924 resultados para palliative care


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In this paper an evaluation approach to assess the co-ordination of supportive community cancer care is presented. The aim of the study was to identify current gaps in co-ordination of services in a selected region in the province of Ontario, Canada, determine how consistent these gaps were across the province of Ontario, and develop service design considerations for improving the co-ordination of supportive cancer care services in the province of Ontario. The study addressed services required by two populations - clients who had been recently diagnosed and those in the palliative stages of cancer. The evaluation was theory-driven and incorporated evidence from three methods: a systematic literature review, a community case study and a provincial scan. The results revealed the absence of a formal supportive cancer care system and a complex community care system. Supportive cancer care was shown to be delivered by a range of generalist programs that lacked specialisation in addressing the unique needs of cancer clients. In addition, there was no clear evidence of leadership for co-ordinating supportive cancer care, where client care was most often provided by multiple programs at any given point in time. The study generated recommendations to improve co-ordination of supportive cancer care at both the administrative as well as direct care level. © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: An increasingly significant public health issue in Canada, and elsewhere throughout the developed world, pertains to the provision of adequate palliative/end-of-life (P/EOL) care. Informal caregivers who take on the responsibility of providing P/EOL care often experience negative physical, mental, emotional, social and economic consequences. In this article, we specifically examine how Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit (CCB) - a contributory benefits social program aimed at informal P/EOL caregivers - operates as a public health response in sustaining informal caregivers providing P/EOL care, and whether or not it adequately addresses known aspects of caregiver burden that are addressed within the population health promotion (PHP) model. Methods. As part of a national evaluation of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit, 57 telephone interviews were conducted with Canadian informal P/EOL caregivers in 5 different provinces, pertaining to the strengths and weaknesses of the CCB and the general caregiving experience. Interview data was coded with Nvivo software and emerging themes were identified by the research team, with such findings published elsewhere. The purpose of the present analysis was identified after comparing the findings to the literature specific to caregiver burden and public health, after which data was analyzed using the PHP model as a guiding framework. Results: Informal caregivers spoke to several of the determinants of health outlined in the PHP model that are implicated in their burden experience: gender, income and social status, working conditions, health and social services, social support network, and personal health practises and coping strategies. They recognized the need for improving the CCB to better address these determinants. Conclusions: This study, from the perspective of family caregivers, demonstrates that the CCB is not living up to its full potential in sustaining informal P/EOL caregivers. Effort is required to transform the CCB so that it may fulfill the potential it holds for serving as one public health response to caregiver burden that forms part of a healthy public policy that addresses the determinants of this burden. © 2011 Williams et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe the value of a formal room blessing ritual held within a long-term care facility, from the perspectives of staff, residents, and family members. Method: A qualitative research study involving interviews with staff, residents, and family members was conducted to examine the perceived value of a room blessing ritual. Results: Twenty-four room blessing attendees participated in the study (nine staff, eight residents, and seven family members). Attendees felt that the room blessing provided an opportunity to formally acknowledge the death of the resident and their grief; the majority felt that this was a positive experience and that it provided an element of closure. Staff members and residents expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to connect with family members of the deceased to express their condolences during the ritual. Participants also identified the inclusivity of the ritual (i.e., an open invitation to all staff, residents, and family members) as a positive aspect that served as a reminder that others shared in their grief. Staff members felt that blessing the room for the new resident was an important component of the ritual, helping to bridge the gap between mourning and welcoming a new person. Staff, residents, and family members felt that the room blessing positively reflected the mission and values of the facility. The most highly valued aspect of the ritual for all attendees was the sharing of stories about the deceased to celebrate that person's life. Significance of results: Long-term care facilities need to recognize that formal supports to manage the bereavement needs of staff and residents, such as a room blessing ritual, should be incorporated into their model for managing end-of-life care, given the relationship between the emotional health of staff and the quality of care provided for residents. © 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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Background: Families of patients with advanced dementia need to be informed about the course of the dementia and comfort care. Conditional for health care providers educating families is their knowledge and comfort in family education. Methods: Perceived usefulness and acceptability of a Canadian family booklet explaining possible complications and comfort care in dementia was assessed by physicians and nurses caring for dementia patients in 14 nursing homes in Lombardy, Italy and 21 in the Netherlands. The practitioners received a questionnaire and translated versions adapted to local practice where needed. In 10 of 21 Dutch homes, physicians evaluated only the original Canadian version in English. A 15-item scale assessed the booklet's acceptability, for example, to inform families, or for educational purposes. Perceived usefulness referred to proportion of families of dementia patients for whom the booklet would be useful. A total of 168 evaluations were available for multivariable regression analyses. Results: The practitioners anticipated that the booklet would be useful for most families. Evaluation of the Dutch translation of the booklet was similar to the English version. Country (Netherlands) and profession (nurses) were independently associated with better acceptability. Usefulness was perceived as better by Italian respondents and nurses, but only in analyses unadjusted for the higher educational needs of these respondents. Conclusion: Overall, the concept of written information on comfort care was appreciated by practitioners of European countries differing in attitudes toward end-of-life care. A booklet may help practitioners, and in particular nurses, in providing comfort care for dementia patients and their families. © Copyright 2011, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2011.


