975 resultados para organizational behaviour


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Although workplace bullying and other inappropriate treatment in the workplace have received growing attention, especially in Northern Europe, in the past few decades, little research has so far been conducted about the prevention of and intervention in such phenomena. This paper provides a review of different organizational measures typically recommended for preventing and intervening in workplace bullying and other forms of inappropriate treatment in the workplace. These measures include anti-bullying policies, training and information, appropriate job designs, active monitoring, and early intervention. As for intervention, both informal and formal strategies are discussed. Furthermore, the paper reports findings from a study among Finnish municipalities on the extent to which these measures are actually used in Finland, a country that has fairly recently introduced anti-bullying legislation.


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In this paper, the behaviour of a group of autonomous mobile agents under cyclic pursuit is studied. Cyclic pursuit is a simple distributed control law, in which the agent i pursues agent i + 1 modulo n.. The equations of motion are linear, with no kinematic constraints on motion. Behaviourally, the agents are identical, but may have different controller gains. We generalize existing results in the literature and show that by selecting these gains, the behavior of the agents can be controlled. They can be made to converge at a point or be directed to move in a straight line. The invariance of the point of convergence with the sequence of pursuit is also shown.


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Males of several acoustically communicating orthopteran species form spatially and temporally structured choruses. We investigated whether male field crickets of the species Plebeiogryllus guttiventris formed choruses in the field. Males formed spatial aggregations and showed fidelity to a calling site within a night, forming stable choruses. Within aggregations, the acoustic ranges of males overlapped considerably. We tested whether males within hearing range of each other interacted acoustically. The chirps of simultaneously calling males were aphasic with respect to each other and showed no significant alternation or synchrony of calls. Some individuals changed temporal features of their calling songs such as chirp durations and chirp rates in response to a simultaneously calling neighbour. The implications of these results for female mate choice are discussed


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A dramatically different consumption pattern seems to be emerging among a vast group of consumers. This may mean that conventional consumer stereotypes and segmentation theory are becoming outdated. The so called hybrid consumers seem to increasingly opt for both premium and budget alternatives in various product and service categories while mid-priced alternatives are losing share in their consumption basket. Although this type of polarisation, or dispersion, is already recognized as an important change, hybrid behaviour is still largely under-researched. The present study aims to analyze the possible drivers of hybrid consumption and by identifying typical categories and situations of trading up versus trading down derive tentative characteristics of hybrid consumption for further research on the topic. A tentative pattern of hybrid consumption was identified, which relates trading up to high-involvement, discretional spending and trading down to low-involvement necessities. However, it was also found that hybrid consumption transcends product category boundaries and may thus be less straightforward than previously perhaps assumed. In addition, a purchase pattern continuum was developed, accounting for various degrees of hybrid consumption.


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The effects of ageing on the properties of a complete polyvinyl chloride — dibutyl phthalate — ammonium perchlorate solid propellant have been studied by measurements of burning rates, thermal decomposition rates (by thermogravimetry and DTA) and calorimetric values. Ageing leads to loss of HCl by dehydrochlorination and a corresponding increase in heat of combustion.


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A few simple three-atom thermoneutral radical exchange reactions (i.e. A + BC --> AB + C) are examined by ab initio SCF methods. Emphasis is laid on the detailed analysis of density matrices rather than on energetics. Results reveal that the sum of the bond orders of the breaking and forming bonds is not conserved to unity, due to development of free valence on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. Bond orders, free valence and spin densities on the atoms are calculated. The present analysis shows that the bond-cleavage process is always more advanced than the bond-formation process in the transition state. Further analysis shows a development of the negative spin density on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. The depletion of the alpha-spin density on the radical site "A" in the reactant during the reaction lags behind the growth of the alpha-spin density on the terminal atom "C" of the reactant bond, 'B-C' in the transition state. But all these processes are completed simultaneously at the end of the reaction. Hence, the reactions are asynchronous but kinetically concerted in most cases.


