962 resultados para single electron transfer (SET)


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The study of fluid flow in pipes is one of the main topic of interest for engineers in industries. In this thesis, an effort is made to study the boundary layers formed near the wall of the pipe and how it behaves as a resistance to heat transfer. Before few decades, the scientists used to derive the analytical and empirical results by hand as there were limited means available to solve the complex fluid flow phenomena. Due to the increase in technology, now it has been practically possible to understand and analyze the actual fluid flow in any type of geometry. Several methodologies have been used in the past to analyze the boundary layer equations and to derive the expression for heat transfer. An integral relation approach is used for the analytical solution of the boundary layer equations and is compared with the FLUENT simulations for the laminar case. Law of the wall approach is used to derive the empirical correlation between dimensionless numbers and is then compared with the results from FLUENT for the turbulent case. In this thesis, different approaches like analytical, empirical and numerical are compared for the same set of fluid flow equations.


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The human Rad51 recombinase is essential for the repair of double-strand breaks in DNA that occur in somatic cells after exposure to ionising irradiation, or in germ line cells undergoing meiotic recombination. The initiation of double-strand break repair is thought to involve resection of the double-strand break to produce 3'-ended single-stranded (ss) tails that invade homologous duplex DNA. Here, we have used purified proteins to set up a defined in vitro system for the initial strand invasion step of double-strand break repair. We show that (i) hRad51 binds to the ssDNA of tailed duplex DNA molecules, and (ii) hRad51 catalyses the invasion of tailed duplex DNA into homologous covalently closed DNA. Invasion is stimulated by the single-strand DNA binding protein RPA, and by the hRad52 protein. Strikingly, hRad51 forms terminal nucleoprotein filaments on either 3' or 5'-ssDNA tails and promotes strand invasion without regard for the polarity of the tail. Taken together, these results show that hRad51 is recruited to regions of ssDNA occurring at resected double-strand breaks, and that hRad51 shows no intrinsic polarity preference at the strand invasion step that initiates double-strand break repair.


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The studies of flow phenomena, heat and mass transfer in microchannel reactors are beneficial to estimate and evaluate the ability of microchannel reactors to be operated for a given process reaction such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The flow phenomena, for example, the flow regimes and flow patterns in microchannel reactors for both single phase and multiphase flow are affected by the configuration of the flow channel. The reviews of the previous works about the analysis of related parameters that affect the flow phenomena are shown in this report. In order to predict the phenomena of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in microchannel reactors, the 3-dimensional computational fluid dynamic simulation with commercial software package FLUENT was done to study the flow phenomena and heat transfer for gas phase Fischer-Tropsch products flow in rectangular microchannel with hydraulic diameter 500 ¿m and length 15 cm. Numerical solution with slip boundary condition was used in the simulation and the flowphenomena and heat transfer were determined.


