876 resultados para requirements traceability
The authors address the growing call for research into the management of supply networks serving the public sector. Building on prior action research, this empirical paper focuses on the management of supply in interorganizational, health sector networks identifying the competence requirements (skills, knowledge, traits, and behavioural indicators) associated with effective team performance. Drawing on empirical data, the authors present a competence framework that aims to capture a team’s tacit understanding of strategic supply management. Competence indicators are organized into six themes: network understanding; developing network position; relationship management; learning, knowledge and knowledge management; strategy formulation; strategy implementation. Finally, the relevance of the framework to boundary spanning personnel outside the purchasing function and to other organizations is considered.
This paper presents an argument that it is possible for an organisation to manage networks, but understanding this involves consideration of what is meant by "managing". Based on prior research and data from a major longitudinal action research study in the health sector, the paper describes six network management roles: network structuring agent; co-ordinator; advisor; information broker; relationship broker; innovation sponsor. The necessary "assets" for effective performance of these roles are identified, in particular those relating to team competence. The findings enrich and significantly develop previous work on network management roles and activities, and their influencing factors. It is concluded that, given the specific nature of the networks studied, further research is required to evaluate the generalisability of the findings, though initial indications are promising.
We investigate the energy optimization (minimization) for amplified links. We show that using the using a well-established analytic nonlinear signal-to-noise ratio noise model that for a simple amplifier model there are very clear, fiber independent, amplifier gains which minimize the total energy requirement. With a generalized amplifier model we establish the spacing for the optimum power per bit as well as the nonlinear limited optimum power. An amplifier spacing corresponding to 13 dB gain is shown to be a suitable compromise for practical amplifiers operating at the optimum nonlinear power. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
Groupware allows participants in an AEC/FM project to timely share relevant electronic project information at near real-time speed. One challenge of existing groupware tools is the varying information categorization needs of different AEC/FM project participants within the same groupware environment. This paper introduces initial results of a survey of several AEC/FM companies' project information categorizations. These initial results reveal differences in the ways AEC/FM project participants organize project information within each company. These differences will result in the need for a comprehensive information categorization solution when companies move their organized company specific project information to a project-wide repository in groupware. In the future, as a result of this research, a comprehensive project categorization scheme will be introduced which would allow participant-specific views of the AEC/FM project information to be rendered.
We have previously identified a phosphorothioate oligonucleotide (PS-ODN) that inhibited epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (TK) activity both in cell fractions and in intact A431 cells. Since ODN-based TK inhibitors may have anti-cancer applications and may also help understand the non-antisense mediated effects of PS-ODNs, we have further studied the sequence and chemistry requirements of the parent PS-ODN (sequence: 5′-GGA GGG TCG CAT CGC-3′) as a sequence-dependent TK inhibitor. Sequence deletion and substitution studies revealed that the 5′-terminal GGA GGG hexamer sequence in the parent compound was essential for anti-TK activity in A431 cells. Site-specific substitution of any G with a T in this 5′-terminal motif within the parent compound caused a significant loss in anti-TK activity. The fully PS-modified hexameric motif alone exhibited equipotent activity as the parent 15-mer whereas phosphodiester (PO) or 2′-O-methyl-modified versions of this motif had significantly reduced anti-TK activity. Further, T substitutions within the two 5′-terminal G residues of the hexameric PS-ODN to produce a sequence, TTA GGG, representing the telomeric repeats in human chromosomes, also did not exhibit a significant anti-TK activity. Multiple repeats of the active hexameric motif in PS-ODNs resulted in more potent inhibitors of TK activity than the parent ODN. These results suggested that PS-ODNs, but not PO or 2′-O-methyl modified ODNs, containing the GGA GGG motif can exert potent anti-TK activity which may be desirable in some anti-tumor applications. Additionally, the presence of this previously unidentified motif in antisense PS-ODN constructs may contribute to their biological effects in vitro and in vivo and should be accounted for in the design of the PS-modified antisense ODNs. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.
Conceptual Model and Security Requirements for DRM Techniques Used for e-Learning Objects Protection
This paper deals with the security problems of DRM protected e-learning content. After a short review of the main DRM systems and methods used in e-learning, an examination is made of participators in DRM schemes (e-learning object author, content creator, content publisher, license creator and end user). Then a conceptual model of security related processes of DRM implementation is proposed which is improved afterwards to reflect some particularities in DRM protection of e-learning objects. A methodical way is used to describe the security related motives, responsibilities and goals of the main participators involved in the DRM system. Taken together with the process model, these security properties are used to establish a list of requirements to fulfill and a possibility for formal verification of real DRM systems compliance with these requirements.
