968 resultados para semiconductor III-V material


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Este texto representa un esfuerzo por tratar de simplificar la asignatura de economía agraria. Desde luego que este material representa un primer nivel para estudiantes de la carrera de Economía Agraria y carreras afines. Para las carreras técnicas relacionadas con el sector agropecuario como Ingeniería Agrónoma, Forestal y otras, este material se considera suficiente. La lógica del material es ubicar al proceso productivo con sus principales factores, analizando la fase del proceso productivo propiamente dicho y la fase post-productiva. En la fase productiva se analizan los factores productivos: tierra, capital, ecursos laborales e intensificación de la producción como un proceso complejo y multifactorial. La fase post-productiva es una introducción al análisis de factores más complejos, como la administración de la oferta-demanda y la planificación como un proceso clave para el desarrollo de las unidades productivas y por ende del sector agropecuario. Siguiendo la secuencia anterior, el texto se ha divido en once capítulos: El Capítulo I "Evolución de pensamiento económico", pretende ubicar al lector en una dimensión de que los fenómenos económicos y sus particularidades han venido evolucionando en el tiempo, pero en los países pobres y subdesarrollados implementamos y adoptamos concepciones obsoletas y equivocadas. El Capítulo II "La economia agraria como ciencia", explica diferentes conceptos, objeto y métodos de la economía agrícola como ciencia y algunas particularidades de la economía agropecuaria como sector. El Capítulo III "Desarrollo económico-social y Sistema de la agricultura nicaragüense", brinda un panorama general del sector agrope- cuario del país. Los capítulos IV, V, VI,Vll Y VIII analizan las condiciones naturales (localización) tierra, capital recursos laborales e intensificación de la producción como factores de producción y sus respectivos indicadores que caracterizan el nivel de uso y racionalidad de los mismos. Los capítulos IX. X y XI analizan factores más complejos, como costo, comercialización y planificación, los cuales requieren de un alto nivel de conocimiento de los productores y especialistas para darle un manejo racional. En conclusión este texto pretende inducir al lector a que la esencia del concepto ECONOMLA. es la permanente búsqueda de reservas productivas. Si los productores y especialistas agropecuarios hiciéramos el análisis de la estructura de los recursos productivos, lo cuales un análisis elemental, nos brindaría importante información para buscar alternativas de racionalidad sin necesidad de recurrir a análisis más complejos, lo cual sería una segunda parte de este trabajo. Consideramos que este texto será una importante herramienta no sólo para los estudiantes de Ingeniería y Economía agrarias, sino también para todos aquellos profesionales que se encuentran vinvulados de una forma u otra con las actividades agrosocio-económicas en nuestro país.


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Damião de Góis, historiador e humanista português, nasceu em Alenquer, por volta de 1502 e morreu, provavelmente, em 1574. Na Corte, esteve a serviço dos reis D. Manuel e D. João III, desde a adolescência. Viajou por vários países por mais de vinte anos, o que lhe permitiu relacionar-se com Luter, Melanchthon, Luís Vives, Alberto Dürer e com Erasmo de Roterdam. Tendo regressado a Portugal, assumiu o cargo de guarda-mor da Torre do Tombo, em 1548. Sua principal obra foi a Crônica do felicíssimo Rei D. Manuel, que teve o texto alterado por exigência do Santo Ofício. Traduziu o tratado De Senectude, de Cícero, intitulando-o de Livro da velhice. Damião de Góis foi seguidor da obra de Fernão Lopes e de Rui Pina e se tornou o principal representante do humanismo difundido por Erasmo. Chronica do Sereníssimo Príncipe D. João foi escrita por recomendação do Cardeal D. Henrique. Traz uma narrativa do fatos ocorridos no reinado de D. Afonso V desde o nascimento do seu filho e sucessor D. João, que se tornaria D. João II. As primeira e segunda edições foram publicadas, respectivamente, em 1567 e 1724, com o título Chronica do Príncipe Dom Joam. Esta terceira edição, de 1790, além da alteração no título, restitui a dedicatória do autor ao Rei D. João II, omitida na segunda edição.


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Trata-se de uma "esplêndida edição, adornada de escudos alegóricos com armas reais portuguesas no centro -- que encabeçam as dedicatórias--, de artísticas letras iniciais, vinhetas, cabeções e florões decorativs, tudo aberto em chapa de madeira. Os frontispícios das crônicas são impressos em linhas alternadas, em preto e vermelho, e ornados de escudos das armas de Portugal", conforme esclarece o Catálogo da Livraria do Conde Ameal.


