965 resultados para mobilità, wireless, QoS, VoIP, reti eterogenee


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In February 2015, when Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Limited, EWZL, the market leader of the telecommunications sector in Zimbabwe, published the financial results, the management team was worried about the shareholders’ reaction. With over 60% market share in its core business (the voice and SMS market), it has achieved remarkable results due to the great diversification strategy. However, the share price was continuously falling due to exogenous factors that were pressuring margins and threatening future sustainability of the company. EWZL was highly exposed to Zimbabwe’s specific risks and regulatory policies. This case explores both the business environment surrounding the company and the strategic decisions necessary to fight against the economic and political challenges. Students will step into Econet’s obstacles by analyzing the strategies and diagnosing the multiple risk factors affecting the profitability of the firm. Furthermore, they will have to compute the valuation of the firm, facing several challenges of a developing country.


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Nowadays a huge attention of the academia and research teams is attracted to the potential of the usage of the 60 GHz frequency band in the wireless communications. The use of the 60GHz frequency band offers great possibilities for wide variety of applications that are yet to be implemented. These applications also imply huge implementation challenges. Such example is building a high data rate transceiver which at the same time would have very low power consumption. In this paper we present a prototype of Single Carrier -SC transceiver system, illustrating a brief overview of the baseband design, emphasizing the most important decisions that need to be done. A brief overview of the possible approaches when implementing the equalizer, as the most complex module in the SC transceiver, is also presented. The main focus of this paper is to suggest a parallel architecture for the receiver in a Single Carrier communication system. This would provide higher data rates that the communication system canachieve, for a price of higher power consumption. The suggested architecture of such receiver is illustrated in this paper,giving the results of its implementation in comparison with its corresponding serial implementation.


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This article is devoted to the research of VoIP transmission quality over Digital Power Line Carrier channels. Assessment of quality transmission is performed using E-model. Paper considers the possibility of joint using of Digital Power Line carrier equipment with different architecture in one network. As a result of the research, the rule for constructing of multi-segment Digital Power Line Carrier channels was formulated. This rule allows minimizing the transmission delay and saving frequency resources of high voltage Power Line Carrier range.


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Wireless mesh networks present an attractive communication solution for various research and industrial projects. However, in many cases, the appropriate preliminary calculations which allow predicting the network behavior have to be made before the actual deployment. For such purposes, network simulation environments emulating the real network operation are often used. Within this paper, a behavior comparison of real wireless mesh network (based on 802.11s amendment) and the simulated one has been performed. The main objective of this work is to measure performance parameters of a real 802.11s wireless mesh network (average UDP throughput and average one-way delay) and compare the derived results with characteristics of a simulated wireless mesh network created with the NS-3 network simulation tool. Then, the results from both networks are compared and the corresponding conclusion is made. The corresponding results were derived from simulation model and real-worldtest-bed, showing that the behavior of both networks is similar. It confirms that the NS-3 simulation model is accurate and can be used in further research studies.


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Synchronization of data coming from different sources is of high importance in biomechanics to ensure reliable analyses. This synchronization can either be performed through hardware to obtain perfect matching of data, or post-processed digitally. Hardware synchronization can be achieved using trigger cables connecting different devices in many situations; however, this is often impractical, and sometimes impossible in outdoors situations. The aim of this paper is to describe a wireless system for outdoor use, allowing synchronization of different types of - potentially embedded and moving - devices. In this system, each synchronization device is composed of: (i) a GPS receiver (used as time reference), (ii) a radio transmitter, and (iii) a microcontroller. These components are used to provide synchronized trigger signals at the desired frequency to the measurement device connected. The synchronization devices communicate wirelessly, are very lightweight, battery-operated and thus very easy to set up. They are adaptable to every measurement device equipped with either trigger input or recording channel. The accuracy of the system was validated using an oscilloscope. The mean synchronization error was found to be 0.39 μs and pulses are generated with an accuracy of <2 μs. The system provides synchronization accuracy about two orders of magnitude better than commonly used post-processing methods, and does not suffer from any drift in trigger generation.


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L'avancement des communications sans-fil permet l'obtention de nouveaux services bases sur l'habileté des fournisseurs de services sans-fil à déterminer avec précision, et avec l'utilisation de technologies de pistage, la localisation et position géographiquement d'appareils sans-fil Cette habileté permet d'offrir aux utilisateurs de sans-fil de nouveaux services bases sur la localisation et la position géographique de leur appareil. Le développement des services basés sur la localisation des utilisateurs de sans-fil soulevé certains problèmes relatifs à la protection de la vie privée qui doivent être considérés. En effet, l'appareil sans-fil qui suit et enregistre les mouvements de I 'utilisateur permet un système qui enregistre et entrepose tous les mouvements et activités d'un tel utilisateur ou encore qui permet l'envoi de messages non anticipes à ce dernier. Pour ce motif et afin de protéger la vie privée des utilisateurs de sans-fil, une compagnie désirant développer ou déployer une technologie permettant d'offrir ce genre de services personnalisés devra analyser l'encadrement légal touchant la protection des données personnelles--lequel est dans certains cas vague et non approprié à ce nouveau contexte--ainsi que la position de l'industrie dans ce domaine, et ce, afin d'être en mesure de traduire cet encadrement en pratiques commerciales. Cette analyse permettra d'éclairer le fournisseur de ces services sur la façon d'établir son modèle d'affaires et sur le type de technologie à développer afin d'être en mesure de remédier aux nouveaux problèmes touchant la vie privée tout en offrant ces nouveaux services aux utilisateurs de sans-fil.


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Cette étude porte sur la distance parcourue pour commettre un crime à Gatineau en 2006. Peu d’études canadiennes récentes ont porté sur le sujet. De plus, il existe un vide de connaissances sur la mobilité des délinquants dans les petites villes et les banlieues. La présente recherche vise à comparer trois mesures de distance différentes, à vérifier si la distance parcourue varie en fonction du type de crime et à voir si les variables de temps (jour de la semaine, moment de la journée et saison) de même que certaines caractéristiques des suspects (âge, sexe et lieu de résidence) ont un impact sur la distance parcourue. Pour chaque crime, l’adresse du suspect et le lieu du crime ont été géocodées pour ensuite calculer la distance entre les deux points. Il ressort de l’analyse de la forme des courbes de distances que seules les agressions sexuelles présentent une zone tampon. Les résultats des analyses statistiques indiquent que les jeunes sont plus mobiles que les suspects plus âgés et que les hommes parcourent une distance plus élevée que les femmes. Étonnement, la distance parcourue ne diffère pas significativement selon la saison et le moment de la journée. Enfin, comparativement aux autres criminels, les délinquants qui ont commis un vol qualifié sont ceux qui ont parcouru les plus grandes distances.