947 resultados para periodic geodesic


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We present a comprehensive numerical study of spiral-and scroll-wave dynamics in a state-of-the-art mathematical model for human ventricular tissue with fiber rotation, transmural heterogeneity, myocytes, and fibroblasts. Our mathematical model introduces fibroblasts randomly, to mimic diffuse fibrosis, in the ten Tusscher-Noble-Noble-Panfilov (TNNP) model for human ventricular tissue; the passive fibroblasts in our model do not exhibit an action potential in the absence of coupling with myocytes; and we allow for a coupling between nearby myocytes and fibroblasts. Our study of a single myocyte-fibroblast (MF) composite, with a single myocyte coupled to N-f fibroblasts via a gap-junctional conductance G(gap), reveals five qualitatively different responses for this composite. Our investigations of two-dimensional domains with a random distribution of fibroblasts in a myocyte background reveal that, as the percentage P-f of fibroblasts increases, the conduction velocity of a plane wave decreases until there is conduction failure. If we consider spiral-wave dynamics in such a medium we find, in two dimensions, a variety of nonequilibrium states, temporally periodic, quasiperiodic, chaotic, and quiescent, and an intricate sequence of transitions between them; we also study the analogous sequence of transitions for three-dimensional scroll waves in a three-dimensional version of our mathematical model that includes both fiber rotation and transmural heterogeneity. We thus elucidate random-fibrosis-induced nonequilibrium transitions, which lead to conduction block for spiral waves in two dimensions and scroll waves in three dimensions. We explore possible experimental implications of our mathematical and numerical studies for plane-, spiral-, and scroll-wave dynamics in cardiac tissue with fibrosis.


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Let G be the group . For this group we prove a version of Schwartz's theorem on spectral analysis for the group G. We find the sharp range of Lebesgue spaces L (p) (G) for which a smooth function is not mean periodic unless it is a cusp form. Failure of the Schwartz-like theorem is also proved when C (a)(G) is replaced by L (p) (G) with suitable p. We show that the last result is linked with the failure of the Wiener-tauberian theorem for G.


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Objects viewed through transparent sheets with residual non-parallelism and irregularity appear shifted and distorted. This distortion is measured in terms of angular and binocular deviation of an object viewed through the transparent sheet. The angular and binocular deviations introduced are particularly important in the context of aircraft windscreens and canopies as they can interfere with decision making of pilots especially while landing, leading to accidents. In this work, we have developed an instrument to measure both the angular and binocular deviations introduced by transparent sheets. This instrument is especially useful in the qualification of aircraft windscreens and canopies. It measures the deviation in the geometrical shadow cast by a periodic dot pattern trans-illuminated by the distorted light beam from the transparent test specimen compared to the reference pattern. Accurate quantification of the shift in the pattern is obtained by cross-correlating the reference shadow pattern with the specimen shadow pattern and measuring the location of the correlation peak. The developed instrument is handy to use and computes both angular and binocular deviation with an accuracy of less than +/- 0.1 mrad (approximate to 0.036 mrad) and has an excellent repeatability with an error of less than 2%. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769756]


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We report the design and development of a self-contained multi-band receiver (MBR) system, intended for use with a single large aperture to facilitate sensitive and high time-resolution observations simultaneously in 10 discrete frequency bands sampling a wide spectral span (100-1500 MHz) in a nearly log-periodic fashion. The development of this system was primarily motivated by need for tomographic studies of pulsar polar emission regions. Although the system design is optimized for the primary goal, it is also suited for several other interesting astronomical investigations. The system consists of a dual-polarization multi-band feed (with discrete responses corresponding to the 10 bands pre-selected as relatively radio frequency interference free), a common wide-band radio frequency front-end, and independent back-end receiver chains for the 10 individual sub-bands. The raw voltage time sequences corresponding to 16 MHz bandwidth each for the two linear polarization channels and the 10 bands are recorded at the Nyquist rate simultaneously. We present the preliminary results from the tests and pulsar observations carried out with the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope using this receiver. The system performance implied by these results and possible improvements are also briefly discussed.


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A path in an edge colored graph is said to be a rainbow path if no two edges on the path have the same color. An edge colored graph is (strongly) rainbow connected if there exists a (geodesic) rainbow path between every pair of vertices. The (strong) rainbow connectivity of a graph G, denoted by (src(G), respectively) rc(G) is the smallest number of colors required to edge color the graph such that G is (strongly) rainbow connected. In this paper we study the rainbow connectivity problem and the strong rainbow connectivity problem from a computational point of view. Our main results can be summarised as below: 1) For every fixed k >= 3, it is NP-Complete to decide whether src(G) <= k even when the graph G is bipartite. 2) For every fixed odd k >= 3, it is NP-Complete to decide whether rc(G) <= k. This resolves one of the open problems posed by Chakraborty et al. (J. Comb. Opt., 2011) where they prove the hardness for the even case. 3) The following problem is fixed parameter tractable: Given a graph G, determine the maximum number of pairs of vertices that can be rainbow connected using two colors. 4) For a directed graph G, it is NP-Complete to decide whether rc(G) <= 2.