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The electrical capacitance and resistance of the binary liquid mixture cyclohexane + acetonitrile are measured in the one phase and two phase regions at spot frequencies between 5 kHz and 100 kHz. This sample has a very low gravity affected (∼0.6 mK) region. In one phase region the capacitance data show a sharp, ∼0.7% increase above background within 0.5 degrees of Tc whereas the resistance has a smooth increase of ∼1.5% above background in a (T−Tc) range of 4 degrees. Two phase values of capacitance and resistance from the coexisting phases are used to determine the critical parameters Tc (critical temperature), Rc (resistance at Tc) and Cc (capacitance at Tc). A precise knowledge of these parameters reduces the uncertainty on the critical exponent 0 for C and R. The one phase capacitance data fit to an (1 - α) exponent in a limited temperature range of 0.2 degrees. Resistance data strongly support an (1 - α) exponent over the entire 5 degree range.


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The elephant calf, a defended follower is completely dependent on adults till the age of 3 months. It begins to explore and attempts to feed at 3 to 6 months, and then becomes partially independent with some feeding on its own. The characteristics of behavior in adults are examined and the development of this pattern in the calf is traced by analyis of duration, transition and clustering of the behavioural elements. Essential activities like suckling, locomotion and lying down for rest appear soon after birth whereas elements of feeding, grooming and play appear only at a later stage. The calf takes the initiative in suckling and its termination, drinking directly by mouth till the age of 6 months. The first element of feeding appears at about a week in attempts to pick up and hold objects in the trunk. Co-ordination of limb, trunk and mouth movement is achieved by about 1 month. The calf is strong enough to pull out plants by 6 months when independent feeding begins. In about a year feeding, drinking and dusting patterns are well developed.


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In this article, a general definition of the process average temperature has been developed, and the impact of the various dissipative mechanisms on 1/COP of the chiller evaluated. The present component-by-component black box analysis removes the assumptions regarding the generator outlet temperature(s) and the component effective thermal conductances. Mass transfer resistance is also incorporated into the absorber analysis to arrive at a more realistic upper limit to the cooling capacity. Finally, the theoretical foundation for the absorption chiller T-s diagram is derived. This diagrammatic approach only requires the inlet and outlet conditions of the chiller components and can be employed as a practical tool for system analysis and comparison. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption behaviour of an oxidised starch AP as well as that of calcium onto haematite have been studied both individually and together. While the adsorption density of starch AP onto haematite is enhanced in the presence of calcium, the adsorption of calcium onto haematite is not promoted by starch AP. Flocculation tests on haematite ore fines in the presence of starch AP and calcium chloride reveal that the sequence in which calcium and starch are added governs the settling rates and turbidity values. Zeta potential, viscosity and conductivity measurements, and calcium ion binding studies with starch AP indicate calcium-starch interactions. Possible mechanisms involved in such interactions with respect to haematite flocculation have been discussed.


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The creep behaviour of a creep-resistant AE42 magnesium alloy has been examined in the temperature range of 150 to 240 degrees C at the stress levels ranging from 40 to 120 MPa using impression creep technique. A normal creep behaviour, i.e., strain rate decreasing with strain and then reaching a steady state, is observed at all the temperatures and stresses employed The stress exponent varies from 5.1 to 5.7 and the apparent activation energy varies from 130 to 140 kJ/mol, which suggests the high temperature climb of dislocation controlled by lattice self-diffusion being the dominant creep mechanism in the stress and temperature range employed The creep behaviour of the AE42 alloy has also been compared with its composites reinforced with Saffil short fibres and SiC particles in four combinations. All the composites exhibited a lower creep rate than the monolithic AE42 alloy tested at the same temperature and stress levels and the decrease in creep rate was greater in the longitudinal direction than in the transverse direction, as expected. All the hybrid composites, i.e., the composites reinforced with a combination of Saffil short fibres and SiC particles, exhibited creep rates comparable to the composite reinforced with 20% Saffil short fibres alone at all the temperature and stress levels employed, which is beneficial from the commercial point of view.