840 resultados para multimodal optimization
We introduce the notion of KKT-inverity for nonsmooth continuous-time nonlinear optimization problems and prove that this notion is a necessary and sufficient condition for every KKT solution to be a global optimal solution.
This study present a novel NO sensor made of a spin trap (iron(II)-diethyldithiocarbamate complex, FeDETC) incorporated in a latex rubber matrix and works as a trap for NO, which is detectable by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). We explored the optimization of our sensors changing systematically two fabrication parameters: the latex rubber matrix temperature of polymerization and FeDETC concentration inside the matrix. The sensor was prepared in four different temperatures: 4, 10, 20 and 40°C. The FeDETC concentration was also varied from 0.975 to 14.8 mM. We observed a variation of the EPR signals from the sensors prepared at different conditions. We found a high stability of the EPR response from our sensor, 40 days at RT. The best sensor was made with a latex rubber matrix polymerized at 10°C and with a FeDETC concentration of 14.8 mM. In vivo tests show good biocompatibility of our sensor. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information.
This work presents a study regarding the optimization of multipulse converters. A general expression for the connection (Δ or Y) for both 12 and 18-pulses is obtained and describes the output voltages on the secondary windings, depending on the voltage reference from the primary. These generalized expressions allows choosing different ratios between input and output voltages and as result an optimum operation point for the converter can be calculated. Considering Δ-connected converters the optimum point occurs when the magnetic core of the autotransformer processes 18% and 17% of the output power for 12 and 18-pulses, respectively. For Y-connected converters the optimum point occurs when the kVA rating is 13% and 18% for 12 and 18-pulses, respectively. Based on these results magnetic elements can be calculated and designed leading to a great weight and volume reduction and also to lower costs and losses. Finally an analysis is made to improve the kVA rating of the transformers for 12 and 18 pulses converters. © 2009 IEEE.
The result that we treat in this article allows to the utilization of classic tools of convex analysis in the study of optimality conditions in the optimal control convex process for a Volterra-Stietjes linear integral equation in the Banach space G([a, b],X) of the regulated functions in [a, b], that is, the functions f : [a, 6] → X that have only descontinuity of first kind, in Dushnik (or interior) sense, and with an equality linear restriction. In this work we introduce a convex functional Lβf(x) of Nemytskii type, and we present conditions for its lower-semicontinuity. As consequence, Weierstrass Theorem garantees (under compacity conditions) the existence of solution to the problem min{Lβf(x)}. © 2009 Academic Publications.
A synbiotic yoghurt based on a combination of soymilk and yacon water extract (from yacon root tubers) was developed as a novel food product fermented with a probiotic culture of Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti 4l6. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the independent variables soymilk protein concentration and percentage of yacon extract in the formulation through a Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD), consisting of a 22 factorial design with two levels (-1, +1), two central points (0) and four axial points (± a, 0) (0, ± α). The responses were assessed by consumer acceptance tests. The optimization indicated that a formulation with a soymilk protein concentration of 1.74g/L and 25.86% of yacon extract gave the best average values, 5.91 for the taste and 6.00 for the overall impression responses. The formulation with 40% of yacon extract and the same concentration of soymilk protein achieved similar acceptance values: taste (5.94) and overall impression (5.87), however, with the extra yacon, it probably had a greater content of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides. Consequently, both formulations may give useful functional foods, with sensory properties comparable with those of soy yoghurt (control formulation). Copyright © 2010 by New Century Health Publishers.
Nowadays, we return to live a period of lunar exploration. China, Japan and India heavily invest in missions to the moon, and then try to implement manned bases on this satellite. These bases must be installed in polar regions due to the apparent existence of water. Therefore, the study of the feasibility of satellite constellations for navigation, control and communication recovers importance. The Moon's gravitational potential and resonant movements due to the proximity to Earth as the Kozai-Lidov resonance, must be considered in addition to other perturbations of lesser magnitude. The usual satellite constellations provide, as a basic feature, continuous and global coverage of the Earth. With this goal, they are designed for the smallest number of objects possible to perform a specific task and this amount is directly related to the altitude of the orbits and visual abilities of the members of the constellation. However the problem is different when the area to be covered is reduced to a given zone. The required number of space objects can be reduced. Furthermore, depending on the mission requirements it may be not necessary to provide continuous coverage. Taking into account the possibility of setting up a constellation that covers a specific region of the Moon on a non-continuous base, in this study we seek a criterion of optimization related to the time between visits. The propagation of the orbits of objects in the constellation in conjunction with the coverage constraints, provide information on the periods of time in which points of the surface are covered by a satellite, and time intervals in which they are not. So we minimize the time between visits considering several sets of possible constellations and using genetic algorithms.
