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The highway departments of all fifty states were contacted to find the extent of application of integral abutment bridges, to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutment bridges, and to assess the performance of such bridges through the years. The variation in design assumptions and length limitations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments is discussed. The problems associated with lateral displacements at the abutment, and the solutions developed by the different states for most of the ill effects of abutment movements are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure was developed and used to study piling stresses and pile-soil interaction in integral abutment bridges. The finite element idealization consists of beam-column elements with geometric and material nonlinearities for the pile and nonlinear springs for the soil. An idealized soil model (modified Ramberg-Osgood model) was introduced in this investigation to obtain the tangent stiffness of the nonlinear spring elements. Several numerical examples are presented in order to establish the reliability of the finite element model and the computer software developed. Three problems with analytical solutions were first solved and compared with theoretical solutions. A 40 ft H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was then analyzed by first applying a horizontal displacement (to simulate bridge motion) and no rotation at the top and then applying a vertical load V incrementally until failure occurred. Based on the numerical results, the failure mechanisms were generalized to be of two types: (a) lateral type failure and (b) vertical type failure. It appears that most piles in Iowa soils (sand, soft clay and stiff clay) failed when the applied vertical load reached the ultimate soil frictional resistance (vertical type failure). In very stiff clays, however, the lateral type failure occurs before vertical type failure because the soil is sufficiently stiff to force a plastic hinge to form in the pile as the specified lateral displacement is applied. Preliminary results from this investigation showed that the vertical load-carrying capacity of H piles is not significantly affected by lateral displacements of 2 inches in soft clay, stiff clay, loose sand, medium sand and dense sand. However, in very stiff clay (average blow count of 50 from standard penetration tests), it was found that the vertical load carrying capacity of the H pile is reduced by about 50 percent for 2 inches of lateral displacement and by about 20 percent for lateral displacement of 1 inch. On the basis of the preliminary results of this investigation, the 265-feet length limitation in Iowa for integral abutment concrete bridges appears to be very conservative.
The highway departments of the states which use integral abutments in bridge design were contacted in order to study the extent of integral abutment use in skewed bridges and to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutments in skewed bridges. The variation in design assumptions and pile orientations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments on skewed bridges is discussed. The problems associated with the treatment of the approach slab, backfill, and pile cap, and the reason for using different pile orientations are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure previously developed by the authors was modified and used to study the influence of different factors on behavior of piles in integral abutment bridges. An idealized integral abutment was introduced by assuming that the pile is rigidly cast into the pile cap and that the approach slab offers no resistance to lateral thermal expansion. Passive soil and shear resistance of the cap are neglected in design. A 40-foot H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was analyzed for fully restrained pile head and pinned pile head. According to numerical results, the maximum safe length for fully restrained pile head is one-half the maximum safe length for pinned pile head. If the pile head is partially restrained, the maximum safe length will lie between the two limits. The numerical results from an investigation of the effect of predrilled oversized holes indicate that if the length of the predrilled oversized hole is at least 4 feet below the ground, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile is only reduced by 10 percent for 4 inches of lateral displacement in very stiff clay. With no predrilled oversized hole, the pile failed before the 4-inch lateral displacement was reached. Thus, the maximum safe lengths for integral abutment bridges may be increased by predrilling. Four different typical Iowa layered soils were selected and used in this investigation. In certain situations, compacted soil (> 50 blow count in standard penetration tests) is used as fill on top of natural soil. The numerical results showed that the critical conditions will depend on the length of the compacted soil. If the length of the compacted soil exceeds 4 feet, the failure mechanism for the pile is similar to one in a layer of very stiff clay. That is, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile will be greatly reduced as the specified lateral displacement increases.
