this linear relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) in C-4 species is dependent on the leakiness of the CO2 concentrating mechanism of the C pathway, We estimated the leakiness (defined as the fraction of CO2 released in the bundle sheath by C-4 acid decarboxylations, which is lost by leakage) to be 0.2. We conclude that, although variation in Delta(d) observed in the 30 lines of S. bicolor is smaller than that commonly observed in C-4 species, it also reflects variation in transpiration efficiency, W. Among the eight lines examined in detail and in the environments used, there was considerable genotype x environment interaction.


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The corneal structure of three deep-sea species of teleosts (Gadiformes, Teleostei) from different depths (250-4000 m) and photic zones are examined at the level of the light and electron microscopes. Each species shows a similar but complex arrangement of layers with a cornea split into dermal and scleral components. The dermal cornea comprises an epithelium overlying a basement membrane and a dermal stroma with sutures and occasional keratocytes. Nezumia aequalis is the only species to possess a Bowman's layer, although it is not well-developed. The scleral cornea is separated from the dermal cornea by a mucoid layer and, in contrast to shallow-water species, is divided into three main layers; an anterior scleral stroma, a middle or iridescent layer and a posterior scleral stroma. The iridescent layer of collagen and intercalated cells or cellular processes is bounded by a layer of cells and the posterior scleral stroma overlies a Descemet's membrane and an endothelium. In the relatively shallow-water Microgadus proximus, the keratocytes of the dermal stroma, the cells of the iridescent layer and the endothelial cells all contain aligned endoplasmic reticulum, which may elicit an iridescent reflex. No alignment of the endoplasmic reticulum was found in N. aequalis or Coryphanoides (Nematonurus) armatus. The relative differences between shallow-water and deep-sea corneas are discussed in relation to the constraints of light, depth and temperature.


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We show that a two-level atom interacting with an extremely weak squeezed vacuum can display resonance fluorescence spectra that are qualitatively different to those that can be obtained using fields with a classical analogue. We consider first the free space situation with monochromatic excitation, and then discuss a bichromatically driven two-level atom in a cavity as a practical scenario for experimentally detecting the anomalous features predicted. We show that in the bad cavity limit, the anomalous spectral features appear for a weak squeezed vacuum and large frequency differences of the bichromatic field, conditions which are easily accessible in laboratories. The advantage of bichromatic, as opposed to monochromatic, excitation is that there is no coherent scattering at line centre which could obscure the observations. A scaling law is derived, N similar to Omega(4) which relates the squeezed photon number to the Rabi frequency at which the anomalous features appear. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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I investigated the genetic relationship between male and female components of the mate recognition system and how this relationship influenced the subsequent evolution of the two traits, in a series of replicate populations of interspecific hybrids. Thirty populations of hybrids between Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii were established and maintained for 24 generations. At the fifth generation after hybridization, the mating success of hybrid individuals with the D. serrata parent was determined. The genetic correlation between male and female components of the male recognition system, as a consequence of pleiotropy or tight physical linkage, was found to be significant but low (r = 0.388). This result suggested that pleiotropy may play only a minor role in the evolution of mate recognition in this system. At the twenty-fourth generation after hybridization, the mating success of the hybrids was again determined. The evolution of male and female components was investigated by analyzing the direction of evolution of each hybrid line with respect to its initial position in relation to the genetic regression. Male and female components appeared to converge on a single equilibrium point, rather than evolving along trajectories with slope equal to the genetic regression, toward a line of equilibria.


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The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is studied using a new variant of the density matrix renormalization group. By examining various low-energy excitations of finite chains, the metal-insulator phase boundary is determined precisely and agrees with the predictions of strong coupling theory in the antiadiabatic regime and is consistent with renormalization group arguments in the adiabatic regime. The Luttinger liquid parameters, determined by finite-size scaling, are consistent with a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.


