961 resultados para nuclear powerplant
The quark-meson-coupling model is used to study droplet formation from the liquid-gas phase transition in cold asymmetric nuclear matter. The critical density and proton fraction for the phase transition are determined in the mean field approximation. Droplet properties are calculated in the Thomas-Fermi approximation. The electromagnetic field is explicitly included and its effects on droplet properties are studied. The results are compared with the ones obtained with the NL1 parametrization of the non-linear Walecka model. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
We use relativistic mean field theory, which includes scalar and vector mesons, to calculate the binding energy and charge radii in 125Cs - 139Cs. We then evaluate the nuclear structure corrections to the weak charges for a series of cesium isotopes using different parameters and estimate their uncertainty in the framework of this model.
Starvation is a physiologic stress and can significantly alter the structure of hepatic cells. This work aims to detect morphological changes in mice hepatocyte under starvation physiologic stress, based on silver staining technique. Fourteen 21 day old male mice (Mus musculus) were used, 5 as control, 5 submitted to 72 hours of starvation, and 4 were refed during 72 hours after 72 hours of starvation. After liver imprint, 15 nuclei per mouse and their respective nucleoli were outlined in millimetric paper and their areas were obtained. The results, in mm2, were transformed into μm2. The number of nucleoli per nuclei were also counted. After starvation, a statistically significant rise in nuclear and nucleolar areas occurred and no significant increase in the number of nucleoli was observed. The refeeding caused a partial recovery of the nuclear area, no significant change in the nucleolar area and a statistically significant increase in the number of nucleoli. Therefore, starvation can be considered as a modifier agent of the chromatinic structure, leading to an increase of the nuclear and nucleolar areas probably due to an increment of RNA and protein synthesis. The recovery of the stress (refeeding) did not presented a decrease of nucleolar area and evidenced a nucleoli fragmentation, probably to increase more the protein synthesis and/or due to its cycle during the interphase.
Due to the exclusively maternal inheritance of mitochondria, mitochondrial genotypes can be coupled to a particular nuclear genotype by continuous mating of founder females and their female offspring to males of the desired nuclear genotype. However, backcrossing is a gradual procedure that, apart from being lengthy, cannot ascertain that genetic and epigenetic changes will modify the original nuclear genotype. Animal cloning by nuclear transfer using host ooplasm carrying polymorphic mitochondrial genomes allows, among other biotechnology applications, the coupling of nuclear and mitochondrial genotypes of diverse origin within a single generation. Previous attempts to use Bos taurus oocytes as hosts to transfer nuclei from unrelated species led to the development to the blastocyst stage but none supported gestation to term. Our aim in this study was to determine whether B. taurus oocytes support development of nuclei from the closely related B. indicus cattle and to examine the fate of their mitochondrial genotypes throughout development. We show that indicus:taurus reconstructed oocytes develop to the blastocyst stage and produce live offspring after transfer to surrogate cows. We also demonstrate that, in reconstructed embryos, donor cell-derived mitochondria undergo a stringent genetic drift during early development leading, in most cases, to a reduction or complete elimination of B. indicus mtDNA. These results demonstrate that cross-subspecies animal cloning is a viable approach both for matching diverse nuclear and cytoplasmic genes to create novel breeds of cattle and for rescuing closely related endangered cattle.
In the present study changes in nuclear area and chromatin distribution in the Malpighian tubules of a blood-feeding insect, the vector of Chagas' disease were analysed. Male and female adult insects were dissected, after a starving period of up to 28 days. The Malpighian tubules were fixed and stained by orcein lacto-acetic. The nuclei were analyzed by photomicrography, karyometry and a statistical analysis was performed. It was observed that with the increase of the starvation period there were alterations in the nuclear phenotype, that is, changes in the nuclear area and chromatin extenuation. In males, starting from the second week of starvation, chromatin extenuation was accentuated, and the beginning of nuclear coalition occurred more frequently in the third and fourth starvation weeks. In females, the accentuated chromatin extenuation was observed after the third starvation week, and irregularities in nuclear borders were more frequent. The descriptive statistical analysis of the male and temale nuclear areas revealed that the nuclear areas continued to increase during starvation reaching highest values in the third week. Another outstanding aspect is that in the third starvation week karyometry presented larger heterogeneity with higher standard deviation values for both genders. Therefore, nuclear alterations related to the distribution and extenuation chromatin and increase in nuclear area were observed. These aspects suggest the presence of nuclear metabolic mechanisms that lead to synthesis of specific proteins necessary for the protection and maintenance of the cell during physiologic stress.
