937 resultados para pyrrole adsorption
In order to explain the speed of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus VSV infections, we develop a simple model that improves previous approaches to the propagation of virus infections. For VSV infections, we find that the delay time elapsed between the adsorption of a viral particle into a cell and the release of its progeny has a veryimportant effect. Moreover, this delay time makes the adsorption rate essentially irrelevant in order to predict VSV infection speeds. Numerical simulations are in agreement with the analytical results. Our model satisfactorily explains the experimentally measured speeds of VSV infections
Human adenoviruses (HAdV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) are shed in the faeces and consequently may be present in environmental waters, resulting in an increase in pathogen concentration that can affect water quality and human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate an adsorption-elution method which utilizes negatively charged membrane HA to determine the efficient recovery of HAdV and HAV from different water matrices and to combine this procedure with a qualitative molecular method (nested RT-PCR and nested PCR). The best efficiency recovery was achieved in distilled water and treated wastewater effluent (100%) for both viruses and in recreational lagoon water for HAV (100%). The efficiency recovery was 10% for HAdV and HAV in seawater and 10% for HAdV in lagoon water. The viral detection limit by nested PCR for HAV in water samples ranged between 20-0.2 FFU/mL and 250 and 25 TCID50/mL for HAdV. In conclusion, these results suggest that the HA negatively charged membranes vary their efficiency for recovery of viral concentration depending upon the types of both enteric viruses and water matrices.
Proline racemase is an important enzyme of Trypanosoma cruzi and has been shown to be an effective mitogen for B cells, thus contributing to the parasite's immune evasion and persistence in the human host. Recombinant epimastigote parasites overexpressing TcPRAC genes coding for proline racemase present an augmented ability to differentiate into metacyclic infective forms and subsequently penetrate host-cells in vitro. Here we demonstrate that both anti T. cruzi proline racemase antibodies and the specific proline racemase inhibitor pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid significantly affect parasite infection of Vero cells in vitro. This inhibitor also hampers T. cruzi intracellular differentiation.
The inhibitory effect of Lippia alba and Lippia citriodora essential oils on dengue virus serotypes replication in vitro was investigated. The cytotoxicity (CC50) was evaluated by the MTT assay and the mode of viral inhibitory effect was investigated with a plaque reduction assay. The virus was treated with the essential oil for 2 h at 37ºC before cell adsorption and experiments were conducted to evaluate inhibition of untreated-virus replication in the presence of oil. Antiviral activity was defined as the concentration of essential oil that caused 50% reduction of the virus plaque number (IC50). L. alba oil resulted in less cytotoxicity than L. citriodora oil (CC50: 139.5 vs. 57.6 μg/mL). Virus plaque reduction for all four dengue serotypes was observed by treatment of the virus before adsorption on cell. The IC50 values for L. alba oil were between 0.4-32.6 μg/mL and between 1.9-33.7 μg/mL for L. citriodora oil. No viral inhibitory effect was observed by addition of the essential oil after virus adsorption. The inhibitory effect of the essential oil seems to cause direct virus inactivation before adsorption on host cell.
Colloidal transport has been shown to enhance the migration of plutonium in groundwater downstream from contaminated sites, but little is known about the adsorption of ⁹⁰Sr and plutonium onto colloids in the soil solution of natural soils. We sampled soil solutions using suction cups, and separated colloids using ultrafiltration to determine the distribution of ²³⁹Pu and ⁹⁰Sr between the truly dissolved fraction and the colloidal fraction of the solutions of three Alpine soils contaminated only by global fallout from the nuclear weapon tests. Plutonium was essentially found in the colloidal fraction (>80%) and probably associated with organic matter. A significant amount of colloidal ⁹⁰Sr was detected in organic-rich soil solutions. Our results suggest that binding to organic colloids in the soil solutions plays a key role with respect to the mobility of plutonium in natural alpine soils and, to a lesser extent, to the mobility of ⁹⁰Sr.