Much of the nation's rural road system is deteriorating. Many of the roads were built in the 1880s and 1890s with the most recent upgrading done in the 1940s and 1950s. Consequently, many roads and bridges do not have the capacity for the increased loads, speed, and frequent use of today's vehicles. Because of the growing demands and a dense county road system (inherited from the land settlement policies two centuries ago), revenue available to counties is inadequate to upgrade andmaintain the present system. Either revenue must be increased - an unpopular option - or costs must be reduced. To examine cost-saving options, Iowa State University conducted a study of roads and bridges in three 100 square mile areas in Iowa: • A suburban area • A rural area with a large number of paved roads, few bridges, and a high agricultural tax base and •A more rural area in a hilly terrain with many bridges and gravel roads, and a low agricultural tax base. A cost-benefit analysis was made on the present road system in these areas on such options as abandoning roads with limited use, converting some to private drives, and reducing maintenance on these types of roads. In only a few instances does abandonment of low traffic volume roads produce cost savings for counties and abutting land owners that exceed the additional travel costs to the public. In this study, the types of roads that produced net savings when abandoned were: • A small percentage (less than 5 percent) of the nonpaved county roads in the suburban area. However, net savings were very small. Cost savings from reducing the county road system in urbanized areas are very limited. • Slightly more than 5 percent of the nonpaved county roads in the most rural area that had a small number of paved county roads. • More than 12 percent of the nonpaved roads in the rural area that had a relatively large number of paved county and state roads. Converting low-volume roads to low-maintenance or Service B roads produces the largest savings of all solutions considered. However, future bridge deterioration and county liability on Service B roads are potential problems. Converting low-volume roads to private drives also produces large net savings. Abandonment of deadend roads results in greater net savings than continuous roads. However, this strategy shifts part of the public maintenance burden to land owners. Land owners also then become responsible for accident liability. Reconstruction to bring selected bridges with weight restrictions up to legal load limits reduces large truck and tractor-wagon mileage and costs. However, the reconstruction costs exceeded the reduction in travel costs. Major sources of vehicle miles on county roads are automobiles used for household purposes and pickup truck travel for farm purposes. Farm-related travel represents a relatively small percent of total travel miles, but a relatively high percentage of total travel costs.
This research project was directed at laboratory and field evaluation of sodium montmorillonite clay (bentonite) as a dust palliative for limestone surfaced secondary roads. It had been postulated that the electrically charged surfaces of the clay particles could interact with the charged surfaces of the limestone and act as a bonding agent to agglomerate fine (-#200) particulates and also to band the fine particulates to larger (+#200) limestone particles. Laboratory testing using soda ash dispersed bentonite treatment of limestone fines indicated significant improvement of compressive strength and slaking characteristics. It was recommended that the project proceed to field trials and test roads were constructed in Dallas and Adair counties in Iowa. Soda ash dispersed bentonite solutions can be field mixed and applied with conventional spray distribution equipment. A maximum of 1.5% bentonite(by weight of aggregate)can be applied at one time. Higher applications would have to be staged allowing the excess moisture to evaporate between applications. Construction of higher application treatments can be accomplished by adding dry bentonite to the surfacing material and then by dry road mixing. The soda ash water solution can then be spray applied and the treated surfacing material wet mixed by motor graders to a consistency of 3 to 4 inch slump concrete. Two motor graders working in tandem can provide rapid mixing for both methods of construction. Calcium and magnesium chloride treatments are 2 to 3 times more effective in dust reduction in the short term (3-4 months) but are prone to washboarding and potholing due to maintenance restrictions. Bentonite treatment at the 2-3% level is estimated to provide a 30-40% dust reduction over the long term(18-24 months). Normal maintenance blading operations can be used on bentonite treated areas. Vehicle braking characteristics are not adversely affected up to the 3.0% treatment level. The bentonite appears to be functioning as a banding agent to bind small particulates to larger particles and is acting to agglomerate fine particles of limestone. This bonding capability appears recoverable from environmental effects of winter, and from alternating wet and dry periods. The bentonite appears to be able to interact with new applications of limestone maintenance material and maintains a dust reduction capability. Soda ash dispersed bentonite treatment is approximately 10 times more cost effective per percent dust reduction than conventional chloride treatments with respect to time. However,the disadvantage is that there is not the initial dramatic reduction in dust generation as with the chloride treatment. Although dust is reduced 30-40% after treatment there is still dust being generated and the traveling public or residents may not perceive the reduction.
