962 resultados para sctp protocollo trasporto reti tcp multihoming multistreaming


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En este trabajo estudiaremos la explotación minera que realiza Cerro Matoso S.A en el sur del departamento de Córdoba a través del método cualitativo de investigación, basado en revisión de fuentes oficiales, entrevistas estructuradas y no estructuradas, como también en libros y fuentes académicas. Mediante este enfoque se pretende ver de qué manera ha influido la explotación de Cerro Matoso S.A en el desarrollo de los municipios Montelíbano y La Unión Matoso en el departamento de Córdoba, ya que a simple vista la explotación minera en dicho departamento no ha contribuido al desarrollo. Para ello se utilizaran los aportes teóricos de Amartya Sen y su teoría sobre desarrollo y libertades. Finalmente, este trabajo busca contrastar los discursos institucionales, y los testimonios de los habitantes de Montelíbano y La Unión Matoso.


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Esta investigación evalúa el modelo propuesto por el profesor Paul Collier a propósito del surgimiento de las guerras civiles, mediante su aplicación al caso del conflicto en la región de Darfur en Sudán, África. Este estudio tiene por propósito evidenciar las posibilidades explicativas del modelo de Collier, de naturaleza economicista, partiendo de la premisa de que las variables contenidas en el cuerpo teórico se pueden evidenciar en el caso del conflicto en Darfur. Se lleva a cabo una aproximación el concepto de nuevas guerras mediante el abordaje teórico de autores suscritos a esta corriente, Stathis N. Kalyvas, Mary Kaldor y Herfried Münkler. Analizando las variables e indicadores, se expone en su totalidad el modelo y tras su aplicación al caso del conflicto en Darfur, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación que permite identificar las falencias en el planteamiento de las premisas y conclusiones del modelo, estableciendo sus limitaciones explicativas de las nuevas guerras.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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La tesis doctoral está dividida en 3 partes: La primera presenta la aplicación del grupo TCP a la síntesis de PNAs en fase sólida. La segunda está dedicada a la síntesis de un nuevo tipo de nucleoaminácido para la síntesis de nuevos nucleopéptidos. La tercera está centrada en los estudios iniciales de síntesis de derivados de Pantocina B, un compuesto con propiedades antimicrobianas.


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Este estudo teve como objectivo analisar a associação entre a utilização de substancias ergogénicas nutricionais, a dependência do exercício e a imagem corporal em praticantes de exercício em contextos de Fitness. Um total de 300 indivíduos, 185 homens e 115 mulheres, participaram neste estudo transversal e responderam a questionários constituídos pela Escala de Dependência do Exercício (EDE-21), Inventario de Perturbacões Alimentares (EDI-2), Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS), Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS) e Teoria do Comportamento Planeado para a toma de substâncias ergogénicas nutricionais (TCP). Para analise de comparação utilizou-se o teste t, que revelou que as mulheres são mais insatisfeitas com a imagem do corpo (p=.022) e apresentam maior ansiedade física social (p<.001) e predisposição para a toma de substâncias ergogénicas nutricionais (p<.001) A toma de substancias ergogénicas nutricionais foi explicada pelo IMC e a percepção de controlo do comportamento. Os homens são mais perfeccionistas (p<.OOl) e recorrem mais à toma de substâncias (p<.OOl), sendo esta explicada pela intenção e dependência do exercício.Verificou-se que a motiva<;ao para a magreza se relaciona com a frequência do exercício (p=.027) e que a dismorfia muscular se relaciona com dependência do exercício (p<.OOl), frequência(p<.OOl), volume (p=.18), intensidade (p=.048) e predisposição para a toma de substâncias ergogénicas (todos p<.05). Mulheres com maior ansiedade física social apresentaram menor predisposição para a toma de substancias e por ultimo, níveis de IMC mais baixos, tanto em homens quanto em mulheres, relacionaram-se com maior toma reportada de suplementos (todos p<.05). Os resultados enfatizam a importância de futuras intervenções, com foco em estratégias de mediação sobre os distúrbios de imagem corporal, focando principalmente os aspectos negativos a ela associados.