We derive the equation of state for hot nuclear matter using the Walecka model in a non-perturbative formalism. We include here the vacuum polarization effects arising from the nucleon and scalar mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. A ground state structure with baryon-antibaryon condensates yields the results obtained through the relativistic Hartree approximation of summing baryonic tadpole diagrams. Generalization of such a state to include the quantum effects for the scalar meson fields through the σ -meson condensates amounts to summing over a class of multiloop diagrams. The techniques of the thermofield dynamics method are used for the finite-temperature and finite-density calculations. The in-medium nucleon and sigma meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner. We examine the liquid-gas phase transition at low temperatures (≈ 20 MeV), as well as apply the formalism to high temperatures to examine a possible chiral symmetry restoration phase transition.
Proteins containing the classical nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) are imported into the nucleus by the importin-α/β heterodimer. Importin-α contains the NLS binding site, whereas importin-β mediates the translocation through the nuclear pore. We characterized the interactions involving importin-α during nuclear import using a combination of biophysical techniques (biosensor, crystallography, sedimentation equilibrium, electrophoresis, and circular dichroism). Importin-α is shown to exist in a monomeric autoinhibited state (association with NLSs undetectable by biosensor). Association with importin-β (stoichiometry, 1:1; K D = 1.1 × 10 -8 M) increases the affinity for NLSs; the importin-α/β complex binds representative monopartite NLS (simian virus 40 large T-antigen) and bipartite NLS (nucleoplasmin) with affinities (K D = 3.5 × 10 -8 M and 4.8 × 10 -8 M, respectively) comparable with those of a truncated importin-α lacking the autoinhibitory domain (T-antigen NLS, K D = 1.7 × 10 -8 M; nucleoplasmin NLS, K D = 1.4 × 10 -8 M). The autoinhibitory domain (as a separate peptide) binds the truncated importin-α, and the crystal structure of the complex resembles the structure of full-length importin-α. Our results support the model of regulation of nuclear import mediated by the intrasteric autoregulatory sequence of importin-α and provide a quantitative description of the binding and regulatory steps during nuclear import.
In anuran amphibian Scinax fuscovarius, the spermatogenesis occurs in structures called seminiferous loculi, in which germ epithelium is organized in spermatocysts. Each cyst contains cells in the same stage of cytodifferentiation. Characteristics of each cellular type and their groups made the identification and differentiation of the germ lineage cells possible. In the basis of the epithelium there are the spermatogonia I, the biggest cells and always associated with the Sertoli cell. After the phase of mitotic proliferation, the cysts containing variable number of spermatogonia II are originated, quite smaller and with cellular boundaries a little distinct. After differentiation and growth in volume, the spermatocytes I appear, the nuclei of which are spherical and with different degrees of compaction of the nuclear material. Starting the meiotic process, the spermatocytes II are originated, which by means of the second meiotic division become haploid cells, the spermatids I. These two last spermatocysts are very similar. In this phase, the cells will go through a prominent process of differentiation until they form the spermatids II, which are elongated and begin to be organized in bundles supported by prominent Sertoli cells. With the process of spermiogenesis, spermatozoa appear, usually observed in compact bundles with tails turned to the lumen and their heads fitted in their support cells. In more advanced stages, the spermatozoa can be observed free in the locular lumen, ready to follow the spermatic path.