This report presents results of research on ways to reduce the detrimental effects of sulfate-tainted rock salt deicers on portland cement concrete used for highway pavements. Repetitious experiments on the influence of fly ash on the mortar phase of concrete showed significant improvement in resistance to deicing brines is possible. Fifteen to twenty percent by weight of fly ash replacement for portland cement was found to provide optimum improvement. Fly ashes from five sources were evaluated and all were found to be equally beneficial. Preliminary results indicate the type of coarse aggregate also plays an important role in terms of concrete resistance to freeze-thaw in deicing brines. This was particularly true for a porous ferroan dolomite thought to be capable of reaction with the brine. In this case fly ash improved the concrete, but not enough for satisfactory performance. An intermediate response was with a porous limestone where undesirable results were observed without fly ash and adequate performance was realized when 15% fly ash was added. The best combination for making deicer-resistant concrete was found to be with a non-porous limestone. Performance in brines was found to be adequate without fly ash, but better when fly ash was included. Consideration was given to treating existing hardened concrete made with poor aggregate and no fly ash to extend pavement life in the presence of deicers, particularly at joints. Sodium silicate was found to improve freeze-thaw resistance of mortar and is a good candidate for field usage because of its low cost and ease of handling.
This research project was directed at laboratory and field evaluation of sodium montmorillonite clay (Bentonite) as a dust palliative for limestone surfaced secondary roads. It was postulated that the electrically charged surfaces (negative) of the clay particles could interact with the charged surfaces (positive) of the limestone and act as a bonding agent to agglomerate fine (-#200) particulates, and also to bond the fine particulates to larger (+#200) limestone particles. One mile test roads were constructed in Tama, Appanoose, and Hancock counties in Iowa using Bentonite treatment levels (by weight of aggregate) ranging from 3.0 to 12.0%. Construction was accomplished by adding dry Bentonite to the surfacing material and then dry road mixing. The soda ash/water solution (dispersing agent) was spray applied and the treated surfacing material wet mixed by motor graders to a consistency of 2 to 3 inch slump concrete. Two motor graders working in tandem provided rapid mixing. Following wet mixing the material was surface spread and compacted by local traffic. Quantitative and qualitative periodic evaluations and testing of the test roads was conducted with respect to dust generation, crust development, roughness, and braking characteristics. As the Bentonite treatment level increased dust generation decreased. From a cost/benefit standpoint, an optimum level of treatment is about 8% (by weight of aggregate). For roads with light traffic, one application at this treatment level resulted in a 60-70% average dust reduction in the first season, 40-50% in the second season, and 20-30% in the third season. Crust development was rated at two times better than untreated control sections. No discernible trend was evident with respect to roughness. There was no evident difference in any of the test sections with respect to braking distance and braking handling characteristics, under wet surface conditions compared to the control sections. Chloride treatments are more effective in dust reduction in the short term (3-4 months). Bentonite treatment is capable of dust reduction over the long term (2-3 seasons). Normal maintenance blading operations can be used on Bentonite treated areas. Soda ash dispersed Bentonite treatment is estimated to be more than twice as cost effective per percent dust reduction than conventional chloride treatments, with respect to time. However, the disadvantage is that there is not the initial dramatic reduction in dust generation as with the chloride treatment. Although dust is reduced significantly after treatment there is still dust being generated. Video evidence indicates that the dust cloud in the Bentonite treated sections does not rise as high, or spread as wide as the cloud in the untreated section. It also settles faster than the cloud in the untreated section. This is considered important for driving safety of following traffic, and for nuisance dust invasion of residences and residential areas. The Bentonite appears to be functioning as a bonding agent.