Els elèctrodes són instruments d’anàlisi molt emprats per la seva gran eficiència, fàcil utilització, de resposta “in situ” i que ocupen poc espai. Tot i això, existeix una problemàtica actual dels elèctrodes, que és la no comercialització d’elèctrodes per tots els metalls que trobem dissolts en solucions d’interès analític. Per aquest motiu s’estudien possibles substàncies dins la formació de la membrana dels elèctrodes, ionòfors, que reaccionin amb espècies iòniques amb inexistència d’elèctrodes comercials. S’han dut a terme estudis amb residus vegetals com a ionòfors. Algunes dels biomaterials estudiats són la rapa i la iohimbe per a la detecció del Cr(VI) i l’Hg(II). Aquestes han sigut les motivacions que han dut a construir un elèctrode de ió selectiu amb membrana de PVC i marro de cafè com a ionòfor, i seguidament avaluar-ne laseva resposta
En l’eliminació del crom en suspensió de les aigües residuals de les indústries es realitzen dos processos: una precipitació en medi àcid on es redueix el crom (VI) a crom (III) en què s’elimina la major part del crom, i el següent tractament es fa per bescanvi iònic o per adsorció. Els adsorbents emprats actualment tenen un elevat cost i s’està estudiant nous adsorbents, com a substituts dels tradicionals, de baix cost. Dins d’aquest adsorbents de baix cost es troben els bioadsorbents, biomaterials amb gran capacitat d’adsorció. L’objectiu del projecte es va centrar en l’estudi de l’adsorció de crom trivalent i hexavalent en solucions aquoses utilitzant com a adsorbent el residu industrial de closca de cranc, provinent d’una indústria alimentària de barretes de cranc
The aim of this study was to determine the occurrences of the group A rotavirus (RVA), norovirus (NoV) and human adenovirus (HAdV) in the surface waters of an urban lagoon (Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon) in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During one year of surveillance, water samples were obtained from the lagoon and other interconnected ecosystems (river and beach). The samples were concentrated using an adsorption-elution method with a negatively charged membrane and tested by qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays. RVA was the most prevalent virus detected (24.3%) with a viral load ranging from 3.0 x 10¹-5.6 x 10(4) genome copies/L, followed by NoV (18.8%) and HAdV (16.7%). Considering water samples suitable for bathing, according to Escherichia coli criterion (< 2,000 most probable number/100 mL), viruses were detected in 50% (57/114) of them. Physicochemical parameters were also measured and showed possible correlations between turbidity and RVA presence and between pH and NoV presence. These data demonstrate the importance of considering viral parameters to ensure water quality and the utilisation of these parameters as additional tools for the characterisation of environmental contamination.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen (Ag)-presenting cells that activate and stimulate effective immune responses by T cells, but can also act as negative regulators of these responses and thus play important roles in immune regulation. Pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to cause defective DC differentiation and maturation. Previous studies have demonstrated that the addition of VEGF to DC cultures renders these cells weak stimulators of Ag-specific T cells due to the inhibitory effects mediated by VEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1) and/or VEGFR2 signalling. As the enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is recognised as an important negative regulator of immune responses, this study aimed to investigate whether VEGF affects the expression of IDO by DCs and whether VEGF-matured DCs acquire a suppressor phenotype. Our results are the first to demonstrate that VEGF increases the expression and activity of IDO in DCs, which has a suppressive effect on Ag-specific and mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation. These mechanisms have broad implications for the study of immunological responses and tolerance under conditions as diverse as cancer, graft rejection and autoimmunity.