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Objective. To identify, assess, and rank the importance of health care needs of community-dwelling older adults. Method. A structured telephone interview with 107 respondents (physicians, direct service providers and administrators) about the importance of a list of 31 health care needs of older adults. Respondents also identified the single most important health issue facing local older adults now and in the next 5 to 10 years. Results. The five most important health care needs, in descending order, are: care-giver support services, community long-term care services services for people with demential/Alzheimer's disease, palliative/end-of-life care, and services for cancer patients and their families. Community long-term care services were identified as the single most important health issue both now and in the next 5 to 10 years. Conclusion. The study findings should be of value to health and social service researchers, planners, providers and administrators regarding the needs of community-dwelling older adults.


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This article reports a pilot evaluation of Comfort Care Rounds (CCRs)-a strategy for addressing long-term care home staff's palliative and end-of-life care educational and support needs. Using a qualitative descriptive design, semistructured individual and focus group interviews were conducted to understand staff members' perspectives and feedback on the implementation and application of CCRs. Study participants identified that effective advertising, interest, and assigning staff to attend CCRs facilitated their participation. The key barriers to their attendance included difficulty in balancing heavy workloads and scheduling logistics. Interprofessional team member representation was sought but was not consistent. Study participants recognized the benefits of attending; however, they provided feedback on how the scheduling, content, and focus could be improved. Overall, study participants found CCRs to be beneficial to their palliative and end-of-life care knowledge, practice, and confidence. However, they identified barriers and recommendations, which warrant ongoing evaluation.


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Objective: Multimedia interventions are increasingly used to deliver information in order to promote self-care among patients with degenerative conditions. We carried out a realist review of the literature to investigate how the characteristics of multimedia psychoeducational interventions combine with the contexts in which they are introduced to help or hinder their effectiveness in supporting self-care for patients with degenerative conditions.

Method: Electronic databases (Medline, Science Direct, PSYCHinfo, EBSCO, and Embase) were searched in order to identify papers containing information on multimedia psychoeducational interventions. Using a realist review approach, we reviewed all relevant studies to identify theories that explained how the interventions work.

Results: Ten papers were included in the review. All interventions sought to promote self-care behaviors among participants. We examined the development and content of the multimedia interventions and the impact of patient motivation and of the organizational context of implementation. We judged seven studies to be methodologically weak. All completed studies showed small effects in favor of the intervention.

Significance of Results: Multimedia interventions may provide high-quality information in an accessible format, with the potential to promote self-care among patients with degenerative conditions, if the patient perceives the information as important and develops confidence about self-care. The evidence base is weak, so that research is needed to investigate effective modes of delivery at different resource levels. We recommend that developers consider how an intervention will reduce uncertainty and increase confidence in self-care, as well as the impact of the context in which it will be employed.


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Background: The steady increase in the number of people living and dying with dementia, coupled with the recent focus on quality of care, has highlighted the importance of dementia training for health care professionals. This exploratory study aimed to discover which skills health care students felt were important in providing quality end-of-life care to dementia patients.

Methods: Ninety-four medicine, nursing, and pharmacy students participated in a larger study using open-ended and closed questions to explore attitudes related to caring for dementia patients at the end of life. This study looks at the student responses to an open-ended question regarding the skills and knowledge they believe are needed to provide end-of-life care to dementia patients. Individual responses were reviewed by the researchers, coded into key issues, and tabulated for frequency of occurrences and group differences.

Results: Several common issues emerged: knowledge, patience, empathy, understanding, family involvement, compassion, medication knowledge, respect/patient autonomy, communication, quality of life, and patient education. Significant differences were observed among the participant groups on the following issues: Patience and understanding (pharmacy students mentioned these issues less frequently than medical and nursing students), compassion (medical students mentioned this issue more frequently than pharmacy students), and medication knowledge (pharmacy students mentioned this issue more frequently than medical and nursing students).

Conclusions: Different health care disciplines (in-training) value different skill sets for the provision of dementia care at the end-of-life. As health care education for dementia patients at the end of life is expanded, it will be important to understand which skills both patients and health care students value.


