951 resultados para prescription misuse


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Résumé de l'étude La surveillance de la prescription des antibiotiques en milieu hospitalier est une des mesures recommandées pour prévenir l'émergence de bactéries résistantes. La consommation d'antibiotiques est généralement exprimée en termes de DDD (defined daily dose) rapporté au taux d'occupation (jours patients). Cette mesure ne tient cependant pas compte de la variation de la casuistique d'un service au cours du temps. La consommation d'antibiotiques est influencée par l'incidence des infections, qui peut être saisonnière ou varier selon les circonstances épidémiologiques, ainsi que par les habitudes des médecins en termes de prescription. Une échelle de mesure adaptée à ces paramètres est donc capitale pour rendre compte de la consommation d'antibiotiques au sein d'un service et identifier de possibles dérivations dans les habitudes de prescriptions. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que le nombre de demandes d'hémocultures pouvait servir d'indicateur de la charge infectieuse d'un service. Une analyse préliminaire a permis d'établir une bonne relation entre ce paramètre et l'incidence d'événements infectieux en comparaison à d'autres paramètres testés (nombre de prélèvements microbiologiques provenant de sites stériles ou nombre total de prélèvements microbiologiques). Sur la base de cette hypothèse, nous avons analysé la consommation d'antibiotiques d'une unité de médecine générale (Service de Médecine Interne du CHUV) sur seize trimestres consécutifs en comparant deux échelles de mesures : la méthode standard en DDD par jours patients et une échelle ajustée à la charge infectieuse (DDD par nombre de demandes d'hémocultures). L'échelle ajustée aux hémocultures a permis d'identifier trois trimestres avec une consommation anormalement élevée qui n'avaient pas été classés comme tels par l'échelle standard (consommation dans les normes en DDD par jours patients). Une analyse détaillée d'un de ces trimestres a confirmé une incidence d'infections moins élevée en comparaison à un trimestre de référence (proche de la norme selon les deux échelles), alors que la corrélation entre infections et demandes d'hémocultures était similaire pour les deux périodes. De même, l'échelle ajustée ä la charge infectieuse a démontré une consommation dans la norme pour un trimestre avec une consommation en apparence trop élevée selon l'échelle standard en raison d'une incidence d'infections plus élevée pour cette période. Cette étude a donc permis une identification plus performante et plus précise de périodes avec des dérivations dans la pratique de la prescription des antibiotiques en utilisant une échelle de mesure ajustée à la charge infectieuse d'un service au cours du temps. Nous avons démontré que le nombre d'hémocultures prélevées était un indicateur stable de la charge infectieuse dans un service de médecine générale. Ceci ne permet cependant pas de généraliser l'usage de cet indicateur pour tous les types de service. La pratique des hémocultures peut, en effet, varier d'une unité à l'autre, ou entres différentes institutions. ll convient donc de tester la validité de ce paramètre dans un service avant de l'appliquer.