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Uusi EPR-reaktorikonsepti on suunniteltu selviytymään tapauksista, joissa reaktorinsydän sulaa ja sula puhkaisee paineastian. Suojarakennuksen sisälle on suunniteltu alue, jolle sula passiivisesti kerätään, pidätetään ja jäähdytetään. Alueelle laaditaan valurautaelementeistä ns.sydänsieppari, joka tulvitetaan vedellä. Sydänsulan tuottama jälkilämpö siirtyyveteen, mistä se poistetaan suojarakennuksen jälkilämmönpoistojärjestelmän kautta. Suuri osa lämmöstä poistuu sydänsulasta sen yläpuolella olevaan veteen, mutta lämmönsiirron tehostamiseksi myös sydänsiepparin alapuolelle on sijoitettu vedellä täytettävät jäähdytyskanavat. Jotta sydänsiepparin toiminta voitaisiin todentaa, on Lappeenrannan Teknillisellä Yliopistolla rakennettu Volley-koelaitteisto tätä tarkoitusta varten. Koelaitteisto koostuu kahdesta täysimittaisesta valuraudasta tehdystä jäähdytyskanavasta. Sydänsulan tuottamaa jälkilämpöä simuloidaan koelaitteistossa sähkövastuksilla. Tässä työssä kuvataan simulaatioiden suorittaminen ja vertaillaan saatuja arvoja mittaustuloksiin. Työ keskittyy sydänsiepparista jäähdytyskanaviin tapahtuvan lämmönsiirron teoriaan jamekanismeihin. Työssä esitetään kolme erilaista korrelaatiota lämmönsiirtokertoimille allaskiehumisen tapauksessa. Nämä korrelaatiot soveltuvat erityisesti tapauksiin, joissa vain muutamia mittausparametreja on tiedossa. Työn toinen osa onVolley 04 -kokeiden simulointi. Ensin käytettyä simulointitapaa on kelpoistettuvertaamalla tuloksia Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeisiin, joissa koetta voitiin jatkaa tasapainotilaan ja joissa jäähdytteen käyttäytyminen jäähdytyskanavassa on tallennettu myös videokameralla. Näiden simulaatioiden tulokset ovat hyvin samanlaisiakuin mittaustulokset. Korkeammilla lämmitystehoilla kokeissa esiintyi vesi-iskuja, jotka rikkoivat videoinnin mahdollistavia ikkunoita. Tämän johdosta osassa Volley 04 -kokeita ikkunat peitettiin metallilevyillä. Joitakin kokeita jouduttiin keskeyttämään laitteiston suurten lämpöjännitysten johdosta. Tällaisten testien simulaatiot eivät ole yksinkertaisia suorittaa. Veden pinnan korkeudesta ei ole visuaalista havaintoa. Myöskään jäähdytteen tasapainotilanlämpötiloista ei ole tarkkaa tietoa, mutta joitakin oletuksia voidaan tehdä samoilla parametreilla tehtyjen Volley 05 -kokeiden perusteella. Mittaustulokset Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeista, jotka on videoitu ja voitu ajaa tasapainotilaan saakka, antoivat simulaatioiden kanssa hyvin samankaltaisia lämpötilojen arvoja. Keskeytettyjen kokeiden ekstrapolointi tasapainotilaan ei onnistunut kovin hyvin. Kokeet jouduttiin keskeyttämään niin paljon ennen termohydraulista tasapainoa, ettei tasapainotilan reunaehtoja voitu ennustaa. Videonauhoituksen puuttuessa ei veden pinnan korkeudesta saatu lisätietoa. Tuloksista voidaan lähinnä esittää arvioita siitä, mitä suuruusluokkaa mittapisteiden lämpötilat tulevat olemaan. Nämä lämpötilat ovat kuitenkin selvästi alle sydänsiepparissa käytettävän valuraudan sulamislämpötilan. Joten simulaatioiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, etteivät jäähdytyskanavien rakenteet sula, mikäli niissä on pienikin jäähdytevirtaus, eikä useampia kuin muutama vierekkäinen kanava ole täysin kuivana.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Euroopan yhteisen maksualueen (Single European Payment Area, SEPA) kehitystä ja selvittää mitä hyötyä siitä on Metso-konsernin maksuliikenteelle. Teoreettisessa osassa tarkastellaan mistä tehokas maksuliikenne koostuu ja esitetään SEPA:n kehitys peilaamalla sitä Berger et al.:n (1996) teoriasta muodostettuihin implikaatioihin. Empiirinen osuus sisältää kuvailevan Case-tutkimuksen, joka toteutettiin teemahaastatteluilla. Sitä täydennettiin kvantitatiivisella tilisiirtokustannusaineistolla (Metso-konserni). Tulosten mukaan SEPA-kehitys on sekä positiivista että negatiivista: 1) Jos kaikki maksuliikenteen osapuolet kokevat saavansa hyötyä uudistuksista, toteutuu sosiaalinen tehokkuus, jolloin kehitys nopeutuu ja kustannukset laskevat. Tämä on nähtävissä Metso-konsernin tilisiirtokustannusten kehityksestä. 2) SEPA lisää pankkien kustannuksia. 3) Järjestelmien kehitys vähentää maksuliikenneriskiä 4) Maksualuekehitys on vaarassa hidastua, jos alhaiseksi koetun riskin ehkäisemisestäei haluta maksaa.