Prostatic lesions in Brazilian patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, 26 cases) or adenocarcinoma (AC, 25 cases) were compared by qualitative microscopy and morphometric analysis. In 12 cases of BPH, prostate regions with no histological alterations were considered as controls (Ct). Archival material consisted of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens obtained from prostatic transurethral resection and radical prostatectomy. Haematoxylin/eosin (HE)-stained sections were used to estimate the nuclear areas, perimeters and form factor values. HE-stained sections from AC specimens were also used for Gleason grading. BPH, AC and Ct could be discriminated by their nuclear areas and nuclear perimeters, but not by the nuclear form factor parameter. No significant differences were found when the AC data were compared using the combined version or the predominant grade version of the Gleason score (p = 0.8380 for nuclear area; p = 0.6076 for nuclear perimeter; p = 0.9202 for nuclear form factor; n = 200 nuclei per patient). This finding indicates that there is extensive heterogeneity in the size and shape of the nucleus in AC cells. These results also show that although the nuclear morphometry served to discriminate BPH and AC from each other and from Ct, it was not sufficient to correlate AC lesions with their respective Gleason scores in the human population analyzed.
The in-medium influence on π0 photoproduction from spin zero nuclei is carefully studied in the GeV range using a straightforward Monte Carlo analysis. The calculation takes into account the relativistic nuclear recoil for coherent mechanisms (electromagnetic and nuclear amplitudes) plus a time dependent multi-collisional intranuclear cascade approach (MCMC) to describe the transport properties of mesons produced in the surroundings of the nucleon. A detailed analysis of the meson energy spectra for the photoproduction on 12C at 5.5 GeV indicates that both the Coulomb and nuclear coherent events are associated with a small energy transfer to the nucleus (≲ 5 MeV), while the contribution of the nuclear incoherent mechanism is vanishing small within this kinematical range. The angular distributions are dominated by the Primakoff peak at extreme forward angles, with the nuclear incoherent process being the most important contribution above θπ0 ≲ 20. Such consistent Monte Carlo approach provides a suitable method to clean up nuclear backgrounds in some recent high precision experiments, such as the PrimEx experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory Facility.
The orphan receptor nerve growth factor-induced B (NGFI-B) is a member of the nuclear receptor's subfamily 4A (Nr4a). NGFI-B was shown to be capable of binding both as a monomer to an extended half-site containing a single AAAGGTCA motif and also as a homodimer to a widely separated everted repeat, as opposed to a large number of nuclear receptors that recognize and bind specific DNA sequences predominantly as homo- and/or heterodimers. To unveil the structural organization of NGFI-B in solution, we determined the quaternary structure of the NGFI-B LBD by a combination of ab initio procedures from small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data and hydrogen-deuterium exchange followed by mass spectrometry. Here we report that the protein forms dimers in solution with a radius of gyration of 2.9 nm and maximum dimension of 9.0 nm. We also show that the NGFI-B LBD dimer is V-shaped, with the opening angle significantly larger than that of classical dimer's exemplified by estrogen receptor (ER) or retinoid X receptor (RXR). Surprisingly, NGFI-B dimers formation does not occur via the classical nuclear receptor dimerization interface exemplified by ER and RXR, but instead, involves an extended surface area composed of the loop between helices 3 and 4 and C-terminal fraction of the helix 3. Remarkably, the NGFI-B dimer interface is similar to the dimerization interface earlier revealed for glucocorticoid nuclear receptor (GR), which might be relevant to the recognition of cognate DNA response elements by NGFI-B and to antagonism of NGFI-B-dependent transcription exercised by GR in cells. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright © 2007 The Protein Society.
Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV/human herpesvirus 8 [HHV8]) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV/HHV4) are distantly related gammaherpesviruses causing tumors in humans. KSHV latency-associated nuclear antigen 1 (LANA1) is functionally similar to the EBV nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA1) protein expressed during viral latency, although they have no amino acid similarities. EBNA1 escapes cytotoxic lymphocyte (CTL) antigen processing by inhibiting its own proteosomal degradation and retarding its own synthesis to reduce defective ribosomal product processing. We show here that the LANA1 QED-rich central repeat (CR) region, particularly the CR2CR3 subdomain, also retards LANA1 synthesis and markedly enhances LANA1 stability in vitro and in vivo. LANA1 isoforms have half-lives greater than 24 h, and fusion of the LANA1 CR2CR3 domain to a destabilized heterologous protein markedly decreases protein turnover. Unlike EBNA1, the LANA1 CR2CR3 subdomain retards translation regardless of whether it is fused to the 5′ or 3′ end of a heterologous gene construct. Manipulation of sequence order, orientation, and composition of the CR2 and CR3 subdomains suggests that specific peptide sequences rather than RNA structures are responsible for synthesis retardation. Although mechanistic differences exist between LANA1 and EBNA1, the primary structures of both proteins have evolved to minimize provoking CTL immune responses. Simple strategies to eliminate these viral inhibitory regions may markedly improve vaccine effectiveness by maximizing CTL responses. Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Nuclear mitochondrial-like sequences (numts) are copies of mitochondrial DNA that have migrated to the genomic DNA. We present the first characterization of numts in ants, these numts being homologues to a mitochondrial DNA fragment containing loci the 3′ portion of the cytochrome oxidase I gene, an intergenic spacer, the tRNA leucine gene and the 5′ portion of the cytochrome oxidase II gene. All 67 specimens of Atta cephalotes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini) investigated had these homologues, which are within two monophyletic groups that we called numt1 and numt2. Numt1 and numt2 sequences are less variable than mitochondrial sequences and released from the severe purifying selection constraining the evolution of mitochondrial genes. Their formation probably involved bottlenecks related to two distinct transfer events of ancient and fast evolving mitochondrial DNA fragments to comparative slowly evolving nuclear DNA regions. © 2007 The Authors.
The nuclear incoherent π 0 photoproduction cross section from 12C is evaluated at forward angles in the 4.0 to 6.0 GeV energy range using the multicollisional intranuclear cascade model MCMC. The model incorporates some improvements in comparison with previous versions associated with the momentum distribution (MD) for light nuclei - extracted from the available (e,e ′p) data - as well as the evaluation of the shadowing effects during the photo-nucleus interaction. The final results of the single and double differential cross sections at forward angles are very sensitive to the MD parameterizations due to the Pauli principle, which largely suppresses the cross sections for low momentum transfer. The attenuation of the nuclear cross section due to pion - nucleus final state interactions is approximately 40% (without nuclear shadowing), which is in nice agreement with the predictions from the Glauber model. The single and double π 0 differential cross sections are presented for possible applications for the interpretation of the inelastic background in the PrimEx experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
The aim of this study was to determine the extent of DNA fragmentation and the presence of single/denatured or double stranded of DNA in sperm with large nuclear vacuoles (LNV) selected by high-magnification. A total of 30 patients had fresh semen samples prepared by discontinuous concentration gradient. Sperm with normal nucleus (NN) and LNV were selected at 8400x magnification and placed in different slides. DNA fragmentation was determined by TUNEL assay. Denatured and double stranded DNA was identified by acridine orange fluorescence method. The percentage of DNA fragmentation in LNV sperm (29%) was significantly higher (P<0.001) than NN sperm (15.8%). Therefore, cleavage of genomic DNA in low molecular weight DNA fragments (mono and oligonucleosomes), and single strand breaks (nicks) in high molecular weight DNA occur more frequently in LNV. Identically, the percentage denatured stranded DNA in sperm with LNV (67.9%) was significantly higher (P <0.0001) than NN sperm (33%). The high level of denatured DNA in sperm with LNV suggests precocious decondensation and disaggregation of sperm chromatin fibers. Our results support an association between LNV sperm and DNA damage, and the routine selection and injection of morphological motile sperm at high magnification for ICSI. The adverse effect (DNA fragmentation or denaturation) leads to concern particularly about the possibility of iatrogenic transmission of genetic abnormalities. Copyright - SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.