The objective of this research study is to evaluate the performance, maintenance requirements and cost effectiveness of constructing reinforced slope along a concrete bikeway overpass with a Geogrid system such as manufactured by Tensar Corporation or Reinforced Earth Company. This final report consists of two separate reports - construction and performance. An earlier design report and work plan was submitted to the Iowa DOT in 1989. From the Design Report, it was determined that the reinforced slope would be the most economical system for this particular bikeway project. Preliminary cost estimates for other design alternatives including concrete retaining walls, gabions and sheet pile walls ranged from $204/L.F. to $220/L.F. The actual final construction cost of the reinforced slope with GEDGRIDS was around $112/L.F. Although, since the reinforced slope system was not feasible next to the bridge overpass because of design constraints, a fair cost comparison should reflect costs of constructing a concrete retaining wall. Including the concrete retaining wall costs raises the per lineal foot cost to around $122/L.F. In addition to this initial construction cost effectiveness of the reinforced slope, there has been little or no maintenance needed for this reinforced slope. It was noted that some edge mowing or weed whacking could be done near the concrete bikeway slab to improve the visual quality of the slope, but no work has been assigned to city crews. It was added that this kind of weed whacking over such steep slope is more difficult and there could possibly be more potential for work related injury. The geogrid reinforced slope has performed really well once the vegetation took control and prevented soil washing across the bikeway slab. To that end, interim erosion control measures might need to be considered in future projects. Some construction observations were noted. First, there i s no specialized experience or equipment required for a contractor to successfully build a low-to-medium geogrid reinforced slope structure. Second, the adaptability of the reinforced earth structure enables the designer to best fit the shape of the structure to the environment and could enhance aesthetic quality. Finally, a reinforced slope can be built with relatively soft soils provided differential settlements between facing are limited to one or two percent.
The textured concrete surface on all PCC primary paving projects (and when specified on secondary projects) is required to be grooved in a specified manner. The laboratory test for determining the efficiency index of concrete curing compounds is made on slabs that are not grooved. This short investigation was undertaken to determine any changes in the curing efficiency index when using various rates of application of curing compound on grooved concrete. Currently a 95 percent curing efficiency index is specified at an application rate of 15 square yards per gallon. Can this efficiency be achieved, and if so at what application rate, on grooved concrete? Grooving the concrete greatly increases the surface area and also causes the liquid curing compound to run off the high spots and collect in the grooves.
Fine limestone aggregate is abundant in several areas of the state. The aggregate is a by-product from the production of concrete stone. Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a portland cement concrete mixture that can be produced with small size aggregate. The objective of the research was to evaluate limestone screenings in RCC mixes. Acceptable strength and freeze/thaw durability were obtained with 300 pounds of portland cement and 260 pounds of Class C fly ash. The amount of aggregate passing the number 200 sieve ranged from 4.6 to 11 percent. Field experience in Iowa indicates that the aggregate gradation is more critical to placeability and compactibility than laboratory strength and durability.
Cement-aggregate reactions were first reported in the 1940's. Depletion of quality aggregate, changes in cement and the use of fly ash make cement-aggregate reactions a problem still today. This latest research into alkali-aggregate reactivity was initiated to evaluate the new ASTM style test containers and evaluate the effect of Class C fly ash on the expansive reaction. Three aggregates were tested in combination with three cements and three fly ashes available in Iowa. Thirty-six combinations were made and tested over a six-month period. The conclusions were: (1) the new style ASTM containers were much more effective than the containers used by the Iowa DOT in the past; (2) some mixes with 15 percent Class C fly ash had increased expansion over comparative mixes without fly ash; and (3) the Oreapolis #8 pit did not appear to have an alkali-silica reaction problem based on this testing and earlier reported testing.
Iowa Highway Commission Project HR-33, "Characteristics of Chemically Treated Roadway Surfaces", was investigated at the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station under Project 375-S. The purpose of the project as originally proposed was to study the physical and chemical characteristics of chemically treated roadway surfaces. All chemical treatments were to be included, but only sodium chloride and calcium chloride treated roadways were investigated. The uses of other types of chemical treatment were not discovered until recently, notably spent sulfite liquor and a commercial additive. Costs of stabilized secondary roads in Hamilton County averaged $4300.00 per mile even though remanent soil-aggregate material was used. The cost of similar roads in Franklin County was $4400.00 per mile. The Franklin County road surfaces were constructed entirely from materials that were hauled to the road site. Costs in Butler County were a little over $3000.00 per mile some eight years ago. Chemical investigations indicate that calcium chloride and sodium chloride are lost through leaching. Approximately 95 percent of the sodium chloride appears to have been lost, and nearly 65 percent of the calcium chloride has disappeared. The latter value may be much in error since surface dressings of calcium chloride are commonly used and have not been taken into account. Clay contents of the soil-aggregate-chemical stabilized roads range from about 6 to ll percent, averaging 8 or 9 percent. The thicknesses of stabilized mats are usually 2 to 4 inches, with in-place densities ranging from 130 to 145 pcf. Generally the densities found in sodium chloride stabilized roads were slightly higher than those found in the calcium chloride stabilized roads.