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Les échantillons biologiques ne s?arrangent pas toujours en objets ordonnés (cristaux 2D ou hélices) nécessaires pour la microscopie électronique ni en cristaux 3D parfaitement ordonnés pour la cristallographie rayons X alors que de nombreux spécimens sont tout simplement trop << gros D pour la spectroscopie NMR. C?est pour ces raisons que l?analyse de particules isolées par la cryo-microscopie électronique est devenue une technique de plus en plus importante pour déterminer la structure de macromolécules. Néanmoins, le faible rapport signal-sur-bruit ainsi que la forte sensibilité des échantillons biologiques natifs face au faisceau électronique restent deux parmi les facteurs limitant la résolution. La cryo-coloration négative est une technique récemment développée permettant l?observation des échantillons biologiques avec le microscope électronique. Ils sont observés à l?état vitrifié et à basse température, en présence d?un colorant (molybdate d?ammonium). Les avantages de la cryo-coloration négative sont étudiés dans ce travail. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que les problèmes majeurs peuvent êtres évités par l?utilisation de cette nouvelle technique. Les échantillons sont représentés fidèlement avec un SNR 10 fois plus important que dans le cas des échantillons dans l?eau. De plus, la comparaison de données obtenues après de multiples expositions montre que les dégâts liés au faisceau électronique sont réduits considérablement. D?autre part, les résultats exposés mettent en évidence que la technique est idéale pour l?analyse à haute résolution de macromolécules biologiques. La solution vitrifiée de molybdate d?ammonium entourant l?échantillon n?empêche pas l?accès à la structure interne de la protéine. Finalement, plusieurs exemples d?application démontrent les avantages de cette technique nouvellement développée.<br/><br/>Many biological specimens do not arrange themselves in ordered assemblies (tubular or flat 2D crystals) suitable for electron crystallography, nor in perfectly ordered 3D crystals for X-ray diffraction; many other are simply too large to be approached by NMR spectroscopy. Therefore, single-particles analysis has become a progressively more important technique for structural determination of large isolated macromolecules by cryo-electron microscopy. Nevertheless, the low signal-to-noise ratio and the high electron-beam sensitivity of biological samples remain two main resolution-limiting factors, when the specimens are observed in their native state. Cryo-negative staining is a recently developed technique that allows the study of biological samples with the electron microscope. The samples are observed at low temperature, in the vitrified state, but in presence of a stain (ammonium molybdate). In the present work, the advantages of this novel technique are investigated: it is shown that cryo-negative staining can generally overcome most of the problems encountered with cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified native suspension of biological particles. The specimens are faithfully represented with a 10-times higher SNR than in the case of unstained samples. Beam-damage is found to be considerably reduced by comparison of multiple-exposure series of both stained and unstained samples. The present report also demonstrates that cryo-negative staining is capable of high- resolution analysis of biological macromolecules. The vitrified stain solution surrounding the sample does not forbid the access to the interna1 features (ie. the secondary structure) of a protein. This finding is of direct interest for the structural biologist trying to combine electron microscopy and X-ray data. developed electron microscopy technique. Finally, several application examples demonstrate the advantages of this newly


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Introduction. Genetic epidemiology is focused on the study of the genetic causes that determine health and diseases in populations. To achieve this goal a common strategy is to explore differences in genetic variability between diseased and nondiseased individuals. Usual markers of genetic variability are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which are changes in just one base in the genome. The usual statistical approach in genetic epidemiology study is a marginal analysis, where each SNP is analyzed separately for association with the phenotype. Motivation. It has been observed, that for common diseases the single-SNP analysis is not very powerful for detecting genetic causing variants. In this work, we consider Gene Set Analysis (GSA) as an alternative to standard marginal association approaches. GSA aims to assess the overall association of a set of genetic variants with a phenotype and has the potential to detect subtle effects of variants in a gene or a pathway that might be missed when assessed individually. Objective. We present a new optimized implementation of a pair of gene set analysis methodologies for analyze the individual evidence of SNPs in biological pathways. We perform a simulation study for exploring the power of the proposed methodologies in a set of scenarios with different number of causal SNPs under different effect sizes. In addition, we compare the results with the usual single-SNP analysis method. Moreover, we show the advantage of using the proposed gene set approaches in the context of an Alzheimer disease case-control study where we explore the Reelin signal pathway.