In this work, the effect of the milling time on the densification of the alumina ceramics with or without 5wt.%Y 2O 3, is evaluated, using high-energy ball milling. The milling was performed with different times of 0, 2, 5 or 10 hours. All powders, milled at different times, were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction presenting a reduction of the crystalline degree and crystallite size as function of the milling time increasing. The powders were compacted by cold uniaxial pressing and sintered at 1550°C-60min. Green density of the compacts presented an increasing as function of the milling time and sintered samples presented evolution on the densification as function of the reduction of the crystallite size of the milled powders. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
Botryosphaeria rhodina MAMB-05 produced β-1,3-glucanases and botryosphaeran when grown on glucose, while Trichoderma harzianum Rifai only produced the enzyme. A comparison of long-term cultivation (300h) by B. rhodina demonstrated a correlation between the formation of botryosphaeran (48h) and its consumption (after 108h), and de-repression of β-1,3-glucanase synthesis when glucose was depleted from the nutrient medium, whereas for T. harzianum enzyme production commenced during exponential growth. Growth profiles and levels of β-1,3-glucanases produced by both fungi on botryosphaeran also differed, as well as the production of β-1,3-glucanases and β-1,6-glucanases on glucose, lactose, laminarin, botryosphaeran, lasiodiplodan, curdlan, Brewer's yeast powder and lyophilized fungal mycelium, which were dependent upon the carbon source used. A statistical mixture-design used to optimize β-1,3-glucanase production by both fungi evaluated botryosphaeran, glucose and lactose concentrations as variables. For B. rhodina, glucose and lactose promoted enzyme production at the same levels (2.30UmL -1), whereas botryosphaeran added to these substrates exerted a synergic effect favorable for β-glucanase production by T. harzianum (4.25UmL -1). © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Aiming to ensure greater reliability and consistency of data stored in the database, the data cleaning stage is set early in the process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and is responsible for eliminating problems and adjust the data for the later stages, especially for the stage of data mining. Such problems occur in the instance level and schema, namely, missing values, null values, duplicate tuples, values outside the domain, among others. Several algorithms were developed to perform the cleaning step in databases, some of them were developed specifically to work with the phonetics of words, since a word can be written in different ways. Within this perspective, this work presents as original contribution an optimization of algorithm for the detection of duplicate tuples in databases through phonetic based on multithreading without the need for trained data, as well as an independent environment of language to be supported for this. © 2011 IEEE.
The development of new technologies that use peer-to-peer networks grows every day, with the object to supply the need of sharing information, resources and services of databases around the world. Among them are the peer-to-peer databases that take advantage of peer-to-peer networks to manage distributed knowledge bases, allowing the sharing of information semantically related but syntactically heterogeneous. However, it is a challenge to ensure the efficient search for information without compromising the autonomy of each node and network flexibility, given the structural characteristics of these networks. On the other hand, some studies propose the use of ontology semantics by assigning standardized categorization of information. The main original contribution of this work is the approach of this problem with a proposal for optimization of queries supported by the Ant Colony algorithm and classification though ontologies. The results show that this strategy enables the semantic support to the searches in peer-to-peer databases, aiming to expand the results without compromising network performance. © 2011 IEEE.
In this work it is proposed to validate an evolutionary tuning algorithm in plants composed by a grid connected inverter. The optimization aims the tuning of the slopes of P-Ω and Q-V curves so that the system is stable, damped and minimum settling time. Simulation and experimental results are presented to prove the feasibility of the proposed approach. However, experimental results demonstrate a compromising effect of grid frequency oscillations in the active power transferring. In addition, it was proposed an additional loop to compensate this effect ensuring a constant active power flow. © 2011 IEEE.
This work develops two approaches based on the fuzzy set theory to solve a class of fuzzy mathematical optimization problems with uncertainties in the objective function and in the set of constraints. The first approach is an adaptation of an iterative method that obtains cut levels and later maximizes the membership function of fuzzy decision making using the bound search method. The second one is a metaheuristic approach that adapts a standard genetic algorithm to use fuzzy numbers. Both approaches use a decision criterion called satisfaction level that reaches the best solution in the uncertain environment. Selected examples from the literature are presented to compare and to validate the efficiency of the methods addressed, emphasizing the fuzzy optimization problem in some import-export companies in the south of Spain. © 2012 Brazilian Operations Research Society.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) Is a technology that can be used to monitor and actuate on environments in a non-intrusive way. The main difference from WSN and traditional sensor networks is the low dependability of WSN nodes. In this way, WSN solutions are based on a huge number of cheap tiny nodes that can present faults in hardware, software and wireless communication. The deployment of hundreds of nodes can overcome the low dependability of individual nodes, however this strategy introduces a lot of challenges regarding network management, real-time requirements and self-optimization. In this paper we present a simulated annealing approach that self-optimize large scale WSN. Simulation results indicate that our approach can achieve self-optimization characteristics in a dynamic WSN. © 2012 IEEE.
Feathers are rich in amino acids and can be employed as a dietary protein supplement for animal feed. Microbial degradation is an alternative technology for improving the nutritional value of feathers. Other potential applications of keratinase include use in the leather industry, detergents and medicine as well as the pharmaceutical for the treatment of acne, psoriasis and calluses. A new keratinolytic enzyme production bacterium was isolated from a poultry processing plant. To improve keratinase yield, statistically based experimental designs were applied to optimize three significant variables: temperature, substrate concentration (feathers) and agitation speed. Response surface methodology demonstrated an increase in keratinolytic activity at temperature, agitation speed and substrate concentration of 26.6°C, 150 rpm and 2%, respectively. Liquid chromatography revealed the release of amino acids in the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens culture broth, thereby demonstrating the potential of feather meal in the animal feed industry. © Global Science Publications.
The growing demand for steels with tighter compositional specifications led the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) to develop more efficient processes. To solve this problem this paper aims to identify the operational variables more impacting in the desulfurization process, specifically in torpedo car, as well as its causes and solutions. Then select and test, with laboratorial and industrial tests, desulfurizing agents based of CaC 2, CaO, CaCO3, and Mg to assess the cost per quantity of product desulfurized. The mixture with best results was not that one with highest content of CaC2. It is believed that this mixture showed better efficiency because of the increased agitation of the bath, produced by the releasing of gas from compound CaCO3 present in this mixture. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.