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Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) have been one of the most popular and successful approaches to perform foreground segmentation on multimodal background scenes. However, the good accuracy of the GMM algorithm comes at a high computational cost. An improved GMM technique was proposed by Zivkovic to reduce computational cost by minimizing the number of modes adaptively. In this paper, we propose a modification to his adaptive GMM algorithm that further reduces execution time by replacing expensive floating point computations with low cost integer operations. To maintain accuracy, we derive a heuristic that computes periodic floating point updates for the GMM weight parameter using the value of an integer counter. Experiments show speedups in the range of 1.33 - 1.44 on standard video datasets where a large fraction of pixels are multimodal.


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Cellular networks played key role in enabling high level of bandwidth for users by employing traditional methods such as guaranteed QoS based on application category at radio access stratum level for various classes of QoSs. Also, the newer multimode phones (e.g., phones that support LTE (Long Term Evolution standard), UMTS, GSM, WIFI all at once) are capable to use multiple access methods simulta- neously and can perform seamless handover among various supported technologies to remain connected. With various types of applications (including interactive ones) running on these devices, which in turn have different QoS requirements, this work discusses as how QoS (measured in terms of user level response time, delay, jitter and transmission rate) can be achieved for interactive applications using dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes over cellular networks. In this work, we propose a dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for interactive multimedia applications with/without background load in the cellular networks. The system has been simulated for many application types running in parallel and it has been observed that if interactive applications are to be provided with decent response time, a periodic overhauling of policy at admission control has to be done by taking into account history, criticality of applications. The results demonstrate that interactive appli- cations can be provided with good service if policy database at admission control is reviewed dynamically.


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Influenza virus evades host immunity through antigenic drift and shift, and continues to circulate in the human population causing periodic outbreaks including the recent 2009 pandemic. A large segment of the population was potentially susceptible to this novel strain of virus. Historically, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been fundamental tools for diagnosis and epitope mapping of influenza viruses and their importance as an alternate treatment option is also being realized. The current study describes isolation of a high affinity (K-D = 2.1 +/- 0.4 pM) murine MAb, MA2077 that binds specifically to the hemagglutinin (HA) surface glycoprotein of the pandemic virus. The antibody neutralized the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus in an in vitro microneutralization assay (IC50 = 0.08 mu g/ml). MA2077 also showed hemagglutination inhibition activity (HI titre of 0.50 mu g/ml) against the pandemic virus. In a competition ELISA, MA2077 competed with the binding site of the human MAb, 2D1 (isolated from a survivor of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic) on pandemic H1N1 HA. Epitope mapping studies using yeast cell-surface display of a stable HA1 fragment, wherein `Sa' and `Sb' sites were independently mutated, localized the binding site of MA2077 within the `Sa' antigenic site. These studies will facilitate our understanding of antigen antibody interaction in the context of neutralization of the pandemic influenza virus.


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Recent experimental studies have revealed nanoscale cavities and periodic corrugations on the fracture surfaces of brittle metallic glasses. How such cavitation in these materials leads to brittle failure remains unclear. Here we show, using atomistic and continuum finite element simulations, that a shear band can mediate cavity nucleation and coalescence owing to plastic flow confinement caused by material softening. This leads to brittle fracture as cavities nucleate and coalesce within a shear band, causing the crack to extend along it. (c) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We develop a unified model to explain the dynamics of driven one dimensional ribbon for materials with strain and magnetic order parameters. We show that the model equations in their most general form explain several results on driven magnetostrictive metallic glass ribbons such as the period doubling route to chaos as a function of a dc magnetic field in the presence of a sinusoidal field, the quasiperiodic route to chaos as a function of the sinusoidal field for a fixed dc field, and induced and suppressed chaos in the presence of an additional low amplitude near resonant sinusoidal field. We also investigate the influence of a low amplitude near resonant field on the period doubling route. The model equations also exhibit symmetry restoring crisis with an exponent close to unity. The model can be adopted to explain certain results on magnetoelastic beam and martensitic ribbon under sinusoidal driving conditions. In the latter case, we find interesting dynamics of a periodic one orbit switching between two equivalent wells as a function of an ac magnetic field that eventually makes a direct transition to chaos under resonant driving condition. The model is also applicable to magnetomartensites and materials with two order parameters. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4790845]


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Let be a noncompact symmetric space of higher rank. We consider two types of averages of functions: one, over level sets of the heat kernel on and the other, over geodesic spheres. We prove injectivity results for functions in which extend the results in Pati and Sitaram (Sankya Ser A 62:419-424, 2000).