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The main objective of this study is to analyze the role and potential of transfer pricing as a means of management control in large organizations. The special emphasis is on analyzing the potential of transfer pricing when we are motivating the profit center managers. The research approach is theoretical and literature reviews include studies about profit center organizations, performance measurement and analysis, incentive systems, transfer pricing techniques and agency theory. Based on the analysis, it seems that transfer pricing is a suitable tool for controlling, motivating and managing profit center managers. This requires that the performance measurement can be done fairly and transfer prices are set using fair assumptions. The motivating effects of transfer pricing can be enhanced if the reward system is connected to performance measurement system. In synthesis there is presented effects of transfer pricing to profit center managers behavior. There is also presented opinion about fair transfer pricing policy.


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Nipple-like nanostructures covering the corneal surfaces of moths, butterflies, and Drosophila have been studied by electron and atomic force microscopy, and their antireflective properties have been described. In contrast, corneal nanostructures of the majority of other insect orders have either been unexamined or examined by methods that did not allow precise morphological characterization. Here we provide a comprehensive analysis of corneal surfaces in 23 insect orders, revealing a rich diversity of insect corneal nanocoatings. These nanocoatings are categorized into four major morphological patterns and various transitions between them, many, to our knowledge, never described before. Remarkably, this unexpectedly diverse range of the corneal nanostructures replicates the complete set of Turing patterns, thus likely being a result of processes similar to those modeled by Alan Turing in his famous reaction-diffusion system. These findings reveal a beautiful diversity of insect corneal nanostructures and shed light on their molecular origin and evolutionary diversification. They may also be the first-ever biological example of Turing nanopatterns.


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Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) plays a major role in several biological processes. It is therefore of fundamental interest to understand how the elastic response and the formation of secondary structures are modulated by the interplay between base pairing and electrostatic interactions. Here we measure force-extension curves (FECs) of ssDNA molecules in optical tweezers set up over two orders of magnitude of monovalent and divalent salt conditions, and obtain its elastic parameters by fitting the FECs to semiflexible models of polymers. For both monovalent and divalent salts, we find that the electrostatic contribution to the persistence length is proportional to the Debye screening length, varying as the inverse of the square root of cation concentration. The intrinsic persistence length is equal to 0.7 nm for both types of salts, and the effectivity of divalent cations in screening electrostatic interactions appears to be 100-fold as compared with monovalent salt, in line with what has been recently reported for single-stranded RNA. Finally, we propose an analysis of the FECs using a model that accounts for the effective thickness of the filament at low salt condition and a simple phenomenological description that quantifies the formation of non-specific secondary structure at low forces.


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The study of technology transfer in pottery production to the periphery of the Mycenaean world has been addressed by considering two different areas, southern Italy and central Macedonia. Technological features such as ceramic paste, decoration and firing have been determined for different ceramic groups established according to provenance criteria. The studies of technology and provenance have been performed following an archaeometric approach, using neutron activation analysis, petrographic analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results have revealed the existence of two different models. On the one hand, southern Italy seems to exhibit a more organized pottery production, which follows a Mycenaean-like technology, while in central Macedonia production is probably more varied, being based in part on the technology of the local tradition.


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Altering the normal association between touch and its visual correlate can result in the illusory perception of a fake limb as part of our own body. Thus, when touch is seen to be applied to a rubber hand while felt synchronously on the corresponding hidden real hand, an illusion of ownership of the rubber hand usually occurs. The illusion has also been demonstrated using visuomotor correlation between the movements of the hidden real hand and the seen fake hand. This type of paradigm has been used with respect to the whole body generating out-of-the-body and body substitution illusions. However, such studies have only ever manipulated a single factor and although they used a form of virtual reality have not exploited the power of immersive virtual reality (IVR) to produce radical transformations in body ownership.