A l’atmosfera hi trobem radionúclids de la sèrie del 238U com el 222Rn, 210Pb i 210Po. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és determinar el contingut i distribució de 210Pb en plomes d’aus migratòries i estudiar el seu potencial ús com a traçador de corrents migratòries, gràcies a que les plomes són estructures útils per a realitzar estudis de biomonitorització. Per a realitzar l’estudi s’ha escollit com a espècie migratòria el falciot comú (Apus apus). Els resultats mostren que el 210Pb no es distribueix uniformement entre individus adults i joves, ni entre les diferents plomes de l’ala dels ocells. La major concentració de 210Pb es troba en les plomes primàries dels individus adults i en l’hemibandera externa de la ploma. Les concentracions de 210Pb oscil·len entre els 43 i 1065 Bq·kg-1, amb una concentració mitjana de 586 Bq·kg-1. El fet de detectar 210Pb només en les plomes primàries de l’ala implica que la incorporació de 210Pb a l’ocell és via adsorció del 210Pb present a l’atmosfera. Es pot afirmar que el 210Pb present a l’atmosfera és arrossegat per les ales de les aus i queda adsorbit a les plomes.
The use of doxorubicin (DOX), one of the most effective antitumor molecules in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, is limited by its low tumor selectivity and its severe side effects. Colloidal carriers based on biodegradable poly(butylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (PBCA NPs) may enhance DOX antitumor activity against breast cancer cells, thus allowing a reduction of the effective dose required for antitumor activity and consequently the level of associated toxicity. DOX loading onto PBCA NPs was investigated in this work via both drug entrapment and surface adsorption. Cytotoxicity assays with DOX-loaded NPs were performed in vitro using breast tumor cell lines (MCF-7 human and E0771 mouse cancer cells), and in vivo evaluating antitumor activity in immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice. The entrapment method yielded greater drug loading values and a controlled drug release profile. Neither in vitro nor in vivo cytotoxicity was observed for blank NPs. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of DOX-loaded PBCA NPs was significantly lower for MCF-7 and E0771 cancer cells (4 and 15 times, respectively) compared with free DOX. Furthermore, DOX-loaded PBCA NPs produced a tumor growth inhibition that was 40% greater than that observed with free DOX, thus reducing DOX toxicity during treatment. These results suggest that DOX-loaded PBCA NPs have great potential for improving the efficacy of DOX therapy against advanced breast cancers.
Introduction et objectif: Lors d'essais cliniques, le pharmacien est responsable de la préparation et de la dispensation des médicaments à évaluer. Un article récent a toutefois montré que les aspects pharmaceutiques liés au contrôle de la dose administrée in fine étaient souvent mal contrôlés. Il peut exister une différence entre la dose nominale fournie par le certificat d'analyse du fabricant et la dose réellement administrée au sujet, biais qui se reporte en cascade sur l'estimation des paramètres pharmaco¬cinétiques (PK), comme la clairance ou le volume de distribution. Ce travail visait à évaluer les biais entachant la quantité de médicament réellement injectée (iv/sc) aux volontaires d'un essai clinique étudiant la PK et la relation dose-réponse d'un nouveau produit biotechnologique. Méthode: La dose de médicament administrée lors de l'essai clinique (D) a été calculée de la manière suivante: D = C ? V - pertes. La concentration du produit (C; titre nominal du fabricant) a été vérifiée par immuno-essai. Le volume de médicament injecté (V) a été déterminé pour chaque injection par pesée (n=72), en utilisant la masse de la seringue avant et après injection et la densité du produit. Enfin, une analyse in vitro a permis d'évaluer les pertes liées à l'adsorption du produit dans les lignes de perfusion et de choisir le dispositif adéquat in vivo. Résultats: La concentration du médicament s'est révélée proche du titre nominal (96 ± 7%), et a été utilisée comme référence. Le volume injecté était quant à lui entaché d'un biais systématique par rapport à la valeur théorique correspondant à 0.03 mL pour la dose minimale (i.e. 75% du volume à injecter à cette dose). Une analyse complémentaire a montré que cela s'expliquait par une réaspiration partielle de la solution médica-menteuse avant le retrait de la seringue après injection sc, due à l'élasticité du piston. En iv, le biais était par contre provoqué par une réaspiration du soluté de perfusion co-administré. Enfin, la mesure des quantités de médicament récupérées après injection dans le dispositif de perfusion a démontré des pertes minimales par adsorption. Discussion-conclusion: Cette étude confirme l'existence de biais inversement corrélés au volume et à la concentration du médicament administré, pouvant provoquer des erreurs importantes sur les paramètres PK. Ce problème est négligé ou insuffisamment considéré dans les protocoles de Phase I et nécessiterait une planification rigoureuse. Les procédures opératoires devraient attirer l'attention sur ce point crucial.
