992 resultados para nutrient contents


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plants were grown in small (3-L), medium (10-L) and large (24-L) pots for 115 or 165 d after transplanting (DAT), which allowed different degrees of root restriction. Effects of altered source : sink ratio were evaluated in order to explore possible stomatal and non-stomatal mechanisms of photosynthetic down-regulation. Increasing root restriction brought about large and general reductions in plant growth associated with a rising root : shoot ratio. Treatments did not affect leaf water potential or leaf nutrient status, with the exception of N content, which dropped significantly with increasing root restriction even though an adequate N supply was available. Photosynthesis was severely reduced when plants were grown in small pots; this was largely associated with non-stomatal factors, such as decreased Rubisco activity. At 165DAT contents of hexose, sucrose, and amino acids decreased in plants grown in smaller pots, while those of starch and hexose-P increased in plants grown in smaller pots. Photosynthetic rates were negatively correlated with the ratio of hexose to free amino acids, but not with hexose content. Activities of acid invertase, sucrose synthase, sucrose-P synthase, fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, starch phosphorylase, glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase, PPi : fructose-6-P 1-phosphotransferase and NADP : glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase all decreased with severe root restriction. Glycerate-3-P : Pi and glucose-6-P : fructose-6-P ratios decreased accordingly. Photosynthetic down-regulation was unlikely to have been associated directly with an end-product limitation, but rather with decreases in Rubisco. Such a down-regulation was largely a result of N deficiency caused by growing coffee plants in small pots.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fruit traits evolve in response to an evolutionary triad between plants, seed dispersers, and antagonists that consume fruits but do not disperse seeds. The defense trade-off hypothesis predicts that the composition of nutrients and of secondary compounds in fruit pulp is shaped by a trade-off between defense against antagonists and attraction to seed dispersers. The removal rate model of this hypothesis predicts a negative relationship between nutrients and secondary compounds, whereas the toxin-titration model predicts a positive relationship. To test these alternative models, we evaluated whether the contents of nutrients and secondary compounds can be used to predict fruit removal by mutualists and pathogens in 14 bird-dispersed plants on a subtropical island in São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. We selected eight to ten individuals of each species and prevented fruit removal by covering four branches with a net and left fruits on four other branches available to both, vertebrate fruit consumers and pathogens. The persistence of ripe fruits was drastically different among species for bagged and open fruits, and all fruit species persisted longer when protected against seed dispersers. We found that those fruits that are quickly removed by vertebrates are nutrient-rich, but although the attack rate of pathogens is also high, these fruits have low contents of quantitative defenses such as tannins and phenols. Thus, we suggest that the fruit removal rate by seed dispersers is the primary factor selecting the levels of fruit defense. Likewise, nutrient-poor fruits have low removal of seed dispersers and low probability of attack by pathogens. These species retain ripe fruits in an intact condition for a prolonged period because they are highly defended by secondary compounds, which reduce overall attractiveness. However, this strategy might be advantageous for plants that depend on rare or unreliable dispersers.


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The present study investigated the effects of moderate physical training on some of the parameters in the GH-IGF axis in experimental diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats were allocated into the following groups: sedentary control, trained control, sedentary diabetic, trained diabetic. Diabetes was induced by alloxan (32 mg/kg, b.w. iv). The physical training protocol consisted of 1 h swimming session/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks supporting a load corresponding to 90% of maximal lactate steady state. After the experimental period, blood was collected to measure serum glucose, insulin, triglycerides, albumin, insulin-like growth factors-I (IGF-I), and growth hormone (GH). Pituitary gland was removed for GH quantification. Diabetes increased blood glucose and triglycerides and decreased insulin, IGF-I, serum and pituitary GH. Physical training decreased glucose and triglycerides, and also counteracted the reduction of serum IGF-I in diabetic rats. In conclusion, physical training recovered serum IGF-I showing no alteration of serum or pituitary GH levels.