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Very large molecular systems can be calculated with the so called CNDOL approximate Hamiltonians that have been developed by avoiding oversimplifications and only using a priori parameters and formulas from the simpler NDO methods. A new diagonal monoelectronic term named CNDOL/21 shows great consistency and easier SCF convergence when used together with an appropriate function for charge repulsion energies that is derived from traditional formulas. It is possible to obtain a priori molecular orbitals and electron excitation properties after the configuration interaction of single excited determinants with reliability, maintaining interpretative possibilities even being a simplified Hamiltonian. Tests with some unequivocal gas phase maxima of simple molecules (benzene, furfural, acetaldehyde, hexyl alcohol, methyl amine, 2,5 dimethyl 2,4 hexadiene, and ethyl sulfide) ratify the general quality of this approach in comparison with other methods. The calculation of large systems as porphine in gas phase and a model of the complete retinal binding pocket in rhodopsin with 622 basis functions on 280 atoms at the quantum mechanical level show reliability leading to a resulting first allowed transition in 483 nm, very similar to the known experimental value of 500 nm of "dark state." In this very important case, our model gives a central role in this excitation to a charge transfer from the neighboring Glu(-) counterion to the retinaldehyde polyene chain. Tests with gas phase maxima of some important molecules corroborate the reliability of CNDOL/2 Hamiltonians.


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Technical developments have made it possible to analyze very low amounts of DNA. This has many advantages, but the drawback of this technological progress is that interpretation of the results becomes increasingly complex: the number of mixed DNA profiles increased relatively to single source DNA profiles and stochastic effects in the DNA profile, such as drop-in and drop-out, are more frequently observed. Moreover, the relevance of low template DNA material regarding the activities alleged is not as straightforward as it was a few years ago, when for example large quantities of blood were recovered. The possibility of secondary and tertiary transfer is now becoming an issue. The purpose of this research is twofold: first, to study the transfer of DNA from the handler and secondly, to observe if handlers would transfer DNA from persons closely connected to them. We chose to mimic cases where the offender would attack a person with a knife. As a first approach, we envisaged that the defense would not give an alternative explanation for the origin of the DNA. In our transfer experiments (4 donors, 16 experiments each, 64 traces), 3% of the traces were single DNA profiles. Most of the time, the DNA profile of the person handling the knife was present as the major profile: in 83% of the traces the major contributor profile corresponded to the stabber's DNA profile (in single stains and mixtures). Mixture with no clear major/minor fraction (12%) were observed. 5% of the traces were considered of insufficient quality (more than 3 contributors, presence of a few minor peaks). In that case, we considered that the stabber's DNA was absent. In our experiments, no traces allowed excluding the stabber, however it must be noted that precautions were taken to minimize background DNA as knives were cleaned before the experiments. DNA profiles of the stabber's colleagues were not observed. We hope that this study will allow for a better understanding of the transfer mechanism and of how to assess and describe results given activity level propositions. In this preliminary research, we have focused on the transfer of DNA on the hand of the person. Besides, more research is needed to assign the probability of the results given an alternative activity proposed by the defense, for instance when the source of the DNA is not contested, but that the activities are.


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This thesis gathers knowledge about ongoing high-temperature reactor projects around the world. Methods for calculating coolant flow and heat transfer inside a pebble-bed reactor core are also developed. The thesis begins with the introduction of high-temperature reactors including the current state of the technology. Process heat applications that could use the heat from a high-temperature reactor are also introduced. A suitable reactor design with data available in literature is selected for the calculation part of the thesis. Commercial computational fluid dynamics software Fluent is used for the calculations. The pebble-bed is approximated as a packed-bed, which causes sink terms to the momentum equations of the gas flowing through it. A position dependent value is used for the packing fraction. Two different models are used to calculate heat transfer. First a local thermal equilibrium is assumed between the gas and solid phases and a single energy equation is used. In the second approach, separate energy equations are used for the phases. Information about steady state flow behavior, pressure loss, and temperature distribution in the core is obtained as results of the calculations. The effect of inlet mass flow rate to pressure loss is also investigated. Data found in literature and the results correspond each other quite well, considered the amount of simplifications in the calculations. The models developed in this thesis can be used to solve coolant flow and heat transfer in a pebble-bed reactor, although additional development and model validation is needed for better accuracy and reliability.