964 resultados para prison camps


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For a dynamical system defined by a singular Lagrangian, canonical Noether symmetries are characterized in terms of their commutation relations with the evolution operators of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms. Separate characterizations are given in phase space, in velocity space, and through an evolution operator that links both spaces. 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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For a few years now, the study of quantum field theories in partially compactified space-time manifolds has acquired increasing importance in several domains of quantum physics. Let me just mention the issues of dimensional reduction and spontaneous compactification, and the multiple questions associated with the study of quantum field theories in the presence of boundaries (like the Casimir effect) and on curved space-time (manifolds with curvature and nontrivial topology), a step towards quantum gravity.


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New results on the theory of constrained systems are applied to characterize the generators of Noethers symmetry transformations. As a byproduct, an algorithm to construct gauge transformations in Hamiltonian formalism is derived. This is illustrated with two relevant examples.


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Psychotherapists in the forensic field are in an uncomfortable position. The reluctance of patients to be subjected to such obligatory treatments and to face their own violence contributes to this difficult position. The mission of public safety assigned to these treatments, their assessment through risk of recidivism rather than therapeutic effectiveness as well as misconception by lawyers and authorities of what psychotherapy really is reinforce the difficulty of such a practice. However, a clarification of the nature of each type of interventions allows the establishment of viable psychotherapeutic framework adapted to penal constraints. The developments of approaches specifically tailored to prison settings as well as to sexual offenders are illustrations of this point.


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Comprend : [Portrait en frontispice : portrait de l'auteur, Goethe.] Goethe, d'après le tableau de May (1779). [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282] ; [Vignette à la page de titre : marque d'imprimeur avec devise et initiales.] Pictoribus atque Poetis. Occupa Portum. D.J. [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282] ; [pl. en reg. du Prologue p.11 : dans le ciel, l'archange Gabriel et Méphistophélès.] Prologue. Faust. [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282] ; [pl. en reg. p.52. : Faust dans son cabinet d'étude avec son chien Barbet qui grandit et gonfle, habité par Méphistophélès.] Le barbet. Faust. [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282] ; [pl. en reg. p.102 : Faust dans la cuisine de la sorcière, devant un chaudron, ayant la vision d'une femme nue.] La vision. Faust. [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282] ; [pl. en reg. p.141 : Marguerite et Faust se promènent dans un jardin. Au loin, Marthe et Méphistophélès.] Le jardin. Faust. [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282] ; [pl. en reg. p.214 : Faust rejoint Marguerite dans son cachot.] La prison. Faust. [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282] ; [pl. en reg. p.222 : Marguerite, ayant sauvé son âme, est présentée par l'archange Gabriel à Dieu. Elle tient dans ses bras son fils mort, noyé.] Epilogue. Faust. [Cote : 4 ° Yh 6/Microfilm R 122282]


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We generalize the analogous of Lee Hwa Chungs theorem to the case of presymplectic manifolds. As an application, we study the canonical transformations of a canonical system (M, S, O). The role of Dirac brackets as a test of canonicity is clarified.


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We develop a theory of canonical transformations for presymplectic systems, reducing this concept to that of canonical transformations for regular coisotropic canonical systems. In this way we can also link these with the usual canonical transformations for the symplectic reduced phase space. Furthermore, the concept of a generating function arises in a natural way as well as that of gauge group.


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The BatalinVilkovisky formalism is studied in the framework of perturbation theory by analyzing the antibracket BecchiRouetStoraTyutin (BRST) cohomology of the proper solution S0. It is concluded that the recursive equations for the complete proper solution S can be solved at any order of perturbation theory. If certain conditions on the classical action and on the gauge generators are imposed the solution can be taken local.


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In order to study the connections between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms constructed from aperhaps singularhigher-order Lagrangian, some geometric structures are constructed. Intermediate spaces between those of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, partial Ostrogradskiis transformations and unambiguous evolution operators connecting these spaces are intrinsically defined, and some of their properties studied. Equations of motion, constraints, and arbitrary functions of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms are thoroughly studied. In particular, all the Lagrangian constraints are obtained from the Hamiltonian ones. Once the gauge transformations are taken into account, the true number of degrees of freedom is obtained, both in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, and also in all the intermediate formalisms herein defined.


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A Lagrangian treatment of the quantization of first class Hamiltonian systems with constraints and Hamiltonian linear and quadratic in the momenta, respectively, is performed. The first reduce and then quantize and the first quantize and then reduce (Diracs) methods are compared. A source of ambiguities in this latter approach is pointed out and its relevance on issues concerning self-consistency and equivalence with the first reduce method is emphasized. One of the main results is the relation between the propagator obtained la Dirac and the propagator in the full space. As an application of the formalism developed, quantization on coset spaces of compact Lie groups is presented. In this case it is shown that a natural selection of a Dirac quantization allows for full self-consistency and equivalence. Finally, the specific case of the propagator on a two-dimensional sphere S2 viewed as the coset space SU(2)/U(1) is worked out. 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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We derive analytical expressions for the excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole and quadrupole resonances in finite nuclei, by using the scaling method and the extended ThomasFermi approach to relativistic mean-field theory. We study the ability of several nonlinear σω parameter sets of common use in reproducing the experimental data. For monopole oscillations the calculations agree better with experiment when the nuclear matter incompressibility of the relativistic interaction lies in the range 220260 MeV. The breathing-mode energies of the scaling method compare satisfactorily with those obtained in relativistic RPA and time-dependent mean-field calculations. For quadrupole oscillations, all the analyzed nonlinear parameter sets reproduce the empirical trends reasonably well.


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The fundamental debt of E. O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author's hypothesis, O'Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader's right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O'Neill's work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author's article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O'Neill's drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.


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The fundamental debt of E. O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author's hypothesis, O'Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader's right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O'Neill's work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author's article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O'Neill's drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.