Results are presented of triaxial testing of three crushed limestones to which either hydrated high-calcium lime, sodium chloride or calcium chloride had been added. Lime was added at rates of 1, 3, 10 and 16 percent, chlorides were added at 0.5 percent rate only. Speciments were compacted using vibratory compaction apparatus and were tested in triaxial compression using lateral pressures from 10 to 100 psi. Triaxial test results indicate that: (1) sodium chloride slightly decreased the angle of internal friction and increased cohesion, (2) calcium chloride slightly increased the angle of internal friction and decreased cohesion, and (3) lime had no appreciable effect on angle of internal friction but increased cohesion, decreased density and increased pore water pressure.
In 1975, Kossuth County had 492 miles of asphalt pavements, sixty percent of which were between l5 and 20 years old. Many of these roadways were in need of rehabilitation. Normally, asphaltic resurfacing would be the procedure for correcting the pavement deterioration. There are areas within the state of Iowa which do not have Class I aggregate readily available for asphalt cement concrete paving. Kossuth County is one of those areas. The problem is typified by this project. Limestone aggregate to be incorporated into the asphalt resurfacing had to be hauled 53 miles from the quarry to the plant site. The cost of hauling good quality aggregate coupled with the increasing cost of asphalt cement encouraged Kossuth County to investigate the possibility of asphaltic pavement recycling. Another problem, possibly unique to Kossuth County, was the way the original roadways had been constructed. A good clay soil was present under 3 to 4 feet of poorer soil. In order to obtain this good clay soil for subbase construction, the roadway ditches were excavated 1 to 3 feet into the clay soil layer. The resultant roadway tops were several feet above the surrounding farm land and generally less than 26 feet wide. To bring the existing roadway up to current minimum design width, there were two choices: One was to widen the roadway by truck hauling soil and constructing new 4 to 6 foot shoulders. The cost of widening by this method averaged $36,000 per mile in 1975. The other choice was to remove the old pavement and widen the roadway by lowering the grade line. The desire to provide wider paved roadways gave Kossuth County the additional incentive needed to proceed with a pavement recycling project.
When mixing asphalt in thin film and at high temperatures, as in the production of asphalt concrete, it has been shown that asphalt will harden due essentially to two factors: (1) losses of volatiles and (2) oxidation. The degree of hardening as expressed by percent loss in penetration varied from as low as 7% to about 57% depending on mixing temperatures, aggregate types, gradation, asphalt content, penetration and other characteristics of asphalts used. Methods used to predict hardening during mixing include loss on heat and thin film oven tests, with the latter showing better correlation with the field findings. However, information on other physical and chemical changes that may occur as a result of mixing in the production of hot-mix asphaltic concrete is limited, The purpose of this research project was to ascertain the changes of asphalt cement properties, both physical and chemical, during mixing operation and to determine whether one or more of the several tests of asphalt cements were critical enough to indicate these changes.
Research was undertaken, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation, to identify specific locations where rumble strips could be expected to improve highway safety. The objective of the research was to recommend warrants for their use on rural highways. An inventory of rumble strip installations on the rural highway systems in the state was conducted in 1981. A total of 685 installations was reported on secondary roads and 147 on primary highways. Over 97 percent of these were in advance of stop signs at. intersections. Most of the other installations were in advance of railroad grade crossings. The accident experience with and without rumble strips was compared in two ways. A before-and-after comparison was made for the same location if accident records were available for at least one full year both preceding and following the installation of rumble strips. Accident records for this purpose were available from a statewide computerized record system covering the period from 1977 through 1980. The accident experience at locations having rumble strips installed before 1978 was compared with a sample of comparable locations not having rumble strips.