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Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie fréquente et en augmentation dans le monde entier. Malheureusement, elle est souvent diagnostiquée à un stade ou des complications sont déjà apparues. Depuis quelques années, des scores ont été développés pour identifier les sujets à risque de développer cette maladie. L'utilisation d'un tel score par le praticien pourrait amener ces patients à des mesures préventives, telles que le changement d'hygiène de vie, ou la prescription d'un traitement médicamenteux. Le but de notre étude est de comparer et de valider différents scores de risques de diabète de type 2 et de déterminer leur capacité à prédire la survenue de cette maladie dans la population de la cohorte CoLaus. Les premiers résultats, en étude transversale, ont tout d'abord montré de grandes différences quant à la population à risque d'un score à l'autre. En effet, le nombre de personnes à traiter varie considérablement selon la méthode utilisée. Ces différents scores ont donc nécessité une validation prospective. Ces résultats ont fait l'objet d'une publication (Schmid et col, Diabetes Care. 2011 Aug;34(8):1863-8). Au moyen des données du suivi à 5 ans, il est sorti qu'un score de risque utilisant des variables biologiques et cliniques, ainsi qu'un score utilisant des variables uniquement cliniques, obtenaient de très bon résultats quant à la prédiction du diabète de type 2. En effet, un des scores testés donne une valeur prédictive positive d'environ 20% à 5 ans, ce qui signifie qu'un patient « détecté » sur 5 pourrait bénéficier d'une intervention précoce. Toutefois, ces résultats concernent la population lausannoise et ne sont donc pas forcément applicables à l'ensemble de la population suisse. De plus, de plus amples études sont nécessaires évaluer l'efficacité d'un tel score dans la prévention du diabète en Suisse. Ces résultats ont fait l'objet d'une seconde publication (Schmid et col, Arch Intern Med. 2012 Jan 23;172(2):188-9). Dans un troisième volet de l'étude, l'impact de marqueurs génétiques a été évalué dans un sous- groupe de la population CoLaus. Les résultats n'ont toutefois montré qu'une très faible amélioration de la prédiction du risque en utilisant ces marqueurs. Ceci devrait nous encourager à intensifier les efforts de prévention sur le style de vie pour toute la population, plutôt qu'une approche ciblée sur les personnes génétiquement prédisposées. Ces résultats ont fait l'objet d'une troisième publication (Schmid et col, J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Apr 24. [Epub ahead of print]). La même démarche méthodologique a été utilisée pour évaluer l'importance pronostique de plusieurs marqueurs inflammatoires (interleukines 1 et 6, Τ Ν F-, protéine C-réactive) hépatiques (GT) ou adipocytaires (leptine et adiponectine) dans la survenue du diabète. Ces résultats sont actuellement soumis au Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism).


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The prevalence of resistant hypertension ranges between 5-30%. Patients with resistant hypertension are at increased risk of cardiovascular events. Radiofrequency renal denervation is a recent and promising technique that can be used in the setting of resistant hypertension. However, long-term safety and efficacy data are lacking and evidence to use this procedure outside the strict setting of resistant hypertension is missing. The aim of the article is to propose a common work-up for nephrologists, hypertensiologists, cardiologists and interventional radiologists in order to avoid inappropriate selection of patients and a possible misuse of this procedure.


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The objectives of this study were to develop a computerized method to screen for potentially avoidable hospital readmissions using routinely collected data and a prediction model to adjust rates for case mix. We studied hospital information system data of a random sample of 3,474 inpatients discharged alive in 1997 from a university hospital and medical records of those (1,115) readmitted within 1 year. The gold standard was set on the basis of the hospital data and medical records: all readmissions were classified as foreseen readmissions, unforeseen readmissions for a new affection, or unforeseen readmissions for a previously known affection. The latter category was submitted to a systematic medical record review to identify the main cause of readmission. Potentially avoidable readmissions were defined as a subgroup of unforeseen readmissions for a previously known affection occurring within an appropriate interval, set to maximize the chance of detecting avoidable readmissions. The computerized screening algorithm was strictly based on routine statistics: diagnosis and procedures coding and admission mode. The prediction was based on a Poisson regression model. There were 454 (13.1%) unforeseen readmissions for a previously known affection within 1 year. Fifty-nine readmissions (1.7%) were judged avoidable, most of them occurring within 1 month, which was the interval used to define potentially avoidable readmissions (n = 174, 5.0%). The intra-sample sensitivity and specificity of the screening algorithm both reached approximately 96%. Higher risk for potentially avoidable readmission was associated with previous hospitalizations, high comorbidity index, and long length of stay; lower risk was associated with surgery and delivery. The model offers satisfactory predictive performance and a good medical plausibility. The proposed measure could be used as an indicator of inpatient care outcome. However, the instrument should be validated using other sets of data from various hospitals.