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En este trabajo de investigación se pretende enriquecer la discusión abierta en América Latina sobre la relación entre los modelos regionales y el desarrollo. Esto se hace analizando el regionalismo sudamericano desde los elementos teóricos de los modelos regionales elaborados durante la primera década del siglo XXI; y reflexionando, a partir de este análisis, sobre si los modelos regionales, que se han manifestado a través de los nuevos procesos regionales en América del Sur, ofrecen una alternativa al regionalismo de los años anteriores como parte de las estrategias de desarrollo de los países implicados. Bajo el enfoque de economía política internacional, lo anterior se hace a partir de la comparación de los grupos regionales latinoamericanos bajo una clasificación alternativa del regionalismo latinoamericano (estructuralista, socialista y liberal), que está basada en fundamentos teóricos e ideológicos que han predominando en la región.


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The self-assembly and bioactivity of the peptide–polymer conjugate DGRFFF–PEG3000 containing the RGD cell adhesion motif has been examined, in aqueous solution. The conjugate is designed to be amphiphilic by incorporation of three hydrophobic phenylalanine residues as well as the RGD unit and a short poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chain of molar mass 3000 kg mol-1. Above a critical aggregation concentration, determined by fluorescence measurements, signals of b-sheet structure are revealed by spectroscopic measurements, as well as X-ray diffraction. At high concentration, a self-assembled fibril nanostructure is revealed by electron microscopy. The fibrils are observed despite PEG crystallization which occurs on drying. This suggests that DGRFFF has an aggregation tendency that is sufficiently strong not to be prevented by PEG crystallization. The adhesion, viability and proliferation of human corneal fibroblasts was examined for films of the conjugate on tissue culture plates (TCPs) as well as low attachment plates. On TCP, DGRFFF–PEG3000 films prepared at sufficiently low concentration are viable, and cell proliferation is observed. However, on low attachment surfaces, neither cell adhesion nor proliferation was observed, indicating that the RGD motif was not available to enhance cell adhesion. This was ascribed to the core–shell architecture of the self-assembled fibrils with a peptide core surrounded by a PEG shell which hinders access to the RGD unit.


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BACKGROUND: Dendritic cells regulate immune responses to microbial products and play a key role in ulcerative colitis (UC) pathology. We determined the immunomodulatory effects of probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS) on human DC from healthy controls and active UC patients. METHODS: Human blood DC from healthy controls (control-DC) and UC patients (UC-DC) were conditioned with heat-killed LcS and used to stimulate allogeneic T cells in a 5-day mixed leucocyte reaction. RESULTS: UC-DC displayed a reduced stimulatory capacity for T cells (P < 0.05) and enhanced expression of skin-homing markers CLA and CCR4 on stimulated T cells (P < 0.05) that were negative for gut-homing marker β7. LcS treatment restored the stimulatory capacity of UC-DC, reflecting that of control-DC. LcS treatment conditioned control-DC to induce CLA on T cells in conjunction with β7, generating a multihoming profile, but had no effects on UC-DC. Finally, LcS treatment enhanced DC ability to induce TGFβ production by T cells in controls but not UC patients. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate a systemic, dysregulated DC function in UC that may account for the propensity of UC patients to develop cutaneous manifestations. LcS has multifunctional immunoregulatory activities depending on the inflammatory state; therapeutic effects reported in UC may be due to promotion of homeostasis.


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Optimized experimental conditions for extracting accurate information at subpixel length scales from analyzer-based X-ray imaging were obtained and applied to investigate bone regeneration by means of synthetic beta-TCP grafting materials in a rat calvaria model. The results showed a 30% growth in the particulate size due to bone ongrowth/ingrowth within the critical size defect over a 1-month healing period.