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Open system pyrolysis (heating rate 10 degrees C/min) of coal maturity (vitrinite reflectance, VR) sequence (0.5%, 0.8% and 1.4% VR) demonstrates that there are two stages of thermogenic methane generation from Bowen Basin coals. The first and major stage shows a steady increase in methane generation maximising at 570 degrees C, corresponding to a VR of 2-2.5%. This is followed by a less intense methane generation which has not as yet maximised by 800 degrees C (equivalent to VR of 5%). Heavier (C2+) hydrocarbons are generated up to 570 degrees C after which only the C-1 (CH4, CO and CO2) gases are produced. The main phase of heavy hydrocarbon generation occurs between 420 and 510 degrees C. Over this temperature range,methane generation accounts for only a minor component, whereas the wet gases (C-2-C-5) are either in equal abundance or are more abundant by a factor of two than the liquid hydrocarbons. The yields of non-hydrocarbon gases CO2 and CO are greater then methane during the early stages of gas generation from an immature coal, subordinate to methane during the main phase of methane generation after which they are again dominant. Compositional data for desorbed and produced coal seam gases from the Bowen show that CO2 and wet gases are a minor component. This discrepancy between the proportion of wet gas components produced during open system pyrolysis and that observed in naturally matured coals may be the result of preferential migration of wet gas components, by dilution of methane generated during secondary cracking of bitumen, or kinetic effects associated with different activations for production of individual hydrocarbon gases. Extrapolation of results of artificial pyrolysis of the main organic components in coal to geological significant heating rates suggests that isotopically light methane to delta(13)C of -50 parts per thousand can be generated. Carbon isotope depletions in C-13 are further enhanced, however, as a result of trapping of gases over selected rank levels (instantaneous generation) which is a probable explanation for the range of delta(13)C values we have recorded in methane desorbed from Bowen Basin coals (-51 +/- 9 parts per thousand). Pervasive carbonate-rich veins in Bowen Basin coals are the product of magmatism-related hydrothermal activity. Furthermore, the pyrolysis results suggest an additional organic carbon source front CO2 released at any stage during the maturation history could mix in varying proportions with CO2 from the other sources. This interpretation is supported by C and O isotopic ratios, of carbonates that indicate mixing between magmatic and meteoric fluids. Also, the steep slope of the C and O isotope correlation trend suggests that the carbonates were deposited over a very narrow temperature interval basin-wide, or at relatively high temperatures (i.e., greater than 150 degrees C) where mineral-fluid oxygen isotope fractionations are small. These temperatures are high enough for catagenic production of methane and higher hydrocarbons from the coal and coal-derived bitumen. The results suggests that a combination of thermogenic generation of methane and thermodynamic processes associated with CH4/CO2 equilibria are the two most important factors that control the primary isotope and molecular composition of coal seam gases in the Bowen Basin. Biological process are regionally subordinate but may be locally significant. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of increasing the amount of added grain refiner on grain size and morphology has been investigated for a range of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys. The results show a transition in grain size at a silicon concentration of about 3 wt% in unrefined alloys; the grain size decreasing with silicon content before the transition, and increasing beyond the transition point. A change in morphology also occurs with increased silicon content. The addition of grain refiner leads to greater refinement for silicon contents below the transition point than for those contents above the transition point, while the transition point seems to remain unchanged. The slope of the grain size versus silicon content curve after the transition seems to be unaffected by the degree of grain refinement. The results are related to the competitive processes of nucleation and constitutional effects during growth and their impact on nucleation kinetics. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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A variable-density groundwater model is used to analyse the effects of tidal fluctuations on sea-water intrusion in an unconfined aquifer. It is shown that the tidal activity forces the sea-water to intrude further inland and it also creates a thicker interface than would occur without tidal effects. Moreover, the configuration of the interface is radically changed when the tidal fluctuations are included. This is because of the dramatic changes in the flow pattern and velocity of the groundwater near the shoreline. For aquifer depths much larger than tidal amplitudes, the tidal fluctuation does not have much effect on how far the sea-water intrudes into the aquifer; nevertheless, a significant change in the configuration of concentration contours because of the effect of tidal fluctuations is observed. This change is more noticeable at the top of the aquifer, near the water table, than at the bottom of the aquifer, and is caused by the infiltration of salt water into the top of the aquifer at higher tidal levels. A flatter beach slope, therefore, intensifies this phenomenon. The interface configurations do not change noticeably over the course of a tidal cycle. Neglecting tidal fluctuation effects results in an inaccurate evaluation of the water table elevation at the land end of the aquifer, although no distinguishable difference is seen between the water tables near the shoreline. Where the landward boundary condition is a constant head, the effects of tidal fluctuations on sea-water intrusion are more pronounced than for cases where the landward boundary condition is a specified flux. Also it is shown that the effects of tidal fluctuations are more significant for a sloping beach than for a vertical shoreline and the salt water intrudes further inland for the sloping case. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Parkes Half-Jansky Flat-Spectrum Sample contains a large number of sources with unusually red optical-to-near-infrared (NIR) continua. If this is to be interpreted as extinction by dust in the line of sight, then associated material might also give rise to absorption in the soft X-ray regime. This hypothesis is tested using broadband (0.1-2.4 keV) data from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. Significant (>3 sigma confidence level) correlations between the optical (and NIR)-to-soft X-ray continuum slope and optical extinction are found in the data, consistent with absorption by material with metallicity and a range in the gas-to-dust ratio as observed in the local ISM. Under this simple model, the soft X-rays are absorbed at a level consistent with the range of extinctions (0 < A(V) < 6 mag) implied by the observed optical reddening. Excess X-ray absorption by warm (ionized) gas, (i.e., a warm absorber) is not required by the data.