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Les manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien sont fréquentes. La pH-impédancemétrie permet d’évaluer des reflux acides ou non acides et de déterminer leur extension proximale. A la lumière de deux patients de notre collectif, nous observons une corrélation entre reflux non acide et symptômes ORL dans le premier cas et une suppression acide insuffisante dans le deuxième cas. Ces résultats nous orientent vers un traitement spécifique complémentaire aux inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons. La pH-impédancemétrie détecte les reflux aussi bien acides que non acides, et analyse la concordance entre les symptômes et les épisodes de reflux. Elle permet ainsi une meilleure compréhension des manifestations ORL du reflux gastro-œsophagien et une prise en charge thérapeutique mieux adaptée. ENT symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux are frequent. pH-impedance can detect acid and non-acid reflux and measure their proximal extension. The technique identifies the refluxate by changes in impedance. We discuss 2 clinical situations where correlation of symptoms could be explained by a non-acid reflux in the first case, and a lack of acid suppression in the second case, respectively. These results lead to a specific additional treatment to proton pump inhibitors (PPI). This technology provides a better understanding of the pathogenesis of reflux laryngitis, and affords the prescription of PPI on a proven diagnosis. Detection of non-acid reflux leads to an optimized medical treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: Imaging during a period of minimal myocardial motion is of paramount importance for coronary MR angiography (MRA). The objective of our study was to evaluate the utility of FREEZE, a custom-built automated tool for the identification of the period of minimal myocardial motion, in both a moving phantom at 1.5 T and 10 healthy adults (nine men, one woman; mean age, 24.9 years; age range, 21-32 years) at 3 T. CONCLUSION: Quantitative analysis of the moving phantom showed that dimension measurements approached those obtained in the static phantom when using FREEZE. In vitro, vessel sharpness, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were significantly improved when coronary MRA was performed during the software-prescribed period of minimal myocardial motion (p < 0.05). Consistent with these objective findings, image quality assessments by consensus review also improved significantly when using the automated prescription of the period of minimal myocardial motion. The use of FREEZE improves image quality of coronary MRA. Simultaneously, operator dependence can be minimized while the ease of use is improved.


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The persistence of high blood pressure under antihypertensive treatment (resistant hypertension) entails an increased cardiovascular risk. It occurs in three of ten treated hypertensive patients, and has several possible contributing factors, notably insufficient therapeutic adherence. There are a number of ways to evaluate whether patients take their medication as prescribed. These include interviewing the patient, pill counting, prescription follow-up, assay of drugs in blood or urine, and use of electronic pill dispensers. None is perfect. However, the essential is to discuss with the patient the importance of complying with the treatment as soon as it is prescribed for the first time, and not waiting for the appearance of resistant hypertension. The measurement of blood pressure outside the medical office and the monitoring of adherence may help to identify patients in whom hypertension is truly resistant and so to tailor the measures required to improve the control of blood pressure in the most appropriate manner.


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Background:  Heavy drinking and smoking during pregnancy are known to have a negative impact on the unborn child. However, the impact of low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and binge drinking has been debated recently. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of moderate prenatal drinking and binge drinking with birthweight, being small for gestational age (SGA) at birth, preterm birth, and neonatal asphyxia. Methods:  Moderate alcohol drinking, binge drinking, and several possible confounders were assessed in 1,258 pregnant women; information on neonatal health was obtained at birth. Results:  Results indicate that 30.8% of the women drank at low levels (<2 glasses/wk), 7.9% drank moderately (2 to 4 glasses/wk), and 0.9% showed higher levels of drinking (≥5 glasses/wk); 4.7% reported binge drinking (defined as ≥3 glasses/occasion). 6.4% of the children were SGA (<10th percentile of birthweight adjusted for gestational age), 4.6% were preterm (<37th week of gestation), and 13.0% showed asphyxia (arterial cord pH <7.10 and/or arterial cord lactate >6.35 mmol and/or Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes). When controlling for maternal age, citizenship, occupational status, parity, smoking, use of prescription/over-the-counter drugs, illicit drug use, and child gender moderate drinking was related to lower birthweight (p < 0.01), and moderate drinking and binge drinking were associated with neonatal asphyxia at trend level (p = 0.06 and p = 0.09). Moderate drinking and binge drinking were not related to length of gestation. Conclusions:  In contrast to recent reviews in the field, our results assume that moderate drinking and binge drinking are risk factors for neonatal health.


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The bibliographical revision of national gerontological literature reveals some confusion in the use of terms that refer to mechanical contentions, lack of dialogue with regards to ethical conflicts that suggest their use, a significant generalization of the claims against and the absence of positive references despite its high prevalence as shown by some authors. This paper presents some technical proposals on the definition, the use of terms and the use of mechanical contentions in the social sphere such as putting the ethical dialogue before the argumentation based on the prevalence, define them in terms of their intent, agree on a classification of the different contention methods, identify the types and levels of risk and intervene specifically and in terms thereof. Finally, recommendations are added with regards to risks, the decision process, prescription and the withdrawal process.