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503 p. (Blbliogr. 485-503)


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1878.


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This thesis is mainly concerned with the application of groups of transformations to differential equations and in particular with the connection between the group structure of a given equation and the existence of exact solutions and conservation laws. In this respect the Lie-Bäcklund groups of tangent transformations, particular cases of which are the Lie tangent and the Lie point groups, are extensively used.

In Chapter I we first review the classical results of Lie, Bäcklund and Bianchi as well as the more recent ones due mainly to Ovsjannikov. We then concentrate on the Lie-Bäcklund groups (or more precisely on the corresponding Lie-Bäcklund operators), as introduced by Ibragimov and Anderson, and prove some lemmas about them which are useful for the following chapters. Finally we introduce the concept of a conditionally admissible operator (as opposed to an admissible one) and show how this can be used to generate exact solutions.

In Chapter II we establish the group nature of all separable solutions and conserved quantities in classical mechanics by analyzing the group structure of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. It is shown that consideration of only Lie point groups is insufficient. For this purpose a special type of Lie-Bäcklund groups, those equivalent to Lie tangent groups, is used. It is also shown how these generalized groups induce Lie point groups on Hamilton's equations. The generalization of the above results to any first order equation, where the dependent variable does not appear explicitly, is obvious. In the second part of this chapter we investigate admissible operators (or equivalently constants of motion) of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with polynornial dependence on the momenta. The form of the most general constant of motion linear, quadratic and cubic in the momenta is explicitly found. Emphasis is given to the quadratic case, where the particular case of a fixed (say zero) energy state is also considered; it is shown that in the latter case additional symmetries may appear. Finally, some potentials of physical interest admitting higher symmetries are considered. These include potentials due to two centers and limiting cases thereof. The most general two-center potential admitting a quadratic constant of motion is obtained, as well as the corresponding invariant. Also some new cubic invariants are found.

In Chapter III we first establish the group nature of all separable solutions of any linear, homogeneous equation. We then concentrate on the Schrodinger equation and look for an algorithm which generates a quantum invariant from a classical one. The problem of an isomorphism between functions in classical observables and quantum observables is studied concretely and constructively. For functions at most quadratic in the momenta an isomorphism is possible which agrees with Weyl' s transform and which takes invariants into invariants. It is not possible to extend the isomorphism indefinitely. The requirement that an invariant goes into an invariant may necessitate variants of Weyl' s transform. This is illustrated for the case of cubic invariants. Finally, the case of a specific value of energy is considered; in this case Weyl's transform does not yield an isomorphism even for the quadratic case. However, for this case a correspondence mapping a classical invariant to a quantum orie is explicitly found.

Chapters IV and V are concerned with the general group structure of evolution equations. In Chapter IV we establish a one to one correspondence between admissible Lie-Bäcklund operators of evolution equations (derivable from a variational principle) and conservation laws of these equations. This correspondence takes the form of a simple algorithm.

In Chapter V we first establish the group nature of all Bäcklund transformations (BT) by proving that any solution generated by a BT is invariant under the action of some conditionally admissible operator. We then use an algorithm based on invariance criteria to rederive many known BT and to derive some new ones. Finally, we propose a generalization of BT which, among other advantages, clarifies the connection between the wave-train solution and a BT in the sense that, a BT may be thought of as a variation of parameters of some. special case of the wave-train solution (usually the solitary wave one). Some open problems are indicated.

Most of the material of Chapters II and III is contained in [I], [II], [III] and [IV] and the first part of Chapter V in [V].


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Esta es una colección de 10 vídeos tutoriales que pueden ser empleados como material educativo en los cursos de fonética básica en el ámbito universitario. Los vídeos 1-3 tratan aspectos relacionados con la grabación: el tipo de micrófonos que se emplean, las clases de espacios en las que se suelen llevar a cabo la captura de señales de audio y las grabadoras que se suelen emplear. El vídeo 4 explora técnicas de captura y observación de datos de flujo y presión en fonética aerodinámica. Los vídeos 5-10 presentan información sobre los principales usos que se le brindan al programa Praat (Boersma y Weenink, 2014) en los estudios actuales de fonética acústica, desde la clase de información sobre modos de articulación de las consonantes que se puede identificar en oscilogramas hasta la creación de señales sonoras sintetizadas por medio de unos procedimientos que tiene el programa para tal propósito, los cuales son susceptibles de ser empleados en experimentos de percepción auditiva.