As a part of the activities of the first Symposium on Process Improvement Models and Software Quality of the Spanish Public Administration, working groups were formed to discuss the current state of the Requirements Management and Supplier Agreement Management processes. This article presents general results and main contributions of those working groups. The results have allowed the obtention of a preliminary appraisal of the current state of these two processes in the Spanish Public Administration.
The paper represents a verification of a previously developed conceptual model of security related processes in DRM implementation. The applicability of established security requirements in practice is checked as well by comparing these requirements to four real DRM implementations (Microsoft Media DRM, Apple's iTunes, SunnComm Technologies’s MediaMax DRM and First4Internet’s XCP DRM). The exploited weaknesses of these systems resulting from the violation of specific security requirements are explained and the possibilities to avoid the attacks by implementing the requirements in designing step are discussed.
The sharing of near real-time traceability knowledge in supply chains plays a central role in coordinating business operations and is a key driver for their success. However before traceability datasets received from external partners can be integrated with datasets generated internally within an organisation, they need to be validated against information recorded for the physical goods received as well as against bespoke rules defined to ensure uniformity, consistency and completeness within the supply chain. In this paper, we present a knowledge driven framework for the runtime validation of critical constraints on incoming traceability datasets encapuslated as EPCIS event-based linked pedigrees. Our constraints are defined using SPARQL queries and SPIN rules. We present a novel validation architecture based on the integration of Apache Storm framework for real time, distributed computation with popular Semantic Web/Linked data libraries and exemplify our methodology on an abstraction of the pharmaceutical supply chain.
In this paper we show how event processing over semantically annotated streams of events can be exploited, for implementing tracing and tracking of products in supply chains through the automated generation of linked pedigrees. In our abstraction, events are encoded as spatially and temporally oriented named graphs, while linked pedigrees as RDF datasets are their specific compositions. We propose an algorithm that operates over streams of RDF annotated EPCIS events to generate linked pedigrees. We exemplify our approach using the pharmaceuticals supply chain and show how counterfeit detection is an implicit part of our pedigree generation. Our evaluation results show that for fast moving supply chains, smaller window sizes on event streams provide significantly higher efficiency in the generation of pedigrees as well as enable early counterfeit detection.
The EPCIS specification provides an event oriented mechanism to record product movement information across stakeholders in supply chain business processes. Besides enabling the sharing of event-based traceability datasets, track and trace implementations must also be equipped with the capabilities to validate integrity constraints and detect runtime exceptions without compromising the time-to-deliver schedule of the shipping and receiving parties. In this paper we present a methodology for detecting exceptions arising during the processing of EPCIS event datasets. We propose an extension to the EEM ontology for modelling EPCIS exceptions and show how runtime exceptions can be detected and reported. We exemplify and evaluate our approach on an abstraction of pharmaceutical supply chains.
With ever-more demanding requirements for the accurate manufacture of large components, dimensional measuring techniques are becoming progressively more sophisticated. This review describes some of the more recently developed techniques and the state-of-the-art in the more well-known large-scale dimensional metrology methods. In some cases, the techniques are described in detail, or, where relevant specialist review papers exist, these are cited as further reading. The traceability of the measurement data collected is discussed with reference to new international standards that are emerging. In some cases, hybrid measurement techniques are finding specialized applications and these are referred to where appropriate. © IMechE 2009.
In the last decade the principle of Open Access to publicly funded research has been getting a growing support from policy makers and funders across Europe, both at national level and within the European Union context. At European level some of the first relevant steps taken by the European Research Council (ERC) with a statement supporting Open Access (2006), shortly followed by guidelines for researchers funded by the ERC (2007) stating that all peer-reviewed publications from ERC funded projects should be made openly accessible shortly after their publication. Those guidelines were revised in October 2013, reinforcing the mandatory character of the requirements and expanding them to monographs.
This paper describes a model designed to recommend solutions to an organisation's e-business needs. It is designed to produce objective results based on perceived characteristics, unbiased by prejudice on the part of the person using the model. The model also includes a way of encapsulating the potential management concerns that may change for good or ill the likely relevance and probability of success of such solutions. The model has been tested on 13 case studies in small, medium and large organizations. © IFAC.