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Ethanol can compromise the body mineral composition and affect bone, and when associated to hypogonadism is considered an important risk factor for osteoporosis in man. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of androgen deficient and chronic ethanol consuming on mineral contents by biochemistry and non-destructive techniques. Wistar rat (n=54) were divided in orchiectomy (ORQ) or SHAM-operated and subdivided by diet. They were daily fed with a Lieber DeCarli diet model for 8 weeks long. The controls groups were free-diet and pair-fed. Ca and P were analyzed by biochemistry test in the blood and by nX-ray fluorescence and FT-Raman on the femur area. Serum analysis revealed hypocalcaemia and hypeiphosphataemia in ethanol groups more than pair-fed and free-diet. In similarity, spectroscopy indicated a decrease in bone Ca content in ORQ groups, mainly for ethanol groups. Phosphorus content and Ca/P molar ratio, otherwise, doesn't diverge in all 6 groups. Ethanol consumption impaired Ca and P homeostasis in ORQ rat more than SHAM. The relationships among ethanol consume and androgen deficit support the hypothesis that ethanol affects the mineral-regulating hormones and may mediate some effects on bone. These findings demonstrate that ethanol seemed to interfere with the normal compensatory response to these Ca and P levels and is more significant M androgen deficiency rats.


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Ore mines installed in the lower-middle portion of Ribeira de Iguape River (São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil), together with the Panelas Plant are responsible for the contamination of the Iguape-Cananeia-Paranagua lagoon-estuarine complex. The lower-middle portion of Grande Creek Basin, located in the district of Adrianopolis (Parana State, southern Brazil) is under environmental impact because of mining activities. The mines of Perau, at Perau Creek, Canoas at Canoas Creek, and Barrinha at Barrinha Creek and Laranjal Creek have been paralyzed. The transport of lead in fluvial sediments is mainly associated with organic matter, carbonates, the residual fraction, and adsorbables, whereas the transport of zinc is associated with the organic and residual fraction, oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, carbonate, and adsorbables. The transport of copper is associated with the residual fraction and oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, organic matter, carbonate, and adsorbables.


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Groundwaters from the Botucatu-Piramboia aquifer system located at the Parana sedimentary basin in Brazil and sampled at Ribeirao Preto city, São Paulo State, were chemically and isotopically analysed, with the aim of evaluating how uranium isotopes U-234 and U-238 can be utilized to monitor the progress of nitrate, the main indicator of agrichemical pollution into an aquifer. Based on the isotope dilution analysis, the U-234/U-238 activity ratio and U content data in the groundwaters were utilized to deduce their proportions in a mixture, suggesting that the water not affected significantly by nitrification still dominates the exploitation system involving the studied wells.


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Foi conduzido um experimento em casa de vegetação, onde foram estudados os efeitos de N sobre o crescimento e absorção de nutrientes pelo sorgo granífero. As plantas foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa ou com nitrogênio diluída a 1/2, 1/5 e 1/10 da concentração usual, e foram colhidas aos 110 dias da emergência, quando foram separadas em raiz, colmo, folhas, raquis e grãos. O material foi secado, moido e foram feitas análises de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que os níveis de nitrogênio utilizados tiveram efeitos nas produções de matéria seca das plantas, assim como nas quantidades de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio absorvidas. As cultivares apresertaram reações diferentes aos níveis de nitrogênio.


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Foi conduzido um experimento, onde foram estudados os efeitos de níveis crescentes de fósforo sobre o crescimento, produção e absorção de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio por cinco cultivares de sorgo granífero. As plantas foram cultivadas em baldes com 20 litros de solução nutritiva completa ou com fósforo diluído a 1/2, 1/5 e 1/10 da concentração usual. A colheita foi realizada quando as plantas estavam com os grãos maduros, aos 110 dias da emergência. As plantas colhidas foram separadas em raiz, colmo, folhas, raquis e grãos, sendo então secadas e moídas para as análises químicas de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, em média, apesar dos níveis de fósforo não afetarem significativamente a produção de matéria seca total, as produções de grãos foram diminuídas nos tratamentos com menos disponibilidade de fósforo, sendo que os diferentes cultivares apresentaram reações diferentes à deficiência do nutriente. Os níveis de fósforo na solução nutritiva tiveram efeito nas quantidades de nitrogênio e fósforo contidos na planta e nos grãos de sorgo granífero, não acontecendo o mesmo em relação a absorção de potássio pela planta. Ainda: os níveis de fósforo tiveram efeito na quantidade de potássio contido nos grãos de sorgo.