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Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important cereal crop grown in a wide range of tropical and temperate environments. This study was conducted to characterise the photothermal flowering responses of sorghum genotypes and to examine relationships between photothermal characteristics and environment of origin in order to better understand the phenological basis of adaptation to environment in sorghum. Twenty-four germplasm accessions and one hybrid from 24 major sorghum-growing areas were grown in a wide range of environments varying in temperature and photoperiod in India, Kenya and Mall between 1992 and 1995. Times from sowing to flowering (f) were recorded, and the responsiveness of 1/f to temperature and photoperiod was quantified using photothermal models. Times from sowing to flowering were accurately predicted in a wide range of environments using a multiplicative rate photothermal model. Significant variation in the minimum time to flower (F-m) and photoperiod sensitivity (critical photoperiod, P-c, and photoperiod-sensitivity slope, P-s) was observed among the genotypes; in contrast there was little variation in base temperature (Tb) Adaptation of sorghum to the diverse environments in which it is grown was largely determined by photoperiod sensitivity and minimum time to flower; photoperiod sensitivity determines bread adaptation to latitude (daylength), while variation in the minimum time to flower determines specific adaptation within smaller ranges of latitude, e.g. within the humid and sub-humid tropics.


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The surfaces of non-geniculate coralline algae (NCA) are known to induce the settlement and metamorphosis of disparate marine taxa. In this study we investigate the responsiveness of larvae of Herdmania curvata (Ascidiacea: Stolidobranchia) to three species of NCA (Neo-goniolithon brassica-florida, Hydrolithon onkodes, and Lithothamnium prolifer) that cohabit the slope and crest of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef. H. curvata larvae were first exposed to these NCA at or within 2 h of hatching, which is 1 to 2 h prior to attaining competence, and then cultured continuously with the NCA for 12 to 14 h. Rates of settlement and metamorphosis of H, curvata cultured in laboratory chambers in the presence of the different NCA were significantly lower than spontaneous rates in seawater. The limited settlement in treatments containing NCA were confined entirely to the chamber periphery, and settlement never occurred on the surface of the NCA. The inhibitory effect was dose-dependent and was stronger in H. brassica-florida and H. onkodes than in L. prolifer. Larvae that did not settle in treatments with NCA had rounded anterior trunks and, in extreme cases, kinked tails with rounded and dissociated tail muscle cells. In some individuals, we observed the anterior chemosensory papillae being sloughed off the larval body. Morphological analysis of trunk ectodermal and mesenchymal nuclei of larvae cultured in the presence of the NCA revealed that general necrotic cell death was occurring. Importantly, H. curvata larvae that were exposed to NCA could not subsequently be induced to metamorphose in KCl-elevated seawater, whereas larvae not exposed to NCA metamorphosed at high rates in KCl-elevated seawater.


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A detailed pollen record from the Ocean Drilling Program Site 820 core, located on the upper part of the continental slope off the coast of northeast Queensland, was constructed to compare with the existing pollen record from Lynch's Crater on the adjacent Atherton Tableland and allow the production of a regional picture of vegetation and environmental change through the last glacial cycle. Some broad similarities in patterns of vegetation change are revealed, despite the differences between sites and their pollen catchments, which can be related largely to global climate and sea-level changes. The original estimated time scale of the Lynch's Crater record is largely confirmed from comparison with the more thoroughly dated ODP record. Conversely, the Lynch's Crater pollen record has assisted in dating problematic parts of the ODP record. In contrast to Lynch's Crater, which reveals a sharp and sustained reduction in drier araucarian forest around 38,000 yrs BP, considered to have been the result of burning by Aboriginal people, the ODP record indicates, most likely, a stepwise reduction, dating from 140,000 yrs BP or beyond. The earliest reduction shows lack of a clear connection between Araucaria decline and increased burning and suggests that people may not have been involved at this stage. However, a further decline in araucarian forest, possibly around 45,000 yrs BP, which has a more substantial environmental impact and is not related to a time of major climate change, is likely, at least partially, the result of human burning. The suggestion, from the ODP core oxygen isotope record, of a regional sea-surface temperature increase of around 4 degrees C between about 400,000 and 250,000 yrs BP, may have had some influence on the overall decline in Araucaria and its replacement by sclerophyll vegetation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Montreal Process indicators are intended to provide a common framework for assessing and reviewing progress toward sustainable forest management. The potential of a combined geometrical-optical/spectral mixture analysis model was assessed for mapping the Montreal Process age class and successional age indicators at a regional scale using Landsat Thematic data. The project location is an area of eucalyptus forest in Emu Creek State Forest, Southeast Queensland, Australia. A quantitative model relating the spectral reflectance of a forest to the illumination geometry, slope, and aspect of the terrain surface and the size, shape, and density, and canopy size. Inversion of this model necessitated the use of spectral mixture analysis to recover subpixel information on the fractional extent of ground scene elements (such as sunlit canopy, shaded canopy, sunlit background, and shaded background). Results obtained fron a sensitivity analysis allowed improved allocation of resources to maximize the predictive accuracy of the model. It was found that modeled estimates of crown cover projection, canopy size, and tree densities had significant agreement with field and air photo-interpreted estimates. However, the accuracy of the successional stage classification was limited. The results obtained highlight the potential for future integration of high and moderate spatial resolution-imaging sensors for monitoring forest structure and condition. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 2000.