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Introduction The benefit of stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) in noncriticallyill patients has not been proved. Over-prescription of SUP isnot devoided of risks (i.e. drug-drug interactions, adverse events).This prospective study aimed to evaluate the use of proton pumpinhibitors (PPIs) for SUP in a visceral surgery ward.Materials & Methods Data collection was performed prospectivelyduring a 8-week period on patients hospitalized in a visceral surgeryward (58 beds). Patients with a PPI prescription for the treatment ofulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis or epigastralgiawere excluded as well as patients hospitalized twice during the studyperiod. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists guidelineson SUP were used to assess the appropriateness of de novo PPIprescriptions.Results Among 255 patients in the study, 138 (54.1%) received aprophylaxis with PPI, of which 86 (62.3%) were de novo PPI prescriptions.93.5% of patients received esomeprazole (according to thehospital drug formulary) mainly orally at 40 mg qd. 79.1% of patientshad no risk factors for SUP. 17.9% and 3.0% had one and two riskfactors, respectively. 95% of the patients with PPI were not hospitalizedin the intensive care unit (ICU) before their stay in the visceralsurgery ward. At discharge, PPI therapy was continued in 34.2% ofpatients with a de novo PPI prescription.Discussion & Conclusion This study highlights the over-utilizationof PPIs in non-ICU patients and the inappropriate continuation of PPIprescriptions at discharge. The PPI dosage prescribed for prophylaxiswas probably too high compared with the data of the literature.Treatment recommendations for SUP are needed to restrict PPIuse for justified indications.


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The prescribing of antibiotics for uncomplicated skin abscesses and diverticulitis has no benefit. Some antibiotics are more at risk of causing a Clostridium difficile infection. The tests used to exclude a history of a penicillin allergy are safe. A threshold of D-dimer adjusted for the age significantly improves the specificity of the test without affecting the sensitivity. The prescription of paraclinics tests is not an effective "treatment" for the patient's anxiety. In the sleep apnea syndrome, treatment with CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) appears to have more benefits compared to the mandibular advancement prosthesis. The work of primary care physicians can be supported by the work of advanced practice nurses. The limitation placed on the working hours of doctors in hospitals seems to affect their ability to spend time with their patients.


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The prescription information (summary of product characteristics, SPC) is compiled by the pharmaceutical industry as required by the national regulatory authorities. They vary in their content about the properties of drugs and about the usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in the blood of patients. Based on a previous study carried out in Germany, the degree of agreement of French SPC for 59 psychotropic drugs with the existing medico-scientific evidence in the area of TDM was examined using a recently developed instrument. A summary score of SPC content (SPCC) related to TDM (SPCC(TDM)) has been calculated and compared with the level of recommendation of TDM of the AGNP-TDM expert group consensus guidelines for TDM in psychiatry [AGNP: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (Association for neuropsychopharmacology and pharmacopsychiatry)]. Among the antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquillizers/hypnotic agents and mood stabilizers, the highest SPCC(TDM) scores in the French SPC were reached for imipramine (16), haloperidol (6), clonazepam (8) and lithium (23), respectively. Results were similar to those obtained from the analysis of German SPC, and considerable disagreement was found between the information on TDM in SPC and existing medico-scientific evidence, albeit less in the case of mood stabilizers. Taking into account the recommendations of the AGNP-TDM expert group guidelines, there is a deficit in the French SPC concerning TDM-relevant information. An amelioration of this situation could help to improve the clinical practice of TDM of psychotropic drugs, as the SPC is a widely used tool.


