928 resultados para seed removal


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This study determined the size of aluminum oxide particles used in an air abrasion system that is able to remove carious dentin tissue with maximum preservation of sound structure. Thirty extracted and carious-free third molars were used in this study. The dentin sample was obtained by sectioning the middle of the crown longitudinal to the long axis of the tooth in a mesio-distal direction. One half of the crown corresponded to the sound dentin group (SD), while the other half was used to develop artificial caries, constituting the, carious dentin group (CD). The specimens were air abraded for 15 seconds. The SD and CD groups were each randomly divided into three subgroups (N=10) according to the particle diameter employed (27, 50 and 125 pm). The prepared cavity was perpendicularly cut in half, and the profiles of all hemi-fragments were observed using SEM microscopy. The cavity measurements were made using a modified cephalometric analysis. The 27, 50 and 125 pun aluminum oxide particles did not present selectivity in the removal of carious dentin. However, when using the air abrasive technique for carious dentin treatment, the use of 27 and 50 pun aluminum oxide particles is recommended, due to their capacity to remove less sound tissue than the 125 pun particles.


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The embryology and the seed development of Syngonanthus caulescens are presented. This species possesses: a bithecous and tetrasporangiate anther, with a four-layered wall, a conspicuous endothecium of the baseplate type, a secretory tapetum formed by uninucleate cells, successive microsporogenesis resulting in isobilateral microspore tetrads, spiraperturate and binucleate pollen grains, an orthotropous, pendulous, bitegmic and terminucellate ovule, with a micropyle formed only by the inner integument, a megagametophyte of the Polygonum type, with formation of an antipodal cyst, free-nuclear and starchy endosperm, a broad and bell-shaped embryo, operculate and endotestal seeds, a seed coat derived from the inner layers of both integuments, and tanniniferous endotegmen. These embryological aspects are characteristic not only for Syngonanthus, but for the whole family, with few differences between genera. Furthermore, the pollen grain of the spiraperturate type and the cystic arrangement of the antipodals in the megagametophyte are peculiar and very distinctive features of Eriocaulaceae within the other Poales (commelinids). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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T. micrantha (L.) Blume (Ulmaceae), a common pioneer tree species in Brazil, is used in the restoration of degraded areas. The fruits are fleshy and indehiscent, with only one water impermeable seed. During the fruiting period, fruits of different colours are found at the same time on the same branch. This research aimed to correlate fruit colour with other physical indicators of seed maturity and to Verify the effect of temperature regime on seed germination. Collected fruits were separated in to green, green-red and red colour and for each of these maturation stages, size, moisture content and dry matter of both fruits and seeds were determined. Seeds were scarified with sulphuric acid and submitted to a germination test conducted at constant (20 degreesC, 30 degreesC and 40 degreesC) and alternating (20-30 degreesC, 30-40 degreesC and 20-40 degreesC) temperatures for 15 weeks. Seed germination percentage and speed were analysed after five weeks and the fmal percentage of germinated and Viable seeds after 15 weeks. Seed maturity is attained when the fruits are green-red. At this stage, moisture content was about 64% for fruits and 10% for seeds. Alternating temperature was required for seed germination and 20-30 degreesC was the best option. Most seeds had germinated after five weeks, providing mature seeds, acid scarification and alternating temperature were used.


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Flowering phenology, breeding system and nectary structure of Corymborkis flava (Sw.) Kuntze were studied in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The flowering period extended from March (end of rainy season) to early June and seed dispersal occurred from June to September (dry season). Flowering peak occurred mainly in April, with up to 34 open flowers per plant being observed. The yellow, odourless and tubular flowers lasted similar to 7.8 days. The flowers present a perigonal nectary located in the basal lateral parts of the labellum; this is the first report on the nectary location and characterisation in the Tropidieae tribe. At the pre-anthesis stage, cells of both secretory parenchyma and epidermis of the nectary are filled with compound amyloplasts. However, starch grains were not observed in these tissues in senescent flowers, indicating that these starch grains are hydrolysed and used as source of sugars for nectar production. The nectar accumulates between the cuticle and the outer periclinal wall of the epidermal cells before. owing out into the nectar chamber. C. flava is a self-compatible species and spontaneous self-pollination does not occur because of hercogamy. The high pollinia removal (0.80) and insertion (0.82) per flower, as well as the high natural fruit-set indicate an efficient natural pollination system. The present study contributes for the knowledge of the diversity of reproductive strategies and nectary structures in Orchidaceae.


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The Syagrus romanzoffiana is a specie of the Arecaccae family, native of Brazil, frequently used in landscape architecture. Its propagation is by seeds, however, there is little information in the literature about seed germination of this ornamental palm. The objective of this work was to study the effects of temperatures on seed germination of Syagrus romanzoffliana. The experimental design used was entirely randomized, with six temperatures (20 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C and 35 degrees C, constant and 20-30 degrees C and 25-35 degrees C alternated), photoperiod of 12 hours, and five replications of 20 seeds each. The seeds were placed in plastic boxes with sand, counting daily germination until 43(th) day. The percentage of seed germination (43(th) day) and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated. The conclusion was that there was no germination at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and in the alternated temperature of 20-30 degrees C; the higher germination percentages were verified in the constant temperatures of 30 degrees C and 35 degrees C that didn't differ statistically from the temperature of 25-35 degrees C. The germination was faster at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C.


