974 resultados para orange juice


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Enlarged ed. of v.1 only.


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Based upon observations of the digestive processes of Alexis St. Martin.


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"June 1984 [cover, October 1984]"


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Sammanfattning/Abstract I denna studie har vi med det amerikanska samhällets erfarenhet av det inhemska fängelsesystemet som grund valt att studera de två tv-serierna Oz och Orange is the New Black. Utifrån detta har vi undersökt hur fängelserna i dessa serier porträtteras, hur två framträdande fångar porträtteras, hur interaktionen mellan fångar och fängelsemiljön ser ut i berättelsernas struktur samt studerat gestaltningen av fångarna ur ett genus och etnicitetsperspektiv. Vi använder oss av ett flertal teorier som berör det amerikanska samhället, dess fängelsesystem samt genus och etnicitet. Vi har använt oss av narratologisk och semiotisk metodik för att studera seriernas innehåll rörande porträttering av karaktärer och berättarstruktur. I vår slutdiskussion kommer vi fram till att det finns en gemensam kritik av fängelser som brottsförebyggande instans och att porträtteringen av seriernas karaktärer både bryter och cementerar vissa normer rörande genus och etnicitet. Vi finner även ett typiskt narrativt för den genre vi valt att undersöka som är fängelsegenren.                


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A novel nanocomposite of iron oxide and silicate, prepared through a reaction between a solution of iron salt and a dispersion of Laponite clay, was used as a catalyst for the photoassisted Fenton degradation of azo-dye Orange II. This catalyst is much cheaper than the Nafion-based catalysts, and our results illustrate that it can significantly accelerate the degradation of Orange II under the irradiation of UV light (lambda = 254 nm). An advantage of the catalyst is its long-term stability that was confirmed through using the catalyst for multiple runs in the degradation of Orange II. The effects of the H2O2 molar concentration, solution pH, wavelength and power of the LTV light, catalyst loading, and initial Orange II concentration on the degradation of Orange 11 were studied in detail. In addition, it was also found that discoloration of Orange 11 undergoes a faster kinetics than mineralization of Orange II and 75% total organic carbons of 0.1 mM Orange II can be eliminated after 90 min in the presence of 1.0 g of Fe-nanocomposite/L, 4.8 mM H2O2, and 1 x 8W UVC.


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A novel laponite RD clay-based Fe nanocomposite (Fe-Lap-RD) has been successfully synthesized through a reaction between a solution of iron salt and an aqueous dispersion of laponite RD clay. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results reveal that the Fe-Lap-RD mainly consists of Fe2O3 (maghemite) and Fe2Si4O10(OH)2 (iron silicate hydroxide), which have tetragonal and monoclinic structures, respectively, and has a high specific surface area as well as a high pore volume. The photo-catalytic activity of the Fe-Lap-RD was examined in the photo-assisted degradation of an organic azo dye Orange II. It was found that the mineralization of Orange 11 undergoes a slower kinetics than discoloration, and 70% total organic carbon (TOC) of 0.2 mM Orange 11 can be removed in 90 min, implying that the Fe-Lap-RD exhibited a high photo-catalytic activity in the presence of H2O2 and UV light (254 nm) in the photo-assisted degradation of Orange II. In addition, our experiments also illustrate that the Fe-Lap-RD has a long-term stability but is of low cost. This study illustrates the possibility of photo-assisted degradation of organic compounds without the requirements to remove the Fe ions after reaction. Two possible catalytic reaction mechanisms are also proposed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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