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INTRODUCTION: urinary incontinence (UI) is a phenomenon with high prevalence in hospitalized elderly patients, effecting up to 70% of patients requiring long term care. However, despite the discomfort it causes and its association with functional decline, it seems to be given insufficient attention by nurses in geriatric care. OBJECTIVES: to assess the prevalence of urinary incontinence in geriatric patients at admission and the level of nurse involvement as characterized by the explicit documentation of UI diagnosis in the patient's record, prescription of nursing intervention, or nursing actions related to UI. METHODS: cross-sectional retrospective chart review. One hundred cases were randomly selected from those patients 65 years or older admitted to the geriatric ward of a university hospital. The variables examined included: total and continence scores on the Measure of Functional Independence (MIF), socio-demographic variables, presence of a nursing diagnosis in the medical record, prescription of or documentation of a nursing intervention related to UI. RESULTS: the prevalence of urinary incontinence was 72 % and UI was positively correlated with a low MIF score, age and status of awaiting placement. Of the examined cases, nursing diagnosis of UI was only documented in 1.4 % of cases, nursing interventions were prescribed in 54 % of cases, and at least one nursing intervention was performed in 72 % of cases. The vast majority of the interventions were palliative. DISCUSSION: the results on the prevalence of IU are similar to those reported in several other studies. This is also the case in relation to nursing interventions. In this study, people with UI were given the same care regardless of their MIF score MIF, age or gender. One limitation of this study is that it is retrospective and therefore dependent on the quality of the nursing documentation. CONCLUSIONS: this study is novel because it examines UI in relation to nursing interventions. It demonstrates that despite a high prevalence of UI, the general level of concern for nurses remains relatively low. Individualized care is desirable and clinical innovations must be developed for primary and secondary prevention of UI during hospitalization.


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BACKGROUND: Six pioneer physicians-pharmacists quality circles (PPQCs) located in the Swiss canton of Fribourg (administratively corresponding to a state in the US) were under the responsibility of 6 trained community pharmacists moderating the prescribing process of 24 general practitioners (GPs). PPQCs are based on a multifaceted collaborative process mediated by community pharmacists for improving compliance with clinical guidelines within GPs' prescribing practices. OBJECTIVE: To assess, over a 9-year period (1999-2007), the cost-containment impact of the PPQCs. METHODS: The key elements of PPQCs are a structured continuous quality improvement and education process; local networking; feedback of comparative and detailed data regarding costs, drug choice, and frequency of prescribed drugs; and structured independent literature review for interdisciplinary continuing education. The data are issued from the community pharmacy invoices to the health insurance companies. The study analyzed the cost-containment impact of the PPQCs in comparison with GPs working in similar conditions of care without particular collaboration with pharmacists, the percentage of generic prescriptions for specific cardiovascular drug classes, and the percentage of drug costs or units prescribed for specific cardiovascular drugs. RESULTS: For the 9-year period, there was a 42% decrease in the drug costs in the PPQC group as compared to the control group, representing a $225,000 (USD) savings per GP only in 2007. These results are explained by better compliance with clinical and pharmacovigilance guidelines, larger distribution of generic drugs, a more balanced attitude toward marketing strategies, and interdisciplinary continuing education on the rational use of drugs. CONCLUSIONS: The PPQC work process has yielded sustainable results, such as significant cost savings, higher penetration of generics and reflection on patient safety, and the place of "new" drugs in therapy. The PPQCs may also constitute a solid basis for implementing more comprehensive collaborative programs, such as medication reviews, adherence-enhancing interventions, or disease management approaches.


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Le concept de « communauté » possède la particularité d'être d'une grande popularité à la fois dans les sciences sociales, mais aussi parmi le grand public. D'autant plus, pourrait-on dire que sa définition semble à la fois floue et changeante. Il est un outil que les sciences sociales utilisent pour décrire et analyser la réalité sociale observée dans un usage « expert », fait par des spécialistes. Mais c'est aussi un terme utilisé bien plus largement, par des groupes qui se réclament d'une appartenance communautaire ou par la presse qui tente de définir un groupe. On croit à la communauté, comme une idée ou comme une réalité, le plus souvent les deux en même temps : nous le savons, croire qu'une chose est réelle, peut la rendre réelle dans ses conséquences ? La « communauté », issue de la description empirique d'une variété de processus sociaux, est en permanence bousculée par la « communauté » comme idéal et prescription normative, rendant souvent le travail de compréhension et d'analyse des anthropologues et sociologues difficile, car prisonnier de cette dualité.