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Although drought and defoliation stress have been shown to reduce soybean [Glycine max (L.). Merr.] yield, little information has been published regarding their effects on soybean seed quality. Field experiments were conducted in 1986, 1987, and 1989 to evaluate the effect of drought and defoliation (1989 only) stress during soybean seed development on seed germination and vigor. Essex (MG [maturity group] V) and Union (MG III) were grown in 1986 and 1987, and Harper (MG III) and McCall (MG 00) in 1989. Moisture treatments were either well watered or drought stressed during seed development (R5 to R7). In 1989, a total defoliation treatment was also imposed at R6 as an additional stress factor. There were significant reductions in yield and yield components following drought stress in all 3 yr and following defoliation in 1989. Leaf conductance and transpiration also decreased in the drought stress treatments. There was no effect of drought stress on seed germination or seed vigor as measured by accelerated aging germination and the cold test across the four cultivars (determinate and indeterminate) and 3 yr. In 1989 slight changes in 3-d germination and conductivity occurred for some drought stress treatments. Most of this response, however, was related to increased occurrence of hard seed, which does not represent an indication of a change in vigor. Seed germination and vigor were significantly reduced for small, flat, shriveled, and underdeveloped seeds that only occurred following defoliation. These seeds represented a small portion of the seed lot that would normally be removed during conditioning. The data suggest that drought stress would have no effect on seed germination or vigor, unless the stress was severe enough to produce shriveled, flat, underdeveloped seeds.


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The use of sewage sludge in agricultural land as a means of sludge disposal and recycling has been shown to be economical and suitable because of the presence of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. However, municipal sludges often contain high quantities of toxic metals and other compounds that must be removed for its safe use in agricultural soils. The biological leaching of metals from sewage sludges has been shown to be a promising technique for metal detoxifying in such complex matrix. The process efficiency is dependent on several physico-chemical parameters, such as total solids concentration, metal forms, pH-ORP, and temperature. Scale-up of the process has not yet been defined and is still pursuing the correct operational design. Current research involving the bioleaching of metals from sewage sludge and its application to land, which affects soil physical properties, are presented and discussed.


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In this paper, an anisotropic nonlinear diffusion equation for image restoration is presented. The model has two terms: the diffusion and the forcing term. The balance between these terms is made in a selective way, in which boundary points and interior points of the objects that make up the image are treated differently. The optimal smoothing time concept, which allows for finding the ideal stop time for the evolution of the partial differential equation is also proposed. Numerical results show the proposed model's high performance.


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Multifractal analysis is now increasingly used to characterize soil properties as it may provide more information than a single fractal model. During the building of a large reservoir on the Parana River (Brazil), a highly weathered soil profile was excavated to a depth between 5 and 8 m. Excavation resulted in an abandoned area with saprolite materials and, in this area, an experimental field was established to assess the effectiveness of different soil rehabilitation treatments. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks. The aim of this work was to characterize particle-size distributions of the saprolite material and use the information obtained to assess between-block variability. Particle-size distributions of the experimental plots were characterized by multifractal techniques. Ninety-six soil samples were analyzed routinely for particle-size distribution by laser diffractometry in a range of scales, varying from 0.390 to 2000 mu m. Six different textural classes (USDA) were identified with a clay content ranging from 16.9% to 58.4%. Multifractal models described reasonably well the scaling properties of particle-size distributions of the saprolite material. This material exhibits a high entropy dimension, D-1. Parameters derived from the left side (q > 0) of the f(alpha) spectra, D-1, the correlation dimension (D-2) and the range (alpha(0)-alpha(q+)), as well as the total width of the spectra (alpha(max) - alpha(min)) all showed dependence on the clay content. Sand, silt and clay contents were significantly different among treatments as a consequence of soil intrinsic variability. The D, and the Holder exponent of order zero, alpha(0), were not significantly different between treatments; in contrast, D-2 and several fractal attributes describing the width of the f(alpha) spectra were significantly different between treatments. The only parameter showing significant differences between sampling depths was (alpha(0) - alpha(q+)). Scale independent fractal attributes may be useful for characterizing intrinsic particle-size distribution variability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of soybean genotype and seed coat lignin content on bulk electrical conductivity were investigated. Seeds of nine soybean cultivars were hand harvested at R8 maturation stage in Londrina, PR., Brazil in 1995/96. Seeds were electrical conductivity tested using four replicates of 50 seeds per cultivar soaked in 75 mi of deionized water at 25 degrees C for 24 hours. Seed coat lignin content was determined using the potassium permanganate method. There was a significant relationship (R-2 = 0.84**) between electrical conductivity and seed coat lignin content, the latter being a characteristic that varies among soybean genotypes; the higher the amount of lignin in the seed coat, the lower the levels of seed exudates to the soaking solution and consequently the lower the electrical conductivity. It was concluded that seed soaking electrical conductivity is influenced by the seed coat lignin content, which is a characteristic that varies among soybean genotypes. Additionally, the EC test can be used as a valuable tool in the screening process for this characteristic, which is desirable for genetically improving soybean seed quality.


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Comm indica L. is an herbaceous species with ornamental and medicinal value, having seeds with a hard seed coat. This study aimed to test the influence of constant temperatures ranging from 5 to 45 C, at 5 C intervals, on the germination of scarified seeds. Data obtained were analyzed through the model of enthalpy of activation in order to obtain the optimum temperature range for germination. The species showed seed germinability in a wide temperature range (10-40 degrees C) being the optimal temperature range between 13.84 and 34.41 degrees C, determined by the enthalpy of activation.