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Transient signals such as plosives in speech or Castanets in audio do not have a specific modulation or periodic structure in time domain. However, in the spectral domain they exhibit a prominent modulation structure, which is a direct consequence of their narrow time localization. Based on this observation, a spectral-domain AM-FM model for transients is proposed. The spectral AM-FM model is built starting from real spectral zero-crossings. The AM and FM correspond to the spectral envelope (SE) and group delay (GD), respectively. Taking into account the modulation structure and spectral continuity, a local polynomial regression technique is proposed to estimate the GD function from the real spectral zeros. The SE is estimated based on the phase function computed from the estimated GD. Since the GD estimation is parametric, the degree of smoothness can be controlled directly. Simulation results based on synthetic transient signals generated using a beta density function are presented to analyze the noise-robustness of the SEGD model. Three specific applications are considered: (1) SEGD based modeling of Castanet sounds; (2) appropriateness of the model for transient compression; and (3) determining glottal closure instants in speech using a short-time SEGD model of the linear prediction residue.


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Phototaxis is a directed swimming response dependent upon the light intensity sensed by micro-organisms. Positive (negative) phototaxis denotes the motion directed towards (away from) the source of light. Using the phototaxis model of Ghorai, Panda, and Hill ''Bioconvection in a suspension of isotropically scattering phototactic algae,'' Phys. Fluids 22, 071901 (2010)], we investigate two-dimensional phototactic bioconvection in an absorbing and isotropic scattering suspension in the nonlinear regime. The suspension is confined by a rigid bottom boundary, and stress-free top and lateral boundaries. The governing equations for phototactic bioconvection consist of Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid coupled with a conservation equation for micro-organisms and the radiative transfer equation for light transport. The governing system is solved efficiently using a semi-implicit second-order accurate conservative finite-difference method. The radiative transfer equation is solved by the finite volume method using a suitable step scheme. The resulting bioconvective patterns differ qualitatively from those found by Ghorai and Hill ''Penetrative phototactic bioconvection,'' Phys. Fluids 17, 074101 (2005)] at a higher critical wavelength due to the effects of scattering. The solutions show transition from steady state to periodic oscillations as the governing parameters are varied. Also, we notice the accumulation of micro-organisms in two horizontal layers at two different depths via their mean swimming orientation profile for some governing parameters at a higher scattering albedo. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We report ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) study on a grid formed with permalloy nanowires to understand the spin wave dynamics. The presence of two sets of magnetic nanowires perpendicular to each other in the same device enables better control over spin waves. The grid was fabricated using e-beam lithography followed by DC-Magnetron sputtering and liftoff technique. It has dimensions of 800 +/- 10 and 400 +/- 10 nm as periods along X and Y directions with permalloy wires of width 145 +/- 10 nm. FMR studies were done at X-band (9.4 GHz) with the field sweep up to 1 Tesla. The in-plane angular variation of resonant fields shows that there are two well separated modes present, indicating two uniaxial anisotropy axes which are perpendicular to each other. The variation in the intensities in the FMR signal w.r.t. the grid angle is used to describe the spin wave confinement in different regions of the grid. We also explained the asymmetry in the magnetic properties caused by the geometrical property of the rectangular grid and the origin for the peak splitting for the modes occurring at higher resonant fields. Micromagnetic simulations based on OOMMF with two dimensional periodic boundary conditions (2D-PBC) are used to support our experimental findings.


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Lagoons have been traditionally used in India for decentralized treatment of domestic sewage. These are cost effective as they depend mainly on natural processes without any external energy inputs. This study focuses on the treatment efficiency of algae-based sewage treatment plant (STP) of 67.65 million liters per day (MLD) capacity considering the characteristics of domestic wastewater (sewage) and functioning of the treatment plant, while attempting to understand the role of algae in the treatment. STP performance was assessed by diurnal as well as periodic investigations of key water quality parameters and algal biota. STP with a residence time of 14.3 days perform moderately, which is evident from the removal of total chemical oxygen demand (COD) (60 %), filterable COD (50 %), total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (82 %), and filterable BOD (70 %) as sewage travels from the inlet to the outlet. Furthermore, nitrogen content showed sharp variations with total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) removal of 36 %; ammonium N (NH4-N) removal efficiency of 18 %, nitrate (NO3-N) removal efficiency of 22 %, and nitrite (NO2-N) removal efficiency of 57.8 %. The predominant algae are euglenoides (in facultative lagoons) and chlorophycean members (maturation ponds). The drastic decrease of particulates and suspended matter highlights heterotrophy of euglenoides in removing particulates.