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Plantas dos capins braquiaria brachiaria decumbens Stapf (Prain) , quicuio da Amazonia, (Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweickerdt), pangola (Digitaria decumbens Stent), jaraguá (Hyphrrhenia rufa (Ness) Stapf), gordura (Melinis minutiflora Pal de Beauv), colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq) e napier (Pennisetwn purpure um Schum) foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa contendo, 0,12; 0,48; 1,94; 7,75 e 31,00 mg de fósforo por litro, com o objetivo de determinar os níveis críticos internos e externos de fosforo, e avaliar a eficiência com que absorvem e utilizam o fósforo. Aos setenta e cinco dias as plantas foram coletadas, separadas em caules, folhas, bainhas e raízes. Após secagem a 80ºC, as amostras foram pesadas e analisadas para fósforo na matéria seca. Curvas representativas do peso da matéria seca e da concentração de fósforo na matéria seca em função dos níveis de fosforo da solução nutritiva foram obtidas a partir de dados calculados de equações de regressão. Verificou-se que: - As espécies diferiram quanto à necessidade externa de fósforo, sendo B. humidicola e H. rufa as menos exigentes. Seguiram-se em ordem crescente B. decumbens, M. minutiflora, P. maximum, P. purpureum e D. decumbens. - Os níveis críticos internos de fósforo variaram entre as espécies, sendo maior em D. decumbens (0,38%) que nas demais. Seguiram-se em ordem decrescente B. decumbens (0,32%), B. humidioola (0,26%), M. minutiflora (0,24%), P. maximum (o,24%) e P. purpureum (0,20%). - A eficiência de absorção e utilização, do fósforo foi maior para B. humidicola. Seguiram-se em ordem decrescente P. purpureum, P. maximum, D. decumbens , B. decumbens e M. minutiflora.


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O trabalho insere-se num estudo global sobre os efeitos do espaçamento entre sulcos de semeadura e da dose de adubação nitrogenada sobre as relações competitivas entre a cultura do arroz de sequeiro (Oryza sativa L.) e uma comunidade de plantas daninhas. Para tanto, os tratamentos foram dispostos num esquema fatorial 2x2x3, onde constituiram variáveis: duas condições de manejo da comunidade infestante - sem controle e com controle do mato durante todo o ciclo do arroz - dois espaçamentos entre sulcos de semeadura - 0,40 e 0,60 m - e três doses de nitrogênio - 2,4, e 7,2 de N/m de sulco. O experimento foi montado sobre solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro fase arenosa e obedeceu o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com 4repetições. Foram realizadas duas avaliações: por ocasião do perfilhamento e por ocasião do florescimento da cultura. em comparação com as plantas daninhas, os teores de N, P, Fe, Mn e Zn foram mais elevados no arroz; os de Ca e Mg foram menos elevados e os teores de K e Cu foram inferiores aos de D. horizontalis e superiores aos de 7. hirsuta. Por ocasião do florescimento, o arroz apresentou teores mais elevados de P, Cu, Mn e Zn, enquanto que a comunidade infestante apresentou maiores teores de N, K, Ca, Mg e Fe. Os efeitos do espaçamento e da fertilização nitrogenada apresentaram aspectos distintos de acordo com o nutriente, a espécie envolvida e a época da avaliação. de um modo geral, os efeitos das plantas daninhas foram mais acentuados no espaçamento de 0,60 m.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)