The top soil of a 14.5 km(2) region at la Chaux-de-Fonds in the Swiss Jura is exceptionally rich in cadmium. It contains an average of 1.3 mg per kg of soil. The spatial distribution of the metal has no simple pattern that could be explained by atmospheric deposition or agricultural practices. Thin soil contained most of its Cd at the surface; in thicker soil Cd is mainly concentrated between 60 and 80 cm depth. No specific minerals or soil fractions could account for these accumulation, and the vertical distribution of Cd is best explained by leaching from the topsoil and further adsorption within layers of nearly neutral pH. The local Jurassic sedimentary rocks contained too little Cd to account for the Cd concentrations in the soil. Alpine gravels from glacial till were too sparse in soils to explain such a spreading of Cd. Moreover this origin is contradictory with the fact that Cd is concentrated in the sand fraction of soils. The respective distributions of Fe and Cd in soils, and soil fractions, suggested that the spreading of iron nodules accumulated during the siderolithic period (Eocene) was not the main source of Cd. Atmospheric deposition, and spreading of fertiliser or waste from septic tanks seem the only plausible explanation for the Cd concentrations, but at present few factors allow us to differentiate between them.
El SPION (Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) ha estat estudiat com un nou adsorbent per eliminar l’arsènic d’aigües contaminades. Les condicions òptimes de treball es van assolir per un pH de 3,6 i per concentracions inferiors als 100ppm. No es van trobar interferències significatives produïdes pels cations Cu, Ni i Zn en l’adsorció de l’As, sent el fosfat l’anió que més interfereix. Una esponja de cel·lulosa s’ha utilitzat com a suport del SPION, per disminuir les agregacions de les nanopartícules en suspensió i per proporcionar una material adequat per l’adsorció en continu, experiment amb columnes. Així, es va obtenir un augment de la capacitat d’adsorció del SPION per l’As(V), mentre que per l’As(III) continua sent baixa, per tant s’augmenta la selectivitat per l’As(V). Les interferències aniòniques afecten d’igual manera a l’adsorció de l’As(III) i l’As(V) quan l’adsorció és en continu o en discontinu. Els cations metàl·lics no interfereixen en l’adsorció de l’arsènic, a excepció del coure que és adsorbit i porta a la disminució de l’adsorció d’arsènic.
The effects of the nongray absorption (i.e., atmospheric opacity varying with wavelength) on the possible upper bound of the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) emitted by a planetary atmosphere have been examined. This analysis is based on the semigray approach, which appears to be a reasonable compromise between the complexity of nongray models and the simplicity of the gray assumption (i.e., atmospheric absorption independent of wavelength). Atmospheric gases in semigray atmospheres make use of constant absorption coefficients in finite-width spectral bands. Here, such a semigray absorption is introduced in a one-dimensional (1D) radiative– convective model with a stratosphere in radiative equilibrium and a troposphere fully saturated with water vapor, which is the semigray gas. A single atmospheric window in the infrared spectrum has been assumed. In contrast to the single absolute limit of OLR found in gray atmospheres, semigray ones may also show a relative limit. This means that both finite and infinite runaway effects may arise in some semigray cases. Of particular importance is the finding of an entirely new branch of stable steady states that does not appear in gray atmospheres. This new multiple equilibrium is a consequence of the nongray absorption only. It is suspected that this new set of stable solutions has not been previously revealed in analyses of radiative–convective models since it does not appear for an atmosphere with nongray parameters similar to those for the earth’s current state