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In the first part of this thesis a study of the effect of the longitudinal distribution of optical intensity and electron density on the static and dynamic behavior of semiconductor lasers is performed. A static model for above threshold operation of a single mode laser, consisting of multiple active and passive sections, is developed by calculating the longitudinal optical intensity distribution and electron density distribution in a self-consistent manner. Feedback from an index and gain Bragg grating is included, as well as feedback from discrete reflections at interfaces and facets. Longitudinal spatial holeburning is analyzed by including the dependence of the gain and the refractive index on the electron density. The mechanisms of spatial holeburning in quarter wave shifted DFB lasers are analyzed. A new laser structure with a uniform optical intensity distribution is introduced and an implementation is simulated, resulting in a large reduction of the longitudinal spatial holeburning effect.

A dynamic small-signal model is then developed by including the optical intensity and electron density distribution, as well as the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density. Expressions are derived for the intensity and frequency noise spectrum, the spontaneous emission rate into the lasing mode, the linewidth enhancement factor, and the AM and FM modulation response. Different chirp components are identified in the FM response, and a new adiabatic chirp component is discovered. This new adiabatic chirp component is caused by the nonuniform longitudinal distributions, and is found to dominate at low frequencies. Distributed feedback lasers with partial gain coupling are analyzed, and it is shown how the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density can result in an enhancement of the differential gain with an associated enhancement in modulation bandwidth and a reduction in chirp.

In the second part, spectral characteristics of passively mode-locked two-section multiple quantum well laser coupled to an external cavity are studied. Broad-band wavelength tuning using an external grating is demonstrated for the first time in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers. A record tuning range of 26 nm is measured, with pulse widths of typically a few picosecond and time-bandwidth products of more than 10 times the transform limit. It is then demonstrated that these large time-bandwidth products are due to a strong linear upchirp, by performing pulse compression by a factor of 15 to a record pulse widths as low 320 fs.

A model for pulse propagation through a saturable medium with self-phase-modulation, due to the a-parameter, is developed for quantum well material, including the frequency dependence of the gain medium. This model is used to simulate two-section devices coupled to an external cavity. When no self-phase-modulation is present, it is found that the pulses are asymmetric with a sharper rising edge, that the pulse tails have an exponential behavior, and that the transform limit is 0.3. Inclusion of self-phase-modulation results in a linear upchirp imprinted on the pulse after each round-trip. This linear upchirp is due to a combination of self-phase-modulation in a gain section and absorption of the leading edge of the pulse in the saturable absorber.


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1000 p. (Anexos: 929-965 p.; bibliografía 965-1000 p.). Capítulos de discusión y conclusiones en castellano y francés.


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Theoretical and experimental investigations of charge-carrier dynamics at semiconductor/liquid interfaces, specifically with respect to interfacial electron transfer and surface recombination, are presented.

Fermi's golden rule has been used to formulate rate expressions for charge transfer of delocalized carriers in a nondegenerately doped semiconducting electrode to localized, outer-sphere redox acceptors in an electrolyte phase. The treatment allows comparison between charge-transfer kinetic data at metallic, semimetallic, and semiconducting electrodes in terms of parameters such as the electronic coupling to the electrode, the attenuation of coupling with distance into the electrolyte, and the reorganization energy of the charge-transfer event. Within this framework, rate constant values expected at representative semiconducting electrodes have been determined from experimental data for charge transfer at metallic electrodes. The maximum rate constant (i.e., at optimal exoergicity) for outer-sphere processes at semiconducting electrodes is computed to be in the range 10-17-10-16 cm4 s-1, which is in excellent agreement with prior theoretical models and experimental results for charge-transfer kinetics at semiconductor/liquid interfaces.

Double-layer corrections have been evaluated for semiconductor electrodes in both depletion and accumulation conditions. In conjuction with the Gouy-Chapman-Stern model, a finite difference approach has been used to calculate potential drops at a representative solid/liquid interface. Under all conditions that were simulated, the correction to the driving force used to evaluate the interfacial rate constant was determined to be less than 2% of the uncorrected interfacial rate constant.

Photoconductivity decay lifetimes have been obtained for Si(111) in contact with solutions of CH3OH or tetrahydrofuran containing one-electron oxidants. Silicon surfaces in contact with electrolyte solutions having Nernstian redox potentials > 0 V vs. SCE exhibited low effective surface recombination velocities regardless of the different surface chemistries. The formation of an inversion layer, and not a reduced density of electrical trap sites on the surface, is shown to be responsible for the long charge-carrier lifetimes observed for these systems. In addition, a method for preparing an air-stable, low surface recombination velocity Si surface through a two-step, chlorination/alkylation reaction is described.