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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were studied in detail in the past regarding their interaction with therapeutic and drug addiction related compounds. Using fast kinetic whole-cell recording, we have now studied effects of tacrine, an agent used clinically to treat Alzheimer`s disease, on currents elicited by activation of rat alpha(3)beta(4) nAChR heterologously expressed in KX alpha(3)beta(4)R2 cells. Characterization of receptor activation by nicotine used as agonist revealed a K(d) of 23 +/- 0.2 mu M and 4.3 +/- 1.3 for the channel opening equilibrium constant, Phi(-1). Experiments were performed to investigate whether tacrine is able to activate the alpha(3)beta(4) nAChR. Tacrine did not activate whole-cell currents in KX alpha(3)beta(4)R2 cells but inhibited receptor activity at submicromolar concentration. Dose response curves obtained with increasing agonist or inhibitor concentration revealed competitive inhibition of nAChRs by tacrine, with an apparent inhibition constant, K(I), of 0.8 mu M. The increase of Phi(-1) in the presence of tacrine suggests that the drug stabilizes a nonconducting open channel form of the receptor. Binding studies with TCP and MK-801 ruled out tacrine binding to common allosteric sites of the receptor. Our study suggests a novel mechanism for action of tacrine on nAChRs besides inhibition of acetylcholine esterase.


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The main objective of this thesis work is to develop communication link between Runrev Revolution (IDE) and JADE (Multi-Agent System) through Socket programming using TCP/IP layer. These two independent platforms are connected using socket programming technique. Socket programming is considered to be newly emerging technology among these two platforms, the work done in this thesis work is considered to be a prototype.A Graphical simulation model is developed by salixphere (Company in Hedemora) to simulate logistic problems using Runrev Revolution (IDE). The simulation software/program is called “BIOSIM”. The logistic problems are complex, and conventional optimization techniques are unlikely very successful. “BIOSIM” can demonstrate the graphical representation of logistic problems depending upon the problem domains. As this simulation model is developed in revolution programming language (Transcript) which is dynamically typed and English-like language, it is quite slow compared to other high level programming languages. The object of this thesis work is to add intelligent behaviour in graphical objects and develop communication link between Runrev revolution (IDE) and JADE (Multi-Agent System) using TCP/IP layers.The test shows the intelligent behaviour in the graphical objects and successful communication between Runrev Revolution (IDE) and JADE (Multi-Agent System).


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This paper reports an investigation of if, and how, Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) might.be used to facilitate better management of industry supply chains. In two workshops involving supply chain managers from the Textile Clothing and Footwear (TCP) industry and industry facilitators, ways in which SSM techniques might supplement existing Supply Chain Management (SCM) workshop approaches have been explored. Specifically, the placement of SSM techniques within a workshop setting, reactions to the techniques, perceived reasons for using SSM, together with strengths and difficulties encountered, have been examined.


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Relationships between businesses, businesses and end customers, as well as between customers are an important area of practical and scientific interest. In the present era, largely due to digital technologies such as the database, public and private networks, and data collection and information distribution via TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) interface tools such as the World Wide Web (Web), the interest in relationships and related aspects such as trust as it relates to Web interactivity continues. An important antecedent empirical study established that arts patrons (customers) of a New York theatre company could be segmented according to their relational orientation, and that this orientation mediated between component attitudes and future purchase intentions. The study reported in this paper employs Web-based data collection and postal data collection methods in an investigation of the mediation effects of these data collection methods used with the same population of a premier football club in Australia. While a future aim is to more closely compare the outcomes established in the arts study with those from a similarly constructed study in the sporting arena, the focus of this initial paper is the differences in response exhibited by online respondents relative to postal survey respondents. The paper reports findings which do not support those of the antecedent arts and entertainment study concerning the weakness of overall satisfaction on the purchase intentions of high relational orientation customers. The paper also reports findings which give confidence to users of online surveys that despite differences in demographic profiles of these respondents and postal survey respondents, there is a degree of similarity in the responses of the two groups on the measures used in this study. The paper also suggests the need for further research into these data collection effects as they relate to relationship marketing.


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This paper presents results from a qualitative study of income support recipients with regard to how they feel about advertising which overtly appeals to their sense of fear, guilt and shame. The motivation of the study was to provide formative research for a social marketing campaign designed to increase compliance with income reporting requirements. This study shows that negative appeals with this group of people are more likely to invoke self-protection and inaction rather than an active response such as volunteering to comply. Social marketers need to consider the use fear, guilt and shame to gain voluntary compliance as the study suggests that there has been an overuse of these negative appeals. While more formative research is required, the future research direction aim would be to develop an instrument to measure the impact of shame on prosocial decision-making; particularly in the context of social networks rather than the wider society.