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Surgery has historically been the standard of care for operable stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, nearly one-quarter of patients with stage I NSCLC will not undergo surgery because of medical comorbidity or other factors. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) is the new standard of care for these patients. SABR offers high local tumour control rates rivalling the historical results of surgery and is generally well tolerated by patients with both peripheral and centrally located tumours. This article reviews the history of SABR for stage I NSCLC, summarises the currently available data on efficacy and toxicity, and describes some of the currently controversial aspects of this treatment.


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Le cancer est considéré comme l’une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité et, en Espagne, représente à lui seul 25% du taux de mortalité globale. Lorsqu’une personne et sa famille font l’expérience de traverser la phase avancée du cancer, celles-ci vivent un grand choc émotionnel où les souffrances physique, psychique et spirituelle peuvent être présentes. L’information donnée par les professionnels de la santé aux membres de la famille, incluant la personne atteinte, en ce qui concerne le diagnostic et le pronostic du cancer est maintenant plus fréquente dans le contexte méditerranéen. Il n'est pas clair, toutefois, comment cette nouvelle approche est vécue par les familles. C’est pourquoi, le but de cette recherche qualitative de type phénoménologique est d’explorer la signification de l’expérience de familles dont l’un des membres est atteint d’un cancer terminal, alors que tous connaissent le pronostic de la maladie. Les résultats obtenus reposent sur l’analyse en profondeur d’entrevues réalisées auprès de quatre couples. L’analyse des données, à l’aide de la méthode phénoménologique de Giorgi (1997), fait émerger deux thèmes centraux caractérisant la signification de cette expérience de la phase palliative de cancer, alors que l’information sur le mauvais pronostic est connue tant par la personne atteinte que sa famille. Le premier thème central est celui de vivre intensément la perte de la vie rêvée et comporte le vécu suite au choc du pronostic fatal, le fait de vivre constamment des sentiments et des émotions liés à différentes pertes telles que la tristesse, la frustration, l’inquiétude et l’incertitude, et l’espoir de ne pas souffrir. Le deuxième thème central qui ressort est le développement de stratégies par les couples participants afin de rendre leur vie plus supportable. Ces stratégies sont les suivantes : accueillir l’information et le soutien professionnel, retrouver une certaine normalité dans la vie quotidienne, profiter de la vie, recevoir l’aide de la famille et des amis, maintenir une communication cognitive et instrumentale ouverte, se protéger au niveau émotionnel et envisager l’avenir sans la personne aimée. Tous ces éléments, dans le contexte individuel de vie de chaque famille transforment chacun de ces vécus en une expérience unique qui doit être comprise et respectée comme telle par tous les professionnels de la santé impliqués. Les connaissances développées par cette recherche permettront aux infirmières de mieux comprendre l’expérience de la phase palliative du cancer pour des couples dont le diagnostic et le pronostic fatal sont connus par tous, ceci afin d’améliorer leur qualité des soins. Afin de poursuivre le développement du savoir infirmier, il est recommandé de poursuivre des études afin d’explorer plus en profondeur la communication au sein des couples.


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BACKGROUND: There is an increasing demand for comprehensive forms of palliative cancer care, meeting physical as well as emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social needs. Therapy programs of anthroposophic hospitals are aimed at improving health and quality of life (QoL) at these levels. However, data on the influence of these programs on QoL of patients with advanced cancer are scarce. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 144 in-patients with advanced epithelial cancers were treated at the anthroposophic Lukas Klinik, Arlesheim, Switzerland. QoL was assessed upon admission, discharge and after 4 months, using 20 functional scales from the questionnaires EORTC QLQ-C30, HADS and SELT-M. Statistical testing was performed with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. At month 4, subjectively perceived benefits from anthroposophic medicine (AM) and conventional cancer therapy (CCT) were assessed by telephone. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to provide an account of global, physical, emotional, cognitive-spiritual and social QoL developments in advanced cancer patients, during and after in-patient AM treatment, and to investigate subjective benefits from AM and CCT. RESULTS: QoL improvements were observed in all 20 dimensions (12 significant). Compared to related studies, improvements were fairly high. At month 4, QoL scores had decreased but were still above baseline in all 20 dimensions. Both AM and CCT were perceived as beneficial. CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence that in-patient therapy at an anthroposophic hospital can lead to significant QoL improvements, especially in emotional, but also global, physical, cognitive-spiritual and social aspects. Benefits of AM were experienced on the physical, emotional, cognitive- spiritual and social level. Benefits